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The cannabinoid content of 13 different strains of cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa L.) was analyzed. Six strains fell into the "drug-type" class, with high Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) content, and seven strains into the "fiber-type" class, with low THCA using HPLC analysis. Genomic DNA sequence polymorphisms in the THCA synthase gene from each strain were studied. A single PCR fragment of the THCA synthase gene was detected from six strains of "drug-type" plants. We could also detect the fragment from seven strains of "fiber-type" plants, although no or very low content of THCA were detected in these samples. These were 1638 bp from all 13 strains and no intron among the sequences obtained. There were two variants of the THCA synthase gene in the "drug-type" and "fiber-type" cannabis plants, respectively. Thirty-seven major substitutions were detected in the alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences from these variants. Furthermore, we identified a specific PCR marker for the THCA synthase gene for the "drug-type" strains. This PCR marker was not detected in the "fiber-type" strains.  相似文献   

The Quantifiler Human DNA Quantification Kit and the Quantifiler Y Human Male DNA Quantification Kit were designed for the quantification of human genomic DNA in forensic samples. The kits use a real-time PCR-based process to quantify, respectively, total human DNA or human male DNA only. We report the results of a developmental validation study that we performed with the Quantifiler Kits, following the official SWGDAM guidelines. The Quantifiler Kits were tested for performance criteria such as species specificity, sensitivity, stability, precision and accuracy, and in addition, were tested with forensic case-type samples and mixed (male:female) DNA samples. The Quantifiler Kit methods were highly specific for human DNA, and could detect as little as 32 picograms of DNA using 2 microL of sample per assay. The accuracy and precision of the Quantifiler Kit methods was comparable or superior to that of other quantification methods.  相似文献   

Our laboratory has developed an automated real-time quantitative PCR assay for detecting human DNA. The assay utilizes an in-house, custom-designed TaqMan-MGB sequence-specific probe (CFS-HumRT) and the ABD 7900HT SDS platform. Developmental validation has followed TWGDAM (1) guidelines and demonstrates that the assay is primate specific, is highly sensitive, yields consistent results, and works with human DNA extracted from a variety of body fluid stains. When operating within the dynamic range of the system using high-quality DNA samples. the technique yields similar quantification results to our current QuantiBlot assay with the added benefit of time saving through automation. Furthermore, the QPCR assay identifies how much amplifiable DNA is in a sample and thus has the potential to predict PCR success in downstream applications such as STR analysis.  相似文献   

A duplex real-time qPCR assay was developed for quantifying human nuclear and mitochondrial DNA in forensic samples. The nuclear portion of the assay utilized amplification of a approximately 170-190 bp target sequence that spans the repeat region of the TH01 STR locus, and the mitochondrial portion of the assay utilized amplification of a 69 bp target sequence in the ND1 region. Validation studies, performed on an ABI 7000 SDS instrument using TaqMan detection, demonstrated that both portions of the duplex assay provide suitable quantification sensitivity and precision down to 10-15 copies of each genome of interest and that neither portion shows cross-reactivity to commonly encountered non-human genomes. As part of the validation studies, a series of DNase-degraded samples were quantified using three different methods: the duplex nuclear-mitochondrial qPCR assay, the ABI Quantifiler Human DNA Quantification Kit qPCR assay, which amplifies and detects a 62 bp nuclear target sequence, and slot blot hybridization. For non-degraded and moderately degraded samples in the series, all three methods were suitably accurate for quantifying nuclear DNA to achieve successful STR amplifications to yield complete profiles using the ABI AmpFlSTR Identifiler kit. However, for highly degraded samples, the duplex qPCR assay provided better estimates of nuclear template for STR amplification than did either the commercial qPCR assay, which overestimated the quantity of STR-sized DNA fragments, leading to an increased proportion of undetected alleles at the larger STR loci, or slot blot hybridization, which underestimated the quantity of nuclear DNA, leading to an increased proportion of STR amplification artifacts due to amplification of excess template.  相似文献   

