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In recent years, both scientific and judicial sources have highlighted the need for more knowledge about minutiae variability, in order to improve their statistical application to fingerprint identification. In line with this trend toward improving our knowledge of this subject, the aim of the present study was to calculate the frequency with which 20 types of minutiae appeared in 2780 fingerprint impressions obtained from 278 individuals from two Argentinian population samples (100 individuals from Ramal and 178 from Puna-Quebrada). The different types of minutiae were located, identified, and quantified visually in two areas on the fingerprint, the inside and outside of a circle, the radius of which cut fifteen ridges perpendicularly, starting from the center cut of the axes defining the sectors. The non-equiprobability found in both population samples for the different minutiae types studied demonstrated that the evidential weight provided by these characteristics is not the same when applied in identification processes, whether used quantitatively (numerical standard) or qualitatively (holistic method). The results obtained for both populations were compared statistically with those published previously for a Spanish population sample, which had been collected using the same methodology. This comparison has enabled us to demonstrate, for the first time, the existence of significant differences between populations in minutiae frequencies, independently from the main pattern type.  相似文献   

As part of a long-term project on Northeastern Brazilians, population genetic data were obtained from 323 unrelated individuals from the state of Paraíba. The loci studied were CSF1P0, TPOX, TH01, vWA, D16S539, D7S820, D13S317, D18S51, D21S11, D8S1179, F13A01, F13B and LPL. Their distributions are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Forensic parameters were calculated and a comparison was made with geographically nearby populations.  相似文献   

High levels of stigma and discrimination are reported by individuals with mental health problems. Aim: To assess self-reported levels of stigma and discrimination in forensic psychiatric patients, with psychotic illness, compared with general adult psychiatric patients with psychosis. Hypothesis: Individuals with a history of violent offending, as well as severe mental illness, report more stigma and discrimination, than non offender patients, as a result of them being perceived as dangerous and unpredictable. Method: Experiences of stigma and discrimination were compared in 32 forensic and 32 non-forensic general psychiatric patients, with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, using the Stigma and Discrimination Scale (DISC). Results: Stigma and discrimination were widely reported by all patients, particularly affecting relationships with family, intimate relationships and friendships. No significant difference emerged between the forensic and non-forensic patients, in experienced or anticipated stigma. Conclusions: We suggest that the lower level of psycho pathology, longer inpatient stays and intensive rehabilitation for forensic patients may reduce the extent to which these patients experience stigma and discrimination.  相似文献   

Nine STRs loci have been typed in a sample from Córdoba (Argentina).  相似文献   

Genetic population data for 10 X-STR (DXS6789, DXS9902, DXS7132, GATA31E08, DXS7133, DXS9898, DXS8378, DXS6809, DXS7423 and GATA172D05) were obtained from Lima population. The present study results support the usefulness of these markers in kinship investigation and also in population genetics studies.  相似文献   

The 15 AmpF/STR Identifiler loci (D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSF1PO, D3S1358, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, vWA, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818 and FGA) were analyzed in the sample of 180 unrelated autochthonous healthy adults born in Meztitlán City from the valley of Metztitlán (Estado de Hidalgo, México). The agreement with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was confirmed for all loci. From the forensic point of view, the heterozygosity value, power of discrimination and the a priori chance of exclusion were calculated.  相似文献   


Comprehension of the police caution is extremely poor across a variety of populations and jurisdictions and is particularly impaired in vulnerable populations. This has significant consequences for the admissibility of evidence in court. We investigated whether providing individuals with a written version of the caution would improve comprehension in the general population. Sixty participants (30 with low educational attainment and 30 with high educational attainment) were randomly allocated to one of three groups (Verbal presentation; Written presentation; Verbal and Written presentation). Comprehension in the three groups was evaluated using Cooke and Philip's (1998) Scottish Comprehension of Caution Instrument. Results showed that despite 95% of participants claiming to fully understand the sample caution, only 5% of individuals in the verbal presentation group demonstrated full understanding, compared to 40% and 35% in the written and combined verbal and written groups respectively. This highlights both that individuals' self-reports of understanding are higher than actual comprehension and that providing a written version of the caution may improve comprehension in the general population.  相似文献   

