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Catecholamines are major humoral factors and neurotransmitters that contribute to various stress responses. However, they have been considered unstable due to agony, terminal medical care and postmortem interference. The present study was a comprehensive investigation of postmortem serum levels of adrenaline (Adr), noradrenaline (Nad) and dopamine (DA) with regard to the cause of death in serial medicolegal autopsy cases (n=542) including fatalities from various traumas and diseases. There was a slight tendency toward postmortem increases of Nad and DA in cardiac blood as well as Adr and Nad in peripheral blood, a slight age-dependent decrease in Adr and DA in right heart blood, and a marked increase in serum DA due to administration during critical medical care. When these factors were taken into consideration, significantly higher cardiac blood levels were observed for Adr and Nad in injury and asphyxiation cases and for Adr in fatal methamphetamine (MA) abuse and other poisoning cases, whereas those levels were lower in fatal hypothermia. Drowning, fire fatality, acute cardiac death and cerebrovascular disease showed intermediate Adr and Nad levels. The DA level was elevated in cases of injury, hyperthermia, MA fatality and other poisoning. Topographical analyses suggested that the major sources of increased serum catecholamines in cases of injury was abdominal viscera including adrenal glands, and that in cases of asphyxiation, drowning, fire fatality, hyperthermia, MA fatality, other poisoning, acute cardiac death and cerebrovascular disease was the extremities in addition to abdominal viscera. However, there was in part a large case-to-case difference in each marker related to individual causes of death. These findings differed markedly from clinical observations and suggest that the postmortem serum catecholamine levels may reflect the magnitude of physical stress responses during the process of death in individual cases.  相似文献   

Postmortem serum myoglobin concentrations in blood from the femoral vein (peripheral withdrawal) and the heart (central withdrawal) of nine electrical fatalities were compared with those of 74 individuals who had died of other causes. Independent of the cause of death or topographical site, serum myoglobin concentrations rose dramatically with the passage of postmortem time (maximum concentrations in the control group: 975,100 micrograms/l). In 59% of the total sample (electrical fatalities plus controls), serum myoglobin concentrations were higher in the central blood, in the other 41% the concentrations were higher in the peripheral blood. The differences in concentrations between the peripheral and the central withdrawal area correlated with neither the postmortem interval nor the cause of death. Up to the second day postmortem there was a statistically significant difference in serum myoglobin concentrations between electrical fatalities and controls. The individual values within each group, however, varied widely and overlapped between groups. Controls who had also suffered muscle injury (polytrauma, myocardial infarction) did not have significantly higher serum myoglobin concentrations than controls without muscle injury. Myoglobin concentrations appear to be greatly influenced by the extent and duration of the muscle cramps induced by the electrical current. Correct interpretation of serum myoglobin concentrations depends on the knowledge of events surrounding the lethal electrical shock. Postmortem determination of serum myoglobin concentrations alone is, therefore, not sufficient to establish intravital exposure to electrical current and can aid the diagnosis only in special cases.  相似文献   

Serum uric acid (UA) and creatinine (Cr) mainly derive from skeletal muscle tissues. Although, remarkable postmortem stability of the serum levels has been reported, there appears to be very poor knowledge of the diagnostic value in investigation of death, except for uremia. The aim of the present study was to evaluate postmortem serum UA and Cr levels using 395 forensic autopsy cases, in comparison with blood urea nitrogen (BUN), for investigation of the pathophysiology of death with special regard to the causes of death involving possible skeletal muscle damage, e.g. due to hypoxia, heat or agonal convulsions. Cr and BUN showed relatively good topographic stability in the cadaveric blood, whereas, UA was often much higher in the right heart blood than in the left heart and peripheral blood, independent of postmortem intervals. Moderate to marked elevation of Cr and BUN accompanied with hyperuricemia was observed in delayed death. In the acute death cases (survival time <30 min), UA, especially in the right heart blood, showed a considerable elevation in mechanical asphyxiation and drowning. The Cr level in fire victims with a lower carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) level (<60%) was significantly higher than in those with the possible fatal level (>60%). A similar elevation of Cr was observed in fatalities from heat stroke and methamphetamine (MA) poisoning. The observations suggested that hyperuricemia in acute death may be indicative of advanced hypoxia and that elevated Cr level may reflect the skeletal muscle damage, especially due to thermal influence.  相似文献   

