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香港立法会由什么样的议员组成,是香港选举制度发展一个重大问题,不仅关系到香港的政治生态,而且关系到香港社会稳定与经济的发展。香港选举制度的发展应遵循循序渐进、均衡参与的原则。功能组别的存在本身具有合理性,功能组别选举也是香港选举制度发展特色之一,在香港民主制度的发展中发挥了重要的作用。但是也应当看到功能组别选举中的一些不合理因素,也需要进一步改革,为了保持社会的稳定性及政改的便利性。较为理想的路径选择是分阶段推动功能组别的改革,使之与香港社会民主制度的发展相适应。  相似文献   

杨晓楠 《河北法学》2015,33(1):53-62
行政长官和立法会选举改革是香港近年来政制发展探讨的核心问题,其中立法会功能组别的存废问题是各界争论的焦点问题之一。质疑功能组别的人认为功能组别与普选概念不相容。实际上,功能组别与基本法规定的普选原则在理论上并不冲突,香港法院和人大常委会对普选的解释中也可以印证这一点。保留功能组别有利于地区政局的稳定,强化行政主导制,有利于香港政制发展。  相似文献   

刘君博 《中外法学》2013,(6):1317-1319
检索说明:本索引内含作者、译者、篇名三个义项,混合编排。排列以义项的汉语拼音为序,首字拼音相同者以四声为序,首字音声相同者以第二字为准,依次类推。斜线后数字为该文所载号别,冒号之后数字系该文所在页码(全卷六期连续计码)。保险法因果关系论(马宁)/4:860本刊编辑部中国法理学科发展评价(2010-2011)基于期刊论文的分析/2:225本刊编辑部中国法律史学科发展评价(2010-2011)基于期刊论文的分析/2:239本刊编辑部中国国际法学发展评价(2010-2011)基于期刊论文的分析/5:899本刊编辑部中国经济法学发展评价(2010-2011)基于期刊论文的分析/6:1276  相似文献   

<正>检索说明:本索引内含作者、译者、篇名三个义项,混合编排。排列以义项的汉语拼音为序,首字拼音相同者以四声为序,首字音声相同者以第二字为准,依次类推。斜线后数字为该文所载号别,冒号之后数字系该文所在页码(全卷六期连续计码)。  相似文献   

<正>检索说明:本索引内含作者、译者、篇名三个义项,混合编排。排列以义项的汉语拼音为序,首字拼音相同者以四声为序,首字音声相同者以第二字为准,依次类推。斜线后数字为该文所载号别,冒号之后数字系该文所在页码(全卷六期连续计码)。  相似文献   

席涛 《政法论坛》2013,(1):21-32
四、评估《社会保险法》对职工、企业和农民的影响限于本文集中讨论立法前评估与立法后评估的重点与问题,并不对《社会保险法》进行全面评估,主要就《社会保险法》的养老保险对职工、企业和农民的影响进行评估。之所以选择这件法律,是因为社会关注程度高,寄予期望大,但具体的社会保险缴费比例、待遇标准、基金统筹层次或财政补助措施,法律又未规定,授权国务院、地方政府规定,许多争论的问题,还没有达成一致认识。以城市社会保险调研和农村社会保险调研为例,在一项对北京、温州、东莞、吉林、太原、长沙、成都等10个大中小城市,进行的社会公平感问卷调查中,"在教育机会公平、就业公平、收入分配公平、社会保障公  相似文献   

诉讼请求、诉讼标的、判决主文与实体请求权相关,是实体请求权在诉讼程序中的转化呈现。但此相关性在我国诉讼实践中未能得到充分的体现。赔礼道歉的不可替代性和不可执行性使其成为《民法典》第1000条诉讼落实的障碍。法官可以借助比例原则来判定被告应承担的民事责任。赔礼道歉应当被鼓励,但不应该也无法被强制。当被告抗拒赔礼道歉时,消除影响、恢复名誉并辅以精神抚慰金比赔礼道歉更符合第1款的“相当”性要求。第2款规定的公告或公布判决书以消除影响、恢复名誉属于替代执行。是否采用此种措施应由法院的执行机构依照比例原则决定,并要充分尊重权利人的程序选择权。立法机关应当重新审视赔礼道歉作为人格权请求权内容和民事责任的必要性与可行性。  相似文献   

席涛 《政法论坛》2012,(5):59-75
立法前评估,主要评估立法的必要性、合法性、协调性和可操作性,评估立法要设计的重要制度和规则的约束条件,评估立法预期对经济、社会和环境的影响,达到立法配置资源的公平与效率。立法后评估,重在评估立法实践,评估法律法规对经济、社会和环境的实际影响,评估社会执法、司法和守法的具体问题。立法评估运用定性评估与定量评估的方法,衡量法律法规的公正和效率。减少法律法规的试错成本,解决制约设计的制度和规则的约束条件,应当重视立法前评估。  相似文献   