Neurosarcoidosis carries a mortality of 10%, over twice that of sarcoidosis overall, although it has been rarely reported as a cause of sudden death. The current evidence suggests that sarcoidosis results from an enhanced immune reaction to a variety of antigens, non-self or self which causes CD4 (helper-inducer) T-cell accumulation with a ratio of helper-inducer T cells to suppressor-cytotoxic T cells usually high in affected organs, activation and release of inflammatory cytokines, and formation of granulomatous lesions. Numerous cytokines and other mediators are produced by both activated macrophages and T lymphocytes bearing the CD4-helper phenotype during the granuloma responses. A number of data suggest that interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-2, and IL-18 play a critical role in the formation of granulomas. In this article, we describe the clinical and pathological characteristics of a patient who suddenly died due to acute respiratory failure. Neurosarcoidosis with massive and extensive involvement of the brainstem was established as the cause of death. Western blot analysis in the patient demonstrated the TNF-α presence as a 51-kDa protein in the brain tissue. The immunohistochemical analysis showed a poor positiveness for CD4 in all samples around the granulomas, as well as moderate positiveness for CD8, CD15, and CD20; CD45 and CD68 showed a strong positiveness in all the brain samples. Histological findings, immunohistochemical analysis, and proteomic studies addressed the diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis with involvement of the nucleus of the solitary tract in the brainstem and central hypoventilation as the cause of death.  相似文献   

The sources that can be employed to examine demographic aspects of the Jewish population and family in 18th-century Poland–Lithuania are sparse and mostly fiscal in origin. Since this source material has been preserved only for some periods and regions, few generalizations can be made. First, the authors have referred to the most comprehensive census that was carried out in 1791 by household in Cracow province (województwo krakowskie). It does not allow for detailed family reconstitution, however. Although extended/multiple family households might have been fairly common, the two-generational conjugal family unit seems to have prevailed, and no more than four nuclear families lived in one house. In addition, the age at first marriage was influenced only to a limited extent by the traditional practice of early marriage.  相似文献   

This article ventures to be one of the first studies that examines the relationship between corruption and electoral turnout on the sub-national level. Taking Portugal, a southern European country with nationally relatively high levels of corruption and relatively low levels of turnout, as a case, we examine the relationship between the two concepts across Portugal’s 304 out of 308 municipalities for the legislative elections in 2005 and 2009. Controlling for municipal level GDP per capita, unemployment, the percentage of senior citizens, and population density, as well as the closeness of the election and the district magnitude, we find corruption to be a rather strong mobilizing agent. Compared to “clean” municipalities, our results indicate that turnout is several percentage points higher in “very corrupt” municipalities.  相似文献   

Specialised mental health legislation typically provides for the hospitalisation and treatment of those with mental disorders in the absence of their consent. The article examines the possible justifications for the existence of these special powers and argues that two of the most common justifications, the protection of the patient and the protection of others, do discriminate against those with a mental, as opposed to a physical, disorder. The relationship between mental health and mental capacity, or guardianship, legislation is then considered and possible ways forward are discussed with particular reference to the current reform debate in England and Wales.  相似文献   