Neither absolute THC content nor morphology allows the unequivocal discrimination of fiber cultivars and drug strains of Cannabis sativa L. unequivocally. However, the CBD/THC ratio remains constant throughout the plant's life cycle, is independent of environmental factors, and considered to be controlled by a single locus (B) with two codominant alleles (BT and BD). The homozygous BT/BT genotype underlies the THC‐predominant phenotype, BD/BD is CBD predominant, and an intermediate phenotype is induced by the heterozygous state (BT/BD). Using PCR‐based markers in two segregating populations, we proved that the THCA synthase gene represents the postulated B locus and that specific sequence polymorphisms are absolutely linked either to the THC‐predominant or the THC‐intermediate chemotype. The absolute linkage provides an excellent reliability of the marker signal in forensic casework. For validation, the species‐specific marker system was applied to a large number of casework samples and fiber hemp cultivars.  相似文献   

A multiplex quantitative PCR assay has been designed to amplify target sequences of different length, which allows for the assessment of DNA degradation in samples of forensic interest. The targets were chosen to provide quantification and fragment length information relevant to the STR amplification targets commonly used for forensic genotyping. The longer target (nuTH01, 170-190 bp) spans the TH01 STR locus. Although not one of the longest loci used for STR genotyping, it was chosen as a good compromise given the target length limitations on qPCR efficiency with TaqMan detection. The shorter target (nuCSF, 67 bp) was designed in the upstream flanking region of the CSF1PO STR locus. In addition to these human nuclear targets, the assay includes an internal PCR control target sequence to allow for an assessment of PCR inhibition. The assay was rigorously tested on samples with varying amounts of degradation, and the ratio of nuCSF:nuTH01 quantifications was shown to provide a good estimation of the degree of degradation present in a sample. This estimate, along with the internal control for PCR inhibition, provides a valuable tool for post-extraction sample assessment.  相似文献   

A rapid and highly species-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay has been developed for the detection of capercaillie DNA (Tetrao urogallus) in meat and meat mixtures. The method combines the use of capercaillie-specific primers, that amplify a 142bp fragment of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene, and a positive control primer pair that amplifies a 141bp fragment of the nuclear 18S rRNA gene from eukaryotic DNA. SYBR(?) Green dye or TaqMan(?) fluorogenic probes were used to monitor the amplification of the target genes. Results obtained with the use of TaqMan(?) probes as detection platform increased the specificity of the real-time PCR assay in comparison with the results obtained using SYBR(?) Green. The proposed real-time PCR assay represents a rapid and straightforward method for the accurate identification of capercaillie that could be used by law enforcement agencies as a tool for the control of poaching and illegal trade of meat from this protected species.  相似文献   

Forensic analysts routinely encounter samples containing DNA mixtures from male and female contributors. To obtain interpretable Short Tandem Repeat (STR) profiles and select the appropriate STR analysis methodology, it is desirable to determine relative quantities of male and female DNA, and detect PCR inhibitors. We describe a multiplex assay for simultaneous quantification of human and human male DNA using the ribonuclease P RNA component H1 (RPPH1) human target and the sex determining region Y (SRY) male-specific target. A synthetic oligonucleotide sequence was co-amplified as an internal PCR control. Standard curves were generated using human male genomic DNA. The SRY and RPPH1 assays demonstrated human specificity with minimal cross-reactivity to DNA from other species. Reproducible DNA concentrations were obtained within a range of 0.023-50 ng/μl. The assay was highly sensitive, detecting as little as 25 pg/μl of human male DNA in the presence of a thousand-fold excess of human female DNA. The ability of the assay to predict PCR inhibition was demonstrated by shifted IPC Ct values in the presence of increasing quantities of hematin and humic acid. We also demonstrate the correlation between the multiplex assay quantification results and the strength of STR profiles generated using the AmpF?STR®PCR Amplification kits.  相似文献   

