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《Science & justice》2022,62(2):156-163
DNA mixtures are a common source of crime scene evidence and are often one of the more difficult sources of biological evidence to interpret. With the implementation of probabilistic genotyping (PG), mixture analysis has been revolutionized allowing previously unresolvable mixed profiles to be analyzed and probative genotype information from contributors to be recovered. However, due to allele overlap, artifacts, or low-level minor contributors, genotype information loss inevitably occurs. In order to reduce the potential loss of significant DNA information from donors in complex mixtures, an alternative approach is to physically separate individual cells from mixtures prior to performing DNA typing thus obtaining single source profiles from contributors. In the present work, a simplified micro-manipulation technique combined with enhanced single-cell DNA typing was used to collect one or few cells, referred to as direct single-cell subsampling (DSCS). Using this approach, single and 2-cell subsamples were collected from 2 to 6 person mixtures. Single-cell subsamples resulted in single source DNA profiles while the 2-cell subsamples returned either single source DNA profiles or new mini-mixtures that are less complex than the original mixture due to the presence of fewer contributors. PG (STRmix™) was implemented, after appropriate validation, to analyze the original bulk mixtures, single source cell subsamples, and the 2-cell mini mixture subsamples from the original 2–6-person mixtures. PG further allowed replicate analysis to be employed which, in many instances, resulted in a significant gain of genotype information such that the returned donor likelihood ratios (LRs) were comparable to that seen in their single source reference profiles (i.e., the reciprocal of their random match probabilities). In every mixture, the DSCS approach gave improved results for each donor compared to standard bulk mixture analysis. With the 5- and 6- person complex mixtures, DSCS recovered highly probative LRs (≥1020) from donors that had returned non-probative LRs (<103) by standard methods.  相似文献   

ABO genotyping is often performed to identify the blood type of decomposed samples, which is difficult to be determined by a serological test. In this study, we developed a simple method for ABO genotyping using a DNA chip. In this method, polymerase chain reaction-amplified and fluorescent-labeled fragments in the ABO gene and primate-specific D17Z1 were hybridized with DNA probes on a chip designed to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the ABO gene and part of the D17Z1 sequence. Using blood samples from 42 volunteers and 10 animal species, we investigated whether the chip could be used to detect SNPs in the ABO gene and the D17Z1 sequence. This method was then applied to various forensic samples, and it was confirmed that this method was suitable for the simultaneous analyses of ABO genotyping and species identification. This method fulfills the recent need for the development of rapid and convenient methods for criminal investigations.  相似文献   

Whole genome sequencing has opened the doors to Investigative genetic genealogy (IGG) analysis of challenging forensic samples that are not suitable for microarray genotyping. These samples still do not typically achieve high enough coverage for direct genotype calling, therefore a pipeline for imputation from low coverage sequencing data was evaluated using data from the 1000 Genomes Project. This pipeline generated results suitable for IGG down to 0.25X coverage. Additionally, forensic samples from a variety of tissue types and input amounts were sequenced and successfully uploaded to genetic genealogy databases after imputation.  相似文献   

Inspired by fully continuous interpretation a completely automated interpretation workflow for reference samples was implemented in our lab. It's based on a quite simple model, which includes DNA amount and degradation as well as backward and forward stutters. The current implementation can handle CE results of any number of replicates, even from different autosomal or Y-chromosomal STR kits. Results, lessons learned in a first set of test series and potential future extensions are discussed.  相似文献   

目的将压力循环技术(PCT)用于指甲DNA提取,并对方法学进行评价。方法收集10份人指甲样本,剪碎约为1mm×1mm大小,采用10%漂白粉水,10%SDS,10%漂白粉水,无菌水清洗样本。10份样本各分成两组,1组用压力循环技术处理,另1组不作处理,提取DNA经复合扩增并进行STR分型检测,用于评价压力循环技术的作用。取5份指甲样本用血浸泡,5份用去离子水浸泡,之后采用上述清洗方法各清洗1-3次,收集各次清洗用的无菌水提取DNA,经STR分型检测,用于评价清洗对去除外源性DNA的效果。结果 10份经压力循环技术处理的样本中有7例比相应未经处理样本DNA提取量更高,但两组进行统计学处理,差异不具有统计学意义(P〉0.05);两组样本中提取DNA含量在0.026 ng以上的样本均得到完整的STR分型,与相应口腔拭子样本对照准确无误。血污染和非血污染样本清洗二次以上,均可避免外源性DNA的污染。结论使用压力循环技术并配合本文清洗方法,可有效提高人指甲DNA的提取效率,并避免外源性生物DNA的干扰,保证DNA分型结果的准确。  相似文献   

