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POPULATION: Almost all the Ewenki are found in HulunBuir Ewenki Autonomous Banner, Inner Mongolia province of China. Some Ewenki are nomads; others are farmers or farmer-hunters. A small number of them are hunters. Its national characters and languages belong to the Altai phylum.  相似文献   

We analysed samples of 400 Finnish males using nine Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (STR) loci (minimal haplotype); for 200 of these subjects an additional seven Y-chromosomal STR loci were used. The geographical distribution of the observed haplotypes was determined from 200 individuals of known paternal origin within Finland. The observed number of alleles varied from 2 to 13 alleles per locus. A total of 146 minimal haplotypes were identified in our population sample. Interestingly, 90 (22.5%) individuals shared an identical haplotype. This haplotype was extremely frequent in the northern and eastern subpopulations of Savo, Pohjanmaa and Karjala (53, 42 and 37%, respectively). With the seven additional loci analysed in the sample of 200 individuals, 120 haplotypes were identified, and individuals sharing the most common haplotype decreased to 13.0%. However, in comparison to other European populations, the Finnish population showed decreased genetic diversity (GD) when the number of different minimal haplotypes in the population was divided by the sample size (36.5% in Finns versus 83.7% on average). Our results strongly support the earlier hypothesis of individual isolated Y-chromosomal lineages and population substructuring in Finland. For paternity testing, power of exclusion was 92% using minimal haplotype data, but including the seven additional loci this value increased to 97%.  相似文献   

Analysis of Y-STR loci in a population sample from northeast China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
POPULATION: A total of 141 unrelated Chinese Han male individuals living in Liaoning in northeast China.  相似文献   

北京汉族21个STR基因座的群体遗传学调查与法医应用评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的调查459例北京汉族无关个体21个常染色体非CODIS的STR基因座遗传多态性并评价其应用价值。方法用AGCU21+1荧光标记复合扩增系统对459例无关个体的21个STR基因座(D6S474、D12SATA63、D22S1045、D10S1248、D1S1677、D11S4463、D1S1627、D3S4529、D2S441、D6S1017、D4S2408、D19S433、D17S1301、D1GATA113、D18S853、D20S482、D14S1434、D9S1122、D2S1776、D10S1435、D5S2500)进行检验。得到STR分型后,用相关软件进行统计分析并计算法医学应用参数。结果获得21个STR基因座的频率分布;相关参数为:H值从0.5894-0.8038,PD值从0.7898-0.9265,PE3值从0.3618-0.6029,PE2值从0.2031-0.4256,PIC值从0.5638到0.7640。结论联合应用Identifiler系统和AGCU21+1系统,有利于亲子关系的认定及对可疑突变的判断。  相似文献   

Background: Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is strongly associated with violence but the effects of other personality disorder (PD) categories are uncertain. Purpose: To investigate associations between 10 DSM-IV PD categories and effects of co-occurring disorders on self-reported violence. Method: Cross-sectional survey of 8397 adults aged 16–74 years in households in Great Britain. Results: ASPD contributed strongly to the burden of violence in the British population. Paranoid and obsessive–compulsive PD made additional independent contributions, and narcissistic PD contributed to intimate partner violence. The prevalence of violence correlated with the number of PD categories. Comorbid alcohol dependence further increased the risk. Conclusions: Risk of violence increases with increasing severity of PD, measured by the number of PD categories, and with co-occurring alcohol dependence. Not all PD categories are associated with violence, and avoidant PD was protective. Identification of targets for future interventions may be obscured using a classification based solely on severity.  相似文献   

