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1995—1996年中国法理学界的理论是非   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1995—1996年中国法理学界的理论是非●陈桢一、失控的事态发展,极端尖锐的形式(一)张光博先生的长篇论文《学习邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论,引导法学沿着正确道路向前发展》(载《中国法学》1995年第4期,8月9日出版,以下简称《张文》)否定当...  相似文献   

Purpose. This paper combines material from domestic violence, animal aggression and neuropsychology research to construct a model to account for some domestic violence offending. The basic hypothesis is that some incidents of domestic violence can be understood in terms of the operation of primitive defence mechanisms, which are also implicated in panic attack. Perceptions of threat from an intimate partner could potentially trigger these same neuronal circuits thus releasing violent and emotionally charged responses at the spouse. Arguments . The hypothesis is based on:
  • (a) the marked anatomical/physiological overlap of the neural substrates underlying defensive aggression and those implicated in panic attack,
  • (b) reports of panic attack‐like symptoms experienced by perpetrators during domestic violence assaults,
  • (b) experimental evidence that demonstrates that standard physiological challenges can elicit panic/anger attacks in some domestic violence offenders ( George et al., 2000 ).
Conclusions . Panic/anger attack represents inappropriate activation of affective defensive responses due to inappropriate control of critical midbrain sites by the amygdala and/or prefrontal cortex. Panic attacks could be potentially suppressed by increasing the capacity of the prefrontal cortex to inhibit the midbrain affective defence mechanisms. However, learnt associations between stimuli and panic responses are difficult to extinguish and panic responses typically show sensitization overtime. The same may be true of the behaviour of domestic violence offenders. There is a need to establish the typology of the subgroup of offenders who perpetrate panic attack related domestic violence.  相似文献   

Little research has been reported on domestic violence among Indian immigrant families in the United States. While one national survey suggests that this is not a major problem, several smaller scale studies that focus specifically on South Asian immigrants suggest there is a substantial hidden problem warranting attention. In order to assist future research, this paper presents an integrated theoretical model to explain domestic violence in Indian immigrant communities. The model draws on feminist theory, family violence research, acculturation theory and victimological and crime opportunity theories. The model also provides a framework for thinking about possible intervention strategies. Those likely to provide more immediate benefits are discussed.  相似文献   

Sociologists have characterized the norms of British kinship as weakly encoded, with kin defining their mutual obligations in an ad hoc way on the basis of very general principles. This article draws a distinction between the articulation of norms and the non-verbal enactment of norms. Weak verbal encoding need not imply weak standardization or weak emotional commitment to internalized norms. The examples discussed concern the link between care of the elderly and expectations of inheritance. The study uncovered strong but unverbalized norms in five case studies from North Wales. In each case the invocation of unarticulated norms proved emotionally potent enough to undermine self-esteem as based on more conventional constructions of gender and family roles. It is argued that the conflicting norms derived from different streams in British culture and that more attention should be given to understanding the different sources of the varieties of ‘family values’, even in societies where ethnic and other ‘sub-cultural’ differences are not obvious.  相似文献   

During the 4-year study period, 1995–1998, the Department of Forensic Medicine and Science, University of Glasgow received a total of 752 biological samples from drivers suspected of driving under the influence of drink and/or drugs in the Strathclyde region of Scotland. The majority of samples were blood and had been primarily obtained from males. Drugs were detected in 68 and 90% of blood and urine samples, respectively. Toxicological analyses revealed that cannabis was the most frequently encountered illegal drug which was detected in 39% of all drug positive blood samples. Benzodiazepines were detected in the majority of drug positive samples with 82% containing at least one member of this group. Polydrug use was prevalent, with the average number of drugs detected per sample increasing from 2.0 in 1995 to 3.1 in 1998. For comparison, the results of toxicological analyses from 151 fatally injured drivers are described. Although the majority of samples tested negative for the presence of drugs and alcohol, drugs were found to be present in 19% and alcohol was detected in 33%. As the majority of drugs had been prescribed or administered post-accident, this study shows that alcohol was the main causative factor conducive to fatal road traffic accidents.  相似文献   

This article uses a mixed method approach to analyse whether urban domestic service functioned as a diffusion channel in the fertility decline. The central hypothesis is that nineteenth century female, rural-born domestic servants were influenced by the reproductive habits of their middle and upper-class employers, who were vanguards in the adoption of family size limitation within marriage. This happened via a process of social learning, a mechanism of social influence in heterogeneous social networks. Female domestic servants are an excellent research population to study reproductive ideas and behaviour because they were large in number and had a particular social position in between the working and upper classes and in between rural and urban environments. This paper is unique in its use of qualitative information to analyse social fertility diffusion and in the incorporation of geographical mobility in the statistical part.  相似文献   

This study sought to examine the effects of husband’s control and frequency of spousal discussion on domestic violence against Cambodian married women, using the 2005 Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey data. The sample included 1,707 married women, aged 16–49 (M = 35.14). Structural Equation Modeling showed that husband’s control positively predicted both emotional and physical violence. Frequency of spousal discussion positively predicted emotional violence, an association consistent with the idea that a husband holding patriarchal beliefs would interpret women’s more frequent discussion as a violation of Cambodian norms for quiet, submissive wives. Frequency of spousal discussion and husband’s control were positively correlated. The role of gender issues in husband’s control and frequency of spousal discussion are discussed with respect to violence in the lives of Cambodian women.  相似文献   

