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Israel has since 1967 administered the West Bank and Gaza Strip through highly legalistic and strongly repressive military governments. Has advocacy in Israeli courts on behalf of Palestinian residents of the West Bank and Gaza Ship has kgitimaed, and thus helped to perpetuate, ongoing Israeli military occupation of those regions? By examining legitimation in lawyering under lsraeli occupation, insight can be gained into the factors and their relative weights that lawyers facing harsh or repressive regimes must consider in balancing the costs and benefits of litigation to serve a social or political opposition movement. The author concludes that the benefits outweigh the legitimating effects of lawyers’work and that, on balance, Palestinians’election to seek representation in Israeli courts, and lawyers’choice to assist them, has been justified.  相似文献   

法的合法性问题研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
法的合法性问题是很重要的 ,西方许多思想家都对此作了论述。一种法律要被人们遵守 ,首先必须被信仰 ,而法律信仰的本质是对它的合法性 ,即正当性和权威性的确信。这种确信是以人们对法律的合法性评价为基础的。合法性评价应从实质和形式两个方面进行 ,二者各有其评价标准。  相似文献   

Legal positivism dominates in the debate between it and naturallaw, but close attention to the work of Thomas Hobbes – the``founder' of the positivist tradition – reveals a version ofanti-positivism with the potential to change the contours of thatdebate. Hobbes's account of law ties law to legitimacy throughthe legal constraints of the rule of law. Legal order isessential to maintaining the order of civil society; and theinstitutions of legal order are structured in such a way thatgovernment in accordance with the rule of law is intrinsicallylegitimate.I focus on Hobbes's neglected catalogue of the laws of nature.Only the first group gets much attention. Its function is tofacilitate exit from the state of nature, an exit which Hobbesseems to make impossible. The second group sets out the moralpsychology of both legislators and subjects necessary to sustaina properly functioning legal order. The third sets out the formalinstitutional requirements of such an order. The second and thirdgroups show Hobbes not concerned with solving an insolubleproblem of exit from the state of nature but with theconstruction of legitimate order. Because a sovereign is bydefinition one who governs through law, Hobbes's absolutism isconstrained. Government in accordance with the rule of law isgovernment subject to the moral constraints of the institutionsof legal order.  相似文献   

KAARLO TUORI 《Ratio juris》1989,2(2):125-143
Abstract. The reconstructive theory of the procedural legitimacy of modern law developed on the basis of the theory of discourse ethics has limited itself solely to the deontological, moral-normative aspects of the validity claims of legal norms and judgments. However, teleological and axiological aspects are also intertwined with legal validity claims and with the procedures in which legal norms and judgments are produced. The discursive-procedural concept of legitimacy seems to require as its support, instead of the theory of discourse ethics, a general theory of practical discourses or, more generally, of rational collective will-formation.  相似文献   

论国际投资仲裁正当性危机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈志韬 《时代法学》2010,8(2):113-119
当前,国际投资仲裁裁决不一致、国际投资仲裁程序损害东道国主权的现象时有发生,使得人们对国际投资仲裁的正当性产生了质疑。造成国际投资仲裁裁决不一致的主要原因在于BIT特定条款规定较模糊、国际投资仲裁实践仍不够丰富。造成国际投资仲裁裁决损害东道国主权的主要原因在于缔约国签订了高度自由的BIT,让渡了过多的主权。各缔约国签订BIT时可尝试就一些重要条款的含义与适用标准做出更明确的规定,并用好"四大安全阀",维护自身主权免受不合理的侵犯。同时国际投资仲裁制度也应通过增强透明度、设立合并仲裁等方式弥补程序本身的不足。  相似文献   

经营者薪酬:正当性危机与程序控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱羿锟 《法学论坛》2004,19(6):5-10
对经营者实行年薪制已是大势所趋,但经营者自定高薪,已引发了正当性危机,而程序公正对于经营者薪酬的正当性具有决定性意义。建立以公司价值最大化为价值取向,具有独立性、公平性和透明度的薪酬程序规范,以遏制经营者自定高薪,使其具有公信力。  相似文献   