Postmortem investigation of lamotrigine concentrations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lamotrigine is a relatively new anticonvulsant. Therapeutic plasma concentrations generally range from 1 to 4 mg/L, although several studies have shown that good control of epilepsy has been achieved with concentrations reaching 10 mg/L generally, with little toxicity. In overdose, however, the drug has been linked to ECG changes that may suggest a possible arrythmogenic effect and hence cardiac toxicity. Lamotrigine has also been shown to cause encephalopathy and thus neurotoxicity. There is no information concerning postmortem lamotrigine concentrations and their interpretation. We describe lamotrigine concentrations in postmortem specimens including blood, liver, bile, vitreous humour, and urine from eight cases. A high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method is described with extraction procedures for the various tissues. Two possible groups were identified. The first being the "broader therapeutic" group with blood concentrations ranging from 0.9 to 7.2 mg/L and corresponding liver concentrations ranging from 16 to 36 mg/kg. The second being a "supratherapeutic" group with blood concentrations ranging from 20 to 39 mg/L and corresponding liver concentrations ranging from 53 to 350 mg/kg. Although none of the eight cases described were attributed to overdose by lamotrigine alone, the cause of death for one of the three cases in the "supratherapeutic" group was given as mixed drug toxicity. Cause of death for the remaining two cases in this group was reported as epilepsy. However, both these cases showed elevated concentrations of lamotrigine and both were co-medicated with valproic acid. Such co-administration has been shown in the literature to lead to elevated lamotrigine concentrations and a reduction in lamotrigine dose has been recommended. With such data, we highlight the importance of monitoring lamotrigine concentrations in cases co-medicated, particularly with valproic acid.  相似文献   

We have investigated postmortem serum CRP levels in 408 forensic autopsy cases consisting of 216 acute and 192 non-acute death cases having postmortem interval of less than 48 h. CRP ranged from 0.03 to 66.13 mg/dl with the median of 0.28 mg/dl. In 362 traumatic death, survival time and the presence of severe infection were the major factors contributing to CRP elevation, while postmortem interval, age, gender, hepatic injury and liver cirrhosis was not. In almost all the immediate deaths (15/16) CRP remained at a low level (<0.5 mg/dl). Acute deaths and subacute deaths within 6 h showed lower CRP levels compared to longer survivors, consistent with the clinical and experimental studies. As for natural diseases, the CRP level reflected the pathological findings. The results suggest a possibility of CRP as a forensic diagnostic marker.  相似文献   

Postmortem interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) serum levels were investigated prospectively in sepsis-related fatalities and non-septic fatalities by using a linear regression model. At least three blood samples were collected between 0.3 and 139 h postmortem from sepsis-related fatalities (n=8) and non-septic fatalities (n=16). In addition, one antemortem blood sample was collected shortly before death from the septic patients. Antemortem and postmortem IL-6 and CRP levels were highly elevated in all individuals included in the sepsis group. An excessive postmortem increase of IL-6 serum levels associated with progressive time after death was observed in five out of the eight septic patients. Both, IL-6 and CRP serum concentrations seem to be suitable biochemical postmortem markers of sepsis. The determination of IL-6 serum levels above 1500 pg/ml in peripheral venous blood obtained in the early postmortem interval can be considered as a diagnostic hint towards an underlying septic condition. A more precise postmortem discrimination between sepsis and non-septic underlying causes of death is provided by the postmortem measurement of serum CRP in peripheral venous blood: on condition that at least two postmortem CRP values have been determined at different time points postmortem, the CRP level of a deceased at the time of death can be calculated by using linear regression analysis. When assessing postmortem IL-6 and CRP concentrations as biochemical postmortem markers of sepsis, various clinical conditions, such as a preceding trauma or burn injury going along with elevated IL-6 and/or CRP levels prior to death as a result of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) should be taken into consideration, thus adding relevant information for the practical interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

