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李晟 《法学家》2013,(1):15-29,176
法律与修辞之间有着密切的联系。通过对法律修辞的历史加以考察,可以发现,传统社会中的法律修辞侧重于文学性的积极修辞,现代社会中的法律修辞则以理性化的消极修辞为主,与推理论证结合得更加紧密。这种修辞风格的变化,反映的是社会变迁中社会分工的专业化。而社会分工的专业化与决策过程的民主化并存于现代社会之中,使得不同修辞风格之间存在着竞争。这种竞争的更深层背景是权力的竞争。  相似文献   

法律拟制和法律虚拟是两个不同的法学概念,作为立法和法律运用的重要方式,两者本身预示着法律的修辞属性。法律拟制和法律虚拟分别勾连着立法和司法,从而可以在概念体系中进一步划分为立法拟制和司法拟制,立法虚拟和司法虚拟。这些概念都表明法律不仅是科学的、理性的、逻辑的规则体系,而且同时也是诠释的、诗性的、修辞的预设体系。因此,对法律不仅需要从科学、理性、逻辑的观点看,而且也要从诠释、诗性和修辞的观点看。只有把法律作为制度修辞,法律的逻辑推论才有展开的前提条件。  相似文献   

寻找被遗忘的法益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙山 《法律科学》2011,(1):59-70
法益本是构建民法理论体系的一个重要概念,但却长期被忽视乃至遗忘。国内学者常对法益有广狭义之分,这种区分从理论到实践都是错误的,应予抛弃。以能否进行相同的类型化处理为标准,民事法益可分为权利和未上升为权利的法益。明确这种区分,我们才能对包括侵权责任法在内的中国民法学发展中所遇到的一些问题给出更合理的答案。  相似文献   

Abstract Lawmakers and scholars are so busy looking for new ways to develop a European private law that they are failing to see the virtues of an already existing private law harmonisation tool. This tool is the requirement of interpretation in conformity with directives as it has been designed by the Court of Justice in Marleasing and its progeny. In this paper, it is submitted that this case law operating at the level of rules on legal reasoning, and not at the level of substantive law, is a far more sophisticated means of private law harmonisation than all the measures discussed in the last years. Namely, the requirement of interpretation in conformity with directives is allowing the Common Market to develop coherently without neglecting the significance of national legal cultures. How this difficult equilibrium between harmonisation and legal pluralism might be maintained by the tool the Court of Justice developed in Marleasing is explained in this paper with the help of evolutionary jurisprudence.  相似文献   

对革命文学中的司法叙事进行考察,可以发现文学曾经长期发挥着社会治理的重要作用,而作为文学的法律的普及与今天的普法,有着共同的特点。两种普法的不同效果,表明普法与法律的权威并无根本上的关联,法律的权威主要还是基于政治合法性。思考当代中国的法治建设,不能遗忘政治合法性。  相似文献   

古典的修辞学研究重心主要在于一种实践的说服行动以及与之相并行的说服方式,区别于当前的以修饰文辞为重心的修辞学研究,故而古典的修辞学与法律具有密切的关联。也正是在这个意义上,我们需要认真对待法律修辞,重新激活并发展法律修辞的当代价值。具体而言,法律修辞的价值主要体现在作为本体论的法律修辞和作为方法论的法律修辞这两个具有关联的方面。作为本体论的法律修辞主要是指法律本身也可看作一种修辞并可以从修辞学的视角对法律予以观照,作为方法论的法律修辞主要是指其于法律运行过程中的体现的诸多作用。当然,法律修辞的价值本身也存在限度,但这并不构成对法律修辞的否弃理由。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the role that litigation and case selection play in the process of legal change. After identifying two necessary conditions for litigation, we examine the effect of judicial path dependence on the consolidation of liability rules and legal remedies, paying special attention to litigation with different win–loss ratios. We study the consequence of private litigation decisions on the contraction or consolidation of legal rules under various litigation and judicial environments. We also consider the relevance of the win–loss ratios, the existence and nature of positive litigation costs, and the weight of past precedents on the ongoing process of legal evolution.JEL K0, K40, K13, K41  相似文献   