Judicial supervision of offenders is an important component of many family violence courts. Skepticism concerning the ability of offenders to reform and a desire to protect victims has led to some judges to use supervision as a form of deterrence. Supervision is also used to hold offenders accountable for following court orders. Some family violence courts apply processes used in drug courts, such as rewards and sanctions, to promote offender rehabilitation. This article suggests that while protection and support of victims should be the prime concern of family violence courts, a form of judging that engages offenders in the development and implementation of solutions for their problems and supports their implementation is more likely to promote their positive behavioral change than other approaches to judicial supervision. The approach to judging proposed in this article draws from therapeutic jurisprudence, feminist theory, transformational leadership and solution-focused brief therapy principles.  相似文献   


Enforcement intensity towards drug law offences in Denmark has increased since 2004, making Denmark one of the few Western countries that is heading towards a more repressive drug control approach. The aim of this study is to examine patterns and correlates of drug enforcement intensity over time. Policy documents and criminal statistics on drug law offences, from 1996 to 2017, are analysed in the context of the rationality perspective and the theory of policy coherence. Time series analyses and bivariate tests of statistical significance are used to examine enforcement intensity over time, between seasons, and in the gender and ethnic composition of convictions. Three periods are identified, delineated by documents that set forth drug policy aims. From 1996 to 2003, a series of qualitative changes to the legal framework was introduced, followed by a quantitative increase in enforcement pressure from 2004 to 2010 with a focus on Copenhagen. From 2011 to 2017, other regions of the country also increased enforcement. The increased intensity in drug control followed a period of increasing cannabis prevalence rates. The increase in reported minor drug law offences correlated with increased seasonal variations and increased disparity in the gender and ethnicity of convicted individuals.


Research results show that Poland’s population considers sentencing policies of courts to be too lenient, and represents often even extremely punitive attitudes. This punitiveness may have increased in recent years. For instance, results of surveys on attitudes towards the death penalty show widespread support for that kind of sanction, in recent years higher than under the communist regime. On the other hand, answers to the ICVS item regarding punitivity (asked in Poland five times) do not necessarily show Poles being extremely punitive against the background of other countries. With respect to those proposing imprisonment, Poland is among average countries, although duration of this imprisonment is above the average, especially for Europe. All this may indicate that attitudes towards punishment of offenders constitute a complicated issue. This is confirmed by the results of recent research confirming that there is a gap between abstract declarations about support for the death penalty and punishment proposed in more concrete cases. This research confirmed that there is a substantial majority of those supporting the death penalty in abstract terms. However, only in one sweep (out of three) and in one of five homicide cases respondents were confronted with, there was a majority supporting actual imposition of the death penalty. The fact that Poles are not necessarily always unusually punitive may be also confirmed by a rather broad support for mediation and restitution as a way of reacting to offences.  相似文献   

Past research suggests that adolescents whose parents are violent toward one another should be more likely to experience dating violence. Having friends in violent relationships also may increase the odds of dating violence. The authors examined which antecedent, friend dating violence or interparental violence, if either, is more strongly predictive of own dating violence perpetration and victimization. Five hundred and twenty-six adolescents (eighth and ninth graders) completed self-report questionnaires on two occasions over a 6-month period. Consistent with hypotheses, friend dating violence and interparental violence each exhibited unique cross-sectional associations with own perpetration and victimization. However, only friend violence consistently predicted later dating violence. The authors explored influence versus selection processes to explain the association between friend and own dating violence.  相似文献   

<正> 1.中华人民共和国警察使用警械和武器条例(1996年1月16日中华人民共和国国务院令第191号发布,自发布之日起施行)。 2.企业国有资产产权登记管理办法(1996年1月25日国务院令第192号发布,自发布之日起施行)。 3.中华人民共和国外汇管理条例(1996年1月29日中华人民共和国国务院令第193号发布,自1996年4月1日起施行)。 4.中华人民共和国红十字标志使用办法(1996年1月29日中华人民共和国国务院 中华人民共和国中央军事委员会第194号令发布,自发布之日起施行)。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):423-461

This study examines historical trends in the relationship between homicide and suicide rates and considers the extent to which gender differences exist in that relationship. From the perspective of the integrated homicide-suicide theory, gender differences in the homicidesuicide relationship stem from differences in the manner in which males and females attribute blame and responsibility for negative life events. Consistent with expectations, the data indicate that females engage in less homicide but in more suicide than males. Seemingly unrelated regression techniques were used to further examine gender differences in the relationship between homicide and suicide rates by analyzing U.S. data for 1960 through 2000. The results indicate more gender similarities than differences in that temporal trends in the production and direction of lethal violence for both males and females tend to be associated with similar social and economic factors.  相似文献   

Previous international studies have found collectivism and low gender empowerment to contribute to higher domestic violence perpetration by males, compared to females. Little is known about gender differences in domestic violence perpetration prevalence in collectivist countries with high gender empowerment, for example Curaçao. Curaçao demonstrates gender similarity in committing domestic violence, resembling Western countries: 25–33 % have committed psychological domestic violence, 11–17 % physical violence, and 1–6 % sexual violence. Antecedents to the perpetration of domestic violence are similar for both sexes as well. Domestic violence victimization, especially in cases of severe physical violence, increases the probability of becoming a perpetrator. Other perpetrator risk factors are a high education (psychological violence) and having children in the household (physical violence).  相似文献   

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