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我国分裂主义的理论研究仍处在起步阶段,现有研究主要围绕分裂主义的定义、产生原因、思想渊源和治理思路展开。总体而言,相关研究多侧重于静态的概念引荐和现象分析,还未实现完整的理论构建和对分裂主义的深入研究。如何从政治学的角度出发,加强对分裂主义理论的体系化梳理,特别是深化对分裂主义动态性规律的把握,应成为我国分裂主义理论研究的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

分裂主义对国家安全特别是国家核心安全的威胁巨大,它不仅危害到国家的领土、主权完整,对国家认同造成严重冲击,而且在分裂主义采用暴力方式和外部干涉的情况下,直接威胁到国家的军事安全。分裂主义不是非传统安全的问题,而属于传统安全威胁。中国所面临的分裂主义威胁非常严重,在反分裂及安全研究方面,简单套用西方的理论体系来解释我国的核心安全利益问题是危险的。  相似文献   

一、关于三股恶势力的概念 帕西是帕米尔以西地区的简称,指的是帕米尔高原的西部地区及其以西的接邻地区,属中亚、西亚、南亚以及东亚4区之间的接合部,涉及中亚五国以及阿富汗、巴基斯坦、伊朗等国。其中哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、阿富汗、克什米尔巴基斯坦实际控制区均与中国接壤。帕西北部与俄罗斯,南部与印度,西部与西北亚和西南亚各国为邻。在过去一个时期的中,本地区是被分别划入中亚、西亚和南亚等地区而进行单独考察的。这同冷战结束以前本地区的政治形势有很大关系。苏联解体、冷战结  相似文献   

李登辉上台之初.蒋经国留给台湾社会的是追求国家统一、开放两岸探亲、开启政治改革等等政治遗产;李登辉下台后,留给台湾社会的是“两国论”、民进党上台、“台独”活动猖獗等等政治遗产。李登辉的分裂主义路线是指李登辉当政时期以分裂为指向的意识形态和内外政策的总和。  相似文献   

认同在单元体的构成、互动及全球体系的转换上发挥着变量性作用,既有认同不仅是对以往认同的继承,也是过渡到未来认同的前提和条件。国家认同、宗教认同、区域认同与全球认同的实现有着碰撞、分离、甚至冲突的一面,同时又存在着天然的重叠、交叉或融合。总的来说,人类的认同朝进步的方向发展,世界国家的实现是一种历史的必然。  相似文献   

邓小平国际政治理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者认为,邓小平国际政治理论,属邓小平理论的重要组成部分,是当代中国的马克思主义,需要进行深入研究,总结和归纳、构建完整的体系框架。邓小平理论的国内国际部分,是相互联系、相辅相成、密不可分的。作者指出,应该对邓小平国际政治理论给予足够的重视,通过加强对邓小平国际政治理论的学习和研究,为国际政治学科的建设作出贡献。  相似文献   

本文从不同的理论框架(意识形态、国家利益、结构现实主义、认知心理学、国内政治和认同等)出发,以《中苏关系史纲》提供的素材和数据为基础,结合国内最近解密的省级档案等史料,对中苏分裂等核心问题进行理论性的探讨。本文尝试从国际关系理论出发审视中苏关系,以期促进国际关系理论与冷战史的富有成果的对话。  相似文献   

儿童权利保护在我国家庭中的落实还存在许多现实困境.细致地了解现阶段家长和孩子如何看待儿童权利,以及亲子间的对儿童权利的认同有何异同.对宣传与落实儿童权利保护意义重大.通过对475名儿童和448位家长进行调查,我们发现:(1)家长对儿童发展权的认同显著低于孩子,具体表现在交友选择、娱乐活动和时间安排权利上;家长对儿童参与权的认同显著低于孩子,具体表现在自主管理和参与决策权利上;家长对儿童受保护权中隐私权的认同显著低于孩子;(2)总体而言,随着年龄增长.孩子对各项权利的认同度都有上升趋势;(3)亲子双方对彼此关于儿童权利的认同度的感知存在偏差.孩子普遍低估了家长对儿童权利的认同度,而家长低估了孩子对参与权和发展权的认同程度.  相似文献   

