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19、20世纪的德国民法学对包括我国在内的世界各国近现代民法立法和民法理论产生了重大影响。即使在今天,我国的民法研究在诸多方面仍然是围绕它而展开的。德国19、20世纪的民法学,大致可以分为四个时期:一是19世纪前半期的"法典论争"和"历史法学"时期;二是19世纪后半期的"概念法学和德国民法典"时期;三是20世纪前半期的"自由法运动"和"法社会学"时期;四是20世纪后半叶的"现代私法学"时期。研究德国19、20世纪的民法学,对于反思和总结我国今天的民法研究,把握未来民法学发展的方向,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

十九世纪末二十世纪初人权语词在中国的使用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一百年前的1908年,清朝政府在各种压力之下,权衡利弊,颁行了《钦定宪法大纲》,从而开创了中国立宪之路,同时也开启了中国的宪政之路。但是,宪法、宪政毕竟是舶来品,在与中国特定国情相结合过程中,产生了种种的理论上的激烈争论;亦在实现宪政之路上出现了种种的曲曲折折。当然,中国要实现宪政、必然要实现宪政,这是历史之大势,浩浩荡荡,奋勇向前,应当是毋庸置疑的。在《钦定宪法大纲》颁行一百年之际,反思清末的立宪与中国的宪政之路,无疑是一件有意义的事情。  相似文献   

韩慧 《政法论丛》2013,(3):52-58
法律教育是培养法律人才的重要途径,而法律教育机制是随着社会发展而不断调整和变革的。工业革命后英国社会发展对法律教育提出了现实需求,在新的历史条件下,英国以伦敦大学为代表的新大学和以牛津与剑桥为代表的古老大学都加入到法律教育的事业中来,使得英国法律教育体制从中世纪以律师会馆为主体的学徒制——经验型法律教育逐渐发展到以大学和法律职业组织分工合作的现代学院制法律教育,英国法律教育体制实现了从传统到现代的转型。  相似文献   

During the Greek War of Independence (1821–1827) from the Ottomans—which had a nationalistic and liberal character—and for the first decades after the liberation, a number of liberal French-educated politicians and scholars attempted unsuccessfully to introduce the Napoleonic Civil Code (or some clone of it) as the Greek Civil Code. Despite the fertile political and intellectual ground for such an introduction, they failed to achieve their goal due to the temporary introduction of Justinian's Roman law as the Greek civil law. This led the Greek academic community to Pandektenrecht and the predominance of the 19th century German legal theory (boosted by its organized propagation on the part of a number of German-educated legal scholars).  相似文献   

This is a report of data drawn from a study of personal injury actions in the Superior Court of Alameda County, California, and in the federal district court for Northern California, for the period 1880–1900. Tort actions, in this period, were relatively uncommon compared to the number of accidents. The most frequent type of action was against common carriers—railroads and street railways. Malpractice actions were rare. Most fired cases were settled or dropped out before full trial and jury verdict. Though plaintiffs won damages in most jury cases, the overall finding is that the system provided little compensation for most victims of accidents. Tort law and practice disfavored passengers less than employees or "trespassers." Three types of barrier blocked the path to compensation: legal doctrines which made recovery difficult; an accident-compensation system which, especially for workers, discouraged enforcement of claims; and the legal culture, which was a culture of low expectations.  相似文献   

萨维尼作为19世纪德国最伟大的法学家,他的学说理论通过其著作在英美的翻译和传播,不仅在大陆法系国家,而且对英美法系国家也产生了很大的影响。特别是在19世纪英国历史法学派的产生,美国南北战争后关于法典编纂的讨论,19世纪英国和美国大学法律教育的改革,以及美国司法实践等方面,萨维尼所产生的影响都为其他大陆法系国家的法学家所不及。个中原因是多方面的,既有萨维尼个人声望的原因,法律历史观在19世纪的兴起,但更重要的还是两大法系之间逐渐产生的互相交流的趋势。考察萨维尼对当时英美法学的影响,就是对两大法系之间长期存在的学术交流的一个有力例证。  相似文献   

