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明代吴地文人对于倪瓒《江南春》的唱和,是吴中文坛的一件胜事。本文认为,《江南春》是诗而非词,是两章而非三首。因为倪瓒野逸人格的魅力和江南春题目的包容性,遂使得这一首普通的题画诗,经江南文人的群起追和,成了一种不可取代的文化符号与文学经典。《江南春》唱和的文化意味,就在于通过沈周、祝允明、文征明等人的次第追和,吴地文人自觉不自觉地发现或发掘出了带有吴文化性格的精神意脉;同时也意味着他们通过选边站队、集体发声的方式,昭示着江南文化共同体的存在,表现了吴地文人拥江南文化以自重,宁作偏裨、自领一队的文化姿态。  相似文献   

"互文性"是当今文学批评和话语分析中使用最广而又误用最多的术语之一.由于它突显了现代文化生活的相互关联和相互依存性,因此是一个十分有用的术语.我们从互文性理论的发展史中总能发现两种"意义"观念的斗争.一方面,互文性一开始就被后结构主义者用来作为批判结构主义所追求的稳定、客观意义的理论武器;另一方面,结构主义者则试图在保留这个概念的同时寻求文本意义的确定性.同一概念在不同的理论家那里似乎获得了截然相反的阐发与运用,其内涵与功能也就随之不同.  相似文献   

Ordinary Folk and Cottaging: Law, Morality, and Public Sex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Sexual Offences Act 2003 introduced a new statutory offence of 'sexual activity in a public lavatory' into English law. Although written as a gender-neutral offence, the statute was formulated and enacted on the basis of concerns about male homosexual sexual activity in public lavatories ('cottaging'). This paper examines the justifications for, and implications of, the legislation. It considers the main arguments made in support of the offence and situates these within established moral, legal, and social debates about homosexuality. The paper considers the relationship between conceptions of public and private morality in relation to the legal regulation of homosexual sex. It goes on to explore the complex nature of regulating public sex in relation to sexual practices which often maintain high degrees of privacy. The final part of the paper argues that the legislation is largely in contradiction with the realities of police work and contemporary law enforcement.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the current debate on price scissors based on an extended framework, in which the production and trade of industrial consumer goods within the rural sector is incorporated. It confirms that in the economy considered by Preobrazhensky, consumer rationing, especially of industrial goods in rural areas, is prevalent. Under the binding rationing the price response of agricultural surplus cannot be determined theoretically. This finding reopens the field for empirical investigation. The paper identifies the conditions that guarantee the validity of Preobrazhenshy's two propositions: (1) the state can increase its capital accumulation by moving the terms of trade against peasants, and (2) the urban workers need not necessarily suffer therefrom. It demonstrates that in order to ensure the validity of these two propositions, besides the need to assume positive price response of agricultural surplus and of labour force input, food rationing in urban areas and the rationing of major industrial consumer goods in rural areas are essentially required. As a consequence, the paper suggests that the price-scissors type of regulation would induce the state's coercion on peasants to collect their food surplus.  相似文献   

The enterprise manager anticipates that he will be rationed in his input markets and is required to meet an output target. In order to avoid a penalty for missing the output target, he can purchase the inputs at an earlier time, when rationing is not in effect, but then he must incur an inventory cost. The inputs themselves are defective with a known mean rate but unknown variability; the manager has a prior density over this parameter. He can solve the relevant expected-cost minimisation problem in three ways: (a) by simultaneously determining the optimal amounts to be ordered on the two dates, (b) by dynamic programming, and (c) by dynamic programming combined with Bayesian learning. The paper investigates the properties of the optimal solution under the three scenarios with respect to variations in the defective rate, the level of uncertainty and the relative costs of inventories and of missing the target.  相似文献   

This article discusses possible rationales underlying a legal aid system through an articulation of theories of distribution in the legal services market, considers the idea of prioritization and planning or, in the political vernacular, rationing of public funding, and addresses the impact of economic and social theories of the professions on legal aid structures. Finally, the emerging concepts of 'new-institutionalism' and 'new public management' are introduced to indicate the organizational and sociological complexity of reforming the legal services market. Each of these threads illustrate competing values and institutional influence on publicly funded legal services. Bureaucratic rules mix with professional and economic incentives to articulate entitlement to public money in a predominantly private forum. Drawing on research in the field of rationing health care, sociological and economic work on legal services, and organizational theories, it will be demonstrated that conceptual, policy, and research tools need to play closer attention to this competition of values.  相似文献   

罗士俐 《北方法学》2011,5(4):111-120
关于法律语言特征已有相关著述,主要秉持两种观点:一种认为法律语言的本质特征是准确性,另一种认为是模糊性。这两种观点的论据均欠妥当。法律语言的本质特征集中体现在立法语言中,通观我国法律条文的语言表述,法律语言区别于其他语言的本质特征当为严谨性。从词、句和修辞等维度进一步论证,法律语言的本质特征也当为严谨性。  相似文献   

公司社会责任指的是公司在实现公司利益最大化的首要价值目标之外应考虑其利益相关者的利益,并承担促进社会的可持续发展的责任。公司社会责任是公司在能够实现其价值持续增长和企业持续存在的前提下承担的利益相关者责任和社会可持续发展责任。公司社会责任包括三个层面,即守法层面上的社会责任、道德义务层面上的社会责任和道德理想层面上的社会责任。公司社会责任可以通过完善立法和道德规则法律化、制定自治规则和认证标准,以及借助政策、舆论和非政府组织运动的引导与监督等路径实现。  相似文献   

国际法的哲学之维:内涵、功能与路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际法哲学是国际法学和法哲学的新兴领域,在这一初级阶段,应当采取积极鼓励和多元发展、大胆尝试、积极讨论的态度。由于国际法本身不成体系,以及国际法历史发展的轨迹,国际法对于法哲学的需求更大。国际法哲学的探索有利于引领国际法的理论化进程,解决国际法实践中的困惑,促动国际法学与部门法学的沟通,推进法理学的全面均衡发展。国际法哲学所包含的内容可以从不同角度和广度进行分析,其研讨路径包括超越分析法学而拓展法哲学的各种方法在国际法上的适用;构建国际法哲学的基本体系;以跨学科的视角进行国际法具体问题的研讨;并由此建构一般法哲学(法理学)。  相似文献   

Peter Singer has proposed health care rationing that includes an invidious discrimination against people with disabilities. Unfortunately, Congress has codified the potential for such discrimination in the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. But why should any public official have the discretion to treat the lives of people with disabilities as of "lower value" than the lives of anyone else. There must be a comprehensive limitation in the law against the misuse of comparative clinical effectiveness research to support the rationing of human life.  相似文献   

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