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The present inquiry is an attempt to determine the attitudes which adolescents in Canada and the United States have toward the police and the determinants of these attitudes. In addition to providing a diverse sample of youths from two countries, each with unique policing structures and policies, the study represents the first attempt to assess the attitudes twoard the police held by a sample of Canadian adolescents. The sample for the inquiry consists of 869 youths from a rural Rocky Mountain State and three West Coast cities in the United States and 1200 youths from a major metropolitan area on the West Coast of Canada.

To assess the attitudes which adolescents hold toward the police in their respective countries and areas, a 16–item Likert scale was employed along with a series of questions eliciting a variety of social-biographical, experiential (type and extent of contacts with police) information as well as the prestige rating of the police. Analysis of the data indicates that the majority of adolescents in both countries have positive attitudes toward the police, regardless of the type of police force (Canadian RCMP, Canadian Municipal, U.S. Sheriff, U.S. Municipal) they are policed by. In addition, none of the social-biographical variables in either sample contributed significantly to the attitudes which were held toward the police, nor were certain juveniles more likely to have more negative experiences with the police. Rather, the primary determinant of juvenile attitudes toward the police in both countries seems to be the type of contact which the adolescent had with the police. The findings have significant implications for the police literature and police operational policy which are discussed.  相似文献   

Prior research has established the effect of race and ethnicity on citizens’ perceptions of the police. This paper serves to build on this body of literature by examining the effect of racial tension on attitudes toward the police. Specifically, we conduct multilevel analyses using survey data from Seattle, Washington to explore whether individual perceptions of racial tension and/or community-level racial tension are related to residents’ attitudes toward the police. The results show that attitudes toward the police were generally less favorable among respondents who perceived racial tension or mistrust in their communities. Additionally, community racial tension had significant contextual effects on residents’ perceived racial profiling by the police. This study has implications for future police policy: understanding how racial tension shapes perceptions of the police will assist in selecting and adapting crime control strategies.  相似文献   

在法律上承认和规范劳动者的罢工权,防止非法罢工,不仅有利于劳动者劳动权益的维护,也有利于社会的稳定。罢工权不是孤立的,劳动法领域中的罢工权,是劳动者的一项劳动权利,是劳动者集体劳动权的重要组成部分,与劳动者组织工会的权利(团结权)、集体谈判的权利密不可分。劳动者享有法律所保护的合法罢工权。罢工基于维护劳动者的合法权益,局限于劳动关系领域,并要符合法律规定的程序。在法律上确立劳动者享有合法的罢工权后,如何保护依法罢工的劳动者的利益是法律必须面对和解决的重要问题,也是关系到劳动者罢工权是否能真正享有的保障。为了维护劳动者的权益,法律应当赋予劳动者罢工权,但当罢工影响到社会公共秩序的时候,罢工权就应该受到限制。  相似文献   

This article investigates police training and attitudes in Taiwan by means of inverviews with educators and students and a questionnaire administered to a random sample of police recruits (N=316). Police recruits in Taiwan are disproportionately rural and Taiwanese in origin; they are children of poorly educated parents whose status is perceived to be low. Today, police recruits are trained in two institutions on Taiwan: the Provincial Police Academy, comparable to a police administration program in a junior college or an extended pre-service program; and the Central Police College, comparable to a four-year, liberal arts institution in the United States.

Most recruits were found to believe they could be highly efficacious and to be supportive of the basic rules of Taiwan's political game. They showed less support for political tolerance and competition, and one-third were cynical toward governing authorities. The site of education appeared to be a major factor in producing differences in attitudes. Recruits trained at the academy were more tolerant and accepting of competition, and they were less cynical; those trained in the regular, four-year program were the reverse. Elite police officers and staff tend to be drawn from the latter institution, and line police officers from the former. These findings suggest that the higher education of police has had consequences in Taiwan different from those observed in the U.S. The findings also bear on Taiwan's security in an increasingly precarious environment  相似文献   

Sun  Ivan Y.  Wu  Yuning  Hu  Rong 《Asian Journal of Criminology》2021,16(3):293-312

Despite their colossal size and importance in policing, China’s auxiliary police forces have garnered very little research attention. This study attempts to fill our knowledge gap by first describing key features that distinguish the auxiliary police from the regular police in China and their counterparts in Western societies, followed by an empirical investigation of public attitudes toward the auxiliary police in China. Based on survey data collected from a coastal city in China, we reported the general patterns of people’s evaluations of auxiliary officers and assessed whether variables representing institutional trust, media exposure, and neighborhood context are predictive of Chinese attitudes toward the auxiliary police. We found that Chinese citizens rated their local auxiliary officers very positively. Trust in the government and police and known negative reports about the auxiliary police are linked to Chinese’ global satisfaction with the auxiliary police. Trust in the police, exposure to and belief in negative media reports about the auxiliary police, and perception of neighborhood collective efficacy are associated with people’s specific attitudes toward auxiliary officers. Implications for future research and policy are discussed.