目的探索案例中所涉及的汗潜指印DNA的提取和检验方法。方法采用Chlex-100法提取DNA,进行STR复合扩增,通过毛细管电泳检测荧光信号。结果案例中涉及的汗潜指印在ProfilerPlus试剂盒10个基因座的分型检测均获成功。结论含有汗潜指印的检材的发现和正确提取对最终检测成功至关重要。  相似文献   

This study examined whether short tandem repeat (STR) genotyping can be performed using DNA remaining in Triage kits used to screen for drugs of abuse in urine. STR genotyping was successful for 15 loci using 12 kits stored for 1–6 months at room temperature. These results suggest that STR genotyping for human identification can be performed using DNA extracted from used Triage kits.  相似文献   

目的研究Qubit定量系统在法医学中的应用。方法使用Quant-iTTM试剂盒检测法医DNA样本并得出样本浓度。结果Quant-iTTM试剂盒能检测并定量各种生物学检材DNA样本。结论Quant-iTTM试剂盒能够应用在法医学检验中。  相似文献   

Computer methods have been developed for mathematically interpreting mixed and low‐template DNA. The genotype modeling approach computationally separates out the contributors to a mixture, with uncertainty represented through probability. Comparison of inferred genotypes calculates a likelihood ratio (LR), which measures identification information. This study statistically examined the genotype modeling performance of Cybergenetics TrueAllele® computer system. High‐ and low‐template DNA mixtures of known randomized composition containing 2, 3, 4, and 5 contributors were tested. Sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility were established through LR quantification in each of these eight groups. Covariance analysis found LR behavior to be relatively invariant to DNA amount or contributor number. Analysis of variance found that consistent solutions were produced, once a sufficient number of contributors were considered. This study demonstrates the reliability of TrueAllele interpretation on complex DNA mixtures of representative casework composition. The results can help predict an information outcome for a DNA mixture analysis.  相似文献   

牙齿的DNA提取及STR分型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的建立有效的牙齿DNA提取方法。方法使用物理及化学方法去除牙齿表面污染物,经脱钙、裂解、纯化从牙粉中提取DNA进行STR分型。结果对96例牙齿检材进行DNA检验,获得STR分型的有94例,在查找尸源的案件中发挥了重要作用。结论本方法操作简单快速,能够显著提高牙齿DNA检验的成功率。  相似文献   

Calcified tissues, such as bone and tooth, and some other sample types, such as those containing adhesive, present a challenge to standard extraction protocols. We have developed a lysis reagent, BTA™ lysis buffer, which is designed for use with PrepFiler™ Kit reagents. The BTA™ lysis buffer disrupts calcified tissue matrices and achieves effective extraction of DNA from pulverized bone and tooth samples. In addition, the BTA™ lysis buffer mildly but efficiently extracts DNA from challenging substrates like tape, chewing gum, and cigarette butts and, as with bone and tooth, DNA from these lysates is purified using established PrepFiler™ reagent extraction protocols.We successfully extracted DNA from powdered human bone samples, chewed gum and smoked cigarettes using BTA™ lysis buffer. Extraction yields for bone, gum and cigarette samples tested were consistent and reproducible. This extraction method efficiently removed potential PCR inhibitors from all samples tested, and CT values for the internal PCR control of Quantifiler® Human DNA Quantification Kit were consistent and within the normal range. The DNA extracted from these samples also provided conclusive profiles that were free of PCR artifacts when amplified using the AmpF?STR® Identifiler® PCR Amplification Kit. The protocol is easily adapted for automation.  相似文献   

用熔解曲线法分析插入/缺失多态性和Y染色体SNPs多态性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着单核苷酸多态性SNPs (SingleNucleotidePolymorphisms)及插入 /缺失多态性Indels (Insertion/Dele tion)的分型技术研究的深入 ,SNPs和Indels在法医学上的应用将受到深刻的影响。本文研究和探讨Indels的分型方法 ,通过测定扩增DNA片段在溶液中的溶解曲线图确定每个样品的基因型 ,称为溶解曲线Indels基因分型方法(McI/D)。溶解曲线图由被测样品DNA片段的特殊溶解温度组成 ,扩增结果直接由仪器分析不需要繁杂的PCR后期操作。  相似文献   

The analysis of LCN or highly degraded DNA samples presents a challenge for forensic science. Improving the quantity and/or quality of samples would greatly increase the profiling success rate from LCN and degraded samples. Whole genome amplification (WGA) is one method that has such potential. Two commercially available WGA kits, GenomePlex and GenomiPhi, were investigated for use on LCN and degraded DNA samples. Both kits amplified genomic DNA, producing microgram quantities from sub-nanogram templates. Profiling success of LCN DNA samples was increased, with improvements of over 700% from 10pg template DNA compared to non-WGA-amplified control samples. The amplification success with degraded DNA was also improved by WGA. Degraded DNA was simulated using restriction enzymes to demonstrate that the application of WGA can result in the typing of STR loci that could not previously be amplified. An increase in artefacts, such as stutter alleles and amplification biases, were observed in many samples. Results show that WGA is capable of increasing both the quality and quantity of DNA, and has the potential to improve profiling success from difficult samples in forensic casework.  相似文献   

