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在巴尔扎克的《无名杰作》中,描写和绘画相互借用,互为补充叙述者力图使描写具有绘画特征,而老画家弗朗奥费尔则试图借助诗的语言使画中人物摆脱画框。真实绘画作品在推动情节发展的同时,通过画中女性暗示出女主人公的命运。  相似文献   

魏尔伦诗篇的音乐性,这是评论家们众口一致的赞誉。作为象征派诗人,他的大多数作品又都朦胧地透露出伤感。从字里行间寻找这种伤感的表现并不是很困难,从诗句的节奏中要抓住这种感觉却不是一件容易的事情了。它需要论作者有十分细腻的情感和洞察幽微的语感。本文作者从她对魏尔伦诗歌多年的研究和翻译中,从细细的品味和揣摩中,终于抓到了这种一纵即逝的东西。文章从魏尔伦的伤感说起,引用了一些较典型的诗句,论述诗人是怎样用乐感,用节奏表现这种伤感的。  相似文献   

胡晓莉 《法国研究》2001,(2):197-211
繁荣于十五世纪的勃艮第大公宫廷文化是式微的中世纪骑士文学过渡到文艺复兴的最后辉煌.面对旧的价值体系即将崩溃、新的道德观尚未形成的危机,四任勃艮第大公均采取了鼓励把重写骑士文学与描述当代社会生活结合起来的文艺创作方案,从而使一种文化传统成功地在特定的环境中发扬光大,在肯定自我的同时巩固宫廷的统治.本文以文本分析的手法,通过比较中世纪传说的不同版本,试图揭示社会性话语在文艺创作中的作用.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the role of the Cortes in the course of two decisive moments of the Portuguese monarchy: the choice of a king on the one hand and the decision to accept a regency on the other. The Cortes of Coimbra (1385) are first analysed in the context of the political events that preceded them, in terms of the novelty of being summoned by the social forces of the kingdom, and in terms of their ideology and innovative measures. As a result, a king was chosen—King John I, the founder of the House of Avis—and reforms of a noticeable ‘constituent’ tendency were proposed. Attention is then focused on the Cortes of Lisbon (1439), which were equally unusual in their summoning and performance. There, it was decided that the infant Don Pedro, brother to the late king Don Duarte, would be in charge of the regency while the heir to the throne, Don Afonso V, was not yet of age. This prevented the queen from occupying the role the monarch had intended for her. In both cases these Cortes are very special given that they legitimated revolutionary acts which had previously taken place. This behaviour reinforces the idea that by comparison with other kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula, the Portuguese Cortes had a strong leadership role in moments of political crisis and in the assertion of the power and social formation of the monarchy.  相似文献   


The medieval Portuguese clergy and nobility, particularly those of higher status, were the political and ideological support of the sovereign. As vassals of the king they had been members of the curia regia from its beginnings. They naturally became part of the parliament when it was created in the thirteenth century. In these early assemblies the monarch consulted them about political issues of general interest, but the clergy and nobility were free to bring forward their own concerns. Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho examines how the clergy complained to the kings D. Afonso IV (1325–57), D. Pedro (1357–67) and D. Fernando (1367–83). They insisted on defending their privileges, ecclesiastical rights and temporal power, presenting long lists of accusations mostly against the nobles and royal officials. But to give a wider perspective the author also studies the dissatisfaction that the people expressed in these assemblies about the clergy, charging them with oppression while both collecting taxes and rents and applying justice. The parliamentary discussions demonstrated clearly the social tensions of the times and allowed the king to judge and to rule in a more balanced way between the estates in order to exert his sovereign power in a pacified kingdom.  相似文献   

此文作者分析了吉奥诺前期小说中有关道路和风景的隐喻,试图说明小说家如何通过使用一个表面上看真实存在的地理环境,而实际上却描述了一个混沌未凿、一切有待创造的梦幻世界。小说凭借比喻的力量进入了一个由人物语言产生的神奇世界。这个世界似乎是一个探索的世界。但通过对隐喻的具体分析可以看出它只是对一种不可知的逃避。因此,比喻也许能让人发现隐藏在文本中的神秘意义。  相似文献   

本文通过分析汉语和法语词语丰富的文化信息内涵,探讨在外语教学中从词汇入手学习外国文化的可能性,并且讨论在教学中如何引导学生关注文化问题,尤其是隐性文化。  相似文献   

Presque immédiatement à l'entrée d'Une saison en enfer, le lecteur rencontre un mot bien connu en fonction allégorique, la personnification qui porte l'un des noms les plus universels et les plus ambigus: la Beauté. Voici donc ce début célèbre: Jadis, si je me souviens bien, ma vie était un festin oǜ s'ouvraient tous les coeurs, oǜ tous les vins coulaient.  相似文献   

法语第二外语教学长期以来都是以所用的教材来决定上课的内容和形式,而较少考虑到学生的学习动机以及他们对法语课的需求和期待,上课的气氛比较单调和沉闷。本文采取问卷调查的方法,主要对财经类院校学生学习法语的动机进行分析,研究这一特殊教学对象的学习需求和期待,以便更好地为他们提供相适应的教学内容和形式。  相似文献   

IntroductionLetheatreestavanttoutunlieudeparoles(devoix)etdegestes.EnconsiderantMaldororcommeunepiecedetheatreouLautreamontecrivainjouaitdlafoisl'acteuretlemetteurensc6ne,nousnousautorisonsdfairelaliaisonentreLautreamontecrivainetLautreamontorateurparl'intermediairedelaressemblanceentreorateuretcomedien.Ilestvraiquepourunorateuretuncomedien,lesvoixetlesgestessontindispensables,maispourunecrivain,C'estpeut-etreimpossibled'enparler,car,unecrivainecritp0urdeslecteursvirtuelsquisontcenseslireses…  相似文献   


