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社区矫正工作开展6年多来,社会工作介入社区矫正的积极作用正在逐步显现。各地通过加强专业队伍建设和专业机构建设,在以司法人员为主导、社会工作专业人员积极参与的模式下,运用社会工作专业理念和方法开展了多种多样的矫正活动,收到了预期的效果。随着社区矫正实践的不断深入,在开放的社区环境和多元的文化环境下,如何继续有效地做好社区矫正工作,需要做进一步探讨。  相似文献   

青少年是祖国的未来和希望,保护青少年的健康成长,维护其合法权益,全社会都应该予以高度关注.然而,随着改革开放的不断深入,在社会转型过程中,社会不稳定因素持续增多,青少年犯罪问题开始凸显出来.这一方面有他们自身内在的原因,另一方面也包括社会环境的原因.本文认为对他们及时进行行为矫正、提高社会功能及帮助他们回归社会已成为当今社会首要关注的问题之一.  相似文献   

在我国,社区矫正是进入21世纪以来的一种新生事物。在2003年两院两部发布通知确定北京、山东等六个省市先行开展社区试点工作后,它才开始频频出现在刑罚措施中。社会工作是一个以价值为本的专业,它的价值理念可以为社区矫正提供有力的理论支持和方法指导。在本文中,针对社区矫正中的女性罪犯弱势群体,主要论述了运用社会工作理念在她们中开展工作的必要性,以及从社会工作专业视角提供服务的矫正方案。  相似文献   

高巍 《中国司法》2012,(12):26-28
社区矫正对象是社会的弱势群体,由于以往在我国社会中重刑主义的监管理念较为盛行,这使得矫正对象在以往的社会生活中往往缺乏一定程度的社会关怀和社会沟通。目前我国社会正处于空前变革的转型时期,在当前新形势下,我国社区矫正迫切需要创新社会管理,引入一种新的社会职业——"社会工作"的专业理念和方法,以社会工作"以人为本"的工作理念、"主动性"的工作方法,将社区矫正对象转变为社会的正常人员,融入正常的社会生活,从而维护社会的和谐与稳定。正如胡锦涛同志2011年2月19日在中央党校"省部级主要领导干部社会管理及其创新专题研讨班"开班仪式上所强调的那样,加强和创新社会管理,  相似文献   

在我国,毒品已经成为了威胁人民正常生活的重要因素。因此戒毒工作的开展有着极为重要的意义。本文从对社区戒毒和矫正社会工作法进行概述入手,对社区戒毒中的矫正社会工作法的运用进行了分析。  相似文献   

庞岩 《政法学刊》2014,(2):98-100
在我国,毒品已经成为了威胁人民正常生活的重要因素,戒毒工作的开展有着极为重要的意义。社区戒毒是我国戒毒工作的重要组成部分,具有很强的社会、道德和经济意义。社区戒毒工作中矫正社会工作法的运用起到了良好的效果,促进我国戒毒工作整体水平的有效提升。  相似文献   

优势视角是社会工作的一个基本范畴,其关注的重点是发现、发挥和发展矫正对象自身的优势和潜能。矫正工作者可以将优势视角的社会工作方法引入社区矫正实践之中,促进矫正对象的再社会化过程。本文结合矫正实践中的典型案例,阐述了优势视角的具体运用过程及其策略,以期对社区矫正工作发挥积极的作用。  相似文献   

社区矫正作为一种刑罚执行方式,在我国正处于本土化的探索阶段。矫正工作者将社会工作方法引入矫治实践之中,不断完善其方法体系。优势视角是社会工作的一个基本范畴,其关注的重点是矫正对象的自身优势和潜能的发挥。结合矫正实践中成功的典型案例、工作的途径和方略等,可以发现优势视角的实践模式应当更广泛地应用到社区矫正的实践之中。  相似文献   

社区矫正是犯罪预防和罪犯再社会化的必要制度,是具有深远意义的刑事司法的制度改革,但是我国目前的社区矫正方兴未艾,缺乏专业化建设,并不能完全发挥该制度的重大作用。对于社区矫正的专业化,本文从以下几个方面加以论述:立法的专业化、机构的专业化、人员的专业化、理论和工作方法的专业化等。我们应该建立健全矫正制度,增强该制度的专业性和科学性,使其在犯罪改造和预防中发挥出应有的重要作用。  相似文献   