The amelogenin gene is the locus of choice for gender identification in forensic science. Here we report on the use of fluorescent DNA melting curve analysis to genotype the amelogenin locus by means of a toehold-assisted DNA strand displacement reaction. The shape of the curves, or “polarity” of the melting peaks, allowed for visual discrimination between male and female DNA samples.  相似文献   

We present a statistical method for biallelic SNP genotyping that reduces the risk of wrong SNP calls and gives fewer no-calls. The method uses a symmetric multinomial logistic regression model with an intuitive graphical interpretation. Its probabilistic nature gives the user control over the accepted risk through the estimated genotype probabilities. We compared the performance of our method with the HID SNP Genotyper v.4.3.1 plug-in (HSG) (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and the additional criteria of the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) through a series of six DNA dilutions from 500 pg to 16 pg DNA. The HSG method made wrong calls from 62.5 pg DNA and below, while the UCPH method made wrong calls at 16 pg DNA. Our method allowed SNP genotyping of 16 pg DNA without making wrong calls. Depending on the DNA dilution, our method also reduced the number of no-calls by 70–96 % compared to UCPH method and 59–69 % compared to the HSG method. Our method can be used for any biallelic genotyping.  相似文献   

The HIrisPlex-S system, targeting a total of 41 SNPs, allows the simultaneous eye, hair and skin color prediction from DNA. In the present study, we developed a massive parallel sequencing (MPS) multiplex assay in order to genotype all the HIrisPlex-S markers in degraded casework samples. PCR amplicons sizes of target regions were kept below 180 bp, in order to allow analysis of degraded DNA samples. Individuals with known phenotype, artificially degraded DNA samples and a set of 2800M control DNA dilutions were sequenced on a Ion PGM System, in order to evaluate the concordance testing results and the forensic suitability of this 41-plex MPS assay. Full and reliable profiles could be obtained with 0.1 ng of input DNA. The increment of the number of PCR cycles results in improvement of sensitivity or in typing results but an increase of artifacts were also observed.  相似文献   

An optimized protocol based on the DNA IQ™ System has been tested for the extraction of DNA from envelope flaps. DNA is extracted directly without the need for opening and swabbing the flaps. The method is repeatable with <10% R.S.D. (relative standard deviation). The results of a systematic study show that it is an equilibrium extraction, and a small sample volume as well as high lysis buffer content in sample contribute to high extraction efficiency. The extracted DNA requires no further purification steps following its extraction with the DNA IQ™ System. Complete but skewed 15-locus short tandem repeat (STR) profiles, which is typical of degraded of DNA, have been generated from the DNA extracted from 6 to 9 years old casework envelope samples.  相似文献   

Allah R  Yang L  Li SB 《法医学杂志》2007,23(5):373-379
单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)分型技术越来越成为法医学领域关注的热点,它在研究Y染色体或线粒体单倍型以及DNA表型的分析中具有重要应用价值。本文着重比较分析了SNP技术与片段长度多态性技术之间的优劣,同时就当前STR位点识别概率与所需选择的SNP位点数进行探讨。此外,本文还就各类SNP分型方法的优缺点及其法医学应用进行了论述。  相似文献   

In canine population studies for forensics, the mitochondrial DNA is profiled by sequencing the two hyper variable regions, HV1 and HV2 of the control region.In a first effort to create a Belgian population database some samples showed partially poor sequence quality. We demonstrated that a nuclear pseudogene was co-amplified with the mtDNA control region. Using a new combination of primers this adverse result was no longer observed and sequencing quality was improved. All former samples with poor sequence data were reanalyzed. Furthermore, the forensic canine population study was extended to 208 breed and mixed dogs. In total, 58 haplotypes were identified, resulting in an exclusion capacity of 0.92. The profile distribution of the Belgian population sample was not significantly different from those observed in population studies of three other countries.In addition to the total population study 107 Belgian registered pedigree dogs of six breeds were profiled. Per breed, the obtained haplotypes were supplemented with those from population and purebred studies. The combined data revealed that some haplotypes were more or less prominent present in particular dog breeds. The statistically significant differences in haplotype distribution between breeds and population sample can have consequences on mtDNA databasing and matching probabilities in forensics.  相似文献   

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