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20世纪20年代,随着共产党的成立和第一次国共合作的推动,留苏热潮兴起。本文系统梳理了这一时期共产党单独派遣和国共双方共同派遣留苏学生的情况,并将这一时期分为1920—1924年,1925—1927年7月,1927—1930年这三个阶段。在梳理留学过程的基础上,综合评价20世纪20年代的留苏运动对国共双方产生的影响。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代我国社会主义改革是在特殊的历史条件下进行的 ,有成功的经验 ,也有失败的教训 ,我们能从中得到重要启示 :必须正确把握社会主义的不同发展阶段 ;必须明确社会主义的本质规定 ;必须尊重客观规律 ,按客观规律办事。  相似文献   

韦磊 《学理论》2012,(1):77-78
20世纪50至70年代,在社会主义建设过程中,中国地质行业形成的精神品质主要有:肯于奉献、甘于牺牲的精神,吃苦在前、享受在后的精神,实事求是、勇于践行的精神,三光荣、四特别精神,李四光精神等。这些精神品质推动了新中国地质事业的发展,在今天依然有其时代价值。  相似文献   

赵庆云 《党政论坛》2010,(14):12-13
办公条件很普通 20世纪80年代,国务院机关仍然保持着周总理倡导的艰苦朴素、勤俭节约的作风。国务院领导同志的办公室并不豪华,他们用的办公桌椅都是普通的,办公桌大一些,坐的是一般的扶手椅子,各局的领导和普通工作人员都是用一样的写字台。国务院的大小会议室都比较朴素:长条桌上,铺上白桌布,照样开会;召开国务会议的第一会议室、小礼堂所用的地毯,都是用了10多年的化纤地毯,表面上的绒已经磨平了,照常使用。  相似文献   

王青花 《学理论》2013,(6):165-166
大学民主治理是指政府(代表国家和社会)以间接手段对高等学校进行宏观调控的前提下,允许、提倡和实行大学自身参与治理,它是大学及其内部在一定条件下自由、自主而且自我管理即自己治理自己的方法。以大学自治、学术自由和教授治校为基本理念的大学民主治理在我国20世纪二三十年代有过短暂的兴起和实施。以20世纪二三十年代中国大学的民主治理为线索,力求能够吸取一些营养,为我国大学教育改革提供一些可资借鉴的东西。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来政府职能转变述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本把政府职能转变界定为三个方面:政府职能总量的调适变化、政府职能结构调整和政府职能实现手段的变化。其后,把它们分解业政府与企业、政府与市场、政府与社会、经济政策工具和政府机构改革五个变量,探讨20世纪90年代以来中国政府职能转变的历史进程。最后,简短概括了转变职能中存在的问题。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,德国民主共和国掀起了一场关于马克思主义哲学体系的争论。了解此次争论的背景和争论内容,对于客观全面认识马克思主义哲学体系有着重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,德国民主共和国掀起了一场关于马克思主义哲学体系的争论。了解此次争论的背景和争论内容,对于客观全面认识马克思主义哲学体系有着重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代初期关于异化问题的争论,今天仍有必要对其进行学术上的反思。异化只是一个哲学术语,用它来解释由于主体自身变化而产生对立面并转而同主体对抗的矛盾是成立的,没有必要赋予异化概念过多的政治含义。用异化说明某些社会矛盾现象不等于用异化这一抽象哲学概念去说明人类历史的发展变化。  相似文献   

张远新 《理论探讨》2004,2(4):117-119
依靠制度防腐反腐,是20世纪50年代党风廉政建设取得重大成就的经验之一。这些制度主要包括:建立健全干部管理制度和法律法规制度;建立健全党内纪检监察制度;建立健全人民信访制度;建立健全完善廉政监督制度。认真梳理和研究这些制度,从中可以获取有益的启示,对于当前正在深入开展的党风廉政建设,具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

殷定泉 《学理论》2009,(17):133-137
清末淮南盐产的衰落,使淮南盐区仅靠传统的单一的盐业产业结构,己不能满足广大灶民的生活需要。为调整淮南盐区产业结构,解决灶民生计,张謇率先创办通海垦牧公司。通海垦牧公司的成功经验,为盐业生产衰落的淮南盐区指明了一条废灶兴垦、调整产业结构的出路。淮南盐垦事业发展至20世纪30年代,在水利工程、农田建设、作物种植、盐业生产和社会事业等方面都取得了显著的成就。  相似文献   

Benz  Arthur 《Publius》1989,19(4):203-220
Intergovernmental relations in West German cooperative federalismhave often been criticized as inefficient and inflexible. Theabolition of joint policymaking and the promotion of decentralizationhave been recommended in order to reduce interdependencies betweengovernments and to avoid overloading central policymaking. Suchproposals have usually been put forward without consideringthe governmental complexity that impedes large-scale reforms.However, a detailed analysis of federalism, focusing on processesrather than structures and on different policies rather thanaggregations, reveals that intergovernmental relations in the1980s are not the same as those in the 1960s or early 1970s.The inherent dynamics of intergovernmental relations have producedmany changes. These changes have contributed to the overallstability of West German federalism because they have reflectedflexible adaptations of relations among federal, Land, and localgovernments to new socioeconomic, sociocultural, and ecologicalchallenges. Hence, events of the 1980s provide an occasion forreassessing cooperative federalism.  相似文献   

