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当前,已满14周岁未满18周岁的未成年人犯罪已成为社会治安中不可忽视的社会问题。逐年上升的犯罪人数和罪名的不断增加,日益受到社会的广泛关注。2003年-2005年,重庆市检察机关共批准逮捕未成年犯罪嫌疑人7240人,占三年批准逮捕犯罪嫌疑人总数的13.99%。  相似文献   

This article looks at how and why the concept of ‘family’ was used in Dutch migration policy in the period between 1945 and 2005. Throughout this period differences were made between migrant women and migrant men. Whereas the migration of men was associated with labour migration, the migration of women was equated with family migration. Migrant women were constructed as wives and mothers (and not as workers). This construction of women was combined with a victimhood discourse in which women were presented as victims of repressive religion (usually Islam), domestic violence, trafficking and prostitution, and discriminatory government policy. The victimhood discourse was successfully used to acquire rights for migrant women (mostly the right to stay), but as a result all migrant women came to be seen as vulnerable and in need of protection. In this article, I show how this combined family and victimhood discourse was used by governments, by (migrant) organizations and, to a lesser extent, in court cases to create differences between migrant men and women. The ‘success’ of the victimhood discourse is not only explained by the fact that it fitted (Western) ideas on femininity. It was also used to give a humanitarian face – albeit beneficial to women only – to an essentially restrictive immigration policy.  相似文献   

This paper relates factors previously identified as significant for parliamentary governance to general developments in post-communist CEE and proceeds to assess their relevance to the development of executive–legislative relations in Poland. The Sejm was institutionally strong, while governments were inexperienced, internally divided, and unstable. Governments could not assume the support of their parliamentary parties. Tensions with coalition partners were rife, and only in the period 1993–97 did the coalition survive intact. Periods of ‘cohabitation’ with a relatively strong president complicated governance even after the new Constitution of 1997. These factors suggest weak government, amply borne out by the experience of the two minority governments of the first term. Yet governments gained greater control of the legislative agenda and, regardless of their type or extent of parliamentary support, they usually succeeded in enacting their legislation and proved highly successful in defending individual ministers from votes of no confidence. We explain this apparent contradiction by contrasting institutional weakness with an underlying consensus on broad outlines of both foreign and domestic policy. Despite a discourse of hostile confrontation between government and opposition, much legislation was passed with the broad endorsement of the legislature. Governments were receptive to modifications of policy. When needed, they could often rely on cross-party support or that of independent-minded deputies. Parliament thus remained a key legislative actor; it was never merely the pawn of majority governments. Governments also benefited from opposition disunity. The opposition proved incapable of defeating ministers, even of minority governments.  相似文献   

The Supplementary Homicide Reports (SHR), assembled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), have for many years represented the most valuable source of information on the patterns and trends in murder and non-negligent manslaughter. Despite their widespread use by researchers and policy makers alike, these data are not completely without their limitations, the most important of which involves missing or incomplete incident reports. In this analysis, we develop methods for addressing missing data in the 1976–2005 SHR cumulative file, related to both non-reports (unit missingness) and incomplete reports (item missingness). For incomplete case data (that is, missing characteristics on victims, offenders or incidents), we implement a multiple imputation (MI) approach based on a log-linear model for incomplete multivariate categorical data. Then, to adjust for unit missingness, we adopt a weighting scheme linked to FBI annual estimates of homicide counts by state and National Center for Health Statistics mortality data on decedent characteristics in coroners’ reports for deaths classified as homicide. The result is a fully-imputed SHR database for 1976–2005. This paper examines the effects of MI and case weighting on victim/offender/incident characteristics, including standard errors of parameter estimates resulting from imputation uncertainty.
Marc L. SwattEmail:

This paper examines the distance participants were willing to travel to attend the 1998–2003 Southern Criminal Justice Association annual meeting sites. The authors evaluate whether holding the conference at various locations throughout the region impacts individual participation, membership, and institutional representation. The findings reveal that conference sites that require greater travel have lower attendance and do not capture new members. However, the strength of offerings and tourist attractions can offset the negative impact of greater travel. The analysis also identifies a core group of members who show up at the meetings no matter where they are held. Finally, the conferences do not attract much local interest. Recommendations that would enhance attendance at regional meetings are advanced.  相似文献   

“十五”期间是我省全面实现小康目标的关键时期。只有大力培养和造就一支高素质的人才队伍,才能确保我省“十五”计划任务的圆满完成。吉林省行政学院是培养全省中、初级公务员的主阵地,承担着开发领导人才资源的重要任务。加快学院的建设和发展至关重要。为此,根据全省经济和社会发展“十五”计划和省政府“十五”期间公务员培训规划要求,学院组织制定了“十五”期间(2003-2005年)建设和发展计划。学院“十五”期间建设发展的总体思路以十六大精神和“三个代表”的重要思想为指导,认真贯彻落实党的路线、方针、政策和省委提出的“…  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the development of forensic psychiatry in the Netherlands from the late nineteenth to the early twenty-first century. The first part addresses the ways forensic psychiatry established itself in the period 1870–1925 and focuses on its interrelatedness with forensic practice, psychiatry's professionalization, the role of the government, the influence of the so-called New Direction in legal thinking and (Italian and French) anthropology of crime, and the debates among physicians as well as between psychiatrists and legal experts on the proper approach of mentally disturbed offenders. From the mid-1920s on the so-called ‘psychopaths laws’ anchored forensic psychiatry in the Dutch legal system. The second part zooms in on the enactment of these laws, which formalized special measures for mentally disturbed delinquents. These implied a combination of sentencing and forced admission to and treatment in a mental institution or some other form of psychiatric surveillance. The article deals with the meaning, reach and consequences of this legislation, its debate by psychiatrists and legal experts, the number of delinquents affected, the offenses for which they were sentenced and the (therapeutic) regime in forensic institutions. The goal of the Dutch legislation on psychopaths was ambiguous: if it was designed to protect society against assumed dangerous criminals, at the same time they were supposed to receive psychiatric treatment to enable their return to regular social life again. These legal and medical objectives were at odds with each other and as a result discussions about collective versus individual interests as well as about the usefulness and the effects of this legislation kept flaring up. To this day the history of this legislation is characterized by the intrinsic tension between punishment and security on the one hand and treatment and re-socialization on the other. Whether at some point one or the other prevailed was largely tied to the social climate with respect to law, order and authority.  相似文献   

