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INFebruary1997Britishscientistssucceededincloning-thesheepDorV,causingaworldwidesensationandmakingthewords"clone"and"geneticengineering"popular.AsculptureonBeijing'sZhongguancunStreet,popularlycalledChina'sSiliconValley,isamodelofDNA,amajorsubjectinb...  相似文献   

IN Ganbai residential courtyard in Beijing's Dongcheng District, four dustbins bearing distinctive labels are lined up side by side: "kitchen leftovers," "recyclable rubbish," "batteries" and "other waste." More than half of the capital's residential communities now sort rubbish in this way.  相似文献   

<正>Annual central rural work conference designs 2022 blueprin With legendary luxuriant black soil, a stretch of farmland in Chenjiadian Village, Jilin Province in northeast China, has been divided into smaller plots, each growing a specific soybean variety.These are the new varieties we have developed for farmers to choose from, Leng Jiantian, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said.  相似文献   

正China-U.S. collaboration holds key to post-pandemic business recovery Based in Chicago, Illinois, Wanxiang America, the U.S. subsidiary of Wanxiang Group, China's largest auto parts company, has been a member of the local business community for almost three decades. From a  相似文献   

按理,把富士康职工连续自杀的事情作为一个麻雀来解剖是有益的,不论是从法律层面,还是从政策层面、管理层面看,都是大为有益的.不过,现在解剖的条件尚未完全具备,关键是对他们的自杀动机没有掌握.  相似文献   

<正>China battles the illegal wildlife trade Raw tusks and carved ivory pieces as well as other ivory products went into a crusher and were ground into rubble and ash in a massive public display that destroyed662 kg of the illegal items.  相似文献   

Cars and bicycles jockeyfiercely for road space everyday at rush hour in Beijing,Shanghai, Guangzhou andother big cities. Traffic conges-tion is commonplace, and autoaccidents have risen alarming-ly. This is directly attributable tothe increased number of vehi-cles, especially private cars, onthe road. In Beijing, a city of 13million inhabitants, there  相似文献   

IF the term had been coined here, the cat walk of the West would have been a dog walk in the Middle Kingdom. The Chinese are putting on the dog, but the old expression for dressing up in one’s  相似文献   

<正>China’soutbound directinvestment (ODI) has recently experienced a surge as Chinese companies set their eyes overseas.By the end of 2010,China’s ODI in non-financial sectors had totaled$258.8 billion.  相似文献   

Han Xiangyu hesitates every day on whether he should climb the stairs or take the elevator to his 12th-floor apartment.He also ruminates on what temperature to set the thermostat and whether he should take a car or bus to go shopping.  相似文献   

正The Paris Climate Change Agreement is one step closer to being put into effect after delegates from175 countries signed the international deal at the UN headquarters in New York City on April 22.The landmark event is significant for the international community in three ways:First,the Paris Agreement will help push forward the implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC),showing the participating countries'commitment to ad-  相似文献   

<正>Remembering American-born Chinese translator and author Sidney Shapiro On Nanguanfang Hutong in Beijing’s historic Shichahai area located in the heart of the capital city lies a small antiquated courtyard adorned with flowers.For several decades,this was the place that renowned translator and author Sidney Shapiro called home.He arrived in China in 1947 and eventual y chose to spend the rest of his life thereafter in the Middle Kingdom.  相似文献   

<正>The Australian Government unveils its new climate change plan amid controversy The Australian Government made public its long awaited new climate change plan on July 10. Based on the plan,the government will collect a carbon tax from Australia’s major  相似文献   

China raises its reserve requirement ratio for large banks to prevent its economy from overheating The People’s Bank of China, the central bank, on May 10 raised the deposit reserve requirement ratio for  相似文献   

正确理解民事诉讼法中当事人举证责任的法律性质、准确运用当事人举证责任承担原则,对保证民事案件的审判质量、确保司法公正,都有着十分重要的现实意义。文章通过对举证责任的含义、当事人举证责任承担原则等几个方面的分析,从而得出结论:当事人的举证责任在民事诉讼的全过程中起到了不可替代的作用,在实践中要善于运用。  相似文献   

悬赏通缉措施在侦破有影响的案件中发挥着重要的作用,目前我国对其许多法律问题仍缺乏深入研究.以法律为视角,对悬赏通缉的法律地位、悬赏行为及赏金的性质认定、可能获得赏金的对象范围及复杂情况下赏金的分配方式、进行悬赏通缉应当把握的标准、悬赏纠纷的解决机制等方面的问题进行探讨,将有助于促进悬赏通缉制度的不断完善.  相似文献   

11月11日,初冬的北京清晨寒意很浓,早上不到八点,丰台区的公共文明引导员们就早早来到了各自的站台,打扫清洁悬挂横幅.左安门公交站是重要的公交站点,今天这里分外热闹,站台上彩旗飘动,红色的11日排队推动日横幅和绿色的周四垃圾减量分类日、做文明有礼的北京人垃圾减量垃圾分类从我做起横幅交相辉映,分外醒目.文明引导员们身披红绶带,配备喊话器,一部分引导员忙碌地指挥着进出站的公交车,引导乘客排队候车、上车;一部分引导员发放宣传材料,宣传垃圾减量分类知识.对于这样的场面北京市民已经十分熟悉,他们也对引导员们报以微笑.  相似文献   

The Fifth Session of the 11th National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s parlia-ment, and that of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People’s PoliticalConsultative Conference (CPPCC), the country’s top political advisory body, tookplace in early March as planned.For over a decade, the two annual sessions havebeen important platforms for Chinese people to voice their opinions and discusspublic affairs.Proposals presented by deputies to the NPC and members of the CP-PCC will be considered by the government as potential policies.The sessions haveimmense political significance and are drawing more and more attention from all overthe world.  相似文献   

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