王彬 《北方法学》2013,7(1):123-130
修辞学的当代复兴使法律修辞学从说服的技艺发展为实现裁判合理性的方法论,法律修辞学以关系本体论的法概念论作为理论前提,以论题学为思维方式,在知识属性上体现了分析学与诠释学在法律论证理论上的融合。法律修辞学是作为规范性的法律方法论,适应司法民主化的发展趋势,并使司法中的价值判断活动规范化,但法律修辞学在法律论证中的作用是有限度的,必须警惕修辞在司法过程中的负面作用。  相似文献   

Lisa Vanhala 《Law & policy》2020,42(2):105-124
Applying insights from science and technology studies about the “coproduction” of science and sociopolitical order to research on legal mobilization yields important theoretical insights. Using the polar bear petition campaign by the Center for Biological Diversity as an illustrative case, this article shows how this protracted legal campaign around protection of the polar bear and its habitat opened up new legal opportunities for those advocating for the regulation of carbon emissions, mandated state-sponsored generation of climate science, legally constructed the polar bear as “endangered,” and helped to shape the priorities of the nongovernmental organization itself.  相似文献   

This essay reviews two recent works in political science on the American conservative legal movement: Steven M. Teles's The Rise of the Conservative Legal Movement: The Battle for Control of the Law (2008) and Ann Southworth's Lawyers of the Right: Professionalizing the Conservative Coalition (2008). It examines these books in the context of a larger debate over the variables that best explain constitutional change in general and the recent “conservative counterrevolution” in Supreme Court jurisprudence in particular. It shows how these studies build on the scholarship of Charles Epp, who argued in The Rights Revolution (1998) that serious constitutional change requires not only the right cast of characters on the court, but also a strong “support structure” in the legal profession and civil society. Finally, it draws on the author's own research on the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy to illustrate some important avenues for further inquiry.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence documents the extraordinary toll on human health resulting from the consumption of unhealthy food products and physical inactivity. In response to America's growing obesity problem, local policymakers have been looking for legal strategies that can be adopted in their communities to encourage healthful behaviors. In order to provide practical tools to policymakers, this article examines four possible venues for local policy change to improve the health of a community: (1) the school environment (2) the built environment (3) community facilities and (4) the point of sale environment. Finally, the article examines the use of taxes or fees as a means of paying for nutrition policy work as well as potentially reducing the consumption of unhealthy products. This article illustrates that local laws and policies can be a valuable tool in changing a community's environment in order to improve nutritional options and increase opportunities for physical activity.  相似文献   

李晟 《法学家》2020,(3):1-14,191
法律不是一种纯粹客观的物质性力量,其对社会治理的参与,需要借助于社会共同体所分享的共识发挥作用。就此而言,法律可被理解为一种想象的力量。法律作为社会共同体的想象而获得力量,同时也通过生产想象而作用于社会共同体的建构,在实践中表现出建构社会共同体的技术。法律修辞通过将话语组织起来的方式,在社会中生产关于法律的想象共识,从而成为一种社会共同体的建构技术。法律修辞既能通过叙事来指引关于共同生活经验的想象,以历史和现实中所分享的共同经验形成认同,从而建构社会共同体;又能通过论证来指引关于共同价值观念的想象,使彼此激烈冲突的不同价值观借助修辞的软化而达成某种程度的共识,并通过关于价值判断的认同建构社会共同体。法律修辞的这些特点,使之在形成共识时所达成的更多是相对共识而非绝对共识,表现出模糊的特征,从而达成不完全理论化合意来回应现代社会中价值判断的多元分歧,更有利于社会共同体的建构。  相似文献   

