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Fatalities related to sporting events are predominantly caused by blunt force injuries especially due to the emotional involvement of crowd, but occasionally other types of trauma are reported as well. A case of very rare trauma caused by shooting with a hand-held parachute signal rocket during a football match is presented. A 17-year-old football fan sustained fatal injuries, a combination of mechanical trauma caused by rocket penetration, as well as extensive thermal burning of the thoracic viscera. Analysis of the event was based on autopsy findings and evidence produced by medicolegal and ballistic experts. Improper use of a hand-held signal rocket, designed for marine distress signals, may cause serious injuries either mechanically, due to explosion, or as a result of thermal discharge. In the reported case, pattern of injuries is discussed, and medical finding corroborated to other available evidence. The presented case is a reminder that the forensic pathologist should be informed accordingly on the type and features of weapon suspected to produce injury, to be able to understand traumatic changes, and look for potential presence of foreign bodies at postmortem examination.  相似文献   

The results of analysis of 46 commission forensic medical expertises are presented based on the materials concerning injuries and changes in the anorectal region and rectum unrelated to attempts at sexual abuse. The materials were collected and stored by the Primorskoye territorial Bureau of forensic medical expertise during 5 years, from 2005 to 2009. All injuries and changes were categorized into several groups in terms of their origin, viz. car accidents, inadequate medical care, insertion of foreign bodies, falls on sharp and protruding objects, gunshot wounds, chemical and thermal burns, sports training, etc. The occurrence of the injuries is illustrated by the examples from forensic medical practice. It is concluded that experts describing injuries and changes in the anorectal region and rectum must act in conformity with the order of the Russian Ministry of Health No 346 dated October 21, 2010) and use instrumental methods and terminology accepted in modern proctology. The severity of harm to health in subjects presenting with injuries and changes in the anorectal region and rectum should be evaluated in terms of both the degree of the threat to life and the outcome of the treatment with special reference to the duration of health impairment, severity of the trauma, and its consequences (anorectal dysfunction).  相似文献   

Abstract: Understanding patterns of trauma is important to determining cause and manner of death. A thorough evaluation of taphonomy, trauma, and bone fracture mechanisms is necessary to reconstruct the circumstances of the death. This study examines the skeletal trauma caused by boat propeller strikes in terms of wound characteristics and location based on three cases from Rhode Island. These case studies review the traumatic characteristics caused by propeller injuries and highlight the anatomic regions most likely to sustain skeletal trauma. With this information, investigators may be able to identify propeller trauma even in severely decomposed remains. The discussion of boat propeller trauma also raises issues regarding how forensic anthropologists and forensic pathologists classify trauma (specifically blunt force vs. sharp) and highlights semantic issues arising in trauma classification. The study also discusses why these propeller cases should be classified as blunt trauma rather than sharp or chop/hack trauma. Ultimately, the authors urge consistency and communication between pathologist and forensic anthropologists performing trauma analyses.  相似文献   

颈内动脉系是大脑的主要血供来源。法医学鉴定实践中,颈内动脉系钝性损伤后常出现血栓、动脉瘤或动静脉瘘等并发症,由此引起迟发性脑梗死、颅内出血死亡的案例并不少见。目前国内对颈内动脉系钝性损伤引起死亡的研究以个案报道为主,本文综合国内外相关的文献及案例报道,对此类损伤引起死亡的法医学特点及检查方法进行总结,发现颈内动脉系钝性损伤与头颈部直接暴力或间接暴力致头颈部超生理范围运动牵拉,以及颅底骨折切割等机制有关,多见于颈部机械性窒息、颈部按摩、车祸、高坠等案例。法医学实践中若遇到此类案例,常规检查未发现梗死或出血原因,应注意检查该动脉,正确分析外伤、疾病和死亡之间的关系。鉴于尸体解剖中完整暴露该动脉的难度较大,必要时可借助血管造影技术进行定位,提高鉴定意见的科学性和可靠性。  相似文献   