112 cases of homicide (around 4%) are presented from material of approximately 3000 psychiatric expert-opinions for criminal proceedings. The data of 107 committers were usable and could be evaluated statistically. 63% of the homicides were executed, 37% were attempted. 14% of the committers were considered to be psychopaths. The circumstances surrounding the crimes were further subdivided in imitation of Rasch and especially tested for daytime linkage. 53% of the males but only a very small percentage of the female committers were alcoholized. Neither alcoholization nor personality had influence upon the success of the crime. For most of the psychotic committers the attempt failed to succeed. There was a tendency that some of the assaults were performed during night-time. This was more pronounced in alcoholized than in sober committers. No linkage to the night hours could be found neither for criminal actions of psychotics or child murder, nor for murder or robbery. In conclusion we assume that certain forms of human aggression underlie a diurnal rhythm.  相似文献   

This paper describes a format for the investigation of complicated accidents which result in diving deaths. It emphasises the necessity for communication between technical, medical and legal personnel to arrive at a reasoned appreciation of factors leading to an accident. Properly applied this can result in a meaningful accumulation of data, which can be periodically analysed and be used in formulating Regulations for prevention of further accidents.  相似文献   

Cellular immune response is accompanied by the release of neopterin. Increased neopterin levels in urine and serum are observed in patients during viral infections, autoimmune diseases, and allograft rejections and certain malignant diseases. We investigated postmortem neopterin concentrations in urine and serum samples taken from 32 corpses 3 to 69 h (mean 19.3 h) after death. Urine neopterin concentrations in corpses are similar to those of healthy live controls and are independent of the time after death. In contrast, serum neopterin concentrations are frequently greatly increased in corpses, and the levels are higher in sera collected more than 10 h after death in comparison with samples obtained earlier. Neopterin measurement in urine and serum samples of corpses is feasible. It appears likely that urine neopterin concentrations could aid the diagnosis of inflammatory diseases in corpses.  相似文献   

Various methods for calculating the amount of kinetic energy dissipated by a bullet into ballistic gelatine have been suggested in literature. These methods were compared using the results of thirteen 9 mmx19 mm pistol and five 7.62 mmx 39 mm rifle bullets shot into 10% ballistic gelatine. The Wound Profile Method gave the highest correlation, 0.89, with the measured amounts of dissipated kinetic energy. The Fissure surface area and total crack length method gained 0.51 and 0.52, respectively. The experimental results were also compared with those from pig tests with the same bullet types. Using the z-test at 95% level of confidence no difference between impact velocity normalized bullet decelerations could be determined for the 9 mm bullet used. The same test showed significant difference for 7.62 mm bullets. That, however, can be considered to be the result of the bullet's tendency to tumble in non-homogenous living tissue causing significant dispersion of observed deceleration values. The results add further evidence supporting the validity of 10% gelatine at +4 degrees C as wound ballistic tissue simulant. The study also introduces the use of an elastic "shroud" to hold the gelatine in place, to some extent reduce the effects of asymmetric expansion of the gelatine and to simulate the expansion suppression effect of surrounding tissues.  相似文献   

175 hemogenetic expertises on the identity of ostensibly jumbled blood samples were analysed. In 4.5% of the cases a genetically qualified non-identity was found, although an erronous mixing-up of samples could be excluded. A major problem may arise when the expert witness has to find out whether a non-identity is due to either genetic or to artificial reasons. A battery of conventional blood group systems as well as highly informative DNA polymorphisms is a powerful tool in discriminating between both reasons and enables the expert to reach a decision.  相似文献   