Prior research has produced conflicting evidence of racial profilingduring traffic stops. We instead analyze rates of case dismissalagainst felony arrestees by race. Superficial bias based on"unobservables" should be reduced because of the evidentiaryrequirements and nonnegligible costs of filing charges. Nonetheless,using data from over 58,000 US felony cases from 1990 to 1998,our probit analysis finds higher rates of dismissals for blacksfor the subset of crimes that rely on police to make snap judgments.This suggests there may be more aggressive policing of blacksin these situations. Case dismissal rates are also elevatedfor both whites and blacks when blacks are underrepresentedon local police forces.  相似文献   

An unexplored explanation for police opinion about their use of unnecessary force can be framed within the research examining police behavior in the context of its geographic location. Using Klinger’s (1997) theory of social ecology as a guide, a vignette research design was employed to survey officers in four departments of varying size and structure. It was hypothesized that officers assigned to higher crime areas would more likely accept the use of unnecessary force by another officer as well as be unlikely to believe that the use of unnecessary force would be reported to a supervisor. Bivariate results and multivariate analyses show support for both hypotheses. Implications for future research and theoretical development are discussed.  相似文献   

In the spring and summer of 2016, seven studies that examined the impact of subject race on police use of force were announced in the media and the paraphrased headlines ranged from “there is bias in the use of force,” “there is no bias in the use of force,” and “there is bias in some types of force, but not others.” The purpose of this research note is to examine these disparate findings and the methods that might explain them, with attention to sample characteristics, the types of analyses, the number and character of agencies studied, and how concepts are operationalized. This analysis will help research consumers analyze critically the results from race-and-force studies and, hopefully, add to our understanding of this important national issue.  相似文献   

Public evaluations of the police are equally important in the East and West as police legitimacy resides in the views of the public. Using survey data from over 800 college students in China and the U.S., this study compares and contrasts Chinese and American college students' global satisfaction with the police and specific evaluations of police demeanor, integrity, and effectiveness. Three groups of predictors, including demographic characteristics, crime and criminal justice experiences, and locality were used to explain these perceptions. It was found that Chinese college students generally viewed the police less positively than Americans. Some factors such as media influence and college major had a consistent effect on perceptions of the police across the two countries, while other factors such as victimization and fear of crime had varied effects depending on specific evaluative areas. Implications for future research and policy are provided.  相似文献   

Research shows that the police subculture can be characterized by a distinct set of values and beliefs. Much of the police subculture research has focused on common characteristics and values found among a sample of police officers. Fewer studies have considered how the police, as a group, are similar to citizens. In this study, attention is given to similarities and differences in how the police and the public perceive the Miranda warnings. Attention is also given to whether type of neighborhood (low crime versus high crime) is related to attitudes about the Miranda warnings. Findings suggest that while the warnings are perceived in different ways there are similarities that could bridge the gap between the police and public. Implications are suggested.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):52-76
The purpose of this study was: (1) to assess the impact of an incident of racial profiling on residents’ attitudes about profiling; and (2) to examine the effects of exposure to a video clip of deliberation about the incident on residents’ beliefs about the causes of profiling. All residents, White and minority, were less likely to believe that Chicago police officers engaged in profiling after the incident. These findings suggest that attitudes about the prevalence of racial profiling are susceptible to the manner in which the media construct incidents of police misconduct. Exposure to the video clip was not related to differences in residents’ beliefs about the causes of profiling, but was related to differences in perceptions of the dangerousness of traffic stops. The findings highlight the need for more research on how media constructions of police misconduct influence attitudes about profiling and impact community–police relations.  相似文献   

住房权是一种新型的权利形态,指公民有权获得可负担得起的适宜于人类居住的,有良好物质设备和基础服务设施的,具有安全、健康、尊严,并不受歧视的住房权利。住房权是生存权的必要内涵。在适当住房权方面,国家有普遍认可的"四个层级的义务"——尊重、保障、促进与实现。保障我国公民的住房权必须从立法、司法、行政等方面入手。  相似文献   

李阳 《政法学刊》2001,18(5):93-94
加强粤港警察体育教学训练的交流,对粤港警察体育课程设置、教学内容与训练方法及警察体育师资力量等方面加以比较,提出学习香港警察体育教学训练先进的经验和做法,以促进广东警察体育教学与训练。  相似文献   

警察战术权源于前苏联《犯罪侦查学》兴起过程中创造性智力成果之侦缉措施为主要内容的机制需要,其机制生成具有在计划经济时期进行侦查行动和侦缉措施时的适应性。当代中国警务在构建创新型社会过程中须认真对待警察战术权的社会适应性问题,既要选择适宜其社会稳定的警察战术权机制,也要改善适宜其机制运行的社会基础,因而实践中应正确认识警察战术权的私权属性、公法调整及其保护强弱等问题。  相似文献   

Meta-analysis is used to compare identification accuracy rates in showups and lineups. Eight papers were located, providing 12 tests of the hypothesis and including 3013 participants. Results indicate that showups generate lower choosing rates than lineups. In target present conditions, showups and lineups yield approximately equal hit rates, and in target absent conditions, showups produce a significantly higher level of correct rejections. False identification rates are approximately equal in showups and lineups when lineup foil choices are excluded from analysis. Dangerous false identifications are more numerous for showups when an innocent suspect resembles the perpetrator. Function of lineup foils, assessment strategies for false identifications, and the potential impact of biases in lineup practice are suggested as additional considerations in evaluation of showup versus lineup efficacy.  相似文献   

Journal of Quantitative Criminology - The Police Districting Problem concerns the definition of patrol districts that distribute police resources in a territory in such a way that high-risk areas...  相似文献   

王宏军 《知识产权》2007,17(5):9-15
知识产权的客体是智力成果,物权的客体是有体物。物权和知识产权皆具有积极效力和排他效力两个方面,在本文中,前者被称为支配权,后者被称为排他权。物权和知识产权的积极效力和排他效力存在着显著区别,主要表现在:物权首先是对某一有体物全面的支配权,然后才是排他权;而知识产权则首先应被视为排他权,然后才是对某一智力成果的支配权;知识产权作为支配权具有有限性,但该有限支配却会产生重大的经济后果。  相似文献   

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