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流动人口子女能否真正融入城市公立教育,与教师的认识、态度和意愿是分不开的.本次调查发现.城市公立学校教师普遍认为流动人口子女素质不如城市学生、公立学校接纳流动人口子女入学存在较大困难、对相关政策的了解不多且认同度不高.公立学校教师之所以会形成这种认识,应归因于流动人口子女给城市公立学校所带来的资源压力以及社会对流动人口子女的结构性排斥.  相似文献   

近年来,随着流动人口迁移的家庭化趋势日趋明显,大量流动人口随迁子女进入城市学习和生活。作为城市二代移民,流动人口随迁子女也面临诸多适应和融入问题,学校教育即是其中最为重要的方面。流动人口随迁子女实现良好的学校适应,尽快融入城市社会,不仅关系到他们个人的健康成长,而且对于城镇化发展以及未来劳动力市场的发育和整个社会的发展有着至关重要的影响。随迁子女的学校适应是指流动人口的子女进入城市公  相似文献   

流动人口的频繁流动使得对其子女基础教育的投入更具有公益物品的性质,而中央政府提出“流入地公立学校为主”的解决方针要求城市政府独担流动人口基础教育的重任,遭受到城市政府的抵制。解决流动人口基础教育的政策必须在分析各个主体利益关系的基础上合理界定政府间的责任关系,才能保证政策得以很好的执行,多中心协作体制是可以借鉴的一种有效的体制架构。  相似文献   

王红丽 《学理论》2014,(4):177-178
随着政府一系列教育政策和措施的出台,越来越多的农民工随迁子女获得了进入城市公立学校就读的机会。但是由于农民工随迁子女在进入城市公立学校之后,由于存在诸多方面的差异,导致了许多的不适应,出现了城市文化融合困境。如何促进农民工随迁子女的文化融合,适应城市学校的学习和生活是我们须要面对和亟须解决的问题。  相似文献   

基于2015年全国流动人口卫生计生动态监测数据,通过建立多元线性回归模型,从体现流动人口代际支持的"社会经济地位—流动特征—家庭结构"三个维度,分析流动人口子女婴幼儿时期获得基本医疗服务的健康保障状况及其影响因素。研究结果表明,流动人口的社会经济地位因素、流动状况因素以及家庭结构因素对其子女早期健康保障获得均存在显著影响。其中最重要的是家庭结构因素,即流动人口婚后的健康保障意识越强、家庭成员关系越稳定、对子女健康的家庭支持越集中、代际关系联结越紧密,其子女获得的早期健康保障水平就越高。因此,在流动人口子女的卫生健康保障方面,应注重基于家庭结构特征构建家庭健康支持体系,从而最大限度地弱化流动人口社会融入的不利因素对其子女健康保障获得的消极影响。  相似文献   

流动人口约占北京市常住人口的1/3,对城市消费经济的发展意义重大。基于2017年全国流动人口动态监测数据,研究北京市流动人口的动态特征,发现近年来流动人口呈现出的家庭化流动趋势愈加突出,而与全国相比,北京市流动人口家庭化规模呈现"小型化"特征,随迁子女比例少但随迁老人比例高;同时发现,家庭化的扩展不仅为流入地增加了劳动力供给,而且显著增加了家庭的消费支出,刺激了流入地的消费经济,有利于扩大城市内需,保持长期的经济发展活力。基于发现与分析,可从住房、养老、教育、医疗等方面提出若干适应流动人口家庭化阶段特征的政策措施。  相似文献   

王一涵  廖翎棋 《学理论》2013,(17):72-74
流动人口子女社区教育是整个社会教育体系中的基础环节,做好流动人口子女社区的教育工作因而具有十分重要的意义。对流动人口子女社区教育进行反思,提出相应的建议如下:加强流动人口的安置和管理;增强社区居委会自治主体意识;资金保障创新;加强宣传力度;加强志愿者活动的组织化建设,形成长期合作。  相似文献   