GB18667-2002《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定》标准(以下简称“标准”)中有关眼损伤的条款较为原则和笼统。随着“标准”的广泛应用,加之法医学和临床眼科学技术的不断进步,对眼损伤后遗症的检验技术和认识水平已有较大的提高。建议采用视力表投影仪代替国际视力表进行行为视力检查,存在屈光不正的应了解屈光度后再检查其矫正视力;疑有伪盲或伪装视力降低时,可行伪盲试验或伪装视力降低的检验,视觉电生理技术是测试伪盲或伪装视力降低的有效方法。运用电脑视野计可进行视野检查,动态视野检查结果可通过视野有效值换算为残存视野半径(或直径);视野检查存在一定的干扰因素,分析时应密切结合原发损伤及其他检查结果。对于遗留复视等双眼视障碍的,可采用同视机等检查方法,检验结果应考察功能障碍与眼肌等原发性损伤的符合性。泪器损伤后遗留溢泪症状的,应采用相应的检查方法证实泪道狭窄或梗阻。眼睑下垂及眼睑畸形分为轻度及重度;眼睑畸形包括闭合不全、眼睑缺损及眼睑外翻等情形。影响视力的外伤性白内障符合“标准”相关条款的规定。根据现行“标准”对道路交通事故所致眼损伤进行伤残评定,应进行视觉功能检测、眼球结构检查、伪盲试验及视觉电生理检测,最后综合病史材料及既往情况综合分析,得出评定结果。统一对现行“标准”的理解,规范检测手段和结果评价原则,有助于道路交通事故眼损伤伤残评定的标准化和规范化。  相似文献   

交通事故中脑外伤所致精神障碍与精神伤残相关因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析交通事故致颅脑损伤后精神伤残等级评定的相关因素。方法收集157例交通事故致颅脑损伤后精神伤残的鉴定案例,根据鉴定结论分为轻度组、中度组和重度组。对3组的一般人口学资料、临床病史资料、鉴定资料进行比较,并以上述资料为自变量,以组别为应变量,进行logistic回归分析。结果3组一般人口学资料的差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05),而昏迷时间、颅内出血区域大小、工作能力、家庭职能、社交功能、生活自理能力、智商的差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。颅内出血灶、家庭职能、社交功能、生活自理进入logistic回归方程。结论颅脑损伤的严重程度对后遗精神伤残有一定影响,鉴定时伤者的家庭职能、社交功能和生活自理是决定伤残等级的主要因素。  相似文献   

目的探讨道路交通事故二次损伤致死的法医学鉴定思路和要点。方法收集17例道路交通事故二次损伤致死的案例,通过事故现场勘验和尸体检验收集交通事故发生的基本信息以及损伤分布、性质等资料。根据收集的信息,重建事故发生过程,明确死者的致伤过程,分析损伤的致伤方式和机制、损伤的严重程度,判断属生前伤抑或死后伤,明确死者的死亡原因。结果道路交通事故二次损伤致死案例存在损伤严重,多发伤与复合伤常见,生前伤、濒死伤与死后伤并存,致伤方式多样,致伤机制复杂,甚至多次损伤相互掩盖等特点。结论道路交通事故二次损伤致死的法医学鉴定需结合事故现场勘验、尸体检验等综合分析和判断。  相似文献   

Noncontact three-dimensional (3D) surface scanning methods are used within forensic medicine to record traumas and other related findings. A structured light scanning technique is one of these methods and the most suitable for the forensic field. An assessment of the efficiency of different structured light scanners with forensic injuries is essential to validate this technique for wound documentation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the capability of the HP structured light scanner Pro S3 for digitizing open injuries having complicated areas and depths. Fifteen simulated injuries on mannequins were scanned and assessed. Comparisons between 3D and direct wound measurements were made. The results showed that the technique was able to create detailed 3D results of the extensive injuries. Statistical significance tests revealed no difference between the two measurement methods. Because the scanner is applicable for routine work, it should be considered to confirm the same results on real cadavers and actual wounds.  相似文献   

