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Abstract: We examined the characteristics of subway train‐related fatalities in New York City between Jan. 1, 2003 and May 31, 2007 in order to determine which factors are useful in differentiating accident from suicide. Subway train‐related deaths with homicide and undetermined manners also are included. During this period, there were 211 subway train‐related fatalities. The manners of death were: suicide (n = 111), accident (n = 76), undetermined (n = 20), and homicide (n = 4). The causes of death were blunt trauma (n = 206) and electrocution (n = 5). Torso transection and extremity amputation were more frequent in suicides. Antidepressant medications were more frequently detected in suicides, whereas cocaine and ethanol were more frequent in accidents. However, autopsy findings should be weighed in the context of the entire evaluation along with other circumstantial and investigative findings. In unwitnessed deaths where additional information is unavailable or discrepant, the most appropriate manner of death usually is undetermined.  相似文献   

A number of theorists have suggested that prison overcrowding produces greater tendencies toward violence and interpersonal aggression. Empirical studies of the effects of overcrowding on the prison population have been conducted on individual inmate buffer zones, or have focussed on specific institutions within a state or federal prison system.

This paper reevaluates the relationship between prison overcrowding and inmate violence using official data reported for fifty-one (N = 51) Departments of Corrections reported in the Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics.

Results of the analysis indicate that although overcrowding relates to the number of suicides and homicides in expected directions, these connections reverse themselves as indicators of inmate violence are translated into percentages of respective inmate populations.

The number of suicides reported explains a significant (R2 = .27) portion of the variance in the number of homicides and clearly suggests that both forms of violence tend to occur together in state reporting areas.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to identify an array of strategies that are available to schools to address concerns school violence and to identify some of the potential school or school district policy options related to those choices. We illustrate that many promising options are available to schools to address violence and other inappropriate behavior of students. The very breadth and diversity of these options may pose a problem in attempting to develop a comprehensive local policy on this topic. While many schools have chosen increasingly punitive zero‐tolerance policies as their primary strategy of violence prevention, there is little or no research evidence documenting that such an approach can contribute to school safety. Rather, effective school violence prevention requires comprehensive planning involving documented best‐practice programs, preventive strategies, and effective responses to any violence that may occur. Since research documenting the effects of violence prevention strategies is inconsistent, it is incumbent upon schools to consider carefully which programs best meet the needs of their local situation, and to monitor the effectiveness of new programs in improving school safety and reducing disruption and incivility.  相似文献   

This article reviews maltreatment-related pediatric posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) neuroimaging and neuropsychology research. Existent interventions that target brain networks associated with PTSD and cognitive impairment are highlighted. Furthermore, the benefits of combining neuroimaging and neuropsychology research in treatment outcomes are discussed. To conduct this review, a literature search was done utilizing the words MRI, structural, functional, neuropsychological testing, children, maltreatment, treatment, and PTSD. This was supplemented with a direct search of developmental trauma experts. Results from the neuroimaging studies found differences in the total cerebral volume, prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, superior temporal gyrus, corpus callosum, and other regions in maltreatment-related childhood PTSD. Neuropsychological findings demonstrate deficits in memory, attention, learning, and executive function that correspond to these brain regions. Existent and novel psychotherapeutic interventions address these deficits. These interventions may be directed at key networks associated with cognitive processing. Future directions include the implementation of treatment outcome research integrating psychotherapy with putative biological and psychological markers.  相似文献   

《Law & policy》1988,10(2-3):85-95
This symposium is based upon a workshop at the 1985 World Congress of the International Research Council for the Sociology of Law in Aix-en-Provence, France. Special thanks are due to the participants in the workshop for their contributions to a stimulating and useful discussion of the complex issues in socio-legal research and the public policy process.  相似文献   

Abstract: During aviation accident investigations, vitreous fluid and urine samples from pilot fatalities are analyzed for glucose and blood for hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) to monitor diabetic pilots and to discover other pilots with undiagnosed/unreported diabetes. The prevalence of elevated glucose concentrations in fatally injured pilots was evaluated by searching the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute’s Toxicology Database for the period 1998–2005. Out of 1335 pilots involving 363 vitreous fluid, 365 urine, and 607 vitreous fluid and urine analyses, 43 pilots had elevated glucose in vitreous fluid (>125 mg/dL) and/or in urine (>100 mg/dL). Of the 20 pilots whose blood samples were analyzed, nine had >6% HbA1c—four were known diabetics, and five were unknown diabetics. Urinary glucose levels were elevated in all 13 known hyperglycemic pilots. A considerable number of pilots (30 of 43) had elevated glucose and HbA1c (5 of 20), suggesting undiagnosed/unreported diabetic conditions.  相似文献   

