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元月,冬日的暖阳下,云南大理的天更蓝了,这一苍山洱海之间的天赐之地,祥和、安宁、美丽。喜洲是白族聚居的一个小镇,但这是一个历史悠久的小镇,此地早于汉代就设立了郡县,名为叶榆。喜洲法庭的新老“金花”汇聚一堂,一场平常而又特殊的调解正在“大厘堂屋”展开。大厘是喜洲的旧称。  相似文献   

论司法鉴定人资格认证框架的构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对我国司法鉴定人资格管理中存在的问题分析,在借鉴相关行业管理模式的基础上,以国际标准化组织发布的ISO/IEC17024准则为指导.提出将人员认证与鉴定人职业资格相结合,将资格考试和能力验证作为鉴定人认证的主要评价手段,尝试在现有法律制度和管理模式下构建我国司法鉴定人资格认证的基本框架.  相似文献   

随着户外广告市场的繁荣,各地纷纷通过地方立法确立了户外广告发布制度,概括起来主要有四种模式。梳理这四种模式的演变思路发现,政府的角色从行政许可主体逐步演化为户外广告发布权的产权主体。这里的户外广告发布权是地方立法创设的新权利,它的生成在一定程度上反映出物权权能的权利化趋势。然而,地方立法创设的新权利并不具有当然的合理性,一项新权利的诞生不仅取决于法律规定,更取决于实践的需要和理论上的内在合理性。从理论研究角度出发,法律必须慎重对待新权利的诞生,防止因权利泛滥给司法实践带来混乱。  相似文献   

A current Supreme Court case concerning lawyer advertising, In re R.M.J., is analyzed in the context of a discussion of the diverse state regulations governing lawyer advertising and solicitation. The article considers the regulations in terms of their constitutionality, their tendency to impede effective advertising, and the effect they have on the legal profession's provision of information to potential clients about the nature, availability, and cost of legal services. Analysis of the major commercial speech cases, from Virginia State Board of Pharmacy to Central Hudson, indicates that many state rules infringe on attorneys' First Amendment rights.  相似文献   

Dr. Portnoy, a former senior clinical reviewer and manager for the FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health, provides guidance for determining acceptable practices for the claims, content, and appearance of advertising and promotional materials for medical devices. In the course of doing so, he discusses important regulatory and legal precedents, and provides examples of successful and problematic advertising and promotion strategies including those that resulted in FDA Warning Letters, enforcement activities, and in some cases, monetary and criminal penalties.  相似文献   

张志泉 《行政与法》2012,(10):64-67
近些年,虚假广告被大量发布,严重侵害了消费者的合法权益。道德缺失、法制不健全、监管不力是虚假广告泛滥的主要因素。应加强全社会道德法制教育,完善相关立法,加强广告监管制度及责任追究制度,规范广告市场,保护消费者合法权益。  相似文献   

虚假广告罪若干问题探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李希慧  沈元春 《河北法学》2005,23(12):16-18
虚假广告行为是现实生活中司空见惯的现象,但自从1997年被纳入刑法规制以来,被定为虚假广告罪而受刑罚处罚的尚不多见。而虚假广告罪网络虚假广告在理论和实践中还有很多问题值得深入研究,试对虚假广告的界定、本罪的主体和客体以及网络虚假广告等问题略抒浅见。  相似文献   

本文旨在通过构建司法鉴定人职业责任保险制度,来进一步完善我国现有的司法鉴定制度。使那些因违法鉴定、过错鉴定等而产生的民事赔偿责任能够真正从制度上得到保障,切实保护当事人的合法权益,同时也减轻司法鉴定人的执业风险。  相似文献   

广告征集用语的著作权保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐正荣  颜炜 《法学杂志》2004,25(4):79-80
征集广告用语的行为并非是委托行为,而是单独行为;应征作品也非委托作品,创作者的著作权应得到合理保护。应以法律明文规定广告征集用语的著作权归创作者所有,征集者仅在特定情况下方享有合作作品著作权。为现实征集广告用语活动之目的,应征者的著作权也应受到一定的限制。  相似文献   

技术创新的重要性已得到共识,但是技术不会自己创新,而是依靠科技人才的一系列创造性活动来实现。因此,技术创新不能只限于对创新的保障条件、环境和制度的研究,应当重视对创新主体的研究。技术创新也应当以人为本,只有保护创新人才,才能实现技术创新。对技术创新人才的政策法律制度的创新,是技术创新得以实现的必要环境。  相似文献   

This note analyses the House of Lords decision in Animal Defenders International v Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport . It argues that their Lordships' reasoning was premised on a narrow conception of 'democracy as Parliament' and seeks to challenge that view by suggesting the courts adopt a more participatory model of democracy.  相似文献   

Criminal justice professionals are a potential source of students for many criminal justice programs, especially those in metropolitan areas. This study explored factors that influenced the higher education decisions of 480 Northwestern Ohio criminal justice employees (e.g., municipal police officers, sheriff deputies, jail staff, and prison staff). Most indicated a desire to pursue higher education. Among those indicating an interest in earning a degree, cost and convenience were the most significant factors in their choice. The availability of evening and weekend classes, availability of a part-time curriculum, availability of financial aid/tuition reimbursement, total credit hours required for the degree, the field experience of faculty, and flexibility in admission requirements were all significant factors. Location was also very significant. Most respondents indicated that they would not travel more than thirty minutes to attend classes.  相似文献   

Like all interventions in health care, direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising should be evaluated by comparing its risks to its benefits, in the context of the available or potentially available alternatives. The objective, of course, is to realize any unique benefits while minimizing the risks. On balance, the adverse effects of DTC advertising outweigh the still-unde-monstrated benefits of the advertising.  相似文献   

近年侵害医护人员、扰乱医疗秩序的涉医犯罪持续高发。我国刑事法律面对涉医犯罪时的疲软,难辞其咎。实体上,能够适用的罪名不全而且门槛高;既有罪名在适用上亦存在诸多盲区;对罪数问题在认定上粗糙、不充分;量刑倾向存在政策从严、实务从宽之冲突。程序上,执法不严,对涉医犯罪的处置呈现行政、民事甚至私人化现象;滥用刑事和解,忽视涉医犯罪的外部性;刑事自诉被闲置,控诉补充功能缺位。顺应我国刑事立法的功能转型与立法走向,针对具有公共性和特殊性的医疗领域增设专门之犯罪类型,强化对公众行为的规制与引导,确有必要;但在各罪设置中,尚有诸多立法议题需要明确。现时,则应充分运用既有罪名实现梯队补给;执法、司法亦要始终配套运行。  相似文献   

管火明 《中国司法》2007,(4):105-107
德国的“双元制”或者叫“双轨制”职业教学模式,成功地为德国培养了大批高素质实用型技术人才。德国在法律职业教育中大力推行“双轨制”教育模式,对法律职业人才实行订单式定向培养,形成了比较科学的录用、培训、就业制度。德国法律职业人才的培养途径和教学模式,对我国高等法律职业教育具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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