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金观涛等人将系统论、控制论、信息论纳入其史学实践中,通过论述子系统与结构之间的关系,展现出在三个子系统的相互耦合下,结构发生演变直至异化,而在潜组织的调节下,结构由旧到新的演化机制。以此通过对比西方社会结构的演化历程以及与中国传统社会的超稳定结构之间的差异,从而展现出结构史观视角下的社会演变。  相似文献   

将城乡经济社会体制、机制建设置于社会学视角下进行分析,是一种综合性的模式与路径选择思路.我国城乡一体化体制、机制建设,以城乡社区的一体化为区域空间平台,以城乡社区社会组织的一体化为社会实体平台,以城乡社会运行制度的一体化为联结纽带,这三个方面的体制、机制建设既分别进行,又相互协调统一,为城乡一体化体制、机制建设提供了一个清晰的模式与路径.  相似文献   

基层政府因服务能力不足而陷入"责能困境",并尝试性地以"政社合作"等社会管理创新推进国家能力建设。本文在国家能力建设理论视角下解释政社合作的深层逻辑。对"凯益荟"的个案研究发现,社会结构转型及居民诉求变化使得政府对社会组织拥有共容利益,为政社合作奠定了结构性基础;理性政府则根据社会组织的能力类型建构合作策略:社会组织分为自我保护型与专业服务型,政府分别以"孵化性赋能策略"激发自我服务能力与"竞争性购买策略"吸纳专业服务能力。政社合作使国家能力之服务能力得到了建制性增长,合作网络为国家权力渗透社会、资源动员及机制整合提供了枢纽性平台,社会组织借机也获得合法性、生存资源及活动空间。因此,政社合作网络演变成国家能力建设与社会组织发展的共生场域,使国家权力与社会自治保持有机团结。本文创新点在于从国家能力建设解释政社合作的动力、策略及趋势,丰富了基层社会管理创新的理论视角。  相似文献   

国家治理现代化要求群团组织实现现代转型,由凸显行政性的政治功能转向兼顾政治功能与以服务为基础的社会功能。参与社会治理是群团组织重塑功能的根本路径,它因应了社会治理对群团组织的时代要求,是破解当前社会组织发展困境、促成协同治理结构优化的实践需求。群团组织的功能重塑也使之形成特殊的参与进路:以合作平台的创设与搭建优化社会治理的组织逻辑,以社会组织的培育与再造增强社会治理的主体能力,以群体利益的代表与整合促进社会治理的利益共识。这种逻辑进路要求群团组织与政府、社会组织和所联系群众在社会治理结构中的关系确认,具体表现为群团组织与政府部门的协同互促机制、与社会组织的协作互补机制以及与所联系群众的协调共融机制。  相似文献   

胡重明 《公共管理学报》2013,10(1):63-70,140
处于转型中的中国社会将不可避免地经历一个社会的再组织化过程.本文试图回答的问题是如何通过社会的再组织化来实现社会管理创新.基于对现有文献与实践状况的研究,从社区化、多元化和技术化等三个维度考察了浙江舟山“网格化管理、组团式服务”的社会管理创新案例.研究表明,该模式的形成正依赖于组织空间的社区化集聚、组织资源的多元化整合和组织信息的技术化连接.但在该模式的实施过程中也暴露出了许多影响管理和服务有效性的新问题.这说明,在未能充分动员社会自身的力量和彻底改变社会既定的组织化的形式与结构的情况下,现有的再组织化过程并不能充分保证社会管理创新的有效性与持续性.由于社会固有的组织化的形式,特别是“国家”与“社会”的组织形态及二者之间的结构关系等历史因素的影响,在进一步的社会管理创新探索中仍然需要冲破社会原有的组织化的障碍——不只是关涉政府(国家)组织的自我重塑,更为关键的将是社会自身的再组织化的实现.这无疑将会给社会管理的改革带来更大的挑战.以再组织化为视角,拓展中国社会管理创新的研究路径,有助于理解中国社会管理创新所面临的深层次矛盾和问题.  相似文献   

社会信任是社会组织得以实现公共服务有效供给的关键。一段时间以来,由于行政信任对社会信任的挤出效应、以社会组织为核心形成的社会网络较为薄弱、社会组织可持续发展能力不足等原因,社会组织陷入信任困境。基于社会信任理论,要以社会性机制、特征性机制、过程性机制与规范性机制重塑社会信任。以A镇民建消防队有效参与消防服务供给为例,社会组织以声望资本为切口,以需求共识为导向、以公众参与为手段、以建章立制为抓手,推动人格信任传递组织,实现价值目标一致性,推动组织运作透明化与规范化,重塑并强化了公众对社会组织的制度信任。  相似文献   