As regards the emergence of a European private law in our time,this article shows that lessons can be learnt from the historyof unification of regionally defined private law in the GermanConfederation (1815–1866). An important lesson is thatthe Europeanization of private law will be anything but a spontaneousprocess. Moreover, like the members of the German Confederationalmost 200 years ago, the members of the current European Unionwill not have an equal say in the debate about unification ofprivate law. Now, as then, economic interdependencies betweenthe respective members will come into play. That is to say,the members the economies of which are relatively less dependentupon the economies of other members than vice versa are poisedto have a larger say in the debate.  相似文献   

徐爱国 《法学家》2006,(3):48-53
本文论述西方19世纪刑事实证学派在方法论上的转型.18世纪,犯罪和刑罚的古典学派的理论占主导的地位.进入19世纪之后,将自然科学中的方法应用到法律科学领域,犯罪学得以产生,刑事法学开始了现代科学的时代.文章分为三个部分第一,研究方法上的革命从理想设计到实证分析;第二,研究内容上的变革从研究犯罪到研究罪犯;第三,犯罪对策上的转向从刑事惩罚到社会防卫.  相似文献   

This study investigates the claim that industrialization led to a decrease of parental status homogamy. Contrary to previous research industrialization is not indicated by historical time, nor measured as a macro-development, but instead brides and bridegrooms who are more involved in the industrial labour market are compared with those who are less involved. The theory of preferences, third parties and meeting opportunities is used to derive the hypotheses that young persons (1) with an industrial occupation, (2) who are intergenerationally mobile, and (3) with formal training marry more often outside their parental status group. Hypotheses are tested using the Tra-dataset on France for the period 1803–1899. Brides and bridegrooms working in an industrial occupation and intergenerationally mobile bridegrooms are indeed found to marry less homogamously with respect to parental status.  相似文献   

This essay examines the ways in which women lawyers of two generation–the pioneer generation of the 1880s and the "new woman" generation of the 1910s–confronted the dilemma of marriage and career. Members of the Equity Club in the 1880s revealed three distinct sets of attitudes toward balancing marriage and career: the separatist approach that a professional woman must remain single; the Victorian attitude that a married woman must sacrifice her career; and the integrated approach that a woman could have both marriage and career. Women lawyers surveyed by the Bureau of Vocational Information in 1920 revealed that the "new woman" generation of women lawyers lived in an era of transition. While they shared the same separatist, Victorian, and integrated views toward marriage and law practice as did women lawyers in the 1880s, they also embraced the new values of the early 20th century which shaped both the contours of the legal profession and the parameters of women's lives. Set within the context of the new values of the era, the separatist, Victorian, and integrated approaches to resolving the dilemma of marriage and career, which were originally formulated by women lawyers in the late 19th century, assumed new meanings for women lawyers in the early 20th century.  相似文献   

在19世纪美国社会发展的过程中,尤为引人注目的是政府对西部的开发,美国的西部与我国西部面积相当,19世纪初尚是一片荒凉的地域,当时的美国还是世界上的弱国,然而,美国用不到一个世纪的时间完成西部的开发,改变了社会面貌,为美国发展成为经济强国奠定了基础,政府为开发西部所采取的出售土地、发展交通、鼓励移民等措施,对今天我国西部开发仍具有借鉴的意义。  相似文献   

19世纪德国人格权理论硕果累累,其发展道路虽曲折,但学者多赞同之。日耳曼法学派是德国人格权理论的完成者,基尔克创建了完整的人格权理论体系。相关理论在德国民法典立法过程中被反复论辩,然最终却被放弃,此为潘德克吞法学形式逻辑的败笔。  相似文献   

From the mid-17th until the beginning of the 20th century, French censuses became increasingly more frequent and organized. This article focuses on the purposes of the first censuses (military), how the population was conceived of, and what variables were collected. The main characteristics of included individuals, the data considered important during each period, and the major categories chosen are examined. Also included are the evolution of reasons for knowing the precise age of individuals and how age groups were standardized because these aspects are closely linked to census operations. Finally, we will see how censuses have been used to obtain an overview of the population and, during the 19th century, how they were central to the discussion of the decline in fertility and, more generally, the changes occurring in the French population. How each new question led to the invention of a new variable and how data were presented is also examined.  相似文献   

