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科技是社会发展的重要推动力,它在解放生产力、发展生产力、造福人类的同时,也产生了危及人类的各种不良后果。科学研究和技术发明的目的与其应用后果之间的不确定性所产生的风险,构成了科技发展的内在矛盾。风险作为科学技术的内在属性,虽无法完全消除,但人类可以在正确价值观主导下运用各种手段把科学技术所造成的风险降到最低。从伦理学的视域,对科技行为进行伦理规制,发挥好道德的约束与导向作用,则是防范与控制科技风险的有效手段之一。  相似文献   

风险规制研究:构建社会风险治理的知识体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代社会是一个风险社会,风险规制是人类应对社会风险的必然选择和现实诉求。20世纪80年代以来,风险规制的理论和经验研究取得了长足进展,初步形成了社会风险治理的知识基础,提高了人们对于风险防控的理解水平。在推进国家治理现代化的进程中,风险规制研究对于我们提升风险治理能力大有裨益,因为面对不确定的社会风险,建立以政府为主体的风险规制体系已是势所必然的选择。但是风险规制研究也存在侧重于个案描述及其成效分析,不能提供社会风险治理整体知识图景的内在局限。未来应加强跨学科的整合研究,着力于共性问题的探讨,建构社会风险治理的知识体系。  相似文献   

本文以独特的视角,对我国环境规制主体制度优化问题,提出了增强对环境规制者的制度约束与激励、优化规制方式与手段的改革建议。  相似文献   

当代西方的社会规制研究兴起于20世纪70年代初。研究者们试图追问社会规制过程这个黑匣子中究竟发生了什么。为此,他们深入社会规制行动者内部,借用委托-代理理论、博弈论等研究方法,分析了作为规制者的政府内部的不同层次之间的关系及其对规制实施的影响,作为被规制者的企业内部因素,如雇主的法律意识、雇员在健康安全方面对雇主所施加的压力等,对被规制者行动策略乃至规制效益的影响,提出了一些与旧有规制经济学不同的观点;研究者们还运用流行的制度主义理论探讨了规制制度设计与变迁,规制制度与行动者之间的互动等问题。对以上西方学者们关注的问题进行评介后,指出了它们对中国社会规制研究的启示。  相似文献   

赵理强 《学理论》2009,(15):37-38
设立行政诉讼调解制度具有现实必要性和可行性,它有利于确立行政诉讼调解的合法性、有利于保护公共利益和私人利益。当然,对其可能带来的负面影响也不能忽视,应当通过相应的原则和制度加以规制。  相似文献   

被领导者与领导者的信息沟通 ,是人们容易忽视、较少研究的问题。它包括被领导者与领导者信息沟通的心理基础、特点和特征、内容和形式、以及信息沟通的基本要求等。  相似文献   

传统强制责任保险偏重事后救济,风险规制功能有限。安全生产责任保险创造性地引入第三方规制模式,实现了从事后救济为主到风险规制为主的功能转变,为强制责任保险的转型提供了新思路。安全生产责任保险在实际运行中,可能面临定位难以把握、投保企业消极响应、专业服务机构道德风险升高、责任分担机制不明等问题,导致其对公共风险的第三方规制效果受限。对此,应当完善风险等级评估和费率浮动机制,建立“保险机构—投保企业”双向激励机制,完善专业服务机构选择和监管机制,完善责任分配机制。在此基础上,安全生产责任保险的成功经验有望为其他强制责任保险的转型提供借鉴。  相似文献   

信息沟通在管理中起着十分重要的作用.本文探讨了信息沟通的方法,提出要实现成功的沟通,必须掌握信息沟通艺术,克服信息沟通的障碍,采取灵活多样的沟通方式.  相似文献   

经合组织的规制改革政策及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
规制改革是经合组织国家政府改革的重要组成部分。本通过对经合组织规制改革献的研究,介绍了经合组织对政府规制概念的界定和分类、对规制改革的理解和推动改革的政策建议,并分析了对我国政府改革的借鉴性意义。  相似文献   

底高扬 《学理论》2013,(23):123-124
行政裁量是现代公共行政的核心,它涉及一切行政领域,贯穿行政活动的全过程。作为行政裁量的下位概念,行政自由裁量的提法只具有学理上的意义,其在行政实务中的误读及滥用严重阻碍了法治行政的步伐。另一方面,每一个司理正义的行政制度通常都具有庞大的裁量权,如何实现这些行政裁量的优化平衡,需要我们对其进行系统地规制建构。  相似文献   

This study contributes to the understanding of informational approaches to bringing about compliance with environmental regulations with particular attention to differences in the influence of information provided by different information sources. Based on theorizing from a combination of information processing and interest group literatures, we develop hypotheses about regulatees' reliance upon and the influence of different sources of information. We test these hypotheses for Danish farmers' compliance with agro-environmental rules. Our findings show that information plays a role in bringing about regulatory compliance, but its influence is not as strong and is less direct than might be thought to be the case. In addition, we show that not all information sources have the same influence. The findings demonstrate that interest groups have important roles in information provision and legitimization of policies that have often been assumed in the literature but have rarely been empirically examined.  相似文献   