The forensic community needs quick, reliable methods to quantitate human DNA in crime scene samples to replace the laborious and imprecise slot blot method. A real-time PCR based method has the possibility of allowing development of a faster and more quantitative assay. Alu sequences are primate-specific and are found in many copies in the human genome, making these sequences an excellent target or marker for human DNA. This paper describes the development of a real-time Alu sequence-based assay using MGB Eclipse primers and probes. The advantages of this assay are simplicity, speed, less hands-on-time and automated quantitation, as well as a large dynamic range (128 ng/microL to 0.5 pg/microL).  相似文献   

A duplex real-time quantitative PCR assay was developed for forensic DNA analysis, which provides simultaneous quantitation of total genomic human DNA and human male DNA. The assay utilizes two spectrally resolved fluorogenic probes in a 5' nuclease (TaqMantrade mark) assay. Within the range of organisms empirically tested and based upon theoretical specificity using National Center for Biotechnology Information GenBank sequences, primer and probe sequences were shown to be human specific, and the Y-chromosome probe, male-specific. A mixture-challenge study resulted in accurate quantitation of 25 pg male DNA in a mixture of up to 1:5000 (male:female DNA). Additional experimental results include comparisons with the slot blot method and commercial real-time PCR kits. The assay developed addresses the shortcomings of the traditional slot blot method as well as the commercial real-time PCR kits. This method is shown to be specific, relatively simple, rapid, has low limits of detection, and consumes limited sample in addition to reporting both the male and total genomic DNA concentrations present.  相似文献   

Human X and Y chromosome alpha-satellite sequences lying within higher order repeats were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in genomic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) isolated from blood, bone, and several other tissues and specimens of potential forensic science interest. X and Y sequences could be coamplified under some of the PCR conditions employed. Monomorphic sequences in the 3'-apolipoprotein B gene (designated "H") and in an alpha-satellite higher order repeat on Chromosome 17 (p17H8, D17Z1) were likewise amplified in the specimens. X and Y sequence amplification can provide information about the sex of origin. Amplification of the X, H, and D17Z1 sequences was found to be primate-specific among the common animals tested and can thus provide species of origin information about a specimen. The authors suggest that amplification of X and D17Z1 or H sequences might provide "relaxed" and "stringent" controls for appropriate PCR amplification tests on forensic science specimens. Testing was carried out using PCR protocols that employed Thermophilus aquaticus (Taq) and Thermus flavis (Replinase) thermostable DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

Analysis of short tandem repeat makers has become the most powerful tool for DNA typing in forensic casework analysis. Unfortunately, typing of DNA extracted from telogen shed hairs, bones buried in the soil or from paraffin-embedded, formalin-fixed tissue often reveals no results due to the degradation of DNA. The reduction in size of the target fragments by development of new primers and their combination in multiplex approaches open a new field of DNA analysis. Here we present a new sensitive short pentaplex PCR including the loci amelogenin, TH01, VWA, D3S1358 and D8S1179. Validation tests of our new method included sensitivity, mixtures, human specificity, artificial degradation of DNA by DNase I and case work analysis on a panel of different forensic samples. The detection limit was 12.5 pg of human DNA, and mixtures of 50 pg in a total of 1000 pg were clearly detectable and revealed complete profiles. Only DNA extracts of human primates displayed a few signals, whereas other animal, fungal or bacterial DNA showed no signals. Our method proved extremely valuable in the analysis of artificially degraded DNA and in forensic cases, where only poorly preserved DNA was available. This approach and other similar methods can aid in the analysis of samples where allelic drop out of larger fragments is observed. It is highly recommended to develop more of these multiplexes to improve poor quality DNA typing.  相似文献   

An ELISA for the detection of the ABO group and secretor status of body fluids and stains other than blood is described, together with the validation procedures employed before its introduction into forensic casework. Criteria for the interpretation of results have been formulated for the method in use in this laboratory. The method was found to be reliable and to have a higher success rate than the haemagglutination techniques previously employed.  相似文献   

