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Although commonplace in academic settings, performing arts centers are multifaceted and remain unexplored. Framed by resource dependency theory, this research sheds light on the motivations of higher education institutions in a resource-scarce environment. Specifically, why do these institutions—with limited resources—prioritize the co-curricular arts? This study employs process research to understand the origination, funding sources, and purposes of performing arts centers at higher education institutions in Virginia. Evidence suggests that these institutions invest in the co-curricular arts to not only fulfill their public service missions, but also to capitalize on and acquire resources.  相似文献   

Because of the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, many established institutions in the Islamic world have come under fire. Among these are the legal institutions. In this paper, an attempt is made to outline the trends and prospects associated with legal reform within the context of Islamic fundamentalism.  相似文献   

Why Law Matters examines various legal and political institutions and procedures and argues that the desirability of these institutions and procedures is not contingent and does not hinge (only) on the prospects that these institutions are conducive to the realization of valuable ends. Instead, various legal institutions and legal procedures that are often perceived as contingent means to facilitate the realization of valuable ends matter as such.  相似文献   

Following the 2008 Great Financial Crisis, financial policy makers have refocused their attention on bank resolution, prompting the creation of new resolution tools and regime reforms. As a result, the focus has mainly been on large, systemically important banks. Less attention has been paid to a broader range of financial institutions, namely small and medium deposit-taking institutions. That tendency limits the applicability of these tools, which are imperfectly adapted to the unique issues faced by these smaller institutions. This article will assess both the successful applications and the limitations of resolution tools to small and medium deposit-taking institution failures, focusing on three tools in particular: the bail-in, the bridge bank, and purchase and assumption. In doing so, the benefits and challenges of each of these tools will be examined through the lens of recent resolution examples in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This article also argues for the availability of public funds to achieve a successful resolution, taking the view that moral hazard concerns are overstated and that rigid bans of public funds are counterproductive to the goals of resolution. Lastly, this article seeks to develop a broad understanding of the systemic importance that accounts for the essential role of small and medium deposit-taking institutions in their communities.  相似文献   

近年,海事、海商等涉海案件的数量逐年增长。海事诉讼案件中的待证事实多涉及专门性问题,需要通过科学实证予以鉴别和判断。上海在建设国际航运中心的同时根据国际法原则以及国际惯例,设立专门的海事司法鉴定机构已成为海事司法的必然要求。构建与完善海事司法鉴定机构对规范海事司法鉴定市场、维护当事人权益、保障社会法治建设、促进海事诉讼的审理与上海国际航运中心的建设都具有极为重要的意义。  相似文献   

In this paper I investigate the interaction of knowledge and institutions in the context of First Nations in the Pacific Northwest of Canada who have evolved management systems for fish and forest resources over hundreds of years. These management systems are viewed as institutions that are based on and apply knowledge systems over time. In the Nisga'a and Haida nations, knowledge systems guide management regimes that govern access, rights and responsibilities, harvesting, allocation of benefits and costs, technology, education and training. For the past hundred years these institutions and knowledge systems have come into conflict with knowledge and management systems imposed first by missionaries, settlers and colonizers and later from Provincial and National governments and corporations holding tenure rights assigned by those governments. National and international regimes such as the Law of the Seas and the Exclusive Economic Zones conflict with traditional institutions and knowledge systems by privileging one level of governance and consequently one form of knowledge and devaluing others. The paper is based on research conducted in the Pacific Northwest over the past eight years, primarily through interviews with elders, decision-makers, and resource users, as well as observation of cultural and resource practices. The research investigated the impacts of conflicting knowledge systems and the attempts to resolve those conflicts. The paper raises questions about knowledge systems and institutions, about institutional interplay, and the impact of international institutions on local institutions as they come into contact and conflict.  相似文献   

Debates over whether transnational and international legal institutions are fair, effective, or legitimate responses to corruption of local public officials have an important empirical dimension. We use case studies to examine whether foreign legal institutions serve as fair, effective, and legitimate complements to local anticorruption institutions. We refer to this set of claims as the “institutional complementarity theory.” The first case study centers on proceedings concerning bribes paid by subsidiaries of Siemens AG, a German company, to obtain and retain a contract to provide national identity cards for the Argentine government. The second case study examines events stemming from overbilling in the construction of a courthouse in Brazil. Analysis of these cases suggests that the institutional complementary theory is credible. At the same time, the findings suggest that local institutions have greater potential, and foreign institutions have more limited potential, than the theory assumes.  相似文献   

