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The social welfare system in China has been undergoing transition since the economic reform in 1978 when the Chinese government began introducing a series of welfare changes aimed at shifting responsibility from the government to a combination of government, communities, enterprises and individuals. Consequently, many cities in China have been experimenting with community-based welfare services — a state-sanctioned practice based on socialist ideology, but at the same time market driven and incorporating the private sector. This new welfare approach started an ongoing dialogue in China regarding the role of the public and private sectors in social welfare, the balance between socialist and capitalist values, and the input of the free market and political democracy. This paper presents a case study of an urban community in Beijing. It examines the policy of community-based services and discusses its implementation in urban communities. The research suggests that the public-private coordination is, within limits, effective in meeting people’s needs in the community. However, further attention should be given to the sharing of responsibility for welfare between the public and private sectors so as to protect vulnerable populations. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Denver. Her major interests of research focus on social development and community service, law and social work, and comparative welfare policies. He was also chair professor of Social Work Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and founding Dean of the School of Social Development at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. He has written extensively on international social development and human security.  相似文献   

中国文化具有十分浓厚的亲情色彩,亲情文化深深地影响着中国的历史、现在乃至未来。由于在国家制度的形成中保存了浓厚的血缘因素,中国形成了影响深远的亲情文化传统。在中国人的集体无意识中积淀着不可化解的血缘家族情节。这种文化与民主政治的平等价值难免产生矛盾与冲突,在权利使用方面难以抵制人情、关系等消极影响。但亲情文化在某种程度上也对当代中国民主政治建设起到一定的积极作用,她为民主政治建设提供社会资本基础,也有利于增强政治认同感和民族凝聚力。  相似文献   

我国社区矫正制度:缘起、问题与完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区矫正思想的产生与演进反映了现代社会对刑罚及行刑思想的理性探索。社区矫正制度的产生与发展符合行刑由严酷走向宽缓的国际趋势。我国实施社区矫正制度的前景取决于社会刑罚观念、社区的发育成熟度以及相关法律的完善程度。目前,社区矫正制度在我国施行中存在以下问题:其一,重刑主义思想在人们心目中的根深蒂固;其二,社会基础层面社区发育的不成熟;其三,法律规范层面社区矫正相关法律有待完善。我国可从以下三个方面解决实施社区矫正中存在的问题,完善社区矫正制度:其一,营造宽严相济思想的社会氛围;其二,进一步塑造社区矫正所需要的社会基础;其三,完善我国社区矫正制度的相关立法。  相似文献   

Journal of Chinese Political Science - Voting in China’s grassroots elections is more of a ritual than a right. For most citizens especially in the urban areas, the results of the local...  相似文献   

目前,我国尚未形成现代意义的法律职业共同体。构建与现代法治要求相契合的法律职业共同体,已成为当代中国实现法治的关键。本文从探析法律职业共同体在法治社会中的作用入手,分析了我国法律职业的现状,提出了构建我国法律职业共同体的初步设想。  相似文献   

李东泉  蓝志勇 《公共管理学报》2012,(1):104-110,127,128
中国近三十年来的快速城市化进程带来了许多前所未有的社会问题,给城市的管理和发展提出了新的挑战。其中值得重点关注的一个挑战就是如何改造、更新和发展城市社区。结合中国现阶段的发展现实,将社区按各自的特点进行分类,分析了它们的成因、功能和存在的问题,提出要重新认识这些社区的价值,结合新的社区发展理念,有针对性地制订不同的发展战略,实现社区发展的目标,保障城市化过程的健康稳定与和谐。  相似文献   

社区自治不是社区自治组织的自治而是居民权利表达与实现的制度安排和过程.社区自治是一个多元的权利与权力的生态链.20世纪90年代以来,中国城市社区自治经历了从无到有、从小到大的历程,初步显示出一条中国化道路:从"小社区局部自治"到"小社区全面自治",再从"小社区自治"到"大社区自治".  相似文献   

傅芳萍 《学理论》2013,(10):98-99,127
社会工作常常强调"人在情境中"的思维方式,要求把人们所遇到的问题与环境结合起来进行剖析。系统理论中"整体"的概念也要求把人和其周围环境联系起来,并作为一个统一体看待,与"人在情境中"有异曲同工之妙。试图从系统理论的角度出发,并结合社区工作的具体实践,来阐述系统理论在我国社区工作中的应用。  相似文献   

中国制造企业尤其是OEM在市场价值链中扮演着低端角色,这种发展模式潜伏着许多危机,不是企业长久发展模式.因此,必须实行OEM企业的转型,走长期的可持续发展之路.  相似文献   

试论当代中国的宪政文化建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有宪法未必有宪政,作为西方泊来品的宪政文化是宪政得以实现的深层次原因。文章在探讨西方宪政文化的主要内容及回顾百年中国立宪教训的基础上,对当代中国的宪政文化建设提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

科学发展观是当代中国的政治发展观,也是中国政治发展的根本指导思想.要构建当代中国的发展政治学,必须把以人为本作为中国政治发展的出发点和归宿,坚持全面、协调、可持续发展,坚持统筹兼顾,认真研究中国政治发展的目标体系,分析经济、社会结构的变化对中国政治发展的影响,思考中国政治发展的力量结构变动,探索中国民主政治的发展路径与实现机制,探讨发展政治学的研究方法.  相似文献   

