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儒、墨、道教学传统比较及其对现代教学的启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
博大精深的中国教学传统,因其主流与非主流之别,显性与隐性之 异,具有了其化自身兼容并包,多元共生的必然性,与儒学并称显学的墨家之学,其教育内容选择不同于儒学,且以重视创新与逻辑理性思维为特征,并非儒墨显学的道家潜隐之学,其教学传统持自然观而相异于儒墨社会观,其自然观所隐蕴的生命哲学,导此了其独特的教学目的论和方法功能说,以此与当代诸多新教学思想渊源相通,当世界范围内的多元化冲突和谐与共生共荣成为必然趋势的情况下,中国的主流教学传统已不足以负载现代教学的全部意义,有理由认为,中国非主流教学传统在发展中国特色的现代教学,建构中国特色的现代教学理论中,必将与主流教学传统多元共生,成为某种必须的“根本”。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(1):117-128
At least 50 documented incidents in more than 20 countries around the world, many involving arrest or detention of North Korean diplomats, link North Korea to drug trafficking. Such events, in the context of ongoing, credible, but unproven, allegations of large-scale state sponsorship of drug production and trafficking (especially heroin and methamphetamines), raise important issues for the global community in combating international drug trafficking. Rather than simply the activities of mercenary and corrupt individuals within the North Korean elite, the trafficking appears to be the result of a strategy initiated at the highest levels, directed through the shadowy organisation known as Bureau 39. As the DPRK's drug trade becomes increasingly entrenched, and arguably decentralised, analysts question whether the Pyongyang regime (or any subsequent government) would have the ability to restrain such activity, should it so desire.  相似文献   

In this article we explore the increasing complexity of plagiarism litigation in the USA and Australia. Plagiarism has always been a serious academic issue and academic staff and students have wrestled with its definition and appropriate penalties for some time. However, the advent of the Internet and more freely accessible information resources, along with busy lives and pressures to succeed, may be leading to more frequent incidents of plagiarism. Alternatively, the same information resources and software packages may mean that we are now more able to identify when plagiarism occurs. The following discussion explores not just the traditional issues that have arisen with respect to plagiarism, but also the extended contexts in which plagiarism discussion is taking place in courtrooms, not university staffrooms. We consider issues in common in the two nations, as well as the wider academic community, and distinctive areas of litigation that have arisen in the USA and Australia.  相似文献   

法律实证主义散论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈锐 《政法论丛》2009,(3):16-23
法律实证主义是20世纪西方三大主要法学流派之一。同时,它还是一个难以精确界定的学术派剐,“法律命令说”不过是法律实证主义的伪标志。法律实证主义的意旨是:通过概念分析,从而使得法学成为一门自足的科学。法律实证主义思想在清末民初时传入我国,但并没有真正地扎下根来。法律实证主义对于当下中国的法学发展、法治建设以及司法实践有着重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

网络文学首先是文学,网络是记录作品的手段和传播作品的渠道。作者在努力创造新语汇和突破语法约束的同时,也制约甚至扼杀其发展。网络文学以即兴创作为主,故其贴近“网民”生活且颇有灵气,却失之浅泛和粗糙:开放互动的特征激发写手的创作激情和读者的参与热情,却干扰了写手创作的独立和思维的、表达的连贯性:Inter-net 改变了传受者的地位,削弱了把关功能,写手享有更充分的自由时,也易涉及官司;它产生精神产品的同时,也产生精神毒品。对网络文学应多些包容、关注和支持,促其健康发展。  相似文献   

学非易事,磨砺以求,未必有所成,现如今法学论文人人会写,学术研究似为易事,这类现象的背后是学术出现严重失范、脱序现象。真学术必然要有创新,法学研究必须强调学术原创性,窃人立意,掠人之美,与剽窃词句如出一辙;创制一套新词,制造语言的魔障,也不足取。学者不能不没有一点“专利权”意识,某种学术观点既然有人提出,再当作自己的创见,便属“学术不端”。法学论著最重要的是思想,其价值应当表现在有原创性观点,做不到这一点之所谓“学术”不过是“表态式学术”。缺乏健全的学术批评是当今法学研究保持低劣化和“学术成果”泛滥成灾的一大原因。高质量的法学研究成果需要精工细雕,为减少垃圾学术,学者应有不写或者少写的勇气。  相似文献   

