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Antanas Kalanavi?ius. In the Joint between Two Words. The study analyzes poems by the Lithuanian poet and connects his writing with his biography. While the biographical background serves to motivate the themes of his poems, the main focus, however, lies on a linguistic point of view. The theoretical background is de Saussure's Cours de linguistique générale. The aim is to show how the meanings of words interact with each other and — by choosing seemingly conflicting word-formations — forming new fields of understanding and connotations.  相似文献   


The issue of poor performance of the Russian federal bureaucracy is addressed by linking performance to type of official, through analysis of biographical data on deputy ministers and division (departament) heads in five federal ministries since 2012, supplemented by internet searches on behavior, particularly of a corrupt nature. Education, previous career experience, and recruitment, including its timing relative to superiors and subordinates, are analyzed, in order to determine whether officials behave primarily as members of patrimonial teams, as members of problem-solving organizations, as self-serving individuals, as the instruments of capture by commercial organizations, or as servants of bureaucratic agency interests. The data do not strongly support any one conclusion, but problem-solving officials have the strongest presence.  相似文献   


In recent years editions of biographical dictionaries have been launched in Spain in the long Continental European and Anglophone tradition of such works, but so far only for individual regions. They form the indispensable basis for the collective biographies (prosopography) of members of parliament and other political elites.  相似文献   

Library notices     
The Theatres of Japan. By Peter Arnott. London, Macmillan &; Company 1969. Pp. 319. Index, Bibliography, Glossary, Illustrations. £4.5.

The Actors’ Analects. Edited, translated and with an introduction and notes by Charles J. Dunn and Bunzo Torigoe. New York, Columbia University‐Press and Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 1969. Pp. 306. Index. Original Japanese text, Illustrations, Glossary, List of Actors (with characters) and short biographical Notices. Bibliography. $11.00.  相似文献   

?ilyat al-awliyā’ wa-?abaqāt al-a?fiyā’ by Abu Nu?aym al-Isfahani (d. 430/1038) is a remarkable and timeless manual of instructions conveyed to us through eminent figures of Islam, who have been known for their piety, asceticism and great learning. With its 689 entries, this biographical encyclopaedia covers a time span of almost 400 years; from the time of the Prophet until the fifth/eleventh century. The author’s intention is to present elements of Sufi thought and practice in complete compatibility with Muslim orthodoxy in an attempt to vindicate Sufism in the eyes of its opponents. This article is mainly a study of the apologetic nature of Sufi biographical tradition with focus on the ?ilya as representative material. Owing to its large scope, only an extract covering nine biographies has been selected for the purpose of this study.  相似文献   


The study focuses on the institution of boarding schools (Russian: internat) in Soviet Tajikistan in the 1950s and 1960s and its role in the education and training of the new national generations of skilled professionals in the fields of industry, science, culture, art and healthcare, which in turn contributed to the development of their country. Along with the de-Stalinization of education and subsequent polytechnization, as well as flexibility in the use of Soviet institutions, the internats were transformed from a purely Soviet project into a more inclusive Soviet-Tajik project at the national level for the training of new young national-Sovietized professionals. These professionals combined the qualities of Sovietized and local (national), with their distinctive norms, traditions and values, into a totally new form. The boarding school system turned into a factory for bringing up national-Sovietized specialists and cadres.  相似文献   


My contribution to the Special Edition seeks to examine two key aspects of the ideological underpinnings and cultural presumptions of the liberal project of state- and nation-building as interpreted by the elective dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz in Mexico (1876–80, 1884–1911), and its specific manifestation in the commemorative Fiestas del Centenario – the official celebration of the first centenary of Mexican independence from Spain – in September 1910. The article focuses, first, on the manifestation of a triumphalist liberal version of historia patria, and, second, on the projection of a distinct mestizo identity for Mexico’s ethnically diverse citizenship as key components in the construction of Mexican national identity.  相似文献   