刘彩灵 《法制与社会》2014,(32):253-254
人文关怀是社会工作与社区矫正在内涵上的契合点;社区矫正空间的开放性与矫正对象的特殊性,需要介入社会工作理念与方法;社会工作介入社区矫正需要相关立法保障以及开展工作的平台;大力发展高等教育,重视职业培训,培养与储备社区矫正社会工作专业人才。  相似文献   

裴佳黛 《政法学刊》2012,(4):115-120
社会稳定是国家建设发展的保障,是国家繁荣昌盛的根基。保障社会稳定是公安机关的任务,也是公安工作的最终目的。警民关系是政群关系在社会上最直接的反映,体现着国家的执政状况、民主程度和文明进程,也是影响社会稳定的关键因素。警民和谐不仅是公安机关履行本职工作的重要基础,更是社会稳定的题中要义。  相似文献   

社区危机管理是指以社区为单位参与社会危机的预防、治理、减损的一系列活动的总称,是社会危机管理的一部分。本文对社区危机管理机制进行了研究,分析了社区危机管理机制的运行,并对其内在联系进行了分析,同时研究了不同社区在社会危机管理过程中的反应。  相似文献   


Even though innovations in the organization of work have prompted a transition in work systems, the effect of the organization on employees is often not considered. Using personal interviews, direct observations, and relevant documents over a 17-month period, this case study of a worker-owned and -managed producer cooperative was undertaken to understand how fundamental changes in the organization of work affect workers and their families. The findings affirm that the organization of work is a pivotal aspect of individuals' quality of life, principally in that expanding personal choice--in a context of income security and an absence of formal hierarchy--enhances personal and familial well-being. From a policy perspective, the study demonstrates the potential for organizing work so that market demands are balanced with concerns for social well-being  相似文献   

The attention paid by the social work profession to ethical issues has waxed and waned since the formal inauguration of the profession in the late 19th century. For the first half century of the profession's life, relatively little attention was devoted to problems of professional ethics, though social work's literature was filled with discussions of value-laden issues that arise in practice. In recent years, interest in professional ethics has increased substantially. This article discusses the growth of interest in professional ethics, the formulation of the social work code of ethics, the adjudication of grievances in social work, and the strengths and limitations of the profession's code.  相似文献   

The current study utilized an updated systemic model of social disorganization to investigate neighborhood effects on both positive and negative youth outcomes. Although empirical support for updated social disorganization models has increased in recent years, the field continues to rely too heavily on behavioral indicators of community social organization. Unfortunately, these measures do not assess the truly important social processes and dynamics that result in cohesive and supportive neighborhoods. It was proposed that sense of community (SOC) was a more valid, comprehensive, and applicable measure for the mediating variables in social disorganization theory. Results supported the hypothesis that SOC mediates the effect of neighborhood disadvantage on youth outcomes and implications for the field are discussed.  相似文献   

Work content is adversely affected by precarious employment conditions, with consequences for workers and clients/customers. Three examples are taken from professions involving long-term relations between workers and clients. Adult education teachers hired on short-term contracts to teach primarily immigrant populations prepare their courses under less favorable conditions than regular teachers and their employment context foments hostility among teachers. Special education technicians are hired on a seasonal basis which interferes with their ability to coordinate and plan their efforts in collaboration with teachers. Workers in shelters for women suffering conjugal violence who were hired on a casual or on-call basis were unable to follow up with women they helped during their shifts and more rarely engaged in one-on-one counseling. Precarious work contracts can affect mental health not only through employment insecurity but also through negative effects on the ability to do one's job and take pride in one's work, as well as weakening the interpersonal relationships on which successful, productive work depends.  相似文献   

群体性事件,与各种社会问题紧密相连。高增长伴生高犯罪,因安全保障问题使群众情绪不稳定;就业面临新问题,因没有经济来源而酝酿和发动群体性事件;贫富差距不断拉大,因经济因素导致群体性事件的发展和变化;城乡差别不断扩大,因三农问题使矛盾进一步激化。  相似文献   

Compulsory community care (CCC) was introduced in Sweden in 2008. This article investigates all written court decisions regarding CCC over a 6 month period in 2009 (N = 541). The purpose is to examine how the legal rights of patients are protected and what forms of social control patients are subjected to.  相似文献   

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