《Law & policy》1992,14(2-3):153-168
Child maltreatment has been deemed a national emergency, with more than 2.5 million cases of abuse and neglect reported each year. Social policies designed to address child maltreatment include state statutes requiring professionals to report suspected child maltreatment to authorities. Mandatory reporting laws, while of potential benefit in the identification of abused and neglected children, can often result in higher or lower rates of reporting of abuse. The present paper reviews the functions of mandatory reporting statutes in professional contexts. Factors related to both low and high rates of reporting are discussed. In addition, suggestions for social policy are reviewed.  相似文献   

周建军 《法律科学》2009,27(6):95-99
当代中国的社会变革将是一个长期的过程,刑事政治如何应对变革社会情形下的制度短缺,既是一个政治问题,也是一个经济问题。刑事政治理论的自在发展在决策民主和执行监督方面有完全不同于狭义刑事政策的规律和要求,具有突出的跨学科特性和相对主义特征。以此为指导,政策与法律的二元背反在刑事制度的供求方面大有可为。  相似文献   

Environmental risks have two basic components: the policyholder's obligation to clean up contaminated property and the policyholder's potential liability to third parties, including the government, resulting from environmental damage. The environmental risks for which policyholders seek coverage include environmental cleanup costs, third-party bodily injury claims, third-party property damage or devaluation claims, fines/penalties for noncompliance, or loss of market share due to lack of environmental stewardship. To be certain that all aspects of potential environmental liability are covered, an expert insurance consultant or broker should be retained to plan the program, analyze policy language and execute the purchase in the most cost effective way.  相似文献   

The Nordic crime prevention councils have tried to articulate their common ideology as the ‘Nordic model’. However, Nordic crime prevention is neither theoretically nor methodologically particularly original. Its common characteristics are best understood against the background of a long‐standing Nordic cooperation in criminal policy and criminology and on the basis of cross‐national influences between historically interrelated and culturally relatively similar countries. The present study describes how crime prevention has developed and is organized in the Nordic countries. It describes cooperation between the national crime prevention councils and their common knowledge and value base. The Nordic countries can offer examples of successful crime prevention, but the fact that these societies with low repression are safe and perceived as safe can hardly be attributed solely to the activities of Nordic crime prevention.  相似文献   

Propylene glycol (PG), a widely used solvent and lubricant, is thought to have low toxicity when ingested. Three cases were identified where PG, either alone or in combination with other chemical agents, contributed to death. The decedent in whom PG was the sole agent was a 32-year-old schizophrenic man with cardiomegaly and renal impairment. The blood PG concentration was 4410 mg/L at least 9.5 h following ingestion.  相似文献   

论农村环境污染防治的法律问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,我国农村环境污染问题尤为突出,其现状已不容乐观。从法律角度分析,造成我国当前农村环境污染现状的原因既包括立法层面,也包括执法和司法层面。立法层面表现为,农村环境立法的不完善导致农村环境污染防治无法可依;执法层面表现为,农村环境执法的不力客观上放纵了环境污染行为,导致农村环境污染的进一步加剧;司法层面表现为,环境案件的久拖不决以及不公正的处理结果使农村环境污染防治失去强有力的司法保障。因此,加强农村环境污染防治必须完善我国农村环境立法,强化农村环境执法以及加强对农村环境的司法保障。  相似文献   

This article examines the legal and economic arguments behind the separate versus equal treatment approaches to maternity/parental leave. Three sets of legal arguments that were advanced in the U. S. Supreme Court case California Federal Savings and Loan Association v. Guerra, 1987 are examined. The economic arguments that correspond to each of these legal arguments are then developed, including the arguments of groups who (1) oppose all versions of mandated leave, (2) support mandated parental leave without qualification (the Separate Treatment Approach), and (3) support some, but not all formulations (the Equal Treatment Approach). Each of these theoretical perspectives generate specific hypotheses regarding the potential compensation and employment effects for women of childbear-ing age. These hypotheses are tested with data from the Current Population Survey, May 1979 and May 1983. Overall the empirical findings suggest that parental leave legislation can significantly improve the labor market position of women of childbearing age, but all approaches are not equal and some methods may undermine, rather than improve their position.  相似文献   

This article examines three think tanks sponsored by the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, which convened representatives of different disciplines, often with differing perspectives, to address policy and practice dilemmas in family law and dispute resolution. This essay was initially commissioned by the Nuffield Foundation, London, UK, as an Insight Article for its Family Justice Observatory, which aims to improve the use of data and research evidence in the family justice system in England and Wales. The think tank process is described and analyzed, identifying factors that created challenges and those that led to success.  相似文献   

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