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人权具有普世价值,其不仅存在于政治国家,对市民社会同样具有统帅作用。廓清人权与民事权利的关系是实现民事裁判中人权保障的前提。纯粹国家取向的人权、国家私人二元取向的人权与民事权利的关系决定了这两种人权不存在在民事裁判中的适用问题,可拓展性国家取向的人权则可以通过间接介入的方式在民事裁判中发挥作用。其作用主要体现在:在民事裁判中作为评价民事行为的界限、认定民事责任的界限(包括构成阻却违法性的考量要件、构成认定主观过错的考量要件)、法律适用中解释与价值填补的功能发挥。  相似文献   

Over many decades, processes of juridification have brought about huge growth in legal rights, responsibilities and protections, yet citizens appear to poorly understand this ‘law thick’ world. This impacts citizens’ capacity to ‘name, blame and claim’ in the legal domain at a time of retreat from public funding of civil legal services. This article examines public knowledge of rights in key areas relating to consumer, housing and employment law. Drawing on data from the 2010–2012 English and Welsh Civil and Social Justice Survey, the article uses responses to a series of hypothetical scenarios to explore public knowledge of rights and characteristics associated with knowledge. Our findings highlight a substantial deficit in individuals’ understanding of legal rights and responsibilities – even among those for whom particular rights and responsibilities have specific bearing. We also consider what these findings mean for public legal education and the efficiency, efficacy and legitimacy of the law.  相似文献   

为建立适应社会主义市场经济客观需要的较完善的民事主体制度,需要对法人的民事能力问题进行更深入的研究。法人的民事权利能力不存在范围限制问题,也不是指法人可以享受权利的范围。法人民事权利能力的特殊性实指其与自然人民事权利能力相比所具有的特点。法人的民事行为能力同自然人一样,由于其意思能力的不同,可以划分为完全民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力和无民事行为能力。应当建立有中国特色的法人民事能力宣告制度。这一制度应包括法人民事权利能力宣告制度和行为能力宣告制度两大系统。  相似文献   

Sociologists of law have long been concerned with the effectiveness of rights; the emergence of diversity training in the 1990s spurred renewed attention to questions of how laws are enacted in daily life. Much scholarship has constructed the managerialization of civil rights law and popularization of diversity concepts as diluting efforts to redress structural discrimination. In studying diversity and antiharassment trainings in practice, I argue that these are sites where civil rights find expression of their obligations, and I find that much of the "dilution" of content stems from diversity trainers' efforts to negotiate with the resistance of trainees to their new obligations under civil rights law. The trainees evince a variable legal consciousness in relationship to this legality of rights-promotion, to which they are being exposed in these trainings; the findings suggest further research is needed into the legal consciousness of the privileged.  相似文献   

于海涌 《现代法学》2006,28(1):60-67
民事权利有绝对权与相对权之分,民事法律关系有绝对法律关系和相对法律关系之别。法学界普遍承认绝对权和绝对法律关系存在的客观性,但目前还没有见到任何关于绝对法律行为和相对法律行为的论述。事实上,绝对法律行为不仅是客观存在的,而且具有可操作性,它对法律行为理论、民法制度设计和法学思考方法均有重大影响,法学研究中不应该忽视这个盲点。  相似文献   

连体人的法律人格及其权利冲突协调   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
杨立新  张莉 《法学研究》2005,27(5):27-40
连体人属于民事主体中自然人的范畴。凡是具有独立人脑、具有独立的意志以及确定为一定的社会角色的连体人个体,都应当具有独立的法律人格。他们具有民事权利能力,但可能是无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人或者欠缺民事行为能力人,因此需要以监护制度予以补正。他们的出生权、分离权在行使过程中会发生权利冲突,需要法律进行协调。  相似文献   

孙山 《河北法学》2020,38(4):64-87
《民法总则》第126条中的"利益",与我国民法学界持者甚众的狭义法益说中的"法益"含义大致相同,指的是权利之外应当受到法律保护的客体,是立法者为解决其预见性不足的弹性规范设计。上述界定与"法益"概念的原意不符,和刑法学界的惯常用法存在明显差别,属于概念移植过程中的本土化改造。"民事权利和利益"的二分法和狭义法益说在法理、逻辑上都不能成立,也不具备法益理论应当具备的分类、区分保护和评价功能,必然会造成立法表述与司法裁判说理中的冲突。"法益"概念的本土化界定,应当建立在共识的基础上,寻求统一的、适用于包括刑法、民法等在内的各个部门法的"法益"概念。"法益"是应当受到法保护的利益,此处的法既包括实然意义上的法律,也包括应然意义上的法。法益是权利的上位而非平行概念,《民法总则》第126条中的"利益"实质上是未被立法明文规定的未上升为权利的法益,未来修法时应将该条修改为"民事主体享有其他民事权利和未上升为权利的法益"。  相似文献   