From the mid-17th until the beginning of the 20th century, French censuses became increasingly more frequent and organized. This article focuses on the purposes of the first censuses (military), how the population was conceived of, and what variables were collected. The main characteristics of included individuals, the data considered important during each period, and the major categories chosen are examined. Also included are the evolution of reasons for knowing the precise age of individuals and how age groups were standardized because these aspects are closely linked to census operations. Finally, we will see how censuses have been used to obtain an overview of the population and, during the 19th century, how they were central to the discussion of the decline in fertility and, more generally, the changes occurring in the French population. How each new question led to the invention of a new variable and how data were presented is also examined.  相似文献   

清末民初是20世纪中国文学新传统形成的重要阶段,特别是在中国意识的影响下,中国文学的文学观念、制度建构和审美趋向等方面都出现了有别于古典文学和西方文学的新传统因素,诸如文学功能的历史化、文学建构的社会化和文学演进的尚武化等都较大地改变了文学书写的整体面貌。  相似文献   

回顾20世纪的风雨历程,中国法制的起步经历了三个步骤:一是学习日本法或者说通过日本学西方;二是学苏联,开始建设中国社会主义法;三是对英美法系依恋与模仿.新中国法制的历程经历了革命的法制、管理的法制--国家对经济干预的法制、并正在进入治理的法制.整个这一过程的法,我们称之为"混合法"."混合法"说明我国的职业法学家阶层没有形成,法律处于仿效与探索之中,法学教育与研究方法需要改进,法律人才需要交流,职业共同体的建立具有迫切性等.  相似文献   

Identification criteria, specifically discriminant function formulae derived from traditional craniometrics, currently used in South Florida for Cuban Americans and other "Hispanic" groups, are unsuitable to provide adequate biological profiles due to complex biological histories as well as widely diverse geographic origins. Florida's total population is approximately 16 million (15,982,378) individuals. Of the total population 2.682,715, or 16.8%, are self-identified as "Hispanic". South Florida (herein defined as Miami-Dade, Broward and Collier Counties) is home to 60% of the total Hispanic population of Florida with 1,291,737 (48.15%) residing in Miami-Dade County. The Hispanic population of Miami-Dade County makes up 57.0% of the total population of 2,253,362. Each recognized sub-group of Hispanics (Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban) includes its own geographic point-of-origin and population history. Cuban-Americans (arriving in the late 1950's and early 1960's) make up the largest sub-population of Florida's Hispanics in any county and in Miami-Dade number 650,601 or 51% of the total Latin population. Additionally, as in other agricultural states, Florida has a very large population of undocumented workers who primarily arrive from Texas and points south of the Straits of Florida. Thus the application of the available traditional craniometric and non-metric methods are not appropriate for South Florida's Latin population. To begin to address this issue in relation to South Florida's Cuban population, we present an analysis of cranio-facial shape variation in a 19th Century Cuban sample, 17th Century Spanish sample, a Precontact Cuban sample, and Terry Blacks using geometric morphometric methods. Significant biological shape differences and patterns of variation are observed among the groups. These results provide us with a context in which to begin to understand the biological variation of Cuban Americans, which will enable the development of identification criteria specific for this U.S. hybrid Hispanic community.  相似文献   

少年司法肇始于美国,至今已有110余年的历史。但美国少年司法发展历程并非一帆风顺,先后历经前少年法院时期、少年法院创设与探索期、少年权利时期以及少年司法晚近变革期等四个主要阶段。其间,少年司法政策因实证主义兴起与新刑事古典主义复兴等社会思潮交叉影响不免时常进退辗转,甚至出现少年法院废除论的主张。对美国少年司法与未成年人保护追根溯源及总结,以吸取其改革中的经验与教训,以供构建我国少年司法制度反省、参酌和借鉴实有必要。  相似文献   

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