The paper notes that while much work has been done in the past on corruption in government and business, relatively little attention has been devoted to corruption in academic institutions. The principal forms of academic corruption are plagiarism and various forms of cheating, research fraud and financial fraud. Two simple mathematical models are proposed for exploring the motivations for (1) plagiarism, which is essentially a solitary crime, and (2) bribery. The responsiveness of the demand for the first of these, and the demand for and supply of the second to changes in underlying parameters are explored.  相似文献   

“以人为本”法律价值探究及其法治理念构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律上重要的不是原创性,而是是否合乎民族性。普遍的法观念的确认,是对法的概念的综合性认知。法观念的形成,是认知个体传统法律文化的综合体现,包括法的概念、法的生成及法律发展史。西方社会的法律价值对构筑现代意义之中国法治具有理论上的借鉴意义。故此,“以人为本”的价值观念,作为社会主义法治理念之一种,在传承中国传统法律文化的同时,归因于自然法观念与人类进化及社会公益观念的和解。  相似文献   

李士林 《北方法学》2017,11(3):65-74
电视节目之间的抄袭已成为一种社会现象,需要法律在其保护方式上予以回应。如果将电视节目模板视为作品,由模板到节目既不是著作权法上的复制,又不符合演绎忠于原作的义理,所以保护模板并非保护电视节目的有效方式。如果将电视节目视为试听作品,由于节目使用不同主题人物和主持人即可呈现不同的试听效果,所以依据著作权侵权三步法和第三方测试都很难阻碍电视节目之间的抄袭和题材雷同。即使寻求反不正当竞争保护,其为电视节目提供的庇护也非常有限。新鲜性和即时性是电视节目的灵魂,除雷同和剽窃者外,应允许电视节目之间相互学习和模仿。  相似文献   

当代侵权法比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
侵权法在两大法系中所采路径截然不同、风格各异,这一特点与具体规则模式和一般原则模式之间的现代法律理论的区别是相伴而生的。比较侵权法的焦点主要不是实体问题,而是侵权法的基本结构和模式问题。在侵权法的诸多具体制度上,两大法系远比普遍认为的那样更为相近,二者之间并没有不可逾越的障碍和差别。  相似文献   

Cheating and plagiarism can involve the transgression of intellectual property rights across many areas of life. When a direct financial benefit from such practices is identifiable, the opportunity to seek legal redress is available via civil court action. When it is undertaken by a public official it may constitute malfeasance. Yet in the case of breaches of university regulations (from the growing number of student cheating and plagiarism incidents) subsequent legal intervention may be characterised by situations where the university is the defendant and the alleged plagiarist is the plaintiff (seeking compensation for interrupted study and/or tarnished reputation). University defences can flounder around the issue of proving intent to deceive. What can they do to try to prevent such occurrences? This paper uses economic analysis to examine such issues. Economic models of plagiarism motivated primarily by (i) time-saving and (ii) dishonesty are developed to help frame the discussion. Both model approaches overlap in their implications, namely, ensuring that sufficient resources are devoted to monitoring coursework (to increase the probability that cheating and plagiarism are detected) and of providing sufficiently clear and severe institutional penalties (to counter-balance any expected benefits that the student may perceive to be available from cheating and plagiarism). Policy proposals are raised for further debate and consideration.  相似文献   

公元 1 5 0 0年前后的“地理大发现”后 ,人类社会迎来第一次全球化浪潮。在这次全球化浪潮中 ,全球范围内展现出一幅以法制现代化和全球化为内容的近代法律发展图景。1 6世纪 - 1 9世纪末的法律发展是法制现代化与全球化互动的、彼此交融的历史过程 ,是历史与现实、传统与现代的对立和统一 ,是以西方国家为主要发源地、其他国家共同参与的、多样化的法律发展历史过程 ;同时 ,法制现代化、全球化过程也暴露出明显的不平衡性和历史局限性。  相似文献   

