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刘彤海 《河北法学》2002,20(2):108-111
对现行律师法的框架结构存在的问题提出质疑 ,根据其他国家关于律师法的立法经验 ,提出在修改律师法时应遵循的逻辑结构 ,并对律师法的一些重大内容提出修改意见。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国改革开放的不断深入,利益格局的重新调整,各种深层次的社会矛盾和问题日渐显露,这些矛盾和问题越来越多地以案件形式进入司法渠道,成为涉法涉诉信访案件,影响社会和谐稳定。解决好涉法涉诉案件,对维护人民群众的合法权益,推进法治化进程,理顺社会关系,确保社会和谐稳定,具有重大意义。本文结合工作实际,着重就律师参与涉法涉诉案件处理作些理论思考和实践探索。  相似文献   

The Practice of Law as an Obstacle to Justice: Chinese Lawyers at Work   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article helps strengthen our comparative and theoretical understanding of lawyers as gatekeepers to justice by analyzing the screening practices of lawyers in a non-Western context. The explanation for Chinese lawyers' aversion to representing workers with labor grievances focuses on their own working conditions, on the organization of their legal labor, and on their evaluations of the moral character of prospective clients. By linking the screening practices of Chinese lawyers to their socioeconomic insecurity and to popular stereotypes informing and legitimating their screening decisions, this article identifies institutional and cultural obstacles not only to the official justice system but also to cause lawyering. After establishing motives for screening clients, this article then demonstrates lawyers' screening methods: by defining legal reality in strategic and often misleading ways, lawyers use the law as a weapon against the interests of the individuals who seek their help.  相似文献   

邓海峰 《河北法学》2005,23(3):51-52
行政强制机制是我国环境资源法制化初期所采行的制度保障措施。随着环保实践的发展,这种机制弊端日益显 现。通过诠释该机制生成的基础与现实缺陷,提出了突破单一机制束缚,建构多元化环境法律调整机制的理论设 想。  相似文献   

环境法的实施是当前中国环境法治的核心议题。在环保新常态和推进绿色发展的时代背景下,不应先验地将地方政府视为阻碍环境法实施的消极因素,而是需要从微观视角出发进行更为细化地分析。运用社会科学研究中的假设—验证方法,对近年来具有代表性的PX事件的研究表明,环境法的实施情况并不能作为解释PX事件治理困境的主要原因;将厦门PX事件视为范例掩盖了其复杂的博弈过程,反而对类似事件的合理解决造成阻碍。PX事件治理困境之根源,在于政府权力运作的短期性与随意性。中国环境法实施现状与公众诉求之间的矛盾,源于行政权力运作的实践逻辑,是一种内生困境而非外在困境,并不是简单通过加大外部资源投入就能解决,而是要依赖制度性约束条件的转变与改善,其关键环节在于实现政府决策模式从嵌入到善治的转型。  相似文献   

第七次全国律师代表大会,经过与会代表的共同努力顺利完成了大部分议程,将于今天下午闭幕。 中央政治局常委、中央政法委员会书记周永康同志,国务委员、中央政法委员会副书记孟建柱同志等党和国家领导人亲切接见与会代表并出席会议开幕式,为2005—2007年度全国优秀律师事务所和优秀律师颁奖,周永康同志发表了重要讲话。这充分体现了党中央、国务院对律师工作的高度重视和亲切关怀,对我们是很大的鼓舞和激励。  相似文献   

This article employs a new framework for legal change, the recursivity of law, to explain why China's criminal procedure law has cycled through numerous reforms between 1979 and 2008 without improving the conditions of lawyers' criminal defense work. The authors argue that Chinese lawyers' difficulties in criminal defense have deep roots in the recursive nature of the criminal procedure reforms. In particular, those difficulties were produced by interactions of the four mechanisms of recursivity (indeterminacy of law, contradictions, diagnostic struggles, and actor mismatch) in both lawmaking and implementation. The empirical analysis shows that these mechanisms are linked in pairs and in sequence. This logic of change offers an integrated interdisciplinary approach to the enactment and implementation of law in other times, places, and areas of law.  相似文献   

在绿色一带一路建设中强化环境法规制具有必需性和迫切性。一带一路沿线部分国家普遍存在生态环境脆弱的客观情况,而我国海外投资实行长期开发新模式,出于提升我国环境保护形象和防范环境风险引发经济风险等目的,都亟待强化环境法规制。绿色一带一路要求我国走出去的企业接受东道国环境法的规制,同时自觉对接我国有关主管部门的依法监管。当前我国涉外环境立法严重不足,对走出去的企业缺乏环境监管;司法机关受管辖权限制难以发挥职能作用;企业因守法意识淡漠而易引发诸多环境纠纷。我国应当坚守人类命运共同体理念和国际环境法的基本原则;对走出去的企业从环境立法、环境行政监管、促进企业合规经营等方面进行指导监督;将司法机关发挥审判职能作用与建立健全国际多元化环境纠纷解决机制相结合,高效解决建设一带一路进程中的各类环境纠纷,依法保障建设一带一路目标的全面实现。  相似文献   

How are relationships between corporate clients and law firms evolving? Drawing on interview and survey data from 166 chief legal officers of S&P 500 companies from 2006–2007, we find that—contrary to standard depictions of corporate client‐provider relationships—(1) large companies have relationships with ten to twenty preferred providers; (2) these relationships continue to be enduring; and (3) clients focus not only on law firm platforms and lead partners, but also on teams and departments within preferred providers, allocating work to these subunits at rival firms over time and following “star” lawyers, especially if they move as part of a team. The combination of long‐term relationships and subunit rivalry provides law firms with steady work flows and allows companies to keep cost pressure on firms while preserving relationship‐specific capital, quality assurance, and soft forms of legal capacity insurance. Our findings have implications for law firms, corporate departments, and law schools.  相似文献   

司法不公、司法腐败是近年来社会舆论和公众关注的焦点,其中一些法官与律师沆瀣一气行贿受贿的案件更是焦点中的焦点,由此严重损害了法律的权威和尊严,加剧了人们对人民法院公信力和律师维护社会正义信念的怀疑或动摇。如何防范、惩治司法人员的腐败犯罪,规范法官与律师的关系,确保公正、廉洁执法,是政法界长期的重要任务。  相似文献   

周珂  李延荣  李艳芳 《法学家》2003,2(1):74-77,83
2002年我国环境资源法学研究的发展主要体现在: 第一,科研力量发展.一批环境资源法教学科研机构和硕士点成立,除了专职研究人员外,越来越多的相关学科的学者关心和参与环境资源法的教学和科研活动,环境资源法学研究从初期的封闭状态日益走向开放,日益与大法学和相关的自然科学相融合.……  相似文献   

杜春 《中国司法》2008,(10):30-39
2006年7月18日,吴爱英部长签发第111号、第112号司法部令,发布了《律师事务所管理办法》和《律师执业管理办法》。这是司法部贯彻实施新修订的《律师法》的重要举措,是确保新《律师法》正确、有效实施的两部重要配套规章。  相似文献   

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