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注册和使用是两种取得商标权的方式,TRIPS第15条第3款提供了一种使商标注册依赖商标使用的可能,这种可能的价值在于在坚持使用取得商标权的同时,尽量吸收注册制度的有益元素。英国和德国承认使用和注册都能取得商标权,但商标注册并不依赖商标使用,法国商标权只能通过注册取得,而商标使用却并不是注册的条件。美国联邦商标注册制度是TRIPS第15条第3款所提出的可能性的典型代表,它坚持商标使用产生商标权,发挥商标注册所具有的宣示商标权的作用,而且通过将注册申请视为"建设性使用"而使注册对商标权的归属有所影响。美国联邦商标注册所依赖的商标使用,通过成文法和司法案例来进行解读,成文法在司法审判中得以解释和细化,司法审判中形成的新规则又及时为成文法规所吸收,从而使成文法规得以不断发展,这对于我国如何完善立法是很好的榜样。  相似文献   

商标法上的注册制度与商标观念的变迁关系密切,注册制度的现代化与商标的财产化相伴相随。现代注册制度经历了从私人控制到国家控制的转变。从制度属性上看,对注册本质的把握有确权与授权两种传统。就商标的本质而言,确权更具说服力。注册制度具有权利推定、权利公示以及维护公共道德与秩序的功能。经由注册制度,国家工商行政管理部门把那些有损道德与秩序的标志排除在商品市场之外。注册取得商标权尽管具有取证方便的优势,但其容易导致抢注及囤积商标,具有破坏诚信经营的负能量。为纠正注册取得商标权制度的弊端,我国《商标法》应当在规范商标使用的前提下,对商标注册的效力、先用权及商标共存制度等进行完善。  相似文献   

许亮 《知识产权》2021,(1):86-96
《美国兰哈姆法》第2条a款和我国《商标法》第10条第1款第8项在国际公约义务和惯例、立法目的、条文开放性上有相似之处,但在商标注册层面的表达自由和遵循公序良俗边界的认定上差异巨大。表达自由不应逾越遵循公序良俗的国际惯例和国内司法习惯,美国式的完全放开商标注册层面的表达自由不符合我国传统价值观下公众的合理预期。我国在适用"不良影响"条款时需要把握表达自由与遵循公序良俗二者的界限,避免过宽适用"不良影响"条款而吞噬表达自由的空间,应以本土性价值判断克制条款的适用。  相似文献   

商标及其权利保护制度的产生基础和价值来源是诚实经营者对于商标的使用。为了有效地遏制商标恶意申请,我国2019年《商标法》第4条将"使用意图"作为商标注册条件之一,然而在行政审查和司法实践中如何具体落实这一要求尚不十分明确。通过比较研究我国与美国、英国和日本商标注册制度中的"使用意图"要求,以兼顾注册效率与公平为出发点,建议在我国商标注册程序中引入宣誓性的真诚使用意图声明。在注册申请指定的商品或者服务类别超出申请人的经营范围等特定情形下,适用使用意图说明制度辅助查明申请人的主观目的。申请人是否具有符合商标法规定的使用意图,需要结合事实因素以客观标准作出理性判断。  相似文献   

在当前司法实践中,搜索排名案件主要涉及自然排名问题和竞价排名问题.目前对于搜索排名案件的处理方法主要有:承认搜索引擎服务商与被搜索网站之间的合同关系;认可搜索引擎服务商有权对采取不正当方法优化搜索的网站进行合理的排名惩罚;着重审核采取不正当方法优化搜索结果的网站与服务商之间服务合同的效力;认定竞价排名业务中搜索引擎服务商需要承担必要的注意义务.  相似文献   

Research on general strain theory has demonstrated the impact of strain on decisions to engage in crime and delinquency. However, people differ in their responses to strain and only some resort to crime or delinquency. There remain gaps in our knowledge of when, and under what conditions, individuals will react to strain with offending behavior. We rely on interviews with 40 incarcerated men to understand how they cope with specific prison strains, and why they make such coping choices. We find considerable variation in inmates’ coping responses. They use a variety of coping strategies—behavioral, cognitive, and emotional—and only some of these strategies involve offending. Our findings indicate that responses to prison strain are partly a function of past experience with strains, including prior experimentation with coping techniques. Results highlight the unfolding nature of the coping process and expose factors that deserve further attention in tests of GST.  相似文献   

