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阿富汗的伊斯兰教   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
伊斯兰教进入阿富汗已有一千多年的历史,是大多数阿富汗居民的信仰。然而,由于极为复杂的原因,伊斯兰教又不得不与一些前伊斯兰和非伊斯兰的信仰体系分享阿富汗人的精神世界。阿富汗的宗教阶层主要包括毛拉、圣族或圣门的后裔及苏菲派皮尔,由于阿富汗的部落社会特征,宗教阶层或高踞社会之上,或处于社会之外,从而形成阿富汗极为特殊的社会群体。与阿富汗分散、落后的部落社会结构相适应,阿富汗的宗教设施也有自己的特征。苏菲教团是阿富汗伊斯兰教的重要组成部分,不仅影响阿富汗人的精神世界,而且是阿富汗政治与社会生活中的重要角色。  相似文献   

伊斯兰并非天生具有政治属性.政治伊斯兰意识形态是政治人将伊斯兰进行政治化加工的产物,即通过重新解释部分教义、发明传统等方法,把特定政治主张包装成宗教责任,进而把民众的宗教热情引入政治轨道.政治伊斯兰意识形态话语兼具宗教和政治色彩,内容包括"真正信仰"、沙里亚或伊斯兰国家、乌玛3个层面,其核心目标指向政治权力.作为载体,政治伊斯兰运动是具体的、多样的.学界对政治伊斯兰成因机制的分析框架大体分为文化本质主义模式、结构-制度模式、认同-安全模式、代理人模式等几大类.政治化是理解政治伊斯兰现象的关键.政治化对伊斯兰自身发展的深远影响值得广泛关注.  相似文献   

对科索沃危机后美国伊斯兰政策的重新思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
近20年来,美国对外政策的显著特点之一是密切关注伊斯兰问题,并企图将伊斯兰与政治性的“伊斯兰主义”予以区别。这一外交决策的副作用在于夸大所谓伊斯兰威胁,并造成伊斯兰在总体上反西方的误断,使美国的利益因政策失误而蒙受损失。科索沃战争实际上是美国对外决策上的一个“突破”,美国应以此为契机重新思考其对外政策,把对外政策建立在利益考虑而非文明冲突的基础之上。在新的决策中应充分注意伊斯兰问题的复杂性,特别是它在不同地区的政治含义,采取灵活多变的弹性政策,尤其不应忽视正在兴起的逊尼派伊斯兰主义对南亚、中亚、北高加索、巴尔干等地区政治和安全的重要影响。重要之点是需要根据穆斯林居住地政治、社会和经济的变化提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

Europe now faces three related but different challenges: how to respond, in a time when “native” European populations are shrinking, to the growing presence of Muslim minorities; how to avoid having its relationships with its Muslim communities controlled by Islamists who seek to replace Western civilization with Islamic government based on sharia law; and what to do generally about this Islamist threat. Thus far, the European responses to these challenges have been shaped by four factors: accumulated civilizational exhaustion; the inability to grasp the challenge posed to European national identities by the allure of the global Caliphate; weakness arising from degraded security capabilities, including the impact of the continued drive to “build Europe” by adopting the Treaty of Lisbon; and the preference for appeasement of Islamist demands.  相似文献   

This paper examines the aims, motives and methods of the Taliban, the present rulers of most of Afghanistan. In accordance with their fundamentalist views the Taliban have established an Islamic system which focuses on the implementation of Shariah. This paper argues that the Taliban apply directly the divine injunctions which they have drastically sharpened - that means without being sanctioned by act of law of men. The government which the Taliban have set up has so far reached only a low level of institutionalization; the real power emanates from their leader, Mullah Omar.  相似文献   

This paper examines the aims, motives and methods of the Taliban, the present rulers of most of Afghanistan. In accordance with their fundamentalist views the Taliban have established an Islamic system which focuses on the implementation of Shariah. This paper argues that the Taliban apply directly the divine injunctions which they have drastically sharpened ‐ that means without being sanctioned by act of law of men. The government which the Taliban have set up has so far reached only a low level of institutionalization; the real power emanates from their leader, Mullah Omar.  相似文献   

