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俄罗斯联邦刑事诉讼法的创新发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
俄罗斯于 1 960年通过的刑事诉讼法典在苏联解体后虽经频繁修订 ,最终被新法典所取代。联邦宪法所确定的公民权利和自由以及刑事诉讼的民主原则在新法典中获得创新与发展 ,其辩论式诉讼模式、非法证据排除规则和被告人认罪的特别审理程序等项内容的确立 ,反映出俄罗斯在刑事诉讼价值观念上的重大转变。新法典中体现的多元诉讼价值理念 ,对各诉讼主体权利义务范围作出的明确规定 ,所选择的刑事证据立法模式和确立的证据规则 ,为充分保障人权所建立的广泛司法审查制度 ,借鉴美国辩诉交易而设置的速决程序等 ,对我国刑事诉讼法的再修正与完善都具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

蒋慧玲 《现代法学》2003,25(5):73-77
俄罗斯1996年新刑法典关于犯罪概念的立法模式沿袭了1958年以来苏俄刑事立法采取的形式———实质概念模式。但是,新刑法典的规定和变革因批判地继承民族立法的传统,特别是反映俄罗斯刑事立法和刑法学发展的最新成果而显得更为科学和合逻辑性。新中国成立以来,刑法典关于犯罪概念的立法规定深受苏俄刑事立法的影响,但是,由于俄罗斯新刑法典的变革,两国关于犯罪概念的立法表述和内容有了较大的区别。这值得我们去了解和研究,以资借鉴。  相似文献   

This issue contains translated Articles 111-178 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan covering issues of evidence and proof, measures of procedural coercion and property-related issues in criminal proceedings.  相似文献   

随着社会政治经济的变革 ,俄罗斯的法律制度完成了根本转型。在刑事诉讼领域 ,经过前后 1 5年的修改和补充 ,颁布了新的《俄罗斯联邦刑事诉讼法典》。转型后的新法典 ,在刑事诉讼目的、结构、价值等基本理念方面发生了重大变化 ,除了将某些重要的宪法原则刑事诉讼法典化以外 ,进一步确立并完善了诸如证据规则、平反程序、和解法官审理程序和刑事诉讼国际合作程序等能够适应变化了的国内和国际形势的刑事诉讼制度。  相似文献   

新刑诉法围绕侦查权、公诉权、侦查监督权和辩护制度、证据制度等方面作了较大幅度的修订,进一步完善了法律监督制度,彰显了刑诉法人权保障功能。检察机关作为唯一参与刑事诉讼全过程的部门,刑诉法的修订必将对各项检察权的运行产生深刻影响。本文将从基本的规范分析入手,对新刑诉法实施后检察权运行面临的机遇、挑战与应对进行必要的梳理和分析,以期为各级检察机关更好地适应新刑诉法提供参考。  相似文献   

Re-modifying China’s Criminal Procedure Law has become an important topic within theoretical circles. Many scholars discuss the question of how to modify Criminal Procedure Law. The author considers re-modifying Criminal Procedure Law based on basic scientific ideas; if these ideas contain paying equal attention to fighting crime and protecting human rights, initially setting up a procedural idea and a view of legal truthfulness, giving priority to justice with due consideration to efficiency, and obeying and consulting the international criminal judiciary justness guidelines that will be followed in re-modifying Criminal Procedure Law, then this re-modifying will be successful. __________ Translated from People Justice, 2005, (5) (in Chinese)  相似文献   

This paper explores the reform process surrounding the recent changes to the Malaysian Code of Criminal Procedure concerning statements made to police officers, discovery, body searches, rights to legal advice and detention. The Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act 2006 was the first major piece of legislation to reform the criminal process in Malaysia for 20 years and represented an attempt not only to deal with specific problems relating to police practice and the pre-trial process, but also to single out Malaysia as a progressive state within Asia committed to the Rule of Law. The problem which this paper seeks to address, however, is that while many of the reforms appear to be a welcome attempt to protect suspects in police custody from abuse (a startling contrast to the recent legislative measures introduced in the UK as part of the “war on terror”), to better regulate police investigations and to improve the overall quality of justice administered pre-trial, a doubt lingers as to the direction of that reform and of the values guiding the criminal process. It will be argued that, without clear cultural markers, implementation of the new measures is likely to be piecemeal and previous cultural practices will continue to undermine even the best of legislative intentions.  相似文献   