A sensitive method for the detection and quantification of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in serum samples is described. After liquid-liquid extraction the trimethylsilyl derivative of LSD is detected by gas chromatography — mass spectrometry. Experiments with spiked samples resulted in a recovery of 76%, the coefficient of variation was 9.3%. Excellent linearity was obtained over the range 0.1–10 ng ml−1. Additionally experiments demonstrating the light sensitivity of LSD are presented together with casuistics.  相似文献   

As part of the validation of the AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus short tandem repeat (STR) system, under reduced polymerase chain reaction (PCR) volume conditions (i.e., 25 microL), a total of 275 casework samples were processed. Examples of profiles are presented along with amplification conditions to improve the odds of obtaining balanced and complete profiles for samples showing partial results or profiles with a descending slope. Data collected and used to develop our interpretation guidelines are included. From the mixture studies, full profiles were obtained for minor contributors, using 2 ng of DNA, with ratios of 10:1 or 1:20 and using 1 ng of DNA, with ratios of 10:1 and 1:8. The specificity of the Profiler Plus amplification reaction performed in 25 microL was examined and confirmed using a large spectrum of nonhuman DNAs. This report supports the use of the AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus STR system for casework DNA typing under reduced PCR volume conditions.  相似文献   

AGCU免提取STR荧光检测试剂盒的验证   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的考察AGCU免提取STR荧光检测试剂盒.对保存在滤纸片或FTA卡上血液样本的直接扩增检测情况。方法使用人GCU免提取STR荧光检测试剂盒,对未经提取的滤纸片血液样本、FTA卡血液样本675份进行直接扩增和18个基因座的DNA分型,并对结果的可靠性进行研究。结果18个基因座检测结果与PP16和ID试剂盒分型结果一致,2000年数据库样本成功率92.3%,2001年数据库样本成功率92.6%,2004以后年数据样本及案件样本、亲子鉴定样本成功率在99%以上。结论AGCU试剂盒可以成功地对滤纸片、FTA卡样本的18个STR基因座进行直接扩增检测,检验结果稳定,分型准确。  相似文献   

目的 探讨AmpFlSTR(R) Identifiler(R) Plus Kit PCR Reagents混合液使用时间和温度的影响因素.方法 试剂盒PCR混合液依次在4℃、室温、-20℃下保存l周、2周至15周不等,用于样品STR分型检验.结果 4℃保存的PCR混合液在15周之内可以检验出标准品9947A的STR分型;室温保存在6周之内可以检出;-20℃保存至少在15周内可以检出.结论 由AmpFlSTR(R) Identifiler(R)Plus Kit PCR Reagents试剂盒各组分组成的试剂盒PCR混合液在一定的保存条件下使用是可行的,符合法庭科学人类荧光标记STR技术要求.  相似文献   

We describe the forensic science application of a method for quantification of human genomic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The two cases cited in this report involve DNA samples extracted from skin tissue and bloodstained clothing recovered from different crime scenes. High-molecular-weight DNA was recovered from both specimens, and the concentrations of these DNAs were estimated to be approximately 0.5 microgram/microL by ethidium bromide/agarose gel electrophoresis. Using the human-specific DNA probe p17H8 (locus D17Z1) to quantify the amount of human genomic DNA in these samples, it is shown that less than 1% of the DNA isolated from the skin tissue is of human origin and that the DNA isolated from the bloodstained clothing is effectively devoid of human DNA sequences. These case examples illustrate the need to quantify not only the total amount of DNA recovered from forensic casework material, but also the proportion of the DNA that is of human origin.  相似文献   

"Magic mushroom (MM)" is the name most commonly given to psychoactive fungi containing the hallucinogenic components: psilocin (1) and psilocybin (2). We investigated the rRNA gene (internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and large subunit (LSU)) of two Panaeolus species and four Psilocybe species fungi (of these, two are non-psilocybin species). On the basis of sequence alignment, we improved the identification system developed in our previous study. In this paper, we describe the new system capable of distinguishing MMs from non-psilocybin Psilocybe species, its application data and the phylogeny of MM species.  相似文献   

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