东南亚地区共有2亿多穆斯林,他们总体属于主张宽容的温和派。但1997年亚洲金融危机后,印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾等国政局动荡,伊斯兰极端势力发展迅速,呈现出国际性和跨国区域合作二大特征,对国际、地区安全和有关国家社会稳定构成威胁。2002年10月在印度尼西亚巴厘岛发生的重大恐怖爆炸事件更令世界震惊,东南亚的伊斯兰教也因之引起了世界的广泛关注。美国和解出版公司2002年出版的由“美国犹太人委员会”亚洲、太平洋地区研究所所长贾森·艾萨克森与“澳大利亚以色  相似文献   

The war on terror, which began with the horrific terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre (WTC) and the Pentagon in the United States (US) on 11 September 2001, has now entered its second year. Much has been happening since. The Taliban regime in Afghanistan, a regime believed to have harboured Al-Qaeda, is now gone. The terrorist organisation Al-Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden is believed to have been disrupted and weakened. The despotic regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, believed by the US as a regime that supported terrorism and posed a threat to international security, has been toppled, and the country is now under American occupation. Despite such significant developments, however, a clear fact remains: terrorism has not been defeated, and in fact, is increasingly more dangerous and more active in perpetrating horrendous terrorist acts against humanity. As long as the world remains threatened by terrorism and terrorists, it seems that the war on terror will still go on indefinitely.¶This paper provides a reflection on the world since the war against terror initiated by the US, the predicaments of Southeast Asian Muslims in such a war on terror, and the imperative of democracy as an important element in a long-term strategy to counter terrorism.  相似文献   

同一些国家一样,印尼也存在激进伊斯兰教派.不过,近几十年来,由于当局的严厉镇压,激进伊斯兰教派活动范围已趋于缩小,有的组织已不复存在.因此,有关他们的情况不怎么为世人所知.  相似文献   

一、穆斯林人口有多少?他们所居何方? 穆斯林是世界上人口增长最快的宗教群体.穆斯林人口的增长和地区移民的涌入,再加上“伊斯兰国”及其他极端组织以伊斯兰教的名义实施的暴力所带来的持续冲击,将穆斯林和伊斯兰信仰置于许多国家政治争论的风口浪尖.然而,一些国家对穆斯林的许多情况并未充分了解.由于国内穆斯林人口相对较少,大多数美国人声称自己对伊斯兰教知之甚少,甚至一无所知.图1是根据近几年发表的皮尤研究报告汇编的有关宗教人口的一些重要情况.  相似文献   

当代俄罗斯实行的地方自治,是一种居民自治形式,区别于民族自治,属于联邦制的一项重要内容,对国家实现中央与地方的权力平衡、调动地方的积极性、培育公民社会、推动国家全面发展等方面具有积极的作用.在历史文化层面上,俄罗斯古老的村社传统与地方自治具有内在的关联,地方自治作为俄罗斯现代化的一个构成部分,在一定意义上是对村社传统的扬弃.因此,探讨村社传统与地方自治的关系,对转型国家处理传统文化与现代化变革关系具有一定的意义.  相似文献   


俄罗斯的历史传统与苏联现代化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
苏联的现代化是俄罗斯整个现代化链条中的一环,是俄罗斯现代化的一种新模式试验。俄罗斯现代化的失败是因为传统力量的强大,迫使俄罗斯通过革命转换模式。而苏联现代化的失败,虽然有种种原因,但最根本的原因仍然是传统力量阻碍。俄罗斯传统力量在苏联时期的顽强表现,不仅仅是阻碍了现代化的进行,更重要的是扭曲了社会主义方向,改变了苏联社会主义的本质。从文化学角度看,俄罗斯传统力量之所以如此强大,最重要的原因是俄罗斯社会内部的经济发展动力不足。俄罗斯不是求教于对外扩张,就是求救于内部的政治变革,即用人为改变生产关系的办法。这不是促进现代化的根本之路。从俄罗斯到苏联再到今日俄罗斯,要想搞好现代化,根本的一条就是必须排除一切传统力量的干扰,扎扎实实地抓好经济和文化建设。  相似文献   

Populists argue that Islamic immigrants are fundamentally different from Europeans. As evidence, they point to notions of religious and cultural identity. Such arguments have popular resonance. As more mainstream politicians pick up on these themes, they begin to take on an air of common sense. Nevertheless, they are mistaken. Europe has a long track record of reconciling competing identities. This has happened by focusing on patterns of interaction (solidarity) rather than obvious indicators of distinctiveness. Using the examples of the Netherlands and Turkey, this article illustrates the wide spectrum of European approaches to the challenge of getting different groups to share the same geographic space.  相似文献   


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