我国《刑法》和《刑事诉讼法》用三个不同的概念对不追究刑事责任作了规定。《刑事诉讼法》第16条所规定的不追究刑事责任可分为三种情形,但《刑法》第201条第4款中规定的不予追究刑事责任并未归属其中。现行刑事立法在不追究刑事责任的规定中概念不统一,《刑法》在规定不追究刑事责任方面不当缺位,已有的规定也较为粗糙,《刑事诉讼法》缺乏特赦令执行的程序规定,我们有必要完善不追究刑事责任的刑事立法规定。  相似文献   

The link between criminal attitudes and behavior is well established throughout the literature. We know, for example, that offenders have higher levels of criminal attitudes than non-offenders. However, it is also likely that individual differences in criminal attitudes exist among offenders. The aim of the study is to explore the unique contribution of (1) individual, (2) criminal career, and (3) social characteristics to individual differences in criminal attitudes. Data were used from the Prison Project, a large-scale study among prisoners in all Dutch remand centers (N = 1612). Hierarchical linear regression models were used to identify factors associated with two types of inmates' attitudes. Among the most salient relationships with criminal attitudes were having more agreeable personality traits, having a criminogenic social network, and having experienced more prior incarcerations. Criminal history and social characteristics had the most salient links with criminal attitudes. The results seem to support the idea that criminal behavior is learned in interaction with criminal others, which is in line with the ideas of differential association and reinforcement. The current study might serve as a starting point for individually oriented prison intervention strategies and rehabilitation efforts based on specific offender characteristics.  相似文献   

This issue contains translations of the remaining Articles 484–674 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which define cassational review proceedings, reopening of cases in light of newly discovered circumstances, application of compulsory medical treatment, criminal misdemeanor proceedings, proceedings against minors and persons with immunity, international legal proceedings including extradition, procedural agreement with the defendant, jury trials, and pre-sentence confiscation of property of the defendant.  相似文献   

New laws — the Law on the Judicial System of the RSFSR, the Criminal Code, and the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR — were passed on October 27, 1960, at the Third Session of the RSFSR Supreme Soviet (Fifth Convocation). These laws are in accord with the Principles of Criminal Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics, the Principles of Legislation on the Judicial System of the USSR, the Union and Autonomous Republics, and the Principles of Criminal Procedure of the USSR and the Union Republics. The enactment of these laws by the Russian Federation constitutes an important landmark in the development of Soviet legislation.  相似文献   


The amendment of the Malaysian Criminal Procedure Code in 2010 formalised the plea-bargaining process and introduced two new sections, 172C and 172D. The new procedures are intended to reduce the backlog of cases in the criminal courts and as a swift alternative to a full criminal trial. However, the law in action does not appear to be in line with the law in the statute book because currently the actors involved in the process are avoiding the use of the new procedural law. Instead, those actors are following the old informal practice of plea-bargaining to achieve their personal goals which may be inconsistent with the organisational goals of the judiciary and prosecution. This paper adopts a qualitative methodology, in which the primary data is obtained from semi-structured interviews with twenty respondents comprising the stakeholders in the criminal justice system.