目的调查居住在广州的非洲籍人群的15个STR基因座多态性。方法应用Sinofiler TM荧光标记检测系统对122个无关个体样本进行分型检测,使用Powerstats V12、Genopop 3.4、Mega 3.4等软件进行统计计算与群体间遗传距离比较。结果居住在广州的非洲籍人群15个STR基因座的累积个体识别率为1-5.80147×10-18、累积非父排除率为1-8.6019×10-8,居住在广州的非洲籍人群与广州汉族人群遗传距离最远,与巴哈马群岛非裔混合群体间的遗传距离最近。结论该系统可满足广州地区非洲籍人群个体识别与亲权鉴定的需要,同时与广州汉族人群存在的较大统计学差异,在进行人群区分时具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国鄂伦春族人群15个STR基因座多态性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 调查 15个STR基因座在中国鄂伦春族人群中的基因频率分布。方法 应用四色荧光标记引物复合扩增技术 ,对鄂伦春族 10 1名无关个体的血样 15个STR基因座进行分型研究 ,计算各基因座的相关群体遗传学参数。结果 在 10 1名鄂伦春族人群中 15个STR基因座偶合率在 0 .0 0 94~ 0 .345 3之间 ,个体识别概率 (DP)在 0 .6 5 47~ 0 .990 6之间 ,杂合度在 0 .6 436~ 0 .910 9之间 ,三联非父排除率 (PE)在 0 .30 2 2~ 0 .8388之间 ,多态性信息总量 (PIC)在 0 .4 992~ 0 .914 6之间 ,15个STR基因座总TDP值为 0 .9999999999998,所有基因座经 χ2 检验符合Hard—Weinberg平衡。结论 所检测的 15个STR基因座在鄂伦春族人群中等位基因分布较好 ,个体识别率高 ,适合法医个体识别和亲子鉴定  相似文献   

目的比较广东不同地区汉族人群牙齿生长发育的差异。方法依据牙齿钙化分级标准分别对广州市的1774名(男性899名,女性875名)和深圳市的1730名(男性846名,女性884名)6~18周岁汉族人群的全口曲面断层影像上的下颌牙齿钙化程度进行分级和评分;将评分结果输入SPSS13.0软件进行统计分析。结果牙齿钙化程度与年龄变化呈正相关,两地区同性别间牙齿钙化分级评分值检验结果P>0.05,两地区年龄对应的级别和级别对应的年龄基本一致。结论广东广州市和深圳市两地间青少年牙齿生长发育水平一致。  相似文献   

Gao SH  Qiao K  Li SB 《法医学杂志》2006,22(4):277-280
目的以云南怒族无关个体为研究对象,调查怒族群体DXS6804、DXS6799、DXS8378、DXS7130、DXS7132基因座的基因频率及基因型频率分布,建立群体遗传数据库。方法用聚合酶链反应(PCR)、变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳结合银染的方法,检测100名云南怒族个体X染色体上5个STR基因座的重复序列长度变化。结果云南怒族群体5个STR基因座具有遗传多态性,χ2检验表明多态性分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律。结论云南怒族群体DXS6804、DXS6799、DXS8378、DXS7130和DXS7132基因座,可用于法医学个体识别、亲子鉴定等研究。  相似文献   

新疆维吾尔族15个STR基因座的遗传多态性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 建立新疆维吾尔族 1 5个STR基因座的等位基因分布基础遗传数据库 ,并比较其与天津汉族群体调查结果的差异。方法 应用荧光标记复合扩增、ABI 31 0 0 (Avant)型基因分析仪检测新疆 2 6 5名无关个体AmpFeSTR○RIdentifilerTM系统 ,统计 1 5个STR基因座的群体遗传参数。结果  2 6 5名无关个体 1 5个STR基因座中共检出 1 5 7个等位基因及 5 2 3种基因型 ,累计个体识别力 (TDP)为 0 999999999999999998,累积非父排除能力 (PE)为 0 .99999984 (三联体 )。结论 新疆维族 1 5个STR基因座的等位基因呈高度多态性分布 ,与天津汉族群体调查数据无显著差异 ,适用于个体识别和亲权鉴定  相似文献   

目的 根据已知的HIrisPlex-S色素推断SNP复合检测体系,在中国人群中进行色素表型推断及体系的适用性研究.方法 基于SNaPshot平台,构建包含2个复合扩增检测体系的41重SNP色素特征推断体系41-Plex.使用来自中国7个不同地域人群的200个无关个体DNA样本进行体系的准确性测试.通过人工表型分类读取眼...  相似文献   

A novel genetic marker, Insertion/Deletion polymorphism (InDel) shows remarkable potential for forensic DNA applications. Hainan Island is the southernmost and the second largest island in China, of which the Li ethnic group is regarded as the original inhabitants. In this study, 207 individual samples of Li ethnic group from Hainan were genotyped using Investigator DIPplex kit which contains 30 autosomal InDels and Amelogenin. Allele frequency and forensic parameters were calculated for these loci. Several deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) and linkage disequilibrium (LD) may indicate founder effect in the Li ethnic group. The combined power of discrimination (CPD) and the cumulative probability of exclusion (CPE) reached 0.99999999992912 and 0.9861, respectively. These results suggested that the kit was effective for personal identification in Hainan Li population. The population comparisons through the Nei’s standard genetic distance (Rst), phylogenetic tree, multidimensional scaling analysis (MDS), principal component analysis (PCA), and STRUCTURE analyses along continental divisions manifested that the 30 InDels panel had a certain intercontinental differentiation ability.  相似文献   