State‐sponsored homophobia emerged in certain Central and Eastern European states in the past decade, with the denial of the right of assembly for gay pride marches. However, more recently there has been progress in the recognition of the fundamental democratic right of assembly. What accounts for this progress in fulfilling commitments enshrined in the European human rights treaties? This article proposes that the response of European organizations, in particular the Council of Europe and the European Union, as well as human rights nongovernmental organizations working in collaboration with local civil society organizations, have been critical to this progress. Previous literature has described a “boomerang” effect, in which aggrieved citizens use transnational activist networks to publicize human rights violations and put pressure on governments to fulfill their international legal commitments. To understand the functioning and effectiveness of the “boomerang” we introduce the concept of the “ricochet”—a process in which various institutions and civil society rapidly exchange information as well as political and legal argumentation. We posit that the ricochet is an integral process in the development of a European consensus on the human rights recognized by the European Court of Human Rights. Four cases have been selected for empirical analysis: Poland, Latvia, Serbia, and Russia. In analyzing the ricochet of information and argumentation between institutions and civil society, we find the consensus has been framed around the right of assembly, instead of the more contested area of human rights and sexual orientation.  相似文献   

对《民法通则》中民事能力制度的反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民事权利能力作为民事主体法律地位的确立标志,是民法对民事主体在现实生活中的作用、价值的确认。民法不应将民事权利能力区分为一般权利能力和特殊权利能力,而应树立民事主体权利能力一律平等的观念。民事行为能力是民事法律行为发生私法上效力的前提条件,而民事责任能力是行为人承担其违法行为和适法有责行为所引起责任的必要前提,但二者在判断标准上有抽象与具体之分,体现着不同的价值理念。总体上,有完全行为能力的人一般有责任能力,而无行为能力人、限制行为能力人并非无责任能力。据此分析,本文对完善《民法通则》民事能力制度提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

私法公法化视野中的消费者权利保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消费者问题的发生以及消费者运动的开展使消费者与经营者之间交易的不平等性日渐凸显,消费者自身无力改变这种不平等性,向国家提出了权利保护的要求。消费者权利是从主体角度提出的权利概念,消费者具体人格的确立恰恰是近代民法向现代民法发展的动因之一。保护消费者权利的法律制度是民法发展变化的重要体现,这些制度在一定程度上反映了私法公法化的变迁。  相似文献   

当代中国,国家权力推动社会转型,权力对于个人自由和权利的保护起着关键作用。应当建立规范权力运作、强化权力责任的法律制度。与公民权理论与实践的最新发展相一致,中国的公民权法律制度也应当注意"超越个人主义"、"权力适度参与"和"全球化发展"的因素,通过提升利益主张的公共品质、改革政府治理模式,保护公民权利。  相似文献   

我国民法体系与德国民法体系有重大差异,根本原因是立法理念和思路不同。德国民法体系是以权利为核心构建的,所反映的法律关系理论属于“权利关系”阶段的理论。我国民法是以法律关系为核心构建的,所反映的法律关系理论属于“权利义务责任关系”阶段的理论。从立法技术上看,我国民法体系与德国民法体系有重大差异的根源在于,民法上责任的概念和内涵及责任与义务的关系有重大差异。由于《德国民法典》是以权利为核心构建的,请求权在民法中占有十分重要的地位。我国民法体系是以法律关系为核心构建的,体现为以权利———义务———责任为主线,我国民法上请求权的功能与德国民法上请求权的功能不同。  相似文献   

This essay offers a critical examination of use of the term “long civil rights movement” as a framework for understanding the legal history of the battle against racial inequality in twentieth‐century America. Proponents of the long movement argue that expanding the chronological boundaries of the movement beyond the 1950s and 1960s allows scholars to better capture the diverse social mobilization efforts and ideas that fueled the black freedom struggle. While not questioning the long framework's usefulness for studying the social movement dynamics of racial justice activism, I suggest that the long framework is of more limited value for those who seek to understand the development of civil rights, as a legal claim, particularly in the first half of the twentieth century. The tendency of long movement scholars to treat civil rights as a pliable category into which they can put any and all racial justice claims is in tension with historical understandings of the term. Susan Carle's Defining the Struggle: National Organizing for Racial Justice, 1880–1915 suggests an alternative approach. Her detailed and nuanced account of a period in American history when racial justice activists understood civil rights as a relatively narrow subset of legal remedies within a much broader struggle for racial equality indicates the need for an alternate history of civil rights—one that places the evolving, contested, and historically particularized concept of civil rights at the center of inquiry.  相似文献   