Current empirical research on trust in criminal justice focuses on those who do the trusting. Working from the theoretical position that trust is relational, this article expands that research by showing how trust relationships between the public and criminal justice institutions are shaped by the legal framework governing them. Reporting empirical case studies from the plural legal governance of criminal justice in Ethiopia, the article shows that the country's different legal frameworks produce different constructions of trust relationships between the public and criminal justice institutions. Furthermore, the empirical study shows that the practical organization of daily case handling in criminal justice institutions make for an important mechanism to mediate and link these differently constructed trust relationships.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the role that political corruption played in banking crises in two states, Rhode Island and Maryland, where, in the 1980s and 1990s, private deposit insurance funds collapsed and state governments were forced to intervene to bail out member institutions. The argument is made that the collapse of these funds was not the result of abstract economic forces but rather was the outcome of structural weaknesses in the two banking systems, weaknesses that ultimately derived from close relationships and overlapping interests among bankers, politicians and regulators. These structural weaknesses are examined and the implications of these two case studies for private deposit insurance and self-regulation among financial institutions are considered. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A8806012 00002  相似文献   

The implementation of the sustainable development principle of integration implies that economic laws should not be designed solely for the purpose of maximizing financial profits, but also with the object of improving human well-being, and addressing social and environmental concerns. International organizations, in which international treaties are being negotiated and created, will have to support this type of cross-disciplinary approach. International institutions, however, were not originally designed to cope with such a cross-disciplinary effort. Rather, most international institutions have emerged in line with the premise of ‘functionalism’, according to which their role is limited to supplying specialized services, usually as a solution for emerging needs and as a result of historical events. These specialized institutions have thus emerged with little coordination or common planning and have resulted in a global structure that has been referred to as an ‘accident of history’. The role that international organizations should and do fulfil with respect to the implementation of the principle of integration is reviewed in this paper. This paper concentrates on trade and investment organizations (the World Trade Organization and the Energy Charter Treaty); it reviews the channels through which non-trade/investment considerations may, or may not, penetrate the decision-making processes of these organizations; the ways these International organizations engage with interdisciplinary issues and how the objectives of other institutions are reflected in their work.  相似文献   

There are many factors affecting the intellectual terrain of criminal justice. Among these is the educational background of influential scholars. A list of influential scholars was created by using those previously recognized as most-cited in the criminal justice literature. A glimpse at their educational backgrounds was accomplished through Dissertation Abstracts and it was determined that thirteen institutions were the source for the terminal degrees of 65.1 percent of the most-cited scholars in the field. The institutions providing the scholars were located primarily in the east and midwest, and 60.6 percent of the scholars had their terminal degrees in sociology. On the basis of this overview, it was concluded that there has been a concentration in the educational source of scholars in criminal justice. Sociology has been heavily represented among most-cited scholars, and those with degrees in criminal justice and criminology appear much less frequently. In addition, the geographical concentration of institutions from which degrees were received tended to exclude institutions from the southern region of the country.  相似文献   

This paper tests the hypothesis of the stability of punishment as developed by Blumstein and his associates against Dutch prison data. After summarizing the existing empirical evidence, Dutch prison data are presented pertaining to the average daily population in penal institutions, on the one hand, and the number of admissions in these institutions, on the other hand. In three ways it is tested whether these data do support the hypothesis: regression analysis, Box-Jenkins analysis, and the analysis of a few dynamic models as presented by Berket al. (1981). The paper ends with discussing Blumstein's hypothesis and considers the way research into the extent of the prison population should be continued.  相似文献   

小额贷款公司是国家为解决“三农”和中小企业融资难问题而引导发展起来的,但由于相关政策没有明确其金融机构的主体资格,银监会在官方层面也一直不承认其金融机构主体地位,在很长一段时间内小额贷款公司虽然从事着金融业务,但刑事司法实践却没有将其作为金融机构予以平等保护.但随着小额贷款公司的发展,各方态度已有明显转变,将小额贷款公司作为金融机构予以保护的障碍正在逐渐消除.目前,已有将小额贷款公司认定为金融机构的判例.  相似文献   

Prior to colonialism, Afikpo, like most societies in Africa had a well‐defined system of political and social control. This, like other aspects of African democratic socio‐political practices, was relegated to the side‐lines by the British colonial authorities when they instituted a central government for Nigeria. Afikpo peoples’ disapproval of colonial rule and the emergent colonial political and judicial institutions partly explains the survival, and the increasing popularity of, the Afikpo traditional conflict resolution system. In examining the Afikpo traditional conflict resolution system, the focus of this discussion will be on the traditional political and social institutions and their application in recent years. These institutions function as channels for conflict resolution and deviant controls, command nearly total acceptance and participation, and are viewed as legitimate by the community. An attempt is made to explain how and why these institutions continue to coexist with non‐traditional institutions of conflict resolution.  相似文献   