近年来,非洲发展问题和中非合作关系日益成为中国与西方发生观念碰撞与思想交锋的领域。在非洲研究这一最初由西方开创的研究领域,中国需以自己立场和方式重新进行思考,开展创新研究,突破西方话语高墙,建立起具有中国学术品格与思想境界的非洲研究知识体系与话语形态。  相似文献   

香港社会在身份认同和政治认同上均体现出二元特征。在身份认同层面,港人表现出香港人与中国人之间的区分;在政治层面,港人多年来在渐进式民主与急速发展民主之间争论,并在一国与两制之间纠结。上述认同特征体现了半个多世纪的地缘政治对香港社会产生了深远影响。尽管中国中央政府和香港特区政府做了诸多努力,但是由于英国在香港回归前对香港实施了近半个世纪的去中国化和美式政治认同培育,不可避免地为今天香港政治发展带来争议。  相似文献   

This article examines the work of the UK government's Department for International Development (dfid) in the Great Lakes region of central Africa. It traces the formulation of policy and compares it with dfid's operations in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from 1997 to 2001. Drawing on research from the region and the UK, the article argues that dfid's ‘new humanitarianism’ offers little new, and that the spoken poverty agenda is misleading. It concludes that, while dfid's moral terminology suggests that there is a framework for response, in fact dfid defines what is ‘good’ and redefines events—including its own activity—to fit with it.  相似文献   

This research is geared toward theory building by alleviating some of the lacunae in three areas of study. First, it redefines what terrorism is by refocusing the definition away from politics and the mens rea of terror to its criminal actus reus. In this endeavor, it proposes a unifying definition that is viable for global assessment and under standing, while being conducive to international military and law enforcement cooperation. The definition is proposed to accommodate the international laws of reciprocity, community, and political framework, without compromising terrorism's criminal liabilities. Second, it defines what a religious terrorist is by using a convergence of psychometric measures from 356 suicide-bombers, taped self-immolations of 15 terrorists and 918 zealots, and triangulated anthologies. Among the outcomes of this mixed-method design is an empowering 32-trait profile of a religious terrorist that is ethno-religious specific and user friendly. Third, it introduces the concept of International Islamization Terrorism (IIT) and calls on future research to assess the propensity of IIT to global calamity, and the viability of a universal religious terrorist profile.  相似文献   

The current catchphrase of “sustainable development” reflects two primary issues: increased concern with the environment and natural resource management, and heightened frustration with the meager staying power of many development investments once external support has ceased. Achieving and measuring sustainable benefits has been exceedingly difficult, however, and considerable confusion exists regarding the definitions and contexts in which the term is used. This paper outlines the similarities and differences between the environmental perspective and the development investment perspective, and discusses the lessons for administrative reform. The concept of development investment sustainability emphasizes that successful administrative reform must enhance the ability of the government to continually respond to change in the external environment. An important lesson from the environmentalists is that reforms must be approached in an integrative manner – all elements of the system must work together rather than in isolation for sustainable results.  相似文献   

Corruption is often defined as the abuse of public office for private gain. This article suggests that this is inadequate for understanding corruption in weak states and presents two broader definitions of the concept. It discusses findings from qualitative and quantitative research conducted in Papua New Guinea in light of these definitions. Respondents – particularly the poor and marginalised – saw corruption as tied to the actions of public officials as well as non-state actors. It is argued that applying broader definitions of corruption could help researchers and policy makers better understand citizens’ concerns about corruption, particularly where the state is weak.  相似文献   


Quality of Life (QOL), as a framework for evaluation can aid public policy making. There are many uses for such QOL studies. They are used in corporate and individuals site selections, comparing growth of jurisdictions, and measuring overall satisfaction in communities. Yet, a workable definition of QOL has befuddled evaluators for many years. A perceptual community based definition of QOL has potential for a synoptic benchmark for local policy makers. This study uses an elite survey method to perceptually define QOL in Alabama's major cities. The survey indicates that most of the services provided in cities are important factors in defining QOL. The survey also defines an “importance rank” of these services. The author asserts that such a derived definition can be used as an important benchmark for any city.  相似文献   

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