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Convicted offenders face a host of so-called “collateral” consequences: formal measures such as legal restrictions on voting, employment, housing, or public assistance, as well as informal consequences such as stigma, family tensions, and financial insecurity. These consequences extend well beyond an offender’s criminal sentence itself and are frequently more burdensome than the sentence. This essay considers two respects in which collateral consequences may be relevant to the question of what the state should, or may, criminalize. First, they may be relevant according to specific accounts of criminalization, including plausible versions of the harm principle and legal moralism. Second, they may be relevant to the legitimacy of state criminalization more generally. Thus for legal theorists concerned with the issue of legitimate criminalization, normative questions raised by collateral consequences are of central importance.  相似文献   

Interactive analyses examined three related hypotheses of disparity. The typicality hypothesis proposes that women are treated with chivalry in criminal processing, but only when their charges are consistent with stereotypes of female offenders. Selective chivalry predicts that decision makers extend chivalry disproportionately to white females. Differential discretion suggests that disparity is most likely in informal decisions such as charge reduction rather than in formal decisions at final sentencing. Data for the analysis derived from 9,966 felony theft cases and 18,176 felony assault cases disposed in California in 1988. Gender disparity was evident in findings that females with no prior record were more likely than similar males to receive charge reductions, and this enhanced females' chances for probation. The only indication of selective chivalry was a greater tendency to change charges of assault to nonassault among white female defendants than among minority females. Pivotal decisions concerning charge reduction provided partial support for the notion of differential discretion. The findings provided no clear support for the typicality thesis.  相似文献   

Prior research has produced conflicting evidence of racial profilingduring traffic stops. We instead analyze rates of case dismissalagainst felony arrestees by race. Superficial bias based on"unobservables" should be reduced because of the evidentiaryrequirements and nonnegligible costs of filing charges. Nonetheless,using data from over 58,000 US felony cases from 1990 to 1998,our probit analysis finds higher rates of dismissals for blacksfor the subset of crimes that rely on police to make snap judgments.This suggests there may be more aggressive policing of blacksin these situations. Case dismissal rates are also elevatedfor both whites and blacks when blacks are underrepresentedon local police forces.  相似文献   

When the Criminal Justice System adjudicates an individual felony offender, it complicates many aspects of that individual's life; from applying for colleges, and jobs to attempting to become contributing member of society. In New York, to prevent seven‐ to sixteen‐year‐old youth who commit felony offenses from becoming felony offenders, the courts prosecute them as juvenile delinquents or juvenile offenders. In the United States, individuals under the age of twenty‐one cannot purchase alcohol or tobacco and cannot get married without parental consent, but they can be charged with a felony. Before and even after reaching the age of twenty‐one, individuals are still in need of guidance, support, education, employment, and stability as brain development is still ongoing. To help protect those who have not reached the age of twenty‐one, states should implement Senior Youthful Offender Hearings as proposed in this Note. This hearing is a two‐part hearing: (1) determine if an individual should be considered eligible for the protections under the current Youthful Offender Laws and (2) determine sentencing and alternatives to incarceration, focused on steering Senior Youthful Offenders on the right path.  相似文献   

随着认罪认罚从宽制度的不断发展,该制度的整体适用率逐步提高.其中,认罪认罚从宽制度在重罪案件领域的适用问题备受关注,这与重罪案件办理的现实需求关系密切.从实践情况来看,在重罪案件办理过程中,认罪认罚从宽制度的适用存在诸多问题,包括地方适用情况差距较大、适用影响因素较复杂、部分重罪案件适用效果较有限等.实际上,在重罪案件适用认罪认罚从宽制度过程中,检察机关发挥重要的审前主导作用,体现在证据情况的把握、控辩协商的程序以及量刑建议的提出等方面.为了更好地促进认罪认罚从宽制度在重罪案件中的有效实施,未来还需要进一步明确具体的适用标准,完善控辩协商机制,发挥庭前会议功能,保障良好社会效果.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a broadening of the scope of immigration enforcement. As a result, immigrants free of criminal convictions, once considered low priorities for enforcement, are increasingly subject to arrest, detention, and removal. At the same time, federal immigration authorities have sought the cooperation of states and localities in the enforcement of immigration laws. While there has been growing scholarly attention paid to the ways in which legal geographies can account for variation in local immigration policies, the long‐term effects of these policies on immigrants themselves are often overlooked. In this article, we use the case of Colorado, one of the first states to pass a “show‐me‐your‐papers” law in 2006, and data from two qualitative studies to highlight the collateral consequences of enhanced immigration enforcement on immigrants’ economic opportunities, emotional health and well‐being, and academic trajectories. We situate our analysis within the crimmigration literature and discuss the implications of our findings in light of the current political climate.  相似文献   

一、问题及其意义 1987年,劳动教养立法就列入了我国的“七五”立法规划,1991年和1995年又分别被列入我国的“八五”立法规划和“九五”立法规划。司法部劳动教养管理局、原国务院法制局和全国人大为劳动教养法的出台,做了大量艰苦细致的工作。但劳教立法十多年的实践已经证明,劳动教养立法最为缺乏的是有力的理论支撑。虽然,从表面上看,劳动教养法典起草过程中,遇到的最主要和最棘手的问题是有关部门权力和利益的分配与协调。实质上,这些问题如果不首先从理论上即学理上给予说明,就会导致在立法上,不  相似文献   

