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This article examines the relationship between fiscal year 1990 Fish and Wildlife Service spending on endangered species recovery and the priority ranking assigned by the Fish and Wildlife Service to particular species. The focus of the analysis is on the extent to which resources were allocated to species assigned higher priority rankings. The major conclusions are: species' recovery priority rank is not related to funding decisions by the Fish and Wildlife Service; some of the individual factors that make up the overall priority ranking—recovery potential and conflict with development—are correlated to funding decisions; and the likelihood of receiving some Fish and Wildlife Service recovery funding was greater for mammals, birds, and fish.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to discuss some basic methods for optimally allocating federal money to cities. Optimally allocating in this context means using the quantitative methods of operations research, management science, and related fields in order to allocate federal money to cities in such a way as to (1) maximize benefits subject to a given budget, (2) minimize costs subject to a minimum satisfaction level, or (3) maximize benefits minus costs. The basic methods include (1) allocating by marginal rates of return, which partly relies or statistical regression analysis; and (2) allocating by part/whole percentages, which partly relies on ideas associated with multiattribute utility theory. The basic methods will be illustrated with the example of allocating anticrime dollars to cities, although one could easily reason by analogy to allocation in any subject matter area.  相似文献   

从宏观理论设计与基本制度安排看 ,我国的政党制度内涵着执政党与参政党的互相监督 ,并且 ,重点是后者监督前者———这是避免执政党权力失监的一项重要政治资源。本文着重从五个方面提出了党际“互相监督”创设条件的基本思路 ,对于努力开发这一政治资源具有很强的现实意义  相似文献   

Current research on coalition formation is plagued by two serious problems. First, we cannot predict more than about one-third of the Western European governments, and, second, we do not have a good understanding of the causal mechanisms that explain the effects found in large-n coalition studies. This article illustrates that by combining statistical and case study analyses we can solve these problems. Since statistical analyses are well equipped for measuring and isolating effects, we argue that a coalition study should start with such an analysis. Predictions made in this analysis are then used to select cases. In order to study the mechanisms underlying effects found in large-n coalition studies, we argue for selecting cases that are predicted, and then applying the method of process verification. In order to find new explanatory variables, we argue for selecting cases that are deviant, and then applying the method of process induction. Substantive results of our analysis for coalition theory point to the importance of party strategies based on parties' past experiences, which aim at curtailing present and future costs of competing and governing with other parties.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法对社区体育资源的概念进行了界定。在此基础上,分析了高职院校利用社区体育资源开设体育课程的必要性、可行性及其重要意义,并提出了利用社区体育资源开设体育课的应注意事项。  相似文献   

We explore the strategies implemented by Research Groups' Leaders while coping with unstable contexts, characterized by incoherence and lack of coordination among different policy discourses and instruments, and scarce resources. We focus on a country where these conditions are present: Colombia. In doing so, we study two cases, one in nanotechnology and another one in biomedical engineering. Interviews, focus groups and workshops allowed us to identify and validate strategies grouped in four popular sayings, proper to local idiosyncrasy, highlighting the role of home institutions and principal investigators in facing such situations with resilience and resourcefulness, and even taking advantage of them. We find that Research Groups' Leaders use strategies such as: adapting, balancing agendas and funding sources, networking, and taking advantage of the support programs available at their home institution to continue functioning. These are setting the ground for a further survey which could pretend some generalization. However, policymakers could consider these findings when defining policy instruments or for assessing their effectiveness or impacts.  相似文献   

In most countries in Africa, the epidemiologic profile of HIV/AIDS is significantly different from that of the USA or Europe. Women in Africa are as likely to be HIV positive as men, while young women are significantly more likely to be HIV positive than young men. How can health research in Africa be made more responsive and relevant to women’s health needs? And how would a human rights perspective change the conduct of biomedical and social scientific research on gender and HIV/ AIDS in Africa? The application of a human rights framework to HIV/AIDS typically has focused on social justice issues employing national and international legal structures to legislate and advocate for HIV positive persons. This essay, however, offers some broad considerations of the links between the health of African women, biomedical and social scientific research, HIV/AIDS, research ethics, and the human rights movement.  相似文献   

AIDS at 20     
Begley S 《Newsweek》2001,137(24):34-37

This paper identifies certain characteristics of field experimentation that if more widely appreciated could persuade more political scientists — especially behavioralists — to consider adopting a field experimental strategy in dealing with the testing of their theoretical models. Specifically, this paper identifies the greater ease of analysis provided by experiment-generated data and certain improvements in the design and execution of field experiments that ease the burden of the researcher at the most difficult phase of such research, that is, at the design and data collection stages of the research. These improvements involve the integration of more than one test design into a field experiment such that a given field experiment can be used to answer a multiplicity of questions. This can include situations where two or more researchers work their own tests into a given experimental occasion such that the magnitude of effort is reduced for all involved — and thus the final product will not only be more methodologically defensible but also more practical to accomplish.  相似文献   

AIDS as metaphor     
She is Canadian because her great great grandmothers migrated from Salt Lake City into Alberta to protect their Mormon husbands from antipolygamist persecution. She is involved in early or ethnic music groups and in researching new religions.  相似文献   

Gegax TT 《Newsweek》1997,130(19):52-6, 58-9

Doctors and AIDS     
Kantrowitz B  Springen K  McCormick J  Reiss S  Hager M  Denworth L  Bingham C  Foote D 《Newsweek》1991,118(1):48-52, 54, 56-7
Just a year ago most authorities considered the chances of patients contracting AIDS from doctors and other healthcare workers a virtual impossibility. But last week a Florida woman who got AIDS from her dentist lay near death, and two Minneapolis physicians admitted they had treated hundreds of patients since being diagnosed with the virus. Although doctors are at far greater risk than patients, the Minneapolis cases renewed the debate over the right of sides to know each other's HIV status.  相似文献   

《Race & Society》2003,6(2):125-140
African American and Mexican American children are disproportionately overrepresented among children with learning disabilities. Once identified as learning disabled or having special needs, children of color encounter more deleterious effects in comparison with their White counterparts. The purpose of this study was to take a strength-based approach to examine the coping resources of African American (n = 149) and Mexican American (n = 100) parents of children with special needs. The results from this study demonstrated that there were more similarities than there were differences between the two ethnic groups. This study's findings lend support to an increasing focus on family-centered strength-based approaches to enhancing policy and providing services to families. The implications of the findings may be used to improve the development and implementation of interventions to improve the healthy development of children with special needs.  相似文献   

近年来,地方政府间合作成为我国府际关系研究的新热点.本文通过对该领域研究的透视,分析未来我国该领域研究需要重点加强的方向.指出深入展开地方政府间合作研究,探讨新时期有效的地方政府间合作模式与途径,为我国地方政府间新型合作关系的建立提出既具有理论深度,而又能指导实践的理论支持和政策建议,成为新世纪我国府际关系研究的重要课胚.  相似文献   

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