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弯弯曲曲的苏州河,不经意地流遍了整个上海,为上海留下了许多藏龙卧虎的河湾。 在中山公园的北边,苏州河转了个300度的急弯,形成锐角形的河湾。这里深藏着华东政法学院,而学院的对面,则虎蹲着一幢书橱般方正的建筑,每个窗口都象一册厚厚的书,让过路人凝神注目。这里车来车往,车身上都标着醒目的“公安”、“法院”、“检察”、“司法”的字样,让人几疑“公检法”并成了一家。不过,疑惑瞬间就会消失,这里是公开的机构,门口挂着黑白分明的招牌:中华人民共和国司法部司法鉴定中心。  相似文献   

The authors have reviewed medico-legal opinions relating to 3690 autopsy cases of homicides. Forensic analysis of all these cases showed a gradual increase in the number of homicides, especially those resulting from beating or using fire-arms. A great number of homicides with incised or stab wounds was also observed.  相似文献   



In the years 1997–2007 in the Forensic Medicine Department, Silesian University of Medicine, Katowice a total of 785 blood samples collected from drivers being the perpetrators of road accidents was tested for the presence of psychoactive drugs.


The studies took advantage of FPIA (Abbott), ELISA (Neogen), LC–MS and GC FID.


21% of tested samples were positive. In the blood of the driver cannabinoids, amphetamine and its derivatives were most frequently found. Moreover, individual opium alkaloids, their combinations with barbiturates, benzodiazepines or amphetamine, benzodiazepine derivatives (isolated cases), drugs of benzodiazepine group in combination with barbiturates, tramadol or tricyclic anti-depressants (isolated cases), carbamazepine, phenotiazine, cocaine, dibenzepine, benzene, toluene and acetone were determined.


The obtained results showed cannabinoids and amphetamine derivatives to be the most frequent whereas opium alkaloids, barbiturates and benzodiazepines rather rare psychoactive drugs found in the tested blood samples of the drivers involved in the road accidents. The authors suggest screening psychoactive drugs not only in drivers involved in road accidents but also those put through the routine road check procedures. While giving opinions on the influence of the above mentioned drugs on the psychophysical efficiency of road traffic users, drugs and compounds which are not subject to legal control but have an effect on the human psychomotor efficiency and thus, enhance the risk of the road accident should be also taken into account.  相似文献   

The Law Department of Moscow State University (MGU) is the oldest school for higher legal education in the country. It was founded in 1755 and in 1804 was reorganized as the Division of Ethics and Politics, In 1835 a Faculty of Law again made its appearance in the structure of MGU. In 1919 at MGU a Faculty of Social Sciences came into being, within which a Division of Politics and Law was established (taking the place of the Law Faculty), and this in turn was renamed the Law Division in 1921. In 1925 a Faculty of Soviet Law was established at MGU in place of the Law Division. This faculty ceased to exist in 1931, and its place was taken by two independent institutions: the Moscow Institute of Soviet Law of the People's Commissariat of Justice of the USSR, and the Moscow Institute of Soviet Government under the All-Union Central Executive Committee (VTsIK). In March 1942 the Law Faculty was revived and continues to exist. In 1954 the Moscow Juridical Institute was merged into the Law Faculty of MGU.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展和新的<医疗事故处理条例>的颁布实施,法医在医疗事故鉴定及其处理工作中发挥着越来越重要的作用.本文针对医疗事故鉴定案件的处理解决现状,就如何加强法医在医疗事故鉴定中的地位和作用进行了初步分析,并提出相应对策.  相似文献   

The analysis of the unfavourable outcomes of dental care based on the materials of forensic medical examinations carried out by the Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise, Moscow Department of Health.  相似文献   

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