This focus of this paper is not Surabaya's increasingly free-flowing streets, but the people those streets displace. Based on research in a low-income neighbourhood, or kampung, of Indonesia's second largest city, this paper shows how the street facilitates displacement and exacerbates the marginalisation of underemployed kampung men. This argument is set against the struggles over the use of public space between Surabaya's kampung residents and the municipality since independence and is grounded through the biographical detail of seven kampung men over the ten years since the economic crisis of 1998.  相似文献   


This paper explores the third novel in Ali Smith’s seasonal quartet, Spring. Using Achille Mbembe’s Necropolitics as a conceptual frame, I analyze Smith’s rendering of a Britain grappling with Brexit in times of transnational populism. As with Autumn and Winter, Smith’s prose is saturated with intertextual borrowings from pop and “high” culture, also interrogating the links between “nanoracism” and the “immunity and community” knot (Dillet). This paper reads Spring alongside Smith’s contribution to and advocacy of the Refugee Tales project regarding the diverse discourses surrounding migration, xenophobia, and indefinite detention. Smith’s writing traces the darkness of our populist present with its rhetorical and material violence, as well as the possibilities for creative response and resistance. I argue that her seasonal quartet to date and her work with Refugee Tales aesthetically and ethically defend the principle that human dignity, both individual and collective, rests on the ability to tell stories.  相似文献   


Imperial Sunset. Volume 1: Britain's Liberal Empire 1897–1921. By Max Beloff. London, Methuen, 1969. Pp. 387. Maps. Chronology. Index. £3.25.

United Nations Peacekeeping, 1946–1967. Documents and Commentary. Part 2: Asia. By Rosalyn Higgins. London, Oxford University Press for Chatham House, 1970. Pp. xviii+486. Maps. Bibliog. Index. £4.50.

Colonialism in East‐West Relations: A Study of Soviet Policy towards India and Anglo‐Soviet Relations 1:0.17–1047. By Zafar Imam. New Delhi, Eastman Publications, 1969. Pp. xii+531. Bibliog. Index. Rs. 40.

India and the Soviet Union: The Nehru Era. By Arthur Stein. Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press, 1969. Pp. xiv+320. Bibliog. Index. £4.30.

Studies in Asian History: Proceedings of the Asian History Congress, 1961. Edited by K. S. Lal. London, Asia Publishing House, 1969. Pp. 530. Appendices. £4.25.

That Untravelled World. An autobiography. By Eric Shipton. London, Hodder &; Stoughton, 1969. Pp. 286. Illus. Maps. Index. £2.25.


The Bhagavad‐Gita (first six chapters). Translated by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. London, Penguin Books, 1970.

Eastern Religion and Western Thought. By S. Radakrishnan. London, Oxford Paperback 1970 (first pubd. 1939).

Dimensions of Islam. By Frithjof Schuon, translated by P. N. Townsend. London, Allen and Unwin, 1970. Pp. 167. Index. £1.75.

Buddhism, a Non‐Theistic Religion. By Helmuth von Glasenapp, translated by Irmgard Schloegl. London, Allen &; Unwin, 1970. Pp. 208. Glossary. Index. £2.

Christian and Hindu Ethics. By Shivesh Chandra Thakur. London, Allen &; Unwin, 1969. Pp. 216. Bibliog. Index. £2.40.

The Indian Theogony. By Sukumari Bhattacharji. London, Cambridge University Press, 1970. Pp. 397. Bibliog. Index. £7.

The Buddhist Revival in China. By Holmes Welch; photographs by Henri Cartier‐Bresson. London, OUP for Harvard University Press. 1970. Pp. 385. Maps. Illus. Bibliog. Index. £5.75.

Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn Arabi. By Henry Corbin, translated by Robert Manheim. London, Routledge, 1970. Pp. 406. Illus. Bibliog. Index. £4.75.

The Field of Zen. By Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, edited by Christmas Humphreys. London, The Buddhist Society, 1969. Pp. xvii+105. Illus. Index. £1.05.

South Asian Politics and Religion. Edited by Donald Eugene Smith. London, OUP for Princeton University Press, 1970 (first issued 1966). Pp. 563. Index. £1.75.