姜涛 《政治与法律》2021,(5):105-122
作为对我国近年来发生争议的热点案件的一个理论回应,需罚性在犯罪论体系中的功能与定位被提出。我国目前的犯罪论体系均是以应罚性为中心展开的,缺乏对需罚性的判断,从而带来严重的理论与实践困境。犯罪论体系须认真对待刑法体系内的应罚性与刑法体系外的需罚性。从理论上,需罚性就是从刑事政策或宪法上判断有无刑罚处罚的必要性,是以预防的必要性为理论根据架设起刑事政策或宪法与刑法体系之间的桥梁,具有兼顾体系正义与个案正义的合目的性。同时,将需罚性导入我国犯罪论体系具有立法与司法基础,与我国实定法之间具有融贯性。我国应当建构应罚性与需罚性并重的犯罪论体系。  相似文献   

An Overview of the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We provide an overview of the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS; Meyer, Viglione, Mihura, Erard, & Erdberg, 2011). After providing a general introduction to Rorschach-based assessment, the rationale and features of R-PAS are outlined. As part of this discussion, some of the ways in which R-PAS differs from the Comprehensive System (CS) (Exner, 2003) are delineated.  相似文献   

任万兴 《河北法学》2008,26(5):72-78
选举的功能是指选举所产生的各种客观的、可能的影响。选举的正反功能相伴而生,但正功能永远是主要的。对选举正反功能的分析应从对公民和对国家两个角度来进行,其中,对公民的功能处于核心的位置,对国家的功能是为对公民的功能服务的,最终是为了维护并实现公民的各种利益。我们应该从完善选举技术和为选举营造和谐的社会环境两个方面来努力,以期更好地彰显选举的正功能、削减选举的反功能。  相似文献   

The Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Bill was introduced to the House of Commons in October 2001, gaining Royal Assent in February 2002. The Bill followed the decrease in the numbers of women elected in the 2001 General Election. It permits political parties to introduce positive action in the selection of candidates. The Bill received cross party support and had an easy passage through both Houses of Parliament. Informed by feminist concepts of representation this article examines the arguments employed by MPs and Peers in support of the legislation. Arguments associated with the claim that women have a different political style received little support. There was greater discussion of, and support for, arguments based on symbolic representation and substantive representation, although many MPs were reluctant to make the strong claim that women's substantive representation is dependent upon women's presence. However, the most widely supported argument in favour of the Bill was the justice argument, namely, that women are currently being denied equal opportunities in the parties' selection processes.  相似文献   

In accordance with articles 3 and 4 of the Law on Further Improvement of the Organization of Management of Industry and Construction, adopted May 10, 1957, (1) an economic council of an economic district is a collegial administrative agency. In this regard it differs from other administrative agencies of special competence: ministries, departments, the state production committees of the USSR Council of Ministers, and the state committees of the USSR State Planning Committee for branches of industry, which manage the enterprises and organizations under their jurisdiction in accordance with the principle of one-man management.  相似文献   

张志杭 《河北法学》2011,29(1):187-191
对柏拉图的政体理论进行初步分析。首先通过理论研究,指出柏拉图在《法律篇》中主张混合政体理论,然后通过对夜间议事会的结构及其功能的阐释,指出这种混合政体理论是柏拉图对哲学王这种君主政体的超越,对后世产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

俞燕宁 《河北法学》2007,25(3):165-168
2004年3月,欧盟颁布了461/2004反倾销规则,该规则是对欧盟现行反倾销基本条例的最新补充.该规则对欧盟原反倾销法律实体和程序方面进行的修改,充分体现了近年来国际上关于反倾销立法的潮流:反倾销作为WTO允许的贸易保护手段,其立法既应保证反倾销措施能有效地得以实施也应不断保持透明度.欧盟461/2004反倾销规则在这方面值得包括中国在内的其他WTO成员国借鉴.  相似文献   

Over the last few years the diplomatic language of UN resolutions has repeatedly been questioned for the excessive presence of vagueness. The use of vague terms could be connected to the genre of diplomatic texts, as resolutions should be applicable to every international contingency and used to mitigate tensions between different legal cultures. However, excessive vagueness could also lead to biased or even strategically-motivated interpretations of resolutions, undermining their legal impact and triggering conflicts instead of diplomatic solutions. This study aims at investigating intentional vagueness in Security Council resolutions, by focussing on the analysis of the resolutions relating to the second Gulf war. Using the qualitative Discourse-Historical approach (Wodak in Rhetorics of racism and antisemitism, Taylor & Francis Ltd., London [2000]) and quantitative analysis tools (Antconc and Sketch Engine), special attention is given to the historical/political consequences of the vagueness and indeterminacy used in that framework and to the study of vague ‘weasel words’ (Mellinkoff in The language of the law, Little, Brown & Company, Boston [1963]), modals, and adjectives contained in the corpus. The hypothesis of intentional vagueness is further reinforced through an analysis of the US legislation related to the outbreak of the war, to reveal how the US has legally interpreted UN legislation and to understand the purposes and consequences of vague language contained in it. The findings indicate that vagueness in resolutions has triggered the Iraqi conflict instead of diplomatic solutions with the overall legislative intent of using intentional vagueness as a political strategy.  相似文献   

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