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本文通过对一电台节目——“法兰西例外”(Exception francaise)的时间构成、题目内涵、音乐效果和主持风格的分析,试图把握法国文化电台所体现的文化宗旨和由此而见的法国文化政策。  相似文献   


In 1791 there were published eight weeklies and one fortnightly in the British North American colonies which, in 1867 and the following years, united to form the Canadian confederation. The British newspapers served them all as principal sources of information about the events in Europe. The positive and sympathetic press reports in Great Britain relating to the momentous changes in Poland, which were introduced with the adoption of the 3 May 1791 Constitution by the Diet, were thus also ‘echoed’ in Canada. These ‘echoes’ notwithstanding, judging by the scope of press coverage, which started on 4 July 1791, as well as by some editorial comment, it can be concluded that there also existed a genuine interest in Canada about the progress of the peaceful Polish ‘revolution,’ which contrasted so sharply with the bloody strife in America and France.  相似文献   

兰波的诗作以打破语言常规和感觉习惯为突出特征,这些特征既为批评家提供了多元阐释的空间,也为翻译者设置了难以逾越的障碍。由于中法两种语言编码的差异和文化背景的差异,由于诗人对本国语言的独特运用,中译本很难保留原作的全部文化内涵和文际关系,很难不造成语义流失。但由于汉语本身所特有的语法手段和词汇资源,由于每个译者对汉语的独特运用,中译本也可能会在某个层面上与原文相比有所增值,这种增值有时甚至与原作的总体追求相吻合。本文以兰波散文诗《彩图集》的中译本为分析实例,对诗歌翻译过程中的这些“得”与“失”展开思考。  相似文献   

雅克·普雷韦尔是法国20世纪著名诗人、电影编剧。他的诗歌通俗易懂、贴近生活,有如诗歌领域中一股清新的空气;此外,在其简洁生动的语言之下,往往还蕴藏着丰富的生命哲理。本文试图通过雅克·普雷韦尔的诗歌《在花店》,来分析其诗歌的主要特征。  相似文献   


The nobility and the Netherlands Senate 1815–1830

From 1815 to 1830 the northern and southern Netherlands formed a single kingdom under Guillaume I. In this kingdom the nobility was the only social order to enjoy special political rights. The political influence the nobility could exercise as an order was primarily at the provincial level. The Corps Equestres had a role as a sort of electoral college for the Provincial Estates of the separate provinces. In 1815, after the States General had been divided into two chambers, the influence of the provinces made itself felt particularly through the elections for the Second Chamber, the members of the First Chamber, the Senate, being appointed by the king. Despite the fact that over ninety percent of them belonged to the nobility, the nobility as an order never became a political group exercising power at the national level.  相似文献   

重复是为达到强调某个意思、突出某种感情而采用的一种修辞格。这种手段不仅涉及词和词组,还能小至音素、大至句法结构和句子。此外,几个同音异义词或近音词放在一起使用,也有同等的效果。有时,一个词在一定的语境中出现,读者或听者马上会联想到它的同音异义词或近音词。引而不发,修辞效果更佳。如果能把所有这些重复手段系统地而不是零敲碎打地引进课堂,学生会对此种修辞方法有全面深入的了解,达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

Alain Blottière parle d'une symphonic baroque, d'une véritable cacophonie à propos des commentaires autour des Illuminations, et il cite l'exemple de Conte pour montrer l'ampleur de la diversité entre les spécialistes de Rimbaud. Pourtant, si divergents qu'ils soient, les commentateurs constatent tous qu'il s'agit, dans ce texte dont l'aspoct narratif est le plus marquant de routes les Illuminations,  相似文献   

Monsieur le président,Messieur les Directeurs,Mesdames,Messieurs,Chers Amis,L′Ambassadeur de France ayant étéappelé pour consultation par M.Roland DUMAS,Ministre des Relations Extérieures,l′honneur m′échoitde le représenter àcette commémoration du cinquième anniversaire de la  相似文献   

我国报纸近年来随着社会需求和自身的市场化运作,领导人活动报道质量有所提高,但在报道形式上与西方发达报纸相比仍然存在很大的差异。本论文采用社会学的实证研究方法,系统比较了中法两国关于胡锦涛访法事件的相关报道,分别选取了两国具有代表性的三份报纸,采用定量研究方法从八个方面展开文本分析比较,并初步总结了中法两国报纸对领导人活动的不同报道模式。在此基础上,本文试图挖掘出现差异的深层原因。  相似文献   

A partir de l'exemple de Casanova, et en deux de ses textes:l'Histoire de ma vie,Le raisonnement d'un spectateur sur le bouleversement de lamonarchie[…] je voudrais contribuer la sur les rapports entre ce qu'il est con-venu d'appeler la des , le libertinage et la .  相似文献   

冷战后的欧盟在指导方针上出了问题,她不知是把自己建成一个联邦(美国式的联邦或合作型的联邦)还是建成一个地处欧洲的小联合国。对这个问题我们现在必须给出答案,否则欧盟还会陷入危机。  相似文献   

在广告传播中数字常常被视为一个不可忽视的传播要素,因为数字作为传播符号,它既反映了一个国家的经济发展水平,又承载寓意独特的文化价值。本文力图通过对几则法国现代广告中的数字符号分析,试图展示法国广告如何利用既简单而又极赋感染力的数字符号达到传播产品个性及企业形象的目的。  相似文献   