The Politics of Untouchability: Social Mobility and Social Change in a City of India. By Owen M. Lynch. New York and London, Columbia University Press, 1970. Pp. 251. Maps. Illus. Glossary. Bibliog. Index.

Religion, Law, and the State in India. By J. Duncan M. Derrett. London, Faber and Faber, 1968. Pp. 615. Bibliog. Indexes. £4.50.

Middle East

The Middle East in Revolution. By Humphrey Trevelyan. London, Macmillan, 1970. Pp. 266. Index. £3.25.

The Game of Nations. The Amorality of Power Politics. By Miles Copeland. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969. Pp. 272. Bibliog. Index. £2.50.

Army Officers in Arab Politics and Society. By Eliezer Be'eri. London, Praeger, Pall Mall Press. 1970. Pp. 514. Illus. Bibliog. Index. £4.

The Chatham House Version and other Middle Eastern Studies. By Elie Kedourie. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1970. Pp. 488. Bibliog. Index. £3.75.

The Struggle for the Middle East, 1958–68. By Walter Laqueur. London, Routledge &; Kegan Paul, 1969. Pp. 351. Index. £2.50.

East and West of Suez: the Suez Canal in History 1854–1956. By D. A. Farnie. Oxford, Clarendon Press 1969. Pp. 860. Maps. Bibliog. Index. £8.40.

An Arab Common Market. A Study in Inter‐Arab Trade Relations, 1920–67. By Alfred G. Musrey. New York, Frederick A. Praeger; London, Pall Mall Press, 1969. Pp. 274. Bibliog. £6.25.

The Life and Works of Jahiz. Edited by Charles Pellat; translated from French by D. M. Hawke. London, Routledge, 1969. Pp. xiv+286. Glossary. £3.15.

A Time in Arabia. By Doreen Ingrams. London, John Murray, 1970. Pp. 160. Map. Index. £2.25.

Middle Eastern Cities: a symposium on Ancient, Islamic, and Contemporary Urbanism. Edited by Ira M. Lapidus. Los Angeles &; London, University of California Press, 1969. Pp. 206. Index. £2.85.

The Islamic City: a colloquium. Edited by A. H. Hourani and S. M. Stern. London, Faber for Bruno Cassirer and University of Pennsylvania Press, 1970. Pp. 222. Maps. Illus. £2.10.

Palmyra: text by Kazimierz Michalowski, photographs by Andrzej Dziewanowski. London, Pall Mall Press, 1970. Pp. 129. Illus. £2.40.

Current British Research in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies. Compiled by Dr. Peter Beaumont. University of Durham, Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 1969. Pp. 89. Indices. £0.40 or $1.

A History of Persia. By Sir Percy Sykes. London, Routledge &; Kegan Paul, 1969 (3rd edn.) 2 vols: Pp. xxxix+563; xvii+616. Maps. Illus. Index. £7.50.

Persia. Introduction by James Morris. Photographs by Roger Wood. Notes on the Plates by Denis Wright. London, Thames &; Hudson, 1969. Pp. 216. Illus. Map. Index. £3.15.

Indian Sub Continent

Curzon in India. Volume Two: Frustration. By David Dilks. London, Rupert Hart‐Davis, 1970. Pp. 307. Illus. Bibliog. Index. £3.

Sardar Patel. By D. V. Tahmankar. Foreword by Lord Mountbatten. London, Allen &; Unwin, 1970. Pp. 299. Index. £3.

A View from New Delhi. By Chester Bowles. New Haven &; London, Yale University Press, 1970. Pp. 268. £1.40 (paper 90 np.)

The Partition of India ‐ Policies and Perspectives, 1935–1947. Edited by C. H. Philips and Mary Doreen Wainwright. London, Allen &; Unwin, 1970. Pp. 607. Maps. Bibliog. Index. £5.50.

National Communication and Language Policy in India. By Baldev Raj Nayer. NY, Praeger; London, Pall Mall, 1969. Pp. 310. Index. Bibliog. £5.25.