Forensic issues in cases of Diogenes syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diogenes syndrome is a syndrome described in the clinical literature in elderly individuals characterized by social isolation and extreme squalor. A number of typical features are found in the forensic evaluation of these deaths as the cases usually initiate medicolegal investigations due to the circumstances and the lack of recorded medical histories. Examinations of the death scenes are often difficult as victim's houses are in a state of disrepair, with filth and clutter, and pet dogs may resent the intrusion of strangers. Bodies are often filthy, with parasitic infestations, and are often putrefied due to the social isolation of the deceased and the delay in the finding of the corpse. Bodies may be traumatized from postmortem animal depredation by rodents or pets (eg, cats, dogs), and injuries such as bruises and lacerations may be present from falls associated with terminal illnesses or alcoholism. Blood or putrefactive fluids may be spread throughout the house by pets. Treatable medical conditions are often present in advanced stages, and features of hypothermia may be found. Attending police may suspect robbery due to disarray of the house and homicide due to apparent "bleeding" around the body from purging of putrefactive fluids, injuries from falls, or postmortem animal activity and "blood stains" throughout the house from antemortem injuries and/or fluid spread by animals. Finally, the identification of the deceased may be compromised by decay and/or postmortem animal activity. Thus, in addition to having typical clinical manifestations, such individuals appear to form a distinct subset of forensic cases having characteristic death scene and autopsy features and presenting particular difficulties in postmortem evaluations.  相似文献   

硬膜外麻醉后出现神经损伤常常引发医疗纠纷而形成诉讼.在对麻醉后神经损伤病例的鉴定档案资料进行回顾性研究,着重分析神经电生理检查对神经损伤的法医学客观检查与结果判定的作用,结合文献,对麻醉后神经损伤的形成机制进行了探讨,以促进对此类神经损伤法医学鉴定的规范检查、认定及理论探讨。  相似文献   

Suicidal explosions that lack a terrorist background are only rarely encountered in the field of forensic pathology. The investigation of explosion-related fatalities can be a substantial challenge in medicolegal casework. Determining whether the manner of death is suicide, homicide, or accident in such cases can present an especially difficult task to the forensic pathologist. This study considers the pathologic features of suicidal deaths caused by explosives without a terrorist background. The modus operandi of the decedents reflected familiarity and proficiency, or at least a degree of specialized knowledge, with the construction and use of explosive devices. All explosions were set off in confined spaces. The injury patterns consisted of a combination of primary blast injuries (e.g. decapitation, traumatic amputation of limbs, gross lacerations of the body surface, blast injuries of gas-containing and hollow organs), secondary blast injuries (e.g. splinter-induced penetrating trauma), tertiary blast injuries (e.g. abrasions and contusions), and burn injuries (mostly of the flash type). The previously described symmetric distribution pattern of injuries in suicidal explosions was apparent only to a certain degree in the present series. Our observation of superficially sharp-edged wound margins with bridging in the depths of the lesion in blast-induced lacerations of the skin should deserve further attention in forthcoming cases of explosion-related fatalities because this finding is a diagnostic possibility that may support the theory of an explosion-related fatality under special circumstances, e.g. when the body has been dumped away from the place of death. Because a terrorist attack may be initially suspected in each case of suicide involving explosives, the importance of a joint inquiry based on expertise from police investigators, bomb experts, and forensic pathologists is evident.  相似文献   

目的以真实案例为基础,研究汽车碰撞事故中,不同机动车车型、不同交通方式等因素造成车外人员撞击伤的特征。方法选取上海地区发生的汽车与车外人员碰撞事故案例200例,通过对事故中的人、车等检验对比,分析车外人员撞击伤的特点。结果车外人员撞击伤主要出现在下肢,其次为胸部和头部;行人(含推车人)撞击伤出现频次与骑车人(含自行车或摩托车后座乘员)无明显差异;小轿车和小客车事故中撞击伤多见于下肢,大客车多见于胸部;车外人员被撞击后发生抛甩频率随车速的加大而增高,且通过车体痕迹检验,人体与车辆挡风玻璃发生(二次)撞击伤匹配程度最高。结论分析汽车与车外人员碰撞事故人体撞击伤特点,对于交通伤法医学鉴定及深化交通伤机制研究具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Chen JX 《法医学杂志》2007,23(1):39-41
在法医学鉴定中,当暴力所致的原发损害与医疗过失行为造成的继发损害并存时,应区别“不可避免的”继发损害和“可以避免的”继发损害,并将原发损害与“不可避免的”继发损害一起,作为损伤程度鉴定的依据,而不能将“可以避免的”继发损害也作为损伤程度鉴定的依据。《人体重伤鉴定标准》第七十二条规定了外伤后腹部积血的鉴定原则,如何应用该条款评定损伤程度,需对原发损害与继发损害加以区别,同时,有必要对这一条款进行必要的修改。  相似文献   