购买公共服务是我国深化社会治理创新的重要工具。基层要在构建共建共治共享的社会治理格局中,积极探索通过购买党建服务进一步加强社会组织党建工作的体制机制和创新路径,不断提升基层党组织党建服务水平。基于济南市J街道购买党建服务的个案,运用嵌入性视角对其党组织嵌入社会组织的状况进行整体性理论透视后发现,基层通过购买党建服务,以政治、结构、关系、认知、文化五种嵌入方式,将党组织嵌入社会组织当中;虽然表面上似乎形成了完整的嵌入闭环,扩大了社会组织党的组织覆盖与工作覆盖,但实际上还面临制度赋能效应不足等困境,导致党组织嵌入社会组织留有“缝隙”,在社会组织的日常运作中更多的是起到仪式化的象征作用。为此,迫切需要从过程导向的嵌入转向结果导向的嵌合,通过完善购买党建服务制度体系等方式对党组织嵌入社会组织的路径进行优化。  相似文献   

近年来我国公共文化服务总体上取得了长足进步,但与城市相比,农村公共文化服务发展水平存在较大差距。造成这一差距的原因是多方面的,但最主要的是由城乡公共文化服务二元供给结构造成的。以江苏盐城为研究视角,通过对调研数据及基本供给情况的分析,笔者提出需要进一步加大对农村地区的文化资金投入力度,优化国家在财政供给上的体制机制,并建立多元化的筹资渠道和资金分配使用方式,通过一系列创新性机制的构建,推动各方加大对农村公共文化服务的有效供给,切实维护广大农民的文化权益,确保全面小康的真正实现。  相似文献   

在现代与后现代交织的背景下,服务行政作为对现代性反思的理论结果,将重新改变有关社会治理的认识。服务行政模式深刻地回应了生活政治对解放政治置换这一趋势,将公共服务作为判断国家建构和国家治理的正当性依据,是对现代性政治结构关注统治秩序的历史性超越。按照这一视角来看当代中国社会管理模式的旧与新,其思路是执政党选择服务行政为社会管理的制度工具,将治理—公共服务作为新的意识形态诉求,将"人民正义"由执政的正当性辩护调整为人民对公共服务的期待和实现。服务行政理论是反思现代性的理论成果,是解决当代中国社会管理模式转换的出路。  相似文献   

苏曦凌 《政治学研究》2020,(2):76-89,M0005,M0006
从总体性二元合一走向分化性二元合一,解决分化与耦合两个方面的问题,是中国政府与社会组织关系演进的总体态势。运用结构功能主义视角,可以发现,演进历经让渡与承接、规范与依附、激活与协同等阶段,由政府与社会组织的功能性界分,到基于责任结构整合的政会功能黏附,逐渐发展为基于全面结构整合的政会功能分化与耦合。演进的基本逻辑,是政府主导下功能演变与结构调整的互动,即由政府主导的演进轨道、由功能演变与结构调整互动而构成的演进机制。展望未来,分化性二元合一体系的完善,必须按照现代国家治理的要求,在政府与社会组织之间打造共建、共治与共享的结构功能系统,实现基于责任结构契合的功能目标一致、基于权力结构合理的功能形式耦合、基于利益结构规范的功能输出互益。  相似文献   

解析社区服务发展不平衡的一个理论分析框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区服务发展的不平衡与其中涉及到的行动者、行动情境和社区特性、社会资本、社区服务的相关制度规则有关,并根据经验观察构建了一个分析社区服务的理论框架,确定了影响社区服务发展不平衡的两个变量体系,对各变量进行了逐一解释和规范分析,进一步提出了四个命题和两个动力的理论以解释社区服务发展不平衡的生成机制,探求实现社区服务的有效供给和持续发展的制度基础。  相似文献   

During the past 15 to 20 years a comprehensive services model, incorporating health, social, and educational components, has been the preferred mechanism for addressing the problems associated with adolescent pregnancy. This paper offers an assessment of the model based on a study of ten communities in four states. The widely recognized service needs of pregnant teenagers give the model a compelling logic, but we find inherent obstacles that seriously constrain its implementation. These constraints are exacerbated in an era of social welfare cutbacks. We conclude that short-term local service programs, although better than no services at all, are unlikely to meet their objectives.  相似文献   

The Productivity Commission (PC) has a mandate to provide independent advice to government that promotes community wellbeing. Whilst it plays a significant role in social and economic reform, the underlying institutional values and norms of the PC that shape its advice have not been examined. This paper examines policy problematisations (Bacchi 2009, 2012) across two PC ‘inquiries’ into childcare (2011, 2015) between Labor and Coalition governments, and the advice provided by the PC. In doing so, this research demonstrates that PC recommendations are imbued with economic values that are highly institutionalised. These values give preference to targeted social welfare and traditional gender norms, despite current evidence suggesting alternative approaches would have better social and long‐term economic outcomes. Our findings raise questions over the conflict between the traditional economic values of the PC and providing social policy advice that reflects best practice, indicating that further investigation into the PC is urgently needed.  相似文献   