Opposition in a Dominant Party System. A study of the JanaSangh, Praja Socialist, and Socialist Parties in Uttar Pradesh, India. By Angela S. Burger. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1969. Pp. 325. £4.05.

Jana Sangh. A Biography of an Indian Political Party. By Craig Baxter. London, OUP for University of Pennsylvania Press, 1970. Pp. 352. Maps. Bibliog. Index. £6.

Land Control and Social Structure in Indian History. Edited by Robert E. Frykenberg. Madison, Wis., University of Wisconsin Press, 1969. Pp. x+256. Index. $10; £4.75.

Trade and Empire in Western India 1784–1806. By Pamela Nightingale. London, CUP, 1970. Pp. 264. Bibliog. Index. Maps. £3.5.

The Nagas in the Nineteenth Century. By Verrier Elwin. London, Oxford University Press (printed in India), 1969. Pp. xii+650. Illus. Map. £4.80.

The Nadars of Tamilnad: The Political Culture of a Community in Change. By Robert L. Hardgrave Jr. Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1969. Pp. xiv+314. Illus. Bibliog. Index. £4.20.

A Garland for E. M. Forster. Edited by H. H. Anniah Gowda. Mysore, The Literary Half‐Yearly, 1969. Pp. 132 + viii.

Southeast Asia

Sukarno and the Struggle for Indonesian Independence. By Bernard Dahm. Translated from the German by Mary F. Somers Heidhues. Ithaca &; London, Cornell University Press, 1969. Pp. 374. Glossary. Bibliog. Index. £7.15.

The Broken Triangle: Peking, Djakarta and the PKI. By Sheldon W. Simon. Baltimore, The John Hopkins Press, 1969. Pp. 210. Glossary. Index. £3.30.

The United States and Malaysia. By James W. Gould. London, OUP for Harvard University Press, 1969. Pp. xi+267. Index. £3.30.

The French Presence in Cochin‐China and Cambodia ‐ Rule and Response (1895–1905). By Milton E. Osborne. Ithaca and London. Cornell University Press, 1969. Pp. 379. Illus. Bibliog. Index. £4.55.

Vietnam and China 1938–1954. By King C. Chen. London, OUP for Princeton University Press, 1969. Pp. 436. Maps. Bibliog. Index. £6.

Burma. By F. S. V. Donnison. Pp. 263. Illus. Bibliog. London, Ernest Benn, 1970. £2.50.


The Transformation of the Chinese Earth: Perspectives on Modern China. By Keith Buchanan. London, G. Bell &; Sons, 1970. Pp. xviii+321. Tables. Plates. Maps. Cartograms. Bibliog. Index. £3.25.

A Study of Chinese Communes 1965. By Shahid Javed Burki. Harvard East Asian Monographs no. 29. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1969. Pp. xvi+97. Tables. Index. $3.50.

Communist China's Agriculture. Its Development and Future Potential. By Owen L. Dawson. New York, Praeger; London, Pall Mall Press, 1970. Pp. xvii+317. £6.25.

Domestic Animals of China. By H. Epstein. Farnham Royal, Bucks., Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1969. Pp. 164. Bibliog. Plates. Index. £4.

Family and Kinship in Chinese Society. Edited by Maurice Freedman. London, OUP for Stanford University Press, 1970. Pp. 269. Index. £3.75.

Records of the Historian: Chapters from the Shih Chi of Ssu‐Ma Ch'ien, translated by Burton Watson. New York &; London, Columbia University Press, 1970. Pp. 356. £2.

Chinese Communist Politics in Action: edited by A. Doak Barnett. Seattle and London, University of Washington Press, 1969. Pp. 620. Illus. Index. £5.95 (cloth), £1.80 (paper).

Studies in the Social History of China and Southeast Asia. Essays in memory of Victor Purcell. Edited by Jerome Ch'en and Nicholas Tarling. Memoir by Sybille Van der Sprenkel. Cambridge University Press, 1970. Pp. 424. £4.50.