Asset freezes are since 2000 being applied by the United Nations (UN) Security Council (SC) to non-state actors. This came about as a 'mutation' of the sanctions program initiated by Resolutions 1267 (1999), 1333 (2000) and 1390 (2002): currently the targets are only supected terrorists or terrorism financiers.
This 'mutation' has created perplexities and problems, namely for the EU, which enforces UN SC Resolutions by a combination of first and second pillar methods. The main problem concerns issues of fundamental rights, currently being litigated.
The debate on the compatibility of the current practice of UN SC asset freezing within EU law takes place amidst a fundamental lack of clarity as to the exact purposes and operational objectives of such freezes. It is argued that this practice amounts to an ad hoc (para-)criminal procedure measure, enacted by political bodies rather than courts, and without judicial oversight.
The current UN SC practice of asset freezing against non-state actors breaches the right to judicial review, as well as the presumption of innocence. If this practice it is to continue at all, methods that make it fully compatible with the rule of law must be adopted. Especially, their renewal ad aeternum should not be possible.  相似文献   

American political culture is both seduced and repulsed by legal power, and this essay reviews Gordon Silverstein's contribution to understanding the causes and consequences of “law's allure.” Using interbranch analysis, Silverstein argues that law is dangerously alluring as a political shortcut, but ultimately he concludes that law offers no exit from “normal politics” and the hard work of “changing minds.” This essay suggests that Silverstein's framework—his dyadic focus on courts and Congress, constructive and deconstructive patterns, legal formality and normal politics—strips law from its animating context of interests, inequality, and ideology. Without consideration of these larger forces of power, Silverstein's framework misplaces law's ability to “change minds” in perverse and unexpected ways.  相似文献   

论英美法系国家判例法的查明和适用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
肖永平 《中国法学》2006,(5):115-122
我国学者和法官对是否应该适用英美法系国家的判例法有不同认识,也没有探讨判例法的具体查明途径及适用方法。本文认为:不管判例法是不是我国国际私法的法律渊源,当我国的冲突规范指定适用外国的判例法时,我国法院应该适用外国的判例法;在此情况下,查明外国的判例法是法官和当事人的共同义务;法院应该采取多种方法,包括我国司法解释规定的五种途径以外的其他方法查明外国的判例法。适用外国的判例法一般就是采用类比方法或者区分辨别方法适用判例中确定的法律规则(Ratio);而且,如果当事人对英美法系国家判例法规则达成了一致,我国法院可以直接适用该判例法规则,不需要通过其他查明途径。  相似文献   

This article applies a sociolegal approach to the study of transnational legal processes and their effects within countries. First, we clarify the concepts of transnational law, transnational legal process, and transnational legal order. Second, we provide a typology of five dimensions of state change that we can assess empirically. Third, we explain the factors that determine the variable effects of transnational legal processes and organize these factors into three clusters. Fourth, we introduce four empirical studies of transnational legal processes' differential effects in five regulatory areas in Asia, Africa, and South America that illustrate these points. Together, they provide a guide of how to study the interaction of transnational and national legal processes, and the extent and limits of transnational legal processes' effects.  相似文献   

陈金钊 《现代法学》2013,35(5):3-22
疑难案件超出了法律规范的涵摄范围,对它的处理不仅需要法律发现、法律推理和法律解释,还需要一种把法律作为修辞的思维方式。法律修辞是在其他法律方法的基础上,依照法律体系的规范性和案件的具体语境对当事人等进行的劝导和论辩。它突破了传统方法的单一性,通过修辞上的谋篇布局着眼于对各方当事人的说服。所以,法律修辞是运用法治意识形态所构建的法治思维和法治方式。在中国语境下,法律修辞对疑难案件的解决具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Institutional theory of law (ITL) reflects both continuity and change of Kelsen's legal positivism. The main alteration results from the way ITL extends Hart's linguistic turn towards ordinary language philosophy (OLP). Hart holds – like Kelsen – that law cannot be reduced to brute fact nor morality, but because of its attempt to reconstruct social practices his theory is more inclusive. By introducing the notion of law as an extra-linguistic institution ITL takes a next step in legal positivism and accounts for the relationship between action and validity within the legal system. There are, however, some problems yet unresolved by ITL. One of them is its theory of meaning. An other is the way it accounts for change and development. Answers may be based on the pragmatic philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce, who emphasises the intrinsic relation between the meaning of speech acts and the process of habit formation.  相似文献   

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