宪法权利与民事权利关系辨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
曹治国 《河北法学》2008,26(5):79-82
宪法是一国法律体系中的根本法,民法是对宪法在民事领域的具体化;但宪法又是公法,与作为私法的民法有本质上的区别。与此相对应,宪法权利与民事权利在性质、内容和行使方式等方面存在差别,但宪法权利功能的变迁又使其有影响民事权利发展的可能性。人权是整体法律体系的价值基础,人权入宪为宪法权利通过其体现的人权价值影响民事权利提供了法律基础,尽管如此,两者仍是不同性质的权利,宪法权利规范不能直接用于调整私人间的民事权利义务关系。  相似文献   

Given the constant expansion of the international ties of the Soviet Union, the need has long since arisen to give legal form to a number of points bearing on the legal status and rights in civil law of foreign citizens, enterprises and organizations, the applicability of foreign civil laws, as well as the execution of legal decisions and orders of foreign courts in civil matters.  相似文献   

民事诉讼当事人诉讼权利的法律救济   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许少波 《河北法学》2005,23(1):47-53
当事人民事诉讼权利的法律救济是在法律上对民事诉讼当事人诉讼权利受到侵害的纠正和补救,它是当事人民事诉讼权利的对语,没有救济就没有权利。面对现行法有当事人民事诉权利却没有权利救济与司法活动中司法者侵害当事人诉论权利的现实,为当事人民事诉讼权利救济作理论上的论证并促成立法的完善乃当务之急。  相似文献   

Although human vegetables lose their capacities of will and do not have the intrinsic attribute of civil subjects, they still have legal personalities and the status of civil subjects. The law has not provided for defects of their legal personalities, and thus civil law shall include human vegetables as objects of guardianship. The system of adult guardianship shall be constructed to supplement and correct the legal personalities of human vegetables. When human vegetables enter into a permanent vegetative state or state of brain death, law may declare the termination of legal personalities of the human vegetable. Due to the unique life state and capacity of act of human vegetables, the exercise of their civil rights faces a series of legal difficulties and challenges, mainly involving important issues such as the right of treatment for life rescue, marital right and reproductive right. The civil law shall ensure that the civil right of human vegetables can be fully enjoyed and effectively protected. Zhang Li, associate professor in civil and business law at Fujian Normal University, and also an invited researcher on civil law, international economic law and international private law, co-operated with Law School of Renmin University of China. Till now, she’s already released 23 theses in law journals and a monograph of the Survey of International Private Law. In addition, she was a member in doing studies (2006) on the legislation of Chinese tort law and presides over the researching (2007) of the legal personality and rights of disabled persons.  相似文献   

肖晗 《行政与法》2007,(8):101-103
民事判决书是法院对民事案件进行审理后作出处理结论并维护法律尊严、保障民事当事人合法权益的重要法律文书。为使当事人服判息讼和增强社会效果,它应当具有很强的说理性。说理的方法之一,就是对诉讼证据加以分析。民事判决书中的证据分析有自己的特点和价值,但在我国当今司法实践中,这一工作做得并不理想,因而需要加强和改进。  相似文献   

程金生 《政法学刊》2013,30(1):5-12
警察权益受损可以通过合法性视角而得到观察。它是合法性形式规范结构体系不完整和实质指向发生偏差的综合反映,是制度化不力的结果。合法性困境的一面是警察权益受损,另一面则是公民权益受损。社会变迁加剧了这种局面,但也展示了变革的趋向。改变这一困境的出路在于制度化建设,其基本路径是:在价值取向上,公民权具有优先性,警察权威的树立应与公民权的保护相一致;在实践上,秩序具有优先性,公民权只有在秩序之下才能逐步完善,因而,警察权威的树立应先行。在此种格局下,警察权益受损是社会变迁的代价,其救济主要通过警察组织内部途径而予以实现。司法救济只能通过补偿警察作为公民权益受损而实现。作为公权的警察权益只有在公民权得到根本改善的前提下才能在司法渠道上得以实现,而这是一个长期的过程。  相似文献   

试论我国民法典体系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
体系化与系统化是民法典的内在要求。仅适用个别的局部性的民事关系的 ,或常会发生改变的 ,或处于公法与私法交叉地带的 ,或具有很强的技术性的程序性规定 ,均应由单行法加以规定。我国民法典体系要采纳德国潘德克顿模式 ,应以法律关系的要素来构建总则 ,以法律关系的内容即民事权利来展开分则。分则应为人格权、亲属法、继承法、物权、债权总则、合同法的一般规定 ;在分则关于民事权利的各编之后 ,应规定一个对各类民事权利加以保护的侵权责任编。  相似文献   

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