2005年的新春是个好日子,当它伴着我们全体《法律与生活》人的齐声祝福来到您身边的时候,我们的心正被一种感动轻轻敲打——选择了我们的刊物,就是选择了对我们的祝福和支持。在竞争这个时代主题下,我们会用“挑战”做笔,书写《法律与生活》的2005——挑战自我、挑战对手、挑战过去的经验、挑战未来的不可知……我们这支队伍是一个新人和老人共同组合的团队,我们共同选择“挑战”。此时此刻,并未忘记曾经的承诺:“精彩、实时、重大的法制新闻;新鲜、实用、权威的法律资讯。”我们的另一份承诺是:“用责任、良知挖掘真相;用生动的文字记录‘…  相似文献   

当人们还沉浸在印度洋地震海啸灾难的巨大悲痛和震惊中时,日历已经悄然翻到了2005年。痛定思痛之后,代价、反思、预警和希望,这样的字眼留在人们沉思的脑海里,一如我们回顾2004年与展望2005年知识产权时的感受。 中国企业在发展过程中为知识产权付出的代价是有目共睹的。不仅包括侵犯他人知识产权所付出的代价,如去年大批DVD生产厂商被迫停止独立DVD机的出口;还包括不积极维护及运用自己的  相似文献   

As many as one-quarter of uroxicides [Johnson and Hotton (2003) Homicide Studies 7:58–84] and filicides [Wilczynski (1997) Child Homicide, London: Greenwich Medical Media] end in the suicide of the offender. As in homicide- or suicide-only events, homicide–suicide (HS) can arise from a variety of circumstances, ranging from relationship breakdown, to financial and health problems. However, to date our understanding of this disheartening phenomenon remains limited. As an HS event comprises both a homicidal and a suicidal component, the question of whether HS is primarily an extended suicide dominated by weariness or an alternate form of homicide overwhelmed by anger is a contentious topic. This article argues that there are at least two types of HS, with one type being dominated by hostility against the victim, whilst in the other hostility is not apparent. Based on HS events that occurred between 1989 and 2003 in Hong Kong, significant differences are found between these two types of HS in terms of offender and victim characteristics, antecedent, offender–victim relationships, situational factors and modes of killing. This is the first HS typological classification built on the hostility debate that has been validated with empirical data.
Ching Yee Aris ChanEmail:

骆轩 《中国律师》2004,(2):86-89
2001年9月,北京市第六次律师代表大会选举产生了第六届北京市律师协会理事会。经过对协会各项工作的深入调查和研究,六届理事会在2002年2月2日召开的第二次理事会上通过了《北京市律师协会第六届理事会三年任期工作目标》。两年来,协会按照《工作目标》的要求积极开展各项工作,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。2003年12月在怀柔雁栖湖,北京律师培训中心,北京市六届律协向全市律师交了一份答卷。  相似文献   

法理 宪法 行政法论消极法治和积极法治的互动与平衡殷啸虎 朱应平  1·3……………………………………………论公民基本权利的司法适用性邓世豹  1·13………论行政法理念的塑造———契约理念与权力理念的整合杨解君  1·19……………………………………论现代法治的形式理性价值取向———兼与罗峰先生商榷吴增基  2·3………………立法不作为的制度救济———论宪法诉讼的权利救济功能刘志刚  2·95……宪法典的文化意义任喜荣  3·3……………………论“新经济政策”的实质及其法哲学基础龚廷泰  3·13……………………………  相似文献   

A review of articles in the technical media between 2005 and 3Q 2011 disclosed reports on 49 outages involving 20 cloudsourcing providers. Several of these were major events. Many caused difficulties for user-organisations’ staff. Some caused lengthy suspension of services by user-organisations to their customers. A number of them involved irretrievable loss of data. Many user-organisations have failed to risk-assess their use of cloudsourcing, and are exposing their businesses to unmanaged risks.  相似文献   


针对社会上形形色色的侵害消费者健康安全的不法行径,今年中国消费者协会不失时宜地提出年主题“健康·维权”。生命健康权是公民最重要的人格权,保护消费者生命健康安全是维护消费者权益的根本之处。正如联合国制定的《保护消费者准则》中所说:应当“考虑到所有国家的消费者,特别是发展中国家消费者的利益和需要;确认在经济条件、教育水平和议价力量等方面,生产者和消费者之间存在着不平衡的社会关系;铭记着消费者应有权取得无害产品,以及有权促进公正、公平和持续的经济和社会发展”。保护消费者权益,首要的是维护消费者的安全权。联合国…  相似文献   

在今年6月27日上午被送上刑场的那一刻,原广州市收容人员救护站护工乔燕琴也许终于意识到,他的名字将会和另一个人以及一部行政法规的名字一道,写进中国法制史。那另一个人就是孙志刚,行政法规的名字叫《收容遣送办法》。 2003年3月18日晚10时许,在穗打工的湖北青年孙志刚因没有随  相似文献   

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