Sun Yat Sen and the Origins of the Chinese Revolution. By Harold Z. Schiffrin. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1968. Pp. 412. Maps. Glossary. Bibliog. Index. £4.55.

The Cave Temples of Maichishan. By Michael Sullivan and Dominique Dubois. With an account of the 1958 expedition to Maichishan by Anil de Silva. London, Faber &; Faber, 1969. Pp. 77 + 104 of plates. £8.50.

Muscovite and Mandarin: Russia's Trade with China and its Setting, 1727–1805. By Clifford M. Foust. London, OUP for North Carolina Press, 1970. Pp. 424. Maps. Illus. Bibliog. Index. £4.75.

Far East

The Foreign Policy of North Korea. By Byung Chul Koh. NY, Praeger; London, Pall Mall Press 1969. Pp. xxi + 237. Charts. Bibliog. £5.20.

Book Pirating in Taiwan. By David Kasser. London. OUP for University of Philadelphia Press, 1969. Pp. 149. Index. £3.15.

Footprints in the Snow. By Kenjiro Tokutomi, translated and with biographical introduction by Kenneth Strong. London, Allen &; Unwin, 1970. Pp. xlvi+326. £3.25.

How the Conservatives Rule Japan. By Nathaniel B. Thayer. London, OUP for Princeton University Press, 1969. Pp. 349. Glossary. Bibliog. Index. £4.75.

The Izumi Shikibu Diary. Translated by Edwin A. Cranston. London, OUP for Harvard University Press 1970. Pp. 332. Bibliog. Indexes. £6.  相似文献   

The system     

For me, the most splendid tribute to human dignity was something I saw on a mountain top in Peloponnesia. It was not a piece of sculpture or a flag, just the three Greek letters oxi meaning “no.”  相似文献   

Terence Chong 《亚洲研究》2013,45(4):553-568

This article explores the effects of Singapore's Global City for the Arts project on the local theater industry. It begins by describing the character of the Singapore state and its ability to meet the challenges of globalization. It then shows that while historically global in orientation, the city-state's early cultural policies were resolutely local and insular prior to the economic recession in 1985. From that year on, local arts and culture was driven by an economic rationale — eventually culminating in the birth of a globally oriented national cultural policy: the Global City for the Arts project. The author contends that the Global City for the Arts project has pressured the Singapore state into shedding some of its authoritarian practices in order to conform to international norms. However, the author also illustrates how certain theater companies with the requisite cultural capital for the Global City for the Arts project have benefited from the country's cultural policies while others that do not possess such cultural capital are marginalized. The article concludes by arguing that the Singapore state, in going global, exacerbates the economic disparity by accentuating preexisting inequalities and divisions in the local.  相似文献   


In Hidden Horrors Tanaka Yuki undertakes the ambitious project of trying to show the connections among the many examples of Japanese war crimes during World War II, specifically, the maltreatment and killing of prisoners of war, the abuse and rape of women, cannibalism by Japanese soldiers, biological warfare experiments, and civilian massacres. But rather than examine the most infamous examples of these war crimes, he focuses on little-known incidents that occurred in Borneo, Indonesia, and New Guinea. Tanaka's detailed narratives show that these incidents, although smaller in scale, were equally horrific and, in his analysis, manifestations of a broad systemic problem rather than isolated cases of madness.  相似文献   

The Beginning and the End by Naguib Mahfouz, translated by Ramses Hanna Awad and edited by Mason Rossiter Smith. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 1985. Pp.379. $7.95.

The Search by Naguib Mahfouz, translated by Mohamed Islam and edited by Magdi Wahba. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 1987. Pp.126. $8.95.

The Beggar by Naguib Mahfouz, translated by Kristin Walker Henry and Nariman Khales Naili al‐Warraki. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 1986. Pp. 124. $7.95.

Banking and Oil: The History of the British Bank of the Middle East by Geoffrey Jones. Volume 2, Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pp.380. £40.

Syria and the French Mandate: The Politics of Arab Nationalism, 1920–1945 by Philip Khoury. London: I.B. Tauris and Co. 1987. Pp.698. £37.50.