This paper reviews and critiques two prevailing program models for batterer intervention in order to highlight both their valuable achievements and attendant costs and consequences. We analyze these batterer intervention program models at 3 levels. First, we describe the historical development and basic program components of the intervention models. Second, we trace differences in the models to their grounding in different psychological assumptions and theories about behavior change, masculinity, and violence. Third, differences between the models are mapped onto contrasting approaches to the regulation of human deviance in the criminal justice and mental health systems. Based on this analysis, we conclude that further attention to structural and contextual factors, such as class, race, economic stress, and substance abuse in explanations of domestic violence is needed, together with alternative approaches to collaboration between victim advocates and batterer intervention providers.  相似文献   

This article examines regional differences in the economic correlates of the urban homicide rate. On the basis of cultural variations between the South and other parts of the country, the proportion of the population below the poverty line and the level of income inequality are hypothesized to have stronger positive effects on the homicide rate in nonsouthern than in southern cities. Regression results for a sample of 256 nonsouthern cities and a sample of 91 southern cities do not support the hypothesis for the measure of income inequality, however. The Gini coefficient of family income concentration has no significant effect in either region. In contrast, the results for the poverty measure are consistent with expectations. The proportion below the poverty line has a significant, positive effect on the homicide rate only in the nonsouthern sample. These findings suggest that the impact of economic deprivation on rates of violent crime is likely to vary appreciably depending on the general cultural context.  相似文献   

Criminal court delay raises serious political and policy concerns. Analysis of the problem, however, is hobbled by the absence of theory and a lack of comparative, multivariate research that includes both micro-level and contextual factors. This article draws on data from nine circuit-level courts to develop an empirical model combining these factors. The results raise new questions about future research designs in this area and about the need to recognize policy trade-offs in the formulation of reforms.  相似文献   

论"危险方法抢夺"行为的定罪   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
“危险方法抢夺”属于危险犯 ;行为人采取危险方法公然夺取他人的财物 ,放任他人伤亡或者危害公共安全、公共秩序的结果发生。对“危险方法抢夺”的定罪应充分考虑行为的社会危害性 ,将其作为准抢劫罪认定较为妥当。  相似文献   

现有文献对货币政策的讨论,大多集中于其整体实施效果研究而忽略了它可能带来的区域差异分析.通过利用结构向量自回归模型(SVAR)以及脉冲响应函数等方法,实证分析我国不同区域对统一货币政策产生的差异性效果,可以发现,无论是在影响时间还是在影响程度上,货币冲击对经济的影响存在显著的区域差异.鉴此,我国货币政策的制定必须坚持总量调整与结构优化、统一性与差异性相结合的原则.当前,充分考虑不同区域的货币需求,优化货币政策的区域结构,对于缩小区域差异并维持货币政策的统一,有着十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

陈学权 《法学杂志》2015,36(4):52-59
刑事和解在我国重罪案件中的适用具有一定的普遍性.我国新《刑事诉讼法》第277条规定刑事和解仅适用于轻罪案件,这为今后在重罪案件中适用刑事和解带来了挑战.我国刑事和解制度包含的内容在附带民事诉讼调解中均能直接或间接地体现出来,因而新《刑事诉讼法》第101条关于附带民事诉讼调解的规定为刑事和解适用于重罪案件提供了可能.为了规范刑事和解在重罪案件中的适用,建议明确可以适用附带民事诉讼调解的重罪案件范围、在附带民事诉讼调解中确立刑事和解优先原则、明确附带民事诉讼调解的最高赔偿标准和从宽处罚的幅度.  相似文献   

论法官心证的客观化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
司法实践中确实存在着法官心证现象。但是,诉讼程序应当提供足够的手段,克服认证据判断的主观性和局限性,保障证据判断的客观化,保障法官独立审判和防止恣意裁判。  相似文献   

内幕交易犯罪定罪难点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的内幕交易犯罪立法和理论极不完善,随着证券市场的发展完善,内幕交易行为的日益增多和突显,市场和投资人越来越关注内幕交易行为,国家和理论界越来越关注这一新类型犯罪,立法和司法机关也正在着手深入研究这一犯罪,以跟上新形势的需要.结合我国国情、立法现状和司法实践,同时采用比较研究方法,介绍一些国家的法律规定和判例,采他人之长,探讨新的思路和先进做法,为我所用.  相似文献   

重罪谋杀罪是英美刑法中比较特殊,并引起很多批评和质疑的罪名。目前,美国大部分州的刑法仍保留有该罪名,但其适用范围和条件受到越来越多的限制,实际上被限于在实施重罪过程中故意或过失造成死亡结果的情形。由于该罪名的设置仍具有一些积极意义且限制了适用范围,尽管存在比较严厉的批评之声,但绝大多数州的刑法仍然保留了重罪谋杀罪规则,短期内没有被废除的迹象。  相似文献   

“性贿赂”入罪问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘正祥 《政法学刊》2009,26(1):15-19
近些年来,权色交易现象渐有猖獗蔓延之势,正日益严重地腐蚀着国家的机体并毒害着社会的风气。但是,目前我国刑法尚未明确规定性贿赂的治罪条款。刑法仅将贿赂的内容限定为财物.也即物质性利益,而对以非物质利益的行贿与受贿留下了刑罚的死角,给不法分子以可乘之机,给社会带来了极大的危害。  相似文献   

犯罪构成理论体系的成熟直接造成了定罪体系化的结果,体系性的思维方式面临的最大难题是如何实现形式合理与实质合理的统一,在定罪体系化的规制下,作为定罪根据的犯罪构成理论必须还原中立的立场,坚持主观与客观、形式与实质、事实与价值相统一的原则,实现定罪的人罪与出罪双重功能.实质正义是从来都不能舍弃的标准,它要求现代的文明人能够超越形式的低级束缚而自觉地追求实质正义,因而社会危害性理论作为实质判断的载体在定罪中的体系性作用不能动摇,否则定罪过程将严重脱离实践,成为形而上学的概念游戏.  相似文献   

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