论患者知情权的法律保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程玲  武小欣 《河北法学》2005,23(10):145-148
我国现有关于患者知情权保障的法律制度在维护患者合法权益、促进建立和谐的医患关系方面发挥着积极作用,但在权利主体、权利内容、权利保障等方面仍存在一些不足之处。应加强立法工作,充分借鉴国内外先进经验,注重科技发展对立法的影响,逐步完善患者知情权相关法律制度。  相似文献   

证明责任、证明标准和证明评价三种证据法上的制度之间存在着互动与制约的关系,对其中一种制度的操纵,可以影响到另外两种制度的效果.就证明责任与证明标准的关系来看,法官对证明标准把握的不同,将会影响到当事人对主观的证明责任和客观的证明责任的承担,并且客观的证明责任和证明标准的功能逐渐趋同,都在为法官提供裁判的方法.就证明标准和证明评价的关系来看,证明标准设置的高与低,决定着法官证明评价的难与易,反过来,法官又可以通过证明评价来提高或者降低证明标准.就证明责任和证明评价的关系来看,法官通过证明评价活动对证明标准进行操纵,其最终结果将影响到当事人承担的主观的证明责任的轻重,同时将影响到客观的证明责任的分配.从制度上协调和优化三者关系的基本思路是从两个方面相向展开,一是使制度的设计更加贴近我国的实践,二是使实践的操作更加符合制度的目的.  相似文献   

The transfer of authority over the supervision of inmate populations from state and federal governments to private corporations is one of the most significant contemporary developments in the criminal justice system. Yet, the controversy surrounding the private prison industry has occurred in U.S. criminal justice policy circles without any understanding of the public's preferences toward these institutions. In this article, we test several theories that potentially explain opinions toward privatizing carceral institutions: the racial animus, business is better, conflict of interest, and problem‐escalation models. These models are tested with original data from the 2014 Cooperative Congressional Election Survey. The data show that opinions toward the privatization of carceral institutions do not neatly fall along partisan or ideological divisions but are explained by beliefs about racial resentment, corporate ethics, and the potential ability of private companies to provide services cheaper than the public sphere. The results hold important implications for how we understand the future of private carceral institutions in the United States.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):447-471

This paper describes two ‘popular justice’ institutions which exist in both the USSR and Poland: people's assessors and social courts (workers' courts and residential tribunals). An attempt is made to assess these developments in light of the official national ideology. In addition, these institutions are placed within the context of contemporary Western debates on popular justice in order to test the applicability of Western ideas to the reality of Soviet-style communism. While the paper does not attempt to assess the adequacy of the critical Western voices which warn against the dangers or illusory advantages of community justice in Western democracies, it demonstrates that these ideas are indeed validated when tested within the communist reality. The social courts tend not only to reflect the authoritarian relations prevailing in the communist economy, but also serve to perpetuate them. The lay assessors who accompany judges in ordinary courts are extremely passive and their influence on the process and outcome of the adjudication seems to be minimal. Above all, they cannot influence the law itself or the legal structures in which they are participating.  相似文献   

The organization and activities of criminalistics institutions in the countries of Eastern Europe have been constructed on the Soviet model. Along with this, each of these countries has its own idiosyncracies which differentiate the activities of criminalistics institutions. In addition the criminal codes of each country qualify the procedural position of the specialist differently. In this article the author has briefly outlined questions of organization, structure and activities of the specialized criminalistics institutions as well as the procedural position of specialists in the USSR and in several socialist countries of Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

This article examines the meaning of federalism for health care financing (HCF) and is based on two considerations. First, federal institutions are embedded in their national context and interact with them. The design and performance of HCF policy will be influenced by contexts, the workings of the federal institutions, and the interactions of these institutions with different elements of the context. This article unravels these influences. Second, there is no unique model of federalism, and so we have to specify the particular form to which we refer. The examination of the influence of federalism and its context on HCF policy is facilitated by using a transnational comparative approach, and this article examines four mature federations: the United States, Australia, Canada, and Germany. The relatively poor performance of the U.S. HCF system seems associated with the fact that it operates in a context markedly less benign than those of the other national HCF systems. Heterogeneity of context appears also to have contributed to important differences between the United States and the other countries in the design of HCF policies. An analysis of how federalism works in practice suggests that, while U.S. federalism may be overall less favorable to the development of well-functioning HCF policies, the inferior performance of these policies is to be principally attributed to context.  相似文献   

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