The literature of Bhartṛhari and Maṇḍana attention in contemporary times. The writings of the prominent linguistic philosopher and grammarian Bhartṛhari and of Manḍana, an encyclopedic scholar of later seventh century and most likely a senior contemporary of Śaṅkara, shape Indian philosophical thinking to a great extent. On this premise, this study of the influence of Bhartṛhari on Maṇḍana’s literature, the scope of this essay, allows us to explore the significance of Bhartṛhari’s writings, not only to comprehend the philosophy of language, but also to understand the contribution of linguistic philosophy in shaping Advaita philosophy in subsequent times. This comparison is not to question originality on the part of Maṇḍana, but rather to explore the interrelationship between linguistic philosophy and the monistic philosophy of the Upaniṣadic tradition. Besides excavating the role of Bhartṛhari writings on the texts of Maṇḍana, analysis this will reveal the interrelatedness of the Advaita school of Śaṅkara often addressed as ‘pure non-dualism’ (Kevalādvaita) and the Advaita of Bhartṛhari, identified as ‘non-dualism of the word-principle’ (Śabdādvaita).  相似文献   

合同概念的历史变迁及其解释   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
徐涤宇 《法学研究》2004,26(2):57-70
对合同的概念,在不同的历史阶段和法律文化背景下,存在着各殊的构想模式。古典罗马法以形式主义和类型法定为契约概念的特质,构建了债一契约的制度模式;中世纪注释法学家遵循这一模式,以原因理论重构了合同的概念,这一传统为法国法系继受,使原因理论成为破译其合同概念及相关制度设计的密码;在德国,自然法理论、理性法学和历史法学结亲,以法律行为理论重组合同的要素,使其含义在历史上再一次发生根本性断裂;20世纪以后,制度的变迁又催生了新的合同说明模式。  相似文献   

Self-regulation has found its adepts very early, but more academics are beginning to question its appropriateness and calling for a “hybrid regulation” as cyberspace becomes more and more an essential means of communication in everyday life. Yet, today the private sector has never been so strong within cyberspace and the chances to see the flowering of what U.S. lawyers know as public forums keep on diminishing. The success of filtering measures, the implementation is which is most of the time opaque, confirms this trend. More generally, the desire to see private powers confined in the digital environment is far from being granted. This is certainly due in part to the relative obsolescence of legal concepts that are inapt to frame the behavior of intermediaries, which do play the role of regulators. This paper thus seeks to determine and analyse the legal framework within which intermediaries act in cyberspace.  相似文献   

法治在民间的困惑——对羌族习惯法的考察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现代法治建设应是立足于本土化之上的国际化 ,既要学习西方的先进经验 ,更要注重保留民族传统中的文化之根 ,吸收其中的合理成份 ,进行创造性转化。刻意于对别人的模仿而缺少对现实国情的反思 ,是不可取的。  相似文献   

著作权制度是诸多支持文学作品创作的机制之一。著作权制度的产生得益于18世纪的政治语境,也从宗教改革的运动中获得支持。著作权制度之于写作的人而言,促进了作者的自主。经由确认灵感、原创性、天才等概念与书写者的联系,作者们得以与抄写员分开。同样是在这个过程中,著作权获得了合法性的认知。这个发掘独创性、原创性等概念的过程是知识传播的结果,后者促进了读书市场的扩大。最终,作者可以依靠笔与纸而生活。  相似文献   

Oakland County, Michigan, directly north of Detroit, has a population of approximately one million. It is largely suburban with rural outskirts. Oakland County has a tradition of creative and varied youth services.  相似文献   

Historical cadastral maps can be a very useful additional source in historical demographic research. As an increasing range of geospatial data and tools have become available to researchers, it becomes easier to combine, link and analyse historical micro level demographic data within a small-scale spatial context. This study shows some examples of linked cadastral map data, population census data, and population register data of the Dutch city of Leeuwarden halfway the nineteenth century. The spatial methods and techniques used vary from relatively easy visualisation in maps and basic spatial statistics to more advanced spatial modelling.  相似文献   

Abstract.   In this paper I take up aspects of the origins of the Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany, with special attention to the reasons for the aggregation of power and to the question of how far constitutional court models from abroad played a role in the development of the Court. Where the beginnings of the Federal Constitutional Court are concerned, the German tradition and the experience with the lawless regime of the national socialists played a fundamental role. To a certain degree the Austrian model and to a lesser degree that of the United States figured in the deliberations of Germany's post-War constitutional framers, too.  相似文献   

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