Nomads and Settlers in Syria and Jordan 1800–1980 by Norman N. Lewis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

Futile Diplomacy, volume two: Arab‐Zionist negotiations and the End of the Mandate by Neil Caplan. London: Frank Cass, 1986. Pp.358, including documents, bibliography and index. £27.50.

The Dynamics of Inflation in Iran: 1960–1977 by Azizollah Ikani. The Netherlands: Tilburg University Press, 1987. DFL 42.40.  相似文献   


The Southeastern Anatolia Project (Güneydo?u Anadolu Projesi, GAP) is one of the largest regional development projects ever implemented in the Middle East. Launched officially in the 1970s to develop the water and land resources of southeastern Turkey, GAP has over time evolved from a predominantly technical, largely state-led and mainly infrastructural and economic development-oriented project into a primarily social, largely market-friendly and chiefly sustainable and human development-oriented project. Parallel to this evolution, GAP has grown more visible in political and public discourses. The implications of the project, for instance, on the ecology and cultural heritages, on the Kurdish Question, and on water issue among Turkey, Syria and Iraq have become clearer. However, despite growing academic and policy interest on GAP, there has been no attempt to provide a literature review on the project. Even more than 40 years after GAP was begun, a bird’s eye view of researched and under-researched topics in the literature has not been introduced yet. This article seeks to present a qualitative review of GAP-related literature. In this way, it seeks to constitute an initial step to establish a base for more expansive reviews and to provide guidance to interested and involved researchers, practitioners and policymakers.  相似文献   

This article examines Arctic Summer (2014) by Damon Galgut, a biographical novel focused on a period in the life of British author E.M. Forster. My inquiry is concerned with narrative form and aesthetics that limn affiliations between the two authors’ creative and sexual sensibilities and struggles, and how forms of affective affiliations are forged through narration and narrative stylistics. I discuss critical responses to Galgut’s oeuvre and trends in South African literary production post-1994, to introduce ideas about his non-conformist creative impulses. I reflect on hybrid narrative form, generic ambiguities, and aesthetics to consider how affective affiliations are fashioned in Arctic Summer and beyond the boundaries of the text when compared to Galgut’s In a Strange Room (2010). Leela Gandhi’s thoughts on “affective communities” inform my argument that the representation of sexuality and bonds of affection in Arctic Summer enables formal and nonconformist affinities across temporal and spatial registers.  相似文献   

Sistemul sau întocmirea religiei muhammedane. By Dimitrie Cantemir. Translation, introduction, and notes by Virgil Cândea. Bucure?ti: Editura Minerva, 1977. Pp.lxxiv + 687. Lei 38.

People of Salé: Tradition and Change in a Moroccan City, 1830–1930 by Kenneth L. Brown. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1976. Pp. xx, 265.

Nédroma: L'Evolution d'une Médina by Gilbert Grandguillaume. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1976. Pp. xvi, 195.

The Struggle for Palestine by J. C. Hurewitz. New York: Schocken Books, 1976. Pp. 404, index.

The Shuster Mission and the Constitutional Revolution by Robert A. McDaniel. Minneapolis: Bibliotheca Islamica, 1974. Pp. 259. Maps. Index.

The Gecekondu by Kemal H. Karpat. Cambridge University Press. 1977. Pp. 7 + 291, Tables. Notes. Bibliog. Index. £18.

The Limits to Power: Soviet Policy in the Middle East, edited by Yaacov Ro'i. Croom Helm. London. 1979. Pp. 376. £10.95.

Israel, the West Bank and International Law by Allan Gerson. Frank Cass, 1978. Pp: xvii + 285. £16.

The Economic and Political Development of the Sudan by Francis A. Lees &; Hugh C. Brooks. Macmillan 1977. Pp. 172, £8.95.

Trade and Investment In the Middle East by Rodney Wilson. London: Macmillan, 1977. Pp. 152. £12.

