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EDITOR'S NOTE: Here is an interview conducted of late by our staff reporter with Chen Xiaoya, Vice-Minister of Education, on how China protects the right of citizens to education through reform.  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE:Following is an interview given to our staff reporter by Chinese Minister Tian Chengping of Labor and Social Security on protection of the people's right to labor,which is an important part of the national endeavor to protect human rights.The minister spoke on a range of questions,including employment and reemployment of workers in Chinese cities,wages of migrant workers from the countryside,efforts to narrow the gap of income between different population groups,and protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the working masses.  相似文献   

The issue relating to human rights safeguards in criminal procedure has of late attracted extensive attention.A Human Rights reporter recently interviewed Prof.Fan Chongyi of China University of Political Science and Law on the issue.Following are excerpts of the interview.  相似文献   

Charles Hard Townes was born in Greenville, South Carolina, on July 28, 1915. the son of Henry Keith Townes, an attorney, and Ellen (Hard) Townes. He attended the Greenville public schools and then Furman University in Greenville, where he completed the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in physics and the Bachelor of Arts degree in Modern Languages, graduating summa cum laude in 1935, at the age of 19. Physics had fascinated him since his first course in the  相似文献   

Question: China is the most popu-lous developing country in the world and the Chinese Government has always been keen on employment andprotection of the people's right to work.Would you elaborate on what Chinahas been doing to promote employment and improve vocational training? Answer: Under the Labor Law, Chi-nese citizens enjoy the right to employ-ment on an equal basis and the right tovocational training. By proceeding fromChina's own experiences and drawing ongood foreign experiences, …  相似文献   

正CHINA expert Orville Schell is the Arthur Ross Director of the Center on U.S.-China Relations at the Asia Society in New York.Schell began learning Chinese when he was 20,and in 1968 obtained his Ph.D.in Chinese History from the University of California,Berkeley.He has since specialized in news reports and books on East Asia,China  相似文献   

In December 2003, Mr. Deng Pufang, President of the China Disabled Persons' Federation, was awarded the 2003 United Nations Prize in the field of Human Rights in recognition of his "outstanding contributions to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedom." The following is an interview with Mr. Deng on the development of the cause of disabled persons in China.  相似文献   

Nanjing has a history of over 2, 470 years and is one of the four ancient cities in China. It is famous for its beautiful mountains, rivers and its history for an ancient capital of six dynasties.Nanjing is surrounded by mountains, lakes and rivers. Its mountains, lakes, rivers, and forest are integrated into a whole body and the city is noted for its excellent physical geographical  相似文献   

The Second Session of the 10th National People's Congress adopted the fourth amendment to the current Constitution of China and adopted 14 amendments to the country's fundamental law. Professor Xu Chongde, a  相似文献   

Question: Would you elaborate on the progress China has made under the state policy of reform and opening-up in improving the system of administrative litigation?
Answer: Efforts-in this reguard began in 1982, with publication of the Law of Civil Procedures (for trial implementation).  相似文献   

Farmer workers are a new powerful workforce that has sprung up amid China's reform and door opening and in the process of the country's industrialization and urbanization. They have made great contributions to urban prosperity, rural development and their country's modernization. At present, however, fanner workers face numerous difficulties and problems in income, work safety, social security, vocational training, the schooling of their children and living conditions. To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmer workers, the State Council in March 2006 issued Ideas of the State Council on Solving Farmer Workers-related Problems. In the document, the State Council promises to  相似文献   

On November 20,2000, ChinaToday (CT) reporter interviewed LiZhiming, director of the NantongCommittee of Urban and RuralConstruction. As the leader incharge of city planning, Li is famil-iar with every stone and brick, eachpatch of grass and tree in his city.The following is a record of theinterview. -Ed.CT: Over the past few days Ihave visited the urban districts ofNantong and several of its subur-ban townships. I am mostimpressed with the city's achieve-ments in urban construction, a…  相似文献   

On the advent of the "International Human Rights Day" on Dec. 10, 2007, our staff reporter Interviewed Research Fellow Mo Jihong of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on how the international human rights conventions are implemented in China.
Born in May 1965, Mo Jihong is a native of Jingjiang, Jiangsu Province. He is a research fellow at the Law Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social sciences and a tutor for Ph.D candidates in the International Human Rights Law. He also serves as an executive member of the Society for International Constitution Studies and vice-president of the Constitution Chapter of the China Society of Law. He was a visiting scholar at the Human Rights Institute of Norway, and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. His principal works include International Human Rights Convention and China (2005), Principles of Constitutional Sciences in Practice (2007) and In Defense of Legislation (2007). He was elected as one of the ten most outstanding young jurists in China.
The following is the full text of the interview:  相似文献   

Women's human rights are an important component part of human rights. The Chinese government has over the years made equality between men and women a basic state policy and made achievements that have attracted worldwide attention in the legislation and practice on protecting the rights of women. Not long ago, Ms. Huang Qingyi, Vice-Chairperson of the All-China Women's Federation, granted an interview with this reporter and answered questions on related issues.  相似文献   

CHINA has long had a close relationship with Africa, and in recent years economic and political ties have grown even stronger. Both the Chinese government and private enterprises have significant investments on the African continent. Last November a 20-member governmental delegation came to Beijing from the central-east African nation of Uganda, to talk to Chinese political and business leaders about fostering economic and cultural links between the two countries. Shortly after the delegation's visit, two China Today reporters met with the Ugandan Ambassador, Mr. Charles Madibo Wagidoso, to discuss what was achieved, the ambassador's impressions of China and the upcoming Beijing Olympics.  相似文献   

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