The city of Ashkelon occupies the geographical area that, during the Ottoman and Mandatory periods, belonged to six settlements (Majdal, Hamame, Nailia, Jora, Rasem, and Hasas). Although these settlements differed from one another in nature and in status, they nonetheless had ties with each other and with the large village, later to become the town Majdal, the central settlement in the region. The various developments that Palestine underwent during the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries did not pass over this area. Although the livelihood of the settlements in the region was based primarily on agriculture, each also possessed a distinctive character. The research describes the geographical developments in the Ashkelon region and its landscape, and examines the changes they and the area, underwent as a case study of the southern coastal plain.  相似文献   

此文探讨了洛特莱阿芒的《马尔陀罗之歌》中明喻与隐喻的应用方式,指出诗人在这两种修辞格中用迥然相异的事物作比,构成全新的意象,超越了现实的真与美而达到了诗歌的真与美。  相似文献   

作者在此文中综述了关于兰波《彩图集》中“野蛮”一诗现有的各种诠释,并在此基础上重点分析了此诗中两个含义费解的段落(第二段和第六段),试图说明隐喻如何成为变形,隐喻如何使诗歌转向神话,以及“野蛮”一诗如何引导读者超越现实,发现本质。  相似文献   

王战 《法国研究》2009,(1):66-70
与法国的中小型企业不同,中国许多中小型企业在转型时期是由经营不善的国营或集体企业经过改制才实行民营化的。在改制过程中,由于体制和遗留问题,使得改制过程出现了各种不同的困惑。久安医药正是在困难和迷惑中成功地实现了民营化经营并在市场中取得了一席之地。  相似文献   

随着交际教学法在中国法语联盟法语语言教学中的推广使用,选择什么法语教材能更好的达到交际教学法所规定的要求和目标,最大限度地培养中国学生的语言交际的能力呢?尤其是面对法语联盟武汉法语培训中心的这部分极其特殊的法语语言学习群体——他们学习法语主要是到法国、加拿大(或其他说法语的国家),或者继续学习,或者是移民生活——使用哪种法语教材能更好地给这群即将出国人员的法语交流在国内给予最充分的准备呢?本文作者通过分析在武汉法盟使用的法文原版教材 Reflets 所独具的特点,阐述该教材在培养法语学习者的语言交际能力方面的优势。  相似文献   


In this article, Michael A.R. Graves and Chris R. Kyle take a new look at the ‘bills of grace’ or ‘sign manual bills’ which were a feature of the early-modern English parliament. These were a special category of bill, often introduced into one of the Houses already written out on parchment, and endorsed with the royal sign manual. The majority of such bills concerned either the affairs of the royal family, or the affairs of private suitors with privileged access to the royal Court, and were generally referred to as ‘bills of grace’. It has long been supposed that such bills were given favoured treatment and enjoyed a speedy and undisputed passage through the two Houses. The article first demonstrates that there have been many misunderstandings about these bills, both by contemporaries and by later historians, and then goes on to show that they present complex problems of interpretation. The authors show how the number and character of such bills varied from one reign to another, and how there were marked changes in the usage of this procedure over time. They conclude that the previously received views about this kind of legislation require revision.  相似文献   


In 1914 the political situation in Portugal was driven by feelings of insecurity, following the revolution of 1910 which had replaced the monarchy by a republic. In this article, Maria Ribeiro illustrates the state of public opinion and its reaction to the European war. The article uses the speeches of the party spokesmen in debates in parliament down to the final decision to enter the war on the side of the Entente powers in February 1916. It argues that public opinion was driven by three perceived sources of insecurity: fear that the great powers had designs for the taking over of Portugal's African colonies; the fear that since the establishment of the republic, the Spanish monarchy might be contemplating intervention in Portuguese internal affairs and sought to compromise her independence; and a general perception that the new republic needed to assert its international status. This last consideration, the desire to establish firm international recognition of the sovereignty of the Portuguese Republic, was probably the principal factor which moved the Portuguese political leaders to intervene in the war.  相似文献   

《未来的夏娃》是法国十九世纪作家维里耶的代表作之一。这部作品看似一部科幻小说,其实它把读者带入了一个非常奇特、复杂的想象空间。在这里,科学、秘术、超自然现象、意志决定论这些不同的,甚至相互矛盾的力量,为了一个共同的目标—创造一个完美无缺的女人—合为一体。如果说,创造一个理想的女人这一梦想是主宰整个作品的主旋律,那么,在它的背后还回荡着另一个声音,一个与之对立的弦外之音。本文试对这两种相互对立的运动——梦想与反梦想进行思考和分析。  相似文献   

周婷 《法国研究》2013,(3):43-46
居伊德波是法国当代思想家。异轨和漂移是其所创立的国际情景主义中两个重要理论,至今仍被广泛地运用到各种形式的艺术创作之中。莫迪亚诺,作为一名上世纪六十年代的青年作家,也深受其时代思潮的影响。经过梳理,我们发现,在这位现已年过花甲的作家近四十年的文学创作中,异轨与漂移己然成为构成其独特写作风格的重要手法之一。本文将从莫迪亚诺小说中的“似曾相识元素”出发,通过串联分析,从而试图揭示德波的异轨和漂移理论在莫迪亚诺文学创作中的运用与地位。  相似文献   

本文以课堂法语教学中师生间话语交际为研究对象,用话语分析的理论研究了课堂师生话语交际过程中重新表述的一般规律,分析了重新表述在语言教学和语言习得过程中的作用。  相似文献   

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