国际法的正当性关注国际法本身的正义问题。现代国际法正日益面临正当性危机。危机主要表现在国际组织的结构和国家权限、国际法规则的实施与适用、国际民主的程度的减弱等方面。评估正当性不仅涉及到价值的判断、解构,而且更需要论证价值的重新建立。正当性理论实际上是正义理论在国际法中的应用,但对正当性的论证不能将其用作违法行为的正当化辩解。  相似文献   

The Heart of Human Rights develops an account of human rights as legal entities that serve important moral purposes in a legitimate international human rights practice. This paper examines Allen Buchanan’s general concept of institutional legitimacy and aims to expand that concept by emphasizing its connection with several ideas developed in the book about the nature and function of a system of international human rights. When it incorporates those ideas, Buchanan’s ‘Metacoordination View’ can be seen to set a standard of legitimacy not only for assessments of an international scheme of human rights institutions, but also for the basic institutional structures of domestic states. Furthermore, we can see how the nature and function of human rights in the international practice of human rights bears on legitimacy assessments of particular domestic institutions.  相似文献   

政府合法性探讨的是政治系统如何赢得公众广泛信仰、支持和认同的问题。在社会变迁过程中,任何一种政治体系都不同程度地面临着合法性危机的问题。弘扬公共精神,坚守公共性,推进公共行政,是人类社会治理模式历史演进视野下解决地方政府合法性危机的根本之道。  相似文献   

德国学者哈贝马斯曾将实践理性的运用途径划分为道德、伦理和实用三种途径。法的正当性与道德的独特联系正源于,与伦理和实用角度的运用相比,实践理性道德角度的运用所产生的规范性资源具有某种特殊的说理性优势。在西方法律思想史中,历史主义与功利主义法哲学分别代表着从伦理与实用的角度看待法正当性问题的最典型学派,而其所面临的问题则从反面说明了,从实践理性的深层结构来看,法与道德的关系问题仍是现代社会法正当性问题的要害,道德话语是建构法正当性无法置换的规范性资源。  相似文献   

尽管药品专利权是一项私人财产权,但因其与生命健康权有密切联系,故而具有较强的公共属性.在美国等西方发达国家主导下签订的TRIPS协议将药品专利的高标准保护扩展到了全世界,威胁了生命健康这一基本人权,由此进一步凸显了公共健康危机及发达国家与发展中国家之间的利益冲突.因此,有必要反思并重构后TRIPS时代药品专利的正当性并...  相似文献   

冲突与调适:南非混合法形成的历史考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏新华 《河北法学》2002,20(3):112-115
南非法是混合法的典型。其固有法文化是非洲班图人的习惯及法律。 17世纪欧洲法律始移植到南非 ,先有罗马—荷兰法 ,后有英国普通法。这三种不同类型的法律经过冲突与调适 ,乃至相互竞争 ,相互作用 ,共同形成了今天南非独具特色的混合型法律及制度。  相似文献   

South Africa     
Visser  Andre 《Trusts & Trustees》2007,13(8):521-528

公司法的合同路径与公司法规则的正当性   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
罗培新 《法学研究》2004,26(2):71-83
新古典主义经济学的公司合同理论认为,公司是一组合约的联结,多方博弈的结果将创造出内生性合理秩序,不应强行加入外生性制度安排。然而,与普通合约迥然相异的是,公司合同是长期合同和关系合同,存在着诸多漏洞,仅靠合同法并不足以保障各方预期。作为公司合同的模本机制和漏洞补充机制,公司法补充而不是代替了公司参与方的合约安排。因而,立法者只有按照合同的规则和市场的路径来进行公司立法,公司法规则才能获得正当性。  相似文献   

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