For the determination of total hemoglobin (Hb) in blood containing elevated carboxyhemoglobin (COHb), a newly developed reagent containing a 100-fold concentration of ferricyanide (20 g/l) and a 2-fold concentration of Sterox SE was compared with a standard reagent (0.2 g/l ferricyanide), the reagent of van Kampen and Zijlstra, using forensic blood samples and experimentally heated blood samples. There were no significant differences between the spectra of hemiglobincyanide (HiCN) solution produced with our reagent and the van Kampen and Zijlstra reagent using experimentally heated blood samples. Although the spectra of HiCN changed gradually with increased heating time and with the passage of time after mixing, the absorbance at 540 nm (A540) did not change until at least 120 min for both the reagents. When forensic blood samples containing elevated COHb were mixed with the van Kampen and Zijlstra reagent, total-Hb concentrations determined 5 min after mixing were 10-20% higher than those determined after 180 min. The overestimates of total Hb determined after 5 min resulted in comparable underestimates of percentage saturation of COHb (COHb%) when COHb% was obtained from the ratio of COHb content, determined by gas chromatogrpahy, to total-Hb concentration in blood. However, there was an extremely good correlation between the values of total Hb in forensic blood samples determined with the van Kampen and Zijlstra reagent after 180 min and those determined with our reagent after 5 min. From the results obtained, our reagent proved to be suitable for the determination of total Hb in forensic science practice.  相似文献   

Successful approaches to race determination of unidentified human remains have been developed by anatomists and physical anthropologists, but few quantitative methods are available for distinguishing American Indian crania from those of whites. The leading method in use today is particularly ineffective in its placement of American Indian skulls from the western regions of the United States. Recent development and testing of a new metric method suggests a much more effective technique. The method involves six breadth and projection measurements of the midfacial skeleton, the calculation of three indices, and a simple direct reading of results. The method has the additional advantage of use in the autopsy room with minimal dissection of soft tissue required. Based upon a less extensive test of East Asian and Arctic Mongoloid crania, the method appears to be even more effective in separating them from the sharp featured whites. Larger samples of American blacks and Polynesians are presently under study and these also appear to separate quite readily from whites using the same or similar sectioning values.  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to assess the relationships between personality traits, lifetime psychosocial functioning, and crime scene behavior. Thirty-five male offenders referred for forensic psychiatric assessment in Sweden (1996-2001) and assigned a main diagnosis of either antisocial personality disorder (APD) or autism spectrum disorder (AUT) were retrospectively studied. APD were subcategorized into impulsive (APDi) and controlled (APDc). Those in the AUT group were less intoxicated at the time of the crime and did not often use knives or guns compared to the APD group. Males in the APDi group were older and had a higher proportion of abuse of alcohol and drugs in biological parents, physical abuse during childhood, psychiatric contacts, and suicide attempts compared to the APDc group. In the APDi group, knives were used in the homicide compared to the use of guns in the APDc group. The results suggest differences in psychosocial functioning and crime scene characteristics related to personality traits.  相似文献   

Human-type blood group activities on the red blood cells (RBCs) of three chimpanzees were individually examined with commercial mouse monoclonal antibodies (anti-A, -B, -H, -M, -N, -Lea, and -Leb) as well as lectins (UEA-I and VGA) and conventional polyclonal antisera for the systems ABO, MN, Lewis, Rh-Hr, P, Kell, Kidd, Duffy, and Lutheran. For further analysis of the MN antigens, treatment of the RBCs with sialidase, trypsin, and chymotrypsin were employed. The activities recognized among the three chimpanzees were A, H, M, N, Leb, c, S, k, and Jka. The RBCs of the three individuals possessed the A antigen which showed the same serologic activity as the human A1. Those chimpanzee RBCs showed higher H-activity than the human A1 RBCs. The Lewis b activity was revealed by the absorption-elution method. The RBCs of the three individuals showed a reactivity to the polyclonal anti-M reagents, which was affected by both the sialidase and trypsin treatment. The RBCs of two individuals were agglutinated with the monoclonal anti-N. The receptor was sensitive to sialidase and chymotrypsin. The RBCs of the three individuals, however, did not react with the monoclonal anti-M or with one of the polyclonal anti-N. These results indicate structural differences in the glycophorins and MN antigens between the human and chimpanzee.  相似文献   

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