Alan Norrie, Crime, Reason and History: A Critical Introduction to Criminal Law , London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1993, xx + 279 pp, pb £16.95.  相似文献   

骆福林 《知识产权》2012,(10):65-69
虽然一审判决深圳唯冠公司拥有iPad商标在我国大陆的专用权,但iPad商标的价值是或者主要是苹果公司创造的是不争的事实.存在着在同类或类似商品及服务上的相同或者近似商标在不同地域为不同主体所享有的情形,在此情形下商标权人与商标价值的创造者会不一致,并可能产生利益冲突;应当运用利益平衡原则解决这种冲突,利益平衡原则的运用不能仅仅是司法者的自觉而应当在立法中作出规定.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):362-393
One of the important goals of the federal sentencing guidelines was to reduce inter‐judge disparity in sentencing. In this paper, we test the assumption that structuring discretion produced uniformity in federal sentencing and consistency in the process by which judges arrive at the appropriate sentence. We also examine whether background characteristics of judges affect the sentences they impose on similarly situated offenders. We used hierarchical linear modeling, nesting the offenders in the judges that sentenced them in order to examine the sentencing decisions of federal judges in three U.S. District Courts. While we found that significant variation between judges in sentencing is largely accounted for by our level 1 characteristics, we also found that judges arrive at decisions regarding the appropriate sentence in different ways, by attaching differential weights to several of the legally relevant case characteristics and legally irrelevant offender characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper places federal acknowledgment practices within a context of expanding Indian gaming. It argues that gaming has changed the discourses around tribal acknowledgment in the general public, at the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and in inter‐ and intra‐tribal politics. Ethnographic and archival research show that, while gaming has proven to be a highly effective development strategy, it has also given rise to backlash against, and suspicion towards, Indian groups seeking recognition of their tribal status. The intersection of acknowledgment practices with public perceptions about Indian gaming has resulted in an increased politicization of the administrative process for federal recognition.  相似文献   

生命权是一切权利之根本,属于基本人权之范畴。作为挽救病人生命的重要方式,人体器官移植应恪守尊重生命权的原则。因此,对人体器官捐献、摘取和器官捐献者生命状态的判定应遵循严格程序,器官摘取和移植中的相关法律责任要明确规定。我国人体器官移植方面的法律法规,也要根据上述要求,加以完善。  相似文献   

生命权是一切权利之根本,属于基本人权之范畴。作为挽救病人生命的重要方式,人体器官移植应恪守尊重生命权的原则。因此,对人体器官捐献、摘取和器官捐献者生命状态的判定应遵循严格程序,器官摘取和移植中的相关法律责任要明确规定。我国人体器官移植方面的法律法规,也要根据上述要求,加以完善。  相似文献   

One of the most interesting and possibly disturbing developments in U.S. trademark law in recent decades is the rise of a federal remedy for trademark dilution. Dilution law in theory provides a remedy for owners of famous trademarks when others use similar marks in ways that blur or tarnish the famous mark. This article focuses on attempts by courts and scholars to formulate a methodology for proving this elusive cause of action. The article offers a history of dilution regulation and analyzes and critiques representative empirical approaches to proving dilution, with a focus on dilution by blurring.  相似文献   

The graphic and widespread atrocities committed during conflicts around the world and broadcast across 24/7 news and social media have made war never feel so close and the powerlessness of law seem so real. This raises difficulties in engaging students in real-life decision-making quandaries where military necessity meets legalism, as well as fundamental ethical questions about the use of realistic, yet explicit, imagery in the classroom. The School of Law at Queen’s University Belfast has developed a series of innovative computer scenarios based on the Arma 3 open world tactical war simulator. A variety of formative scenarios (addressing issues such as cluster munitions and landmines) were developed to familiarise the students with the factual scenario and the computer technology. Subsequently, students engaged in a summative assessment to test their legal understanding in the face of increasingly challenging conflict situations, in particular grey zones where legal argument can justify seemingly morally wrongful acts during war. This paper examines both the learning objectives of this project, and the project development cycle – from the initial proposal to its implementation in class, as well as positing the benefits and drawbacks in integrating technology and games into the legal teaching environment, reflecting on the emerging and traditional pedagogy in this area.  相似文献   

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