李伟成 《民主》2011,(8):18-20
随着大量流动人口不断涌人经济水平较发达、地理环境较适宜居住和社会文明程度较高的大中城市,流动人El子女接受义务教育的问题已成为各地政府不得不面对的一个难题。流动人口过去大多是让子女随自己流动而到大中城市读书,现在不少人是为子女能到大中城市读书而流动,无疑这对社会结构的稳定和大中城市的义务教育带来巨大的冲击。为应对流动人口子女接受义务教育,  相似文献   

兰州城区流动人口子女义务教育状况调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文通过对兰州城区流动人口子女义务教育现状的调查了解到,流动人口子女家庭教育主客观环境比较差,学校教育中教学和课程、师生关系、同学关系、自我评价等方面都存在不少问题,最后提出一些建议。  相似文献   

流动人口的家庭结构——以北京市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以人口流动的家庭化趋势为背景,利用2006年中国人民大学进行的"北京市1‰流动人口调查"数据,分析了北京市流动人口的家庭结构.分析结果表明,流动人口中的未婚人群以独居为主要方式,已婚人群中以采取与配偶同住或与配偶和子女同住的家庭结构者居多.但是,已婚人群中仍旧有超过70%的人与配偶或子女等核心家庭成员分离.在京时间较长,拥有相对稳定的工作和较好经济条件的流动人口实现核心家庭举家迁移的可能性更高.  相似文献   

熊易寒  杨肖光 《青年研究》2012,(1):71-82,96
农民工子弟学校和公办学校是农民工子女在城市接受义务教育的两种主要渠道。本文在政治社会化的理论框架下,讨论学校类型对于农民工子女价值观和行为模式的影响。实证研究发现:(1)公办学校的农民工子女更接近主流价值观,农民工子弟学校的学生与主流价值观表现出一定的疏离;(2)就读于公办学校的农民工子女更为强烈地感受到城市主流社会的歧视;(3)公办学校的农民工子女对于个人前景的预期低于农民工子弟学校的学生,具有更强的挫败感。可见,单纯的教育吸纳对于促进农民工子女社会融合的作用极其有限。  相似文献   

Peter Rangazas 《Public Choice》1995,82(3-4):261-279
One of the major concerns associated with school voucher proposals is that they will only benefit those who leave public schools in favor of private schools. The children left behind in public schools are expected to necessarily be made worse off by such policies. This paper provides evidence suggesting that children left behind in public schools will also benefit. The available evidence suggests that, after a voucher plan, voter support for public schools will rise enough to increase the human capital of public school students, despite the presence of negative peer group effects.  相似文献   

In a recent issue of this journal (August, 1993), Couch et al. find that competition, as measured by the percentage of school-age children in a county who attend private schools, increases student performance in public schools. In addition, they find that school expenditures are positive and significant, although only marginally significant, in terms of influence on student performance. This paper extends the work by Couch et al. in two ways. First, this paper defines competition so as to include the effects of other public schools as well as private schools on student performance. Second, this paper explores the simultaneity of student performance and expenditures within the model formulation. Evidence presented suggests (1) that competition, as measured by other public schools and private schools, increases student performance, and (2) that empirical studies in this area need to recognize the simultaneous relationship between student performance and expenditures.  相似文献   

Parental choice and operational efficiency are the key features proponents use to promote the desirability of educational voucher programs. The argument is that educational vouchers increase competition among schools by allowing parents the freedom to choose which schools their children attend. In turn, competition improves the performance of individual schools. This article argues that, as currently put forth, the case for vouchers minimizes the special position of public schools with respect to their equity goals. Equity, arguably, has been one of the most significant tenets of public education policy in the last half-century. Moreover, vouchers have significant hidden costs that could compromise any efficiency.  相似文献   