凡是学习外语的人都希望有一天面对日常的生活情景能自由,流利地表达。但是,如何更快、更有效地达到这一目的呢?长期以来,中外语言专家围绕这一教学目标在外语教学的观念,方法和实践上不懈地进行探索。虽然现代技术的发展向我们提供了很多先进的教学手段,例如在外语教学上现在普遍使用录音机,录像机,VCD,DVD等设备,尤其录像机,VCD,DVD可以把各种语言材料和相应的真实画面结合在一起用于语言教学,而画面与语言材料的结合却可以追溯到17世纪。直到上世纪50年代初,画面在教材中只起到两个简单的作用插图或课文内容的补充。学术界也很少评论画面在语言教学上的作用。本文试就法国原版教材NouvelEspace中语言材料通过连环画加以表现的形式,对中国法语教学所起的作用及其影响加以分析。  相似文献   

Mexico’s security crisis and Felipe Calderón’s (2006-2012) security strategy had its roots in drug trafficking, the prohibition of drugs, contraband and the border shared with the United States. Standard accounts of the violence experienced in the country, which reduce it to confrontations between drug cartels, are of little use. This article presents part of the context in which the security crisis developed, putting it in a historical perspective, and attempting to take a step towards a more nuanced interpretation. It holds that drug trafficking between Mexico and the United States is a complex, many-sided reality which admits dense symbolic elaboration. Apart from the very concrete shipping of drugs, drug trafficking is part of Mexico’s relation with the United States, a register that imbues the asymmetry between both countries with meaning, a space of political negotiation and a resource of American global diplomacy which is crystallized in a clandestine foreign policy system. Furthermore, through the demystification of the imagery that envelopes organized crime, corruption and contraband are examined, conceiving these two as phenomena that are integrated organically into borderland society.  相似文献   

1998年,值巴黎大学建校八百周年之机,法国与德、意、英三国共同签署了具有历史意义的“巴黎声明”,旨在建立一个开放的高等教育空间,加强四国大学学生和教师的交流,促成大学课程和文凭的对等与协调。在确保各国文化教育差异的同时,消除障碍,促进人员流动和更加紧密的合作。“巴黎声明”的发表意味着欧洲内部教育的接轨,意味着各国教育体制的调整乃至改革。  相似文献   

随着交际教学法在中国法语联盟法语语言教学中的推广使用,选择什么法语教材能更好的达到交际教学法所规定的要求和目标,最大限度地培养中国学生的语言交际的能力呢?尤其是面对法语联盟武汉法语培训中心的这部分极其特殊的法语语言学习群体——他们学习法语主要是到法国、加拿大(或其他说法语的国家),或者继续学习,或者是移民生活——使用哪种法语教材能更好地给这群即将出国人员的法语交流在国内给予最充分的准备呢?本文作者通过分析在武汉法盟使用的法文原版教材 Reflets 所独具的特点,阐述该教材在培养法语学习者的语言交际能力方面的优势。  相似文献   


This article analyzes questions from the European parliament (EP) to the Commission and Council of Ministers of the European Union (EU). The exponential increase in the number of questions since the first direct election of the EP in 1979 is testimony to the changing pattern of inter-institutional relations in the EU and to the growing involvement of the EP in a variety of policy areas. At the individual level, the members of the EP strategically use questions either for the purposes of specialization or in order to connect with their voters. Analyzing parliamentary questions is therefore relevant for a better understanding of representation in a supranational setting.  相似文献   

周婷 《法国研究》2013,(3):43-46
居伊德波是法国当代思想家。异轨和漂移是其所创立的国际情景主义中两个重要理论,至今仍被广泛地运用到各种形式的艺术创作之中。莫迪亚诺,作为一名上世纪六十年代的青年作家,也深受其时代思潮的影响。经过梳理,我们发现,在这位现已年过花甲的作家近四十年的文学创作中,异轨与漂移己然成为构成其独特写作风格的重要手法之一。本文将从莫迪亚诺小说中的“似曾相识元素”出发,通过串联分析,从而试图揭示德波的异轨和漂移理论在莫迪亚诺文学创作中的运用与地位。  相似文献   

法语第二外语教学长期以来都是以所用的教材来决定上课的内容和形式,而较少考虑到学生的学习动机以及他们对法语课的需求和期待,上课的气氛比较单调和沉闷。本文采取问卷调查的方法,主要对财经类院校学生学习法语的动机进行分析,研究这一特殊教学对象的学习需求和期待,以便更好地为他们提供相适应的教学内容和形式。  相似文献   

This is a study about the deliberations of the estates of Lower Navarre between 1784 and 1788. It belongs to the school of thought represented by the work of Marie-Laure Legay and Julian Swann, who argue that the provincial estates, far from being little more than medieval survivals crushed by the weight of the ancient regime, were in a position to provide the crown with valuable services. Integrated in the Kingdom of France since 1620, Basse-Navarre retained its fors, its public and private law, and above all its tax system. This article considers the daily activities of the estates by describing their organisation, operation and through a critical analysis of the register of debates. A second section analyses the subjects of the laws which were passed, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, followed by a discussion of the relations between the members of the estates and the representatives of the central authority.  相似文献   

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