改革开放三十年的我国刑法立法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放三十年来,新中国的刑法立法经历了孕育、诞生和发展的演进历程,取得了有目共睹的成就,主要表现在:颁行了新中国成立以来第一部刑法典;逐步确立了保障人权的观念;刑罚制度改革逐渐与国际化趋势相协调;刑法修正案成为主要的修法模式;刑法立法解释作为刑法的渊源开始受到重视。今后,我国刑法的改革,应当以有助于构建和谐社会和强化人权保障、有助于贯彻宽严相济的基本刑事政策为发展方向。刑法改革的重点应该放在死刑制度和有关人权保障的刑法制度上,并及时而合理地增设新型犯罪和国际犯罪的种类,在刑法中切实贯彻联合国刑事法治的基本准则。我国刑法的局部修改、补充和完善主要应限于刑法修正案和刑法立法解释两种方式;国家立法机关要适时地进行刑法典的编纂工作,在适当的时机,国家立法机关还可以考虑将对刑法典集中而系统、全面的修改提上立法工作的日程,以修订出更加科学、完备因而具有更长久的适应性的刑法典。  相似文献   

我国刑事诉讼具有构造特征不够彰显、职权主义色彩浓厚的特点,因此,修改刑事诉讼法应当优先确立控审分离、控辩平等和审判中立三个目标。本文就控审分离、控辩平等、审判中立原则的基本内涵、我国刑事诉讼程序违反它们的表现及其原因等逐一进行了剖析,并针对诉讼机制存在的缺陷,提出了修改刑事诉讼法所应采取的一些具体措施。  相似文献   

刑事诉讼法再修改视野下的二审程序改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国刑事二审程序在惩罚犯罪和保障人权方面发挥了重要作用,但在权利救济和保障公正方面的功能尚未完全发挥出来。《刑事诉讼法修正案(草案)》对二审审判方式、发回重审以及审理期限等制度进行了改革,但是力度明显不够。为充分发挥二审程序的功能,应当坚持全面审查原则、扩大开庭审理的范围、完善上诉不加刑原则、改革发回重审制度、创建当事人和解制度。惟有如此,刑事二审程序才能更加民主化、法治化、科学化。  相似文献   

This issue contains translated Articles 179-363 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which define pretrial investigation and criminal proceedings in the trial-level courts.  相似文献   

The 1996 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation [CC RF] is very incomplete, as is particularly evident in many of its statutes. For instance, Article 2, Part 1, in defining the purpose of the code, cites the social values safeguarded by criminal law in a sequence corresponding to their relative importance in the Constitution of the Russian Federation: human rights and freedoms, property, public order, public safety, the environment, and the constitutional order of the Russian Federation.  相似文献   

The Italian Code of Criminal Procedure underwent extraordinary reform in 1988, from an established inquisitorial system to incorporate key elements of adversarialism. This reform sought to create greater separation of powers and efficiency of the trial system. Two decades on, Italian criminal trials continue to be overly protracted, and struggle with maintaining independence of the judiciary (particularly a distinct separation from the prosecutorial arm). This paper primarily examines the philosophical foundations of inquisitorial and adversarial systems, and theories of the policy making process. It develops a theoretical framework for understanding the transformation of the Italian trial system, and the challenges that have resulted from combining two divergent approaches to criminal justice. Various important lessons are drawn for criminal justice community, as many jurisdictions are engaging in similar convergence of these systems as a result of global influence and change.  相似文献   

《俄罗斯联邦刑事诉讼法典》第15条明确了辩论制原则,但其存在一定的负面效果。该法第86条的证据收集规则使有悖于指控倾向的事实材料、非国家机关性质诉讼参与人取得的鉴定结论及专家结论一律无法归入案卷。这打破了审前诉讼阶段的控辩平等,违背了刑诉法.最终导致了案件客观真相难以查明的后果。  相似文献   

通过程序制裁遏制刑事程序违法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在中国的刑事诉讼中,程序违法现象极为普遍,这在很大程度上是因为,现行的刑事诉讼法是一部缺乏制裁机制即违反之后没有法律后果的"软"法。刑事诉讼法基本上已经丧失了作为法律所应当具有的约束力,甚至沦落为规则的宣示或告诫。欲使刑事诉讼法成为"真正"的法律,就必须为其注入"制裁"这一法律规范的应有要素。而为刑事诉讼法注入"制裁"要素,应走"以程序制裁为中心"的道路,这是由程序制裁的独特优势所决定的。  相似文献   

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