This study attempts to characterize the nature of disagreement among odontologists in determining the fundamental properties of suspected bitemark injuries. Fifteen odontologists were asked to freely comment on six images of supposed bitemarks. Qualitative analysis using a grounded theory approach revealed that practitioner agreement was at best fair, with wide‐ranging opinions on the origin, circumstance, and characteristics of the wound given for all six images. More experienced practitioners (>10 years) tended to agree with each other less than those who had 10 years or less experience in forensic odontology. The differences in opinions can be at least partly accounted for by the inconsistent nature of approaches used by different practitioners in assessing bitemark evidence. The results of this study indicate that more definitive guidelines as to the assessment of bitemarks as patterned injuries should be developed to ensure the highest possible level of practitioner agreement.  相似文献   

This study reports two unusual cases of skull‐encephalic injuries in bathers that were caused by violent impacts with beach umbrellas. The first case concerned a 36‐year‐old man who, while lying on a sun bed, was struck on his left temple by a beach umbrella, which had been blown away by a gust of wind. The second case concerned a six‐year‐old child who was struck on the right temporal region while he was playing on the sand. Both subjects died. A review of the literature was carried out. Various skull and brain injuries caused by several objects were found, but no injuries caused by beach umbrellas were detected. There were only cases of injuries caused by normal umbrellas. These cases showed that several objects can be responsible for traumas causing skull and brain injuries, therefore forensic investigation must be supplemented by circumstantial data.  相似文献   

We describe dangerous multiple self-inflicted brain-penetrating injuries caused by a nail gun device after a suicidal attempt for the first time in Iran. At the first forensic visit, we could not explain the manner of injuries. The authors reviewed the literature on the topics, and clinical presentation, radiographic findings, and forensic medical records are discussed.  相似文献   

Few studies of autopsy findings of persons dying of head and neck injuries in cyclists have been published. We performed a retrospective analysis of injury severity and the relation between head and neck injuries and helmet use. Seventy-six bicyclists and motorcyclists were collected from among the forensic autopsy at the Jikei University School of Medicine. From autopsy findings and accident reports, the abbreviated injury scale (AIS) and the injury severity score (ISS) were calculated and analyzed epidemiologically. As a result, helmet use significantly decreased the severity of head and neck injuries but had no effect on overall injury severity or the severity of injuries to other body regions. Furthermore, helmets had little effect on injuries remote from the point of impact, injuries resulting from angular acceleration, or injuries at the junction of the head and neck. These findings may be useful for both forensic pathologists and clinicians evaluating injuries in bicyclists and motorcyclists.  相似文献   

Sharp force injuries and drowning are methods exceptionally combined in complex suicides. We report a challenging case of complex suicide by self‐stabbing and drowning that illustrates the difficulty in discriminating between homicide and suicide in such circumstances of death. The corpse of a young man was found submerged in a river, stabbed nine times with two wounds that had penetrated the thorax and had caused lung injuries and a hemopneumothorax. The postmortem and histological examinations were consistent with a death caused by drowning, but the manner of death still remained undetermined. Police investigation finally concluded to a suicide, although no suicide note had been left and the victim had no underlying diagnosed mental disorder. The parameters that may help distinguish suicide from homicide at the autopsy should be interpreted in light of a thorough forensic investigation to determine the exact manner of death in such a case.  相似文献   

The biological classification of living species is shown to be inapplicable for the purposes of forensic medical examination. A list of the families of carnivorous animals that may be of forensic medical significance is presented. Their working classification is proposed taking into account the size and behaviour of the animals as well as their body parts and organs with which they may inflict injuries to man in various situations. The main types of wounds caused by carnivores are considered.  相似文献   

无电流斑电击伤的鉴定是法医学中的难点之一,由于缺少明显的体表痕迹,此类案件的鉴定难度较大。国内外学者采用光镜、电镜、原子吸收光谱等仪器,利用组织化学等方法,对无电流斑电击伤进行了大量的研究,笔者在此将相关研究成果进行综述,希望能够为此类案件的鉴定提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

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