社会信息化程度的迅猛发展成为我们这个时代最重要的特征之一。信息化程度的发展对于民主政治的推进既是挑战,也是机会和动力,其中影响最直接的就是政治参与和政治沟通。政治参与和政治沟通是民主政治发展的重要表现,政治参与和政治沟通又以信息化的发展为依托。信息交流方式的变革对于民主政治的发展产生了深刻影响,互联网的普及带来的"网络民主"成为政治参与的重要形式,通过新型媒介进行政治沟通是民主政治发展的新形式。  相似文献   

Debates over the future of new technologies frequently implicate governmental policies and regulation, the purpose of which has traditionally been to mitigate the dangers of new technologies through promotion of conditions of safe use. It is increasingly recognized, however, that regulation is predicated on a particular conception of the nature of risk which may or may not correspond to the views and beliefs held by society. Here I explore three broadly related questions in the context of the debates around agricultural biotechnology. First, what are the implications of varying conceptions of risk for regulatory policy in the United States and in the European Union? Second, what are the implications of differing conceptions of risk and resulting regulatory policy for agricultural trade relations between the two giants of international trade? And finally, what lessons might we draw from contemporary disputes over agricultural biotechnology?  相似文献   

信息公开是实现权力有效监督的重要方式,是民众知情权的基本保障,是媒体自由的必要条件,信息公开构成反腐败制度建设的重要内容。美国、日本、韩国等许多国家均通过立法规定了信息公开制度。中国目前规范信息公开的法规主要是《政府信息公开条例》。在政府、民众观念及法律规范方面,中国信息公开都存在亟待完善之处。必须高度重视信息公开问题,从多方面完善中国的信息公开制度。  相似文献   

随着金融全球化、网络化、集团化的发展,国际金融监管在监管目标、监管内容、监管重心、监管技术和监管的国际合作方面出现了一些新的趋势,对我国金融监管体系的构建具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

健全公共信息系统,完善政府危机决策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
章阐述了危机决策中信息系统的构成,分析了我国公共信息系统的不足,提出了健全我国公共信息系统的建议。  相似文献   

This article examines Ireland's financial crisis. Thus far explanation has focused on individual or collective administrative failure: the office(r) of financial regulation singularly failed to scrutinise the banks sufficiently: it was a matter of poor risk management. While this article would agree that the (mis)management of risk was important to how the crisis unfolded, I argue that an explanation of why the crisis emerged demands an altogether different focus. Put simply, after financial regulatory reform, a reconfiguration of risk in politics took place as the locus of decision‐making about financial risk shifted from the realm of the political/legal (Cabinet/Central Bank/Department of Finance) to the economic/legal (retail banks, shareholders/consumers). It was a critical development, one that mirrored events taking place in the UK, upon which Ireland drew experience, for now assessments about risk undertaken by the banks demanded that intervention could be justified only on an ascertainable risk, not a theoretical uncertainty (or spurious fear). The evidentiary bar for intervention was therefore raised, removing the precautionary instinct implicit in the prudential governance of Central Banks.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between information and communication technologies (ICTs) and regional integration as a pathway to socioeconomic development in Africa and South America. Both regions share a colonial legacy often characterized by stronger economic ties to the developed world than within the regions. In recent decades, regional organizations have been involved in efforts to strengthen the infrastructure for ICTs, as well as the enhancement of economic and political integration as strategies to achieve development. However, the literature continues to show distinct research agendas that unwittingly overlook the connections between these areas. This article proposes a theoretical framework combining research on integration, ICTs, and development. It provides a brief analysis of each region and its ICT initiatives, the potential impact on regional integration, and how this relates to development. We suggest possible applications of the framework to identify and research the processes of integration and expected outcomes of development.  相似文献   

安瑛晖 《学理论》2011,(6):60-64
从某种角度上讲,银行就是经营管理风险的金融中介机构。在监管国际化以及入世的前提下,我国银行业建立和完善科学的内部风险管理体系、有效地防范金融风险是当前十分紧迫的重要任务。从银行经营管理、银行监管的国际化、西方银行风险管理体系等方面分析入手,针对我国银行业存在的问题,把外部监管和内部管理作为一个系统来考虑,用四维概念模型指导我国银行现代风险管理体系再造,为管理决策者提供决策支持。  相似文献   

Risk‐based approaches to governance are widely promoted as universally applicable foundations for improving the quality, efficiency, and rationality of governance across policy domains. Premised on the idea that governance cannot eliminate all adverse outcomes, these approaches provide a method for establishing priorities and allocating scarce resources, and, in so doing, rationalise the limits of what governance interventions can, and should, achieve. Yet cursory observation suggests that risk‐based approaches have spread unevenly across countries. Based on a comparison of the UK, France, and Germany, this article explores the ways in which, and why, such approaches have “colonised” governance regimes in the UK, but have had much more limited application in France and Germany. We argue that the institutionally patterned adoption of risk‐based governance across these three countries is related to how entrenched governance norms and accountability structures within their national polities handle both the identification and acceptance of adverse governance outcomes.  相似文献   

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