In nearly all Asian countries services available to rural populations are inadequate and inappropriate. Improvement is crucial not only to fulfilling basic human needs, but for raising productivity and generating more broadly based economic development. This article reviews the types of obstacles in the way of improving service delivery, and assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the major institutional arrangements for delivering services. In the light of this review the article identifies four issues of major importance, first, the priority to be given to providing social and productive services; second, the most appropriate approach to delivering social and productive services; third, how to finance social services more effectively; and finally what alternative means there are of improving the administration of services. This article follows on from Part I which presented a comparative review of service needs in Asian countries.  相似文献   

从价值与理念:坚持公共性取向和善治城市理念;过程与流程:完善制度生产过程并优化供给流程;框架与规则:加强政府行政能力建设;方法与工具:运用科学方法和先进技术提升制度供给能力等四个方面探析提升特大城市政府公共服务制度供给能力的路径,从而为进一步推进我国特大城市服务型政府建设,提升政府为经济社会发展服务、为人民服务的能力和水平,提供必要的理论支持和政策参考.  相似文献   

This article examines levels of policing services, focusing on an assessment of resources and their measurement for municipalities. Two measures of policing levels assess the reliability of the findings across alternative measurements. Social and institutional characteristics are explored to evaluate alternative explanations in policing efforts. The article presents four decades of census data for municipalities in metropolitan areas. The central finding is that unequal levels of policing are prevalent across American municipalities. An additional finding is that social and institutional contexts affect policing, based on a pooled time‐series analysis of municipal governments. Although its main contribution is to local public economies research, the research also integrates the social and institutional literatures to identify factors in the allocation of resources to policing.  相似文献   

This article provides an economy-wide perspective on the changing role of the public sector in developing economic and social infrastructure in Australia. It analyses the scale and macroeconomic significance of the key economic and social infrastructure sectors — communication services, electricity, gas and water supply, transport, education, health and community services, government administration and defence. It then canvasses the major policy issues that have arisen in the progression from public to private infrastructure provision and considers why concerns about the trend fall in traditional public works spending may be misplaced in light of recent economic and institutional changes.  相似文献   

Universities worldwide have increasingly been encouraged to incubate and create business enterprises in order to fulfil national and regional economic development objectives via rapid research commercialization, technology transfer, and open innovation. The definitions of university-level entrepreneurship appear to be controversial in the extant literature, with special reference to government–university–industry partnerships under the overarching theoretical framework of institutional entrepreneurship. No longer do universities act only as agents for knowledge transmission and diffusion but also as business enterprises to help change formal institutional arrangements to meet evolving economic and social demands and to graft the entrepreneurial paradigm into academic culture and structures. As a transitional economy, have China's universities also acted as institutional entrepreneurs for change? In this paper, we address this research question by exploring the nature of government–university–industry links and the application of “institutional entrepreneurship” to Chinese universities. We use a case analysis of the Industry Technology Research Institute of Geo-Resources and Environment Co. Ltd. established by the China University of Geosciences to support our argument that Chinese universities are artificial institutional entrepreneurs. As a result of our analysis, we identified several success factors and constraints on universities as institutional entrepreneurs in the context of China.  相似文献   

Fox  Jonathan  Gershman  John 《Policy Sciences》2000,33(3-4):399-419
Social capital is widely recognized as one of the few sources of capital available to the poor, yet the processes by which development policies affect the accumulation of that social capital are not well understood. The World Bank, through its funding of development projects, affects the institutional environments for the accumulation of such social capital. The question is how to determine whether that institutional context is enabling, and to what degree. This paper compares ten recent World Bank-funded rural development projects in Mexico and the Philippines to explore how the processes of project design and implementation influence the institutional environments for the accumulation of horizontal, vertical, and intersectoral forms of pro-poor social capital. The findings have conceptual and policy implications for understanding the political dynamics of creating enabling environments for social capital accumulation by the poor.  相似文献   

信任危机是最深刻的危机,如何提升政府信用水平,重塑政府公信力是政府和学术界面临的共同问题。在对信用与信任两个概念进行严格区分,并对政府信用内涵进行清晰界定之后,根据以往研究成果,文章提出了公务员素质、政府能力、制度环境及信用文化对地方政府信用影响的四个假设,进而构建了地方政府信用影响机理的概念模型。在对我国116个县级行政区域问卷调查的基础上,运用回归分析和路径分析等方法首次定量考察了公务员素质、政府能力、制度环境及信用文化四个变量对作为公共主体的地方政府的信用水平的影响强度、影响路径。结果表明,制度环境对地方政府信用的影响最强,影响路径最为复杂。信用文化、政府能力、公务员素质对政府信用的影响依次减弱,且公务员素质只能通过政府能力间接影响政府信用。因此,在信用政府建设过程中,需要重点优化地方制度环境并加强信用文化建设,同时也要积极提高政府能力和公务员队伍素质。  相似文献   

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