Oil and Empire: British Policy and Mesopotamian Oil 1900–1920 by Marian Kent. The Macmillan Press Ltd. and the London School of Economics and Political Science, 1976. £10.

Arabia of the Wahhabis by Harry St. John B. Philby, Second Edition. London: Frank Cass. 1977. Map. Pp. XIV + 422. £15.50.

Iran: Dictatorship and Development by Fred Halliday. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1979. Pp. 348, £1.50.

Iran: the Illusion of Power by Robert Graham. London: Croom Helm, 1978. Pp. 228, £7.95.

The Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean in International Politics edited by Abbas Amirie. Tehran: Institute for International Political and Economic Studies, 1975. Pp. 418, no price indicated.  相似文献   

Workers’ Self‐Management in Algeria by Ian Clegg. London: Allen Lane The Penguin Press, 1971. Pp. 249; £3·25.

The Revival of Greek Thought by G. P. Henderson. London: Chatto &; Windus, 1971. Pp. vx + 216; £3·50.

Ha‐Pe'iluth Has‐Siyyonith Be'iraq (Zionist Activity in Iraq) by Hayyim Y. Cohen. Jerusalem: Has‐Sifriyyah Has‐Siyyonith, 1969 Pp.274.

Coup d‐Etat: A Practical Handbook by Edward Luttwak. London: Penguin

Books Ltd., 1971. Pp. 205, appendices, index; £0·30.

Politics and Government in Turkey by C. H. Dodd. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1969. Pp. xvi + 335; £3·25.

Lyautey in Morocco by Alan Scham. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1970. Pp. xi + 272; £4.20, $8.75.

The Second Arab Awakening by Jon Kimche. London: Thames and Hudson, 1970. Pp. 288; £2·10.  相似文献   

The Gentile Zionists: A Study in Anglo‐Zionist Diplomacy, 1929–1939 by N. A. Rose. London, Frank Cass. Pp 242, £3.75

The Egyptian Economy, 1952–1972 by Robert Mabro, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1974, pp. xii + 254, Bibliography, index, £1.50.

From Encroachment to Involvement: A Documentary Study of Soviet Policy in the Middle East, 1945 – 1973 by Yaacov Ro'i. John Wiley and Sons New York, Toronto. Israel Universities Press, Jerusalem. 1974. Pp. xxxix + 616

Oil and World Power by Peter Odell. Harmondsworth, Penguin, Pp. 233, 95p.

The Western European Energy Economy: Challenges and Opportunities (Stamp Memorial Lecture) by Peter Odell. London, Athlone Press, Pp. 40, 90p.

The Mahdist State of the Sudan, 1881–1898, by P.M. Holt, Second Edition. Pp. xvi + 295. Maps. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970. £2.75.

Iraq and Syria 1941 by Geoffrey Warner. London: Davis‐Poynter, 1974; Pp. 180, map, bibliography, index; £3.50  相似文献   

Afghanistan and the Soviet Union by Henry Bradsher. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1982. Pp. 336. $32.50; $12.75 (paper).

Afghanistan's Two Party Communism by Anthony Arnold. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 1983. Pp. 260. $10.95.

Revolutionary Afghanistan: A Reappraisal by Beverly Male. New York: St Martin's Press, 1982. £13.95.

Red Flag Over Afghanistan by Thomas Hammond. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1984. Pp. xvii + 261. £26.25; £11.25 (paper).

The Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire edited by Marion Kent. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1984. Pp. x + 237. £18.00.

Der Islam in der Gegenwart edited by Werner Ende and Udo Steinbach, with editorial help from Michael Ursinus. Munich: C.H. Becker, 1984. Pp.774, bibliography, maps, index. DM, 138.

Workers’ Participation and Self‐Management in Turkey by Mehmet Nezir Uca. The Hague: Institute of Social Studies, Research Report Series No. 13, 1983. Pp.xiv + 254. Guilders 11

France Overseas by C. Andrew and A.S. Kanya‐Forstner. London: Thames &; Hudson, 1981. Pp.302. £12.95.  相似文献   

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