The making of the modern Ottoman state in the 19th century was closely interrelated with population issues and policies. ‘Population’ became an important component of Ottoman history throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries. As the state identified the ‘population’ as a source of income after the Tanzimat, it tried to protect and procreate it through certain institutional arrangements and regulations. These policies consisted of protecting the existing population, controlling population movements, promoting procreation, and giving subsidies and lending money at interest to peasant families. The procreation policies included enforcement of marriages and encouragement of reproduction within marriages while they discouraged traditional birth control methods and practices. As in any other context, Ottoman families resisted the policies of procreation and pressures coming from the central government. This paper will examine the state's policies toward families and individuals as well as the responses of the people to these policies. I will attempt to construct a model based on the protection and the procreation policies of the modern Ottoman state, which will be an important springboard toward building a basis for conducting comparative analysis with other European states. By doing this, I will try to challenge some of the established assumptions on the nature of the ‘modern state’ in the 19th century.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of individuals’ socialization in a given demographic context on their later reproductive behavior in 19th century Geneva. To assess this socialization effect on the fertility of first generation immigrants, I combine family reconstitution data with Coale’s aggregate indexes of marital fertility. I then run two-level Poisson regression models predicting age-specific fertility rates as a function of individual characteristics at the lower level and as a function of province-level fertility at the higher level. The results show a strong socialization effect among couples who were already married when arriving in Geneva, whereas among immigrants who arrived as singles and who got married in Geneva the impact of demographic socialization turns out much weaker.  相似文献   

Post-September 11, the government has been rapidly funding public health initiatives to bolster the Nation's ability to respond to bioterrorist attacks. While the infusion of money into the public health system is laudable, the pressure to enact legislation quickly has resulted in laws and policies that ignore privacy and civil liberties and that favor anti-bioterror initiatives over more common public health concerns. A public health agenda that ignores privacy and civil liberties will undermine public trust, leading people to not fully participate in critical public health activities. Our Nation is far more likely to succeed in preventing and responding to a potential act of bioterrorism if we embrace the principle that advancing public health and preserving individual liberties are symbiotic and inextricable.  相似文献   

Based on several studies, the aim of the article is to compare trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation to trafficking in drugs. Women are recruited and drugs are bought in other countries and transported to Sweden. What are the similarities and differences between the recruitment phase (women) and the purchases (drugs)? Both sexual services and drugs are sold in local markets. This requires marketing, contacts and access to customers. Women need accommodation and often a place to sell the services, drugs must be stored somewhere and prepared for sale. Procurement, trafficking and the purchase of sexual services are illegal and in the case of drugs even consumption and possession for personal use is illegal and prosecuted. Facilitators often play an important role in connecting customers and providers. This article will further describe what kind of organizational structure is needed to arrange these logistics and some different strategies used by organizers and distributors.  相似文献   

Legal context. Passing off is an evolving tort. There may beopportunities to expand the scope of the tort to capture activitiesthat have not previously amounted to passing off. Key points. In Arsenal v Reed, Aldous LJ suggested that thetime has come to abandon the label "passing off" and recognisea tort of "unfair competition". The implication is that certainactivities that would not previously have been censured by thecourts might now constitute passing off. This raises the questionof what circumstances might justify giving claimants greaterrights of action. This article explores the possibility of justifyinga claim in passing off where the misrepresentation does notcause confusion, and dilution of the claimant's trade mark isthe only damage caused. Practical significance. There is no doubt that passing off willevolve still further. The English judiciary is perhaps now moreconscious of the flexibility of passing off than at any timein the recent past. Ambitious – even adventurous –claims may have a chance of success.  相似文献   

This study reports on the feasibility and impact of running a choir for forensic psychiatric inpatients, staff and members of the local community, within the confines of a medium secure psychiatric unit. The choir ran between October and December 2013. Eight weekly workshops and a final concert performance were evaluated through participant observation and focus groups held with the participants. Between 12 and 16 male and female patients attended each workshop and the final concert. All participating patients had received a diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizo-affective disorder or personality disorder, all had committed serious violent or sexual offences and all were legally detained and receiving treatment in a forensic medium or low secure ward, under the Mental Health Act (England and Wales). Considerable benefits were reported by patients, as well as by the participating community choir members and staff. Primary benefits reported by patients included the following: improved happiness and well-being; increased confidence and self-esteem; greater emotional connectedness and reduced sense of stigma. Participating staff also reported increased feelings of well-being and happiness, greater tolerance and more positive perceptions of the functioning and capabilities of forensic psychiatric patients. The longer term benefits of music participation on the mental health and social functioning of forensic psychiatric patients require further investigation.  相似文献   

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