The PowerPlex® 21 System PCR Amplification Kit was a new PCR Amplification Kit developed for forensic laboratories, but there was a lack of data about this kit in Chinese people in Tianjin, North China. This kit contained 20 STR loci, D3S1358, D1S1656, D6S1043, D13S317, Penta E, D16S539, D18S51, D2S1338, CSF1PO, Penta D, TH01, vWA, D21S11, D7S820, D5S818, TPOX, D8S1179, D12S391, D19S433 and FGA. In order to evaluate this kit and to get basic population data for its use in forensic practice in Chinese Han population, 360 unrelated Chinese Han individuals from Tianjin were typed using the Kit. Allele frequencies of the 20 STR loci and further population forensic genetic parameters were obtained. The observed genotype frequencies and expected genotype frequencies were evaluated by χ2 test. No significant deviation from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was observed in the population sample for the 20 STR loci. The population data in the present study can be used for routine forensic practice in Tianjin, North China.  相似文献   

Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) polymorphisms are useful in forensic identification, population genetics and constructing of human structures. Increasing the number of Y-STRs and their polymorphism will drastically narrow down the matching number of genealogy populations or pedigrees when searching against a forensic DNA databank. In this study, we develop a system containing 17 complementary Y-STRs that are compatible and reinforce the current commercially available Y-STR kits. This system was constructed by multiplex PCR with expected size of 126bp-400bp using home-made universal primers labeled by different fluorescence (DYS715, DYS709, DYS716, DYS713, DYS607, DYS718, DYS723, DYS708, DYS714, DYS712, DYS717, DYS721, DYS605, DYS719, DYS726, DYS598 and DYS722). The genetic data were obtained from 394 individuals in Shanxi province, China. The Y-STR system has 131 haplotypes and high discrimination power is 1. In conclusion, our study provides a robust, sensitive and cost-effective genotyping method for human identification, which is beneficial for narrowing the searching scope when applying to the genealogy searching with Y-STR DNA databank.  相似文献   

目的 为了寻求新的适合于法医学应用的Y染色体STR基因座 ,我们调查了基因座DYS44 2和DYS44 6在成都群体中的分布。 方法 样本来自于成都地区汉族无血缘关系的个体 ,通过Chelex法提取样本DNA ,利用PCR扩增硝酸银染色方法进行分型。 结果 DYS44 2是一个四核苷酸简单重复基因座 ,而DYS44 6则为五核苷酸简单重复基因座。男性样本都出现了谱带 ,而女性样本则无PCR产物。DYS44 2基因座和DYS44 6基因座变异度分别为 :0 .6 86 7、0 .75 5 2。 结论 DYS44 2和DYS44 6是非常适合于法医学应用的STR基因座。  相似文献   

The occurrence of PGM1 phenotypes in 589 samples from the population of Padua was investigated by ultrathin-layer isoelectric focusing. All ten phenotypes were observed. Frequencies of the PGM1 alleles (1+ = 0.6180; 1? = 0.1163; 2+ = 0.2122; 2? = 0.0535) have been compared to those found in other populations.  相似文献   

目的 调查浙江宣城地区汉族人群5000例无关个体18个STR基因座多态性分布.方法 应用AmpFlSTR Identifiler荧光标记复合扩增系统检测,统计计算群体遗传学参数.结果 18个STR基因座的基因型分布均符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P>0.05),共检出270个等位基因,频率在0.0001~0.5260之间,共有1289种基因型,在13个基因座上检出共44个微变异等位基因.18个基因座的杂合度观察值(Ho)在0.6238~0.9120之间,杂合度理论值(He)在0.6961~0.9601之间,多态信息含量(PIC)在0.5578~0.9126之间,累计个人识别率(TDP)为0.999 999 999 999 999 999 999 953,三联体累计非父排除概率(CPE)为0.999 999 993487 306,二联体累计非父排除率(CPE*)为0.985819169.结论 本文调查结果与以往文献报道的不同地区民族的人群等位基因频率资料有一定程度的差异性.上述18个STR基因座适用于宣城地区汉族群体各类案件的法医学个体识别和亲权鉴定.  相似文献   

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