The role of the states in provision of telecommunications services combines aspects of regulation, economic development policy, tax policy, and government procurement. A variety of policy experiments, contrasts sharply with a dearth of state action in telecommunications prior to 1982. The growing realization that the implications of decisions about telecommunications are no longer narrowly confined to regulation has spurred the active involvement of governors and legislators in many states.  相似文献   

"This study presents an analysis of the demographic characteristics, levels and tendencies followed by Cuban nuptiality during the 1980s. The author uses the data provided by the 1987... National Survey on Human Fertility and data recorded in the last Cuban census, taken in 1981, to evaluate the changes experienced by women of fertile age of various marital status--primarily those in legal marriage and consensual unions--, highlighting the differences between the two [and]...analyzing the two in terms of various socioeconomic attributes...." (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

李洁  伍启杰 《学理论》2009,(11):51-52
近代黑龙江森林工业是黑龙江林业经济史研究中不可或缺的一个组成部分。近代以来,伴随着外来资本主义的侵略,黑龙江林业经济卷入了世界资本主义经济的漩涡之中,迅速走上了近代化的发展道路。在这一过程中,俄、目的巨额资本输出依靠本国侵略势力始终在黑龙江森林工业中占据垄断地位,而本省的民族资本利用一切发展机会奋起抗争,走出了一条不平坦的发展道路。本文就近代黑龙江民族森林工业利用区域性独有的丰富自然资源不仅没有垮掉,而且保持稳定发展态势的历史原因进行了初步探讨,分析了国际国内特殊历史时期的有利因素。  相似文献   

Roy Godson (ed.), Intelligence Requirements for the 1980's (series title), Volumes 1–5 published by the National Strategy Information Center but distributed by Transaction Books, New Brunswick. Volumes 6 and 7 published by Lexington Books, Lexington MA.).

Volume One: Elements of Intelligence, 1979. Pp. 124; $4.99; substantially revised and with a new essay, 1983. Pp.148; $6.00.

Volume Two: Analysis and Estimates, 1980. Pp.223; $7.50.

Volume Three: Counter‐intelligence, 1980. Pp.339; $7.95.

Volume Four: Covert Action, 1981. Pp.243; $7.50.

Volume Five: Clandestine Collection, 1982. Pp.231; $8.50.

Volume Six: Domestic Intelligence, 1986. Pp.290; $14.95 (hardback); $10.95. (paperback)

Volume Seven: Intelligence and Policy, 1986. Pp.192; $14.95 (hardback); $11.95 (paperback).  相似文献   

Ghetto poverty among blacks in the 1980s   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article uses 1990 census data to analyze the changes in ghetto poverty among blacks in the 1980s. Ghetto poverty among blacks increased, both in terms of the number of blacks living in ghettos and as a percentage of the black population. The black poor became increasingly isolated in ghettos, with nearly half of the black poor in metropolitan areas living in a ghetto neighborhood. The physical size of ghettos expanded rapidly, even in some metropolitan areas where the percentage of blacks living in ghettos declined. There were striking differences between regions, with the Midwest and Southwest having the largest increases in ghetto poverty while the eastern seaboard had declines.  相似文献   

Voigt  Rudiger 《Publius》1989,19(4):99-113
Public finance is a crucial issue in any federation. In thesystem of shared public financing in Germany, no unit of governmentis fiscally dependent on the other. The federal and Land governmentsshare the personal income tax, the corporation tax, and thevalue-added sales tax. Because the Bundesrat approves of theshares of these tax yields granted the federal and Land governments,the Länder are deeply involved in the public finance system.Fiscal equalization occurs both vertically and horizontally.The federal government provides the Länder with grants-in-aid,and also shares the financing of a number of "joint tasks."The Länder share their tax yields with their local governments.Fiscal transfers also take place among the richer and poorerLänder and among the municipalities within the boundariesof individual counties. Controversy exists over the shares tobe given the respective governments from the value-added taxand over fiscal equalization between the richer (South) andpoorer (North) Länder.  相似文献   

This study confirms the existence of corporatist forms of interest intermediation at the micro level of four local planning authorities in London. In all four boroughs distinctions could be drawn between local business associations and metic, non-local firms. The former displayed most of the institutional characteristics outlined by Schmitter in his original definition of corporatism. In contrast the non-local or metic firms did not exhibit all these institutional characteristics at the level of local government. The conditions under which they bargained with local planning authorities (LPAs) were often influenced by statutory and other requirements handed down from central government. These requirements were themselves often the result of corporatist interest intermediation at the level of the central state. Both local business associations (LBAs) and metic production organizations (MPOs) were required by (LPAs) to implement planning policies. This process has increased in importance during the Thatcher era. Economic decline has made the local planning authorities even more dependent on private organizations for implementation than before. Local LBAs and MPOs were granted privileged access to the planning system. Only the LBAs were granted representational monopolies for their very local areas in this process. MPOs developed representational oligopolies but because they were so few in number they could be in conflict with one another over the rights to develop a particular site. In return for these representational privileges both the LBAs and MPOs were expected to moderate their demands for major departures from the approved local plans. The methods used to intermediate interests to the local planning systems were primarily informal. Although a small number of formal meetings were held each year between external organizations and the LPAs they represented a minority of the contacts between them and representatives of both LBAs and MPOs. Informal bargaining took place in two ways. First, there were issue specific negotiations over particular developments. The second type of contact was long-term, non-issue specific and primarily concerned with network building. Both types of bargaining were relatively secret and involved only the top echelons of the organizations concerned.  相似文献   

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