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WMFSS(细水雾御火系统)最早发展于20世纪50年代。但是直到Halon被禁止使用,它才真正登上历史舞台。在过去的15年里,细水雾科技不断在发展进步。这些进步是以大量的不同火灾研究权威机构、组织团体和研究团体的试验研究、理论和方法为基础的。为了让大家对过去的研究能有一个更好的理解,同时也为了在将来制定更好的计划,本篇文章对过去的研究实验以及研究领域和不同的组织作了一个简要回顾。这个回顾将帮助理解关于WMFSS究竟作过哪些工作,以及在将来我们需要去作什么。  相似文献   

MOVIN' ON     
In Canada, relocation cases are governed by the 1996 Supreme Court of Canada decision in Gordon v. Goertz , thanks to Canada's constitutional and judicial structure. Gordon rejects presumptions or burdens, mandating an individualized best interests inquiry in every case. Since 1996, appeal courts have done little to develop or refine this approach. Trial level decisions do reveal certain trends, allowing moves in about 60% of cases, but more often for "primary caregivers" and much less often in shared custody cases. Federal custody reform proposals to date have not addressed relocation issues.  相似文献   

Renmin University of China hosted the first "'UK-China Conference on Public Law" on 2-6 September, 2013. The conference was a collaboration between Renmin University of China, Oxford University, University College of London (UCL), China Association of Constitutional Law, and the United Kingdom Constitutional Law Group. The conference was eo-organised by Nick Barber from Oxford University, Jeff King from UCL, Han Dayuan from Renmin University and Li Ruiyi from Nankai University. It was partly sponsored by multinational law firm Clifford Chance. More than 50 Chinese and British academics participated. A range of topics was covered including the position of soft law and conventions in constitutions, constitutional structure, the rule of law, judicial independence, protection of human rights, interaction between welfare states and the rule of law, and the role of the court and the judge in regulating administration. Chinese and UK academics of public law actively participated in discussions. The conference marked an unprecedented communication and exchange on constitutionalism between Chinese and British scholars.  相似文献   

GEORGE TORODASH 《犯罪学》1978,16(1):109-114

关于酷刑罪的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王秀梅 《现代法学》2001,23(2):82-86
酷刑罪是国际公约所禁止的一种犯罪。它有着特定的界定与构成要件。我国刑法虽然没有规定酷刑罪的罪名,但就属于酷刑罪的一些行为作出了罪刑规定。  相似文献   

业主的建筑物区分所有权 评《物权法草案》第六章   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
<正>一、引言建筑物区分所有权本质上属于一种重要的物权类型,但并非新生的物权概念,远在古代的埃及、巴比伦、希腊的法律中即已有其踪迹。近现代大陆法系、英美法系各国家和地区,如法国、德国、日本、瑞士、美国、我国台湾及香港地区等,都制定了有关区分所有权的法律。导致各国家和地区纷纷制定区分所有权法的原因,是在近现代社会里,钢筋高层建筑物激增,公寓大厦盛行。  相似文献   

5-6 November 2013, the International Conference on China--French Constitutional Review took place at the Mingde Law Building, Renmin University of China. The academic conference was host by the Law School of Renmin University, the Institution of Constitutional Law in China, the Institution of Constitutional Law in France and the Law School of Aix - Marseille University. More than 50 constitutional scholars from Aix - Marseille University, University Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV, Aix Political College, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China etc. attended this symposium. This report summarizes some of the arguments and results presented, and offers some review and reflection on the contents.  相似文献   

On 30 June 2012 China promulgated the Exit-Entry Administration Law of the P.R.C., which is the most systematic and fully developed law on international migration in China up to now. This paper firstly gives an in-depth analysis of the features and contents of the new law. Deficits of the Law as well as possible solutions are expounded in the following section, in comparison with China’s international obligations under relevant international treaties that it has ratified. Finally, this article elaborates on the Law’s potential impacts on international migration. The law gives equal emphasis on strengthening exit-entry control and facilitating the cross-border movement of desired migrants. It demonstrates that super-national treatments that aliens have received in China in many ways are giving way to national treatments. Such a security-oriented law will be an effective instrument for preventing illegal migration. Yet its failure to address refugees and trafficked victim protection might impinge on the rights of refugees and trafficked victims in international migration.  相似文献   

许德风 《中外法学》2006,(1):101-113
<正>新中国的抵押权制度肇始于1986年施行的《民法通则》,此后,因应经济发展和司法实务的要求,立法机关和准立法机关陆续颁布了一系列相关的法律法规和司法解释。目前,我国的抵押权制度已初具规模,抵押也日益成为社会经济中最主要的融资担保方式之一。在这个背景下,此次物权法的制定,是一个极好的总结司法实践,整合现行立法的机会。法典的制定,一方面要确定制度内容,另一方面要安排体例结构。以下本文分别从这两方面进行评论。  相似文献   

论CSR-企业社会责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
前言在2006年1月13至14日的一个由北京大学劳动法与社会保障法研究所主办的“企业社会责任国际研讨会”中,我们提出了有关跨国企业为何一下子变为“劳工权利的维护者及推动者”的诡论。它们一向被视为导致劳工权利被侵犯的始作踊者,尤其是在全球经济一体化下,利用资金外流威胁各地政府降低劳工标准,以及造成工资与劳工福利“向下竞争”的现象。但在近几年来兴起的企业社会责任运动中,他们却反过来变成“好人好事的样板”,变成多方面  相似文献   

The term "price discrimination" has been used to vilify itspractitioners since the term's inception in economics. Pricediscrimination is considered evil because discrimination isconsidered, in most contexts, as evil. If instead we describedthis common phenomenon as price distinction instead of pricediscrimination, the general field of thought on the matter would,most likely, be extremely different. If a producer engages in"distinguishing" prices instead of discriminating prices, theworld would be a more rational place, because economic discriminationis so often socially beneficial. The network neutrality argumentis no different. The debate essentially addresses the issueof limiting a network provider's ability to engage in pricedistinction before the fact. The model of a toll road presents an acceptable framework foranalyzing network neutrality. It has been used frequently toanalogize the Internet  相似文献   

情事变更原则研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文

法律与文学:可能性及其限度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
沈明 《中外法学》2006,(3):310-322
<正>找那不可能的东西,绝望中练一身技艺。——燕卜荪:《最后的痛苦》一、引论法律与文学(Law and Literature)是发源于美国法学院的一场学术运动,并演变成为一个法学流派或者领域。法律是一门历史悠久的学科,然而自1960年代以来,其学科自主性在美国逐渐走向衰落。法律与经济学、社会学、政治学、女权主义、种族理论等交叉学科研究("Law-and")蓬勃兴起,而且硕果累累。四十多年来,法律交叉学科研究中声望最高、影响最大的莫过于如今  相似文献   

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