The emergence of publicly subsidized preschool raises important policy questions about the role of market forces and, in places where competition to provide these services exists, presents a setting in which the effects of competition on educational outcomes can be tested. We test neo‐institutional hypotheses concerning the effects of competition to provide publicly‐funded prekindergarten (pre‐k) services on the performance of public schools and private organizations. We use student‐level data collected over a five‐year period on a large sample of children who attended publicly subsidized prekindergarten in Georgia. Overall, we find that more competition improves third grade reading and math test scores but does not significantly affect retention or school readiness ratings during elementary school. Not all children are equally affected by competition; for example, greater competition significantly decreases the likelihood of retention for children of the working poor. Contrary to the expectations of some theorists, both public schools and private organizations respond to increased competition in ways that improve test scores but not retention. However, children attending private prekindergarten have higher language arts scores and lower retention across the range of competition when compared with children who attended public school pre‐k. © 2006 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management  相似文献   

A premise of charter school initiatives has been that these schools have direct benefits for the students attending them and indirect benefits for other students by creating competition for traditional public schools to improve their performance. This study uses a two-pronged approach to assess whether California charter schools are having indirect effects on students in traditional public schools. First, we examine how traditional public school principals react to the introduction of charter schools. Second, we assess whether competition from nearby charters is affecting student achievement outcomes for students that remain in traditional public schools. The survey results show that traditional public school principals felt little competitive pressure from charters. Similarly, the student achievement analysis shows that charter competition was not improving the performance of traditional public schools. These results suggest that California charter schools are having little effect on the climate of traditional public schools.  相似文献   

This research examines the federally funded HOPE VI urban revitalization program’s influence on neighborhood public school performance. A comparative case study was conducted in two HOPE VI neighborhood public schools, one that improved significantly (Philadelphia), and one that experienced a decline (Washington DC). The analysis revealed several insights into neighborhood factors that may influence school performance: the most vulnerable residents were least likely to gain reentry, mixed income housing residents often opt out of traditional public schools, and partnerships between public housing and education officials have been historically overlooked.  相似文献   

The effect of interracial contact in public schools on the enrollment of whites has been an important concern in assessments of desegregation since the 1970s. It has been feared that “white flight”—meaning exit from or avoidance of racially mixed public schools—could undermine the racial contact that desegregation policy seeks to enhance. This study examines this question using recent data. It also expands coverage from large urban districts to entire metropolitan areas, paying attention to the spatial context within which enrollment decisions are made. To do so, it examines data for 1987 and 1996 on racial composition and enrollment in all schools and school districts in 238 metropolitan areas. The study finds that white losses appear to be spurred both by interracial contact in districts where their children attend school and by the opportunities available in metropolitan areas for reducing that contact. These findings apply with remarkable consistency to large and small districts in both large and small metropolitan areas. Implications for metropolitan segregation are examined. © 2001 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

The paper applies the concepts of the horizon problem, agency costs, monitoring, and special interest incentives to trustee management of public schools and higher education. We examine whether South Carolina's 1984 Education Improvement Act, a major restructuring of educational organization and spending in South Carolina, is related to the ratio of pupils in private versus public schools. We employ 30 years of county level data in South Carolina, and we uncover several things. There is no statistically credible relation between public school expenditures per pupil and the private school/public school enrollment ratio. However, we do find that the directed changes in rules, organizational structure, and incentives mandated by the 1984 Educational Improvement Act are associated with a reduction in the relative number of children attending private school. We interpret this to mean that the features of the law requiring better accountability and the like were perceived by parents to make for better education while the increased money spent was only a transfer to teachers or some other groups; we find that organization matters more than money.  相似文献   

A persistent fear regarding school choice is that it will lead to more racially distinctive schools. A growing number of studies compares choosing households to non‐choosing households, but few have examined the possibility that choosers sort themselves out based upon school preferences that are correlated with race and ethnicity. This report addresses this issue by analyzing the responses of 1,006 charter school households in Texas. It first examines the expressed preferences of choosing households, then compares expressed preferences with behavior. A comparison of the characteristics of the traditional public schools that choosers leave with the characteristics of the charter schools they choose indicates that race is a good predictor of the choices that choosing households make. Whites, African Americans, and Latinos transfer into charter schools where their groups comprise between 11 and 14 percentage points more of the student body than the traditional public schools they are leaving. © 2002 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

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