Jian Li 《社会征候学》2019,29(3):393-405

This study investigates the reform of supervision system in China through the Supervision Law, and identifies this Law as a sign within its corresponding social and political purposes and intentions from the sociosemiotic perspective. Within its legislation process, the Supervision Law could be identified as both a sign textualized among the disciplinary regulations, and as a signifier configured with the successive interpretants by relevant laws, for example, the Constitution Amendment 2018 and the Criminal Procedure Law 2018, showing the social construction of legislative meaning as infinite semiosis. In other words, from the whole process of sign perception, reception, acceptation, and interpretation, a legislative text could be interpreted both as a sign constructed in the external but relevant sign systems and as a signifier reconstructed with the successive but infinite interpretants in the internal sign system. This study also finds that the social construction of meaning is achieved and represented to the extent which is constructed through the representation and interpretation of law-making process by sign receivers or legal participants.  相似文献   

社区矫正在矫治罪犯、降低再犯率和降低司法成本等方面发挥着制度优势。《刑法修正案(八)》与新修订的《刑事诉讼法》中对社区矫正都有明文规定。但由于社区矫正制度在我国起步较晚,法律规定难免简单笼统,社区刑罚和社区矫正的具体实施还有很多困难。应进一步完善相关法律法规,在制度的改革中明确矫正主体,制定配套的执行制度。  相似文献   

The uses and effects of microcomputers were examined in case studies in eight American cities. Most departments in these cities used the microcomputers for financial management activities of one type or another. Other important findings were that microcomputer uses were related to departmental functions, and that the effects of microcomputers on work, people and the organization were largely positive.  相似文献   

The rapid development of ports has caused serious environmental pollution in China. With the promotion of conservation culture recently, a brand-new developing pattern of port is brought forward, namely ecological port. The definition and conceptual model of ecological port were discussed in the beginning of this paper. Based on the analysis and comparison of experiences in environmental protection and construction of the advanced ecological ports in U.S.A., Japan, Australia, and U.K., the issues facing with ecological port development were discussed and corresponding countermeasures were suggested. The suggestions were mainly concerned with eco-port plan, environmental protection policies, index system development, port function and industry structure transformation, and development patterns for ecological port in China.  相似文献   

This article examines the Chinese scholarly discourse about promoting civil society, constructing urban and rural communities, and transferring social service provision to society. It finds that this discourse treats two separate models as if they were one. The civil society model stresses freedom to organize for advancing the aims that participants share. The community building model emphasizes community governance and empowerment. Together, these two models expect both the state and society to strengthen their presence in the same communal space. These two models have theoretical inconsistencies, but these inconsistencies disappear if civil society is understood in the very narrow terms of the ‘small government, big society' model in which the state wants to reduce its own economic burdens in social service production. It is thus likely that in China civil society either remains secondary to the state-initiated channels of social and political participation in communities, or takes place mainly on the regional or national scope in which civil society organizations no longer compete with communal ones.  相似文献   

随着网络的兴起,社区报已经不再局限于纸质出版物,而是越来越多地以新媒体的形式出现于社区公众面前。虽然中国社区与欧美社区有着差异,但是二者之间总体上有着不少共同性。作为传媒的社区报基于社会学的认知与基本原则,对报纸的理念与定位进行科学规划,将作为共同体的社区文化融入办报实践之中,深刻认识和报道"邻猫生子"的新闻价值,这将是社区报经营的必由之路。  相似文献   

Village elections, as a policy response to developmental problems in rural China in the 1980s, were not designed to promote democracy in China. The process of village elections, however, has served as a new form of cooperation between the state and the peasantry over the last decade. To understand why an authoritarian regime introduced an electoral process to its countryside and why this electoral process of village elections has served as a new form of cooperation between the state and the peasantry over the last decade, we should try to understand where the congruence between the state and the peasantry was in this form of cooperation, what the role of the state was in this process, and what the implications of this electoral process for democracy were in China. The process of village elections might eventually have a benign result that was not originally envisioned by its sponsor, but little progress has been made in that direction over the last decade. Putting village elections in such perspective, this paper examines the economic, political and democratic dimensions of this electoral process of village elections as a new form of cooperation between the state and the peasantry.  相似文献   

农村社区协商治理作为一种有效的社区治理方式,是中国农村社会治理创新的重中之重。当前,以农村社区协商治理为主题的7个农村社区治理实验区在农村社区协商治理机制构建、社会治理难题化解、拓展社区公共空间等方面取得了显著成效,但还存在诸如农村社区协商治理的社会组织发育较为迟缓、农村社区协商治理的专业人才比较匮乏、农村社区协商治理的居民主体性缺失、农村社区协商治理的议事效果相对欠佳等现实问题。总结全国首批7个农村社区协商治理的经验,结合现阶段我国农村社区协商治理的实际状况,当前应加强农村社区党组织对社会组织的引导,健全农村社区协商治理人才的引进与培训,建构农村社区居民参与协商治理的主体性,形成农村社区协商治理机制与协商民主制度合力。  相似文献   

In recent studies, scholars have highlighted factors that influence citizen satisfaction with democracy, with particular emphasis on the role played by the institutional features of political systems, and ideology. This article presents the first empirical study of whether changes in important party characteristics can affect individuals' satisfaction with democracy. Using a measure of parties' character‐valence derived from content analysis of news reports, evidence is presented that when governing parties' images decline with respect to important valence‐related attributes such as competence, unity and integrity, then citizen satisfaction with democracy similarly declines. However, this relationship is conditional on the performance of opposition parties. These findings are relevant to studies of regime support, political representation, democratic accountability and voter behaviour.  相似文献   

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