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李广信 《理论导刊》2005,(11):26-27
劳动力产权是劳动者主体对劳动力的最高占有关系和权利,不同的制度环境中,劳动力产权的实现程度直接与资源配置的效率相关,传统的社会主义公有制强调集中统制产权,未能确立自主的劳动力产权,导致劳动者主体效率缺乏。适应社会主义市场经济和资源配置的要求,通过劳动力资本化的途径确立和实现劳动力产权,是提高劳动者素质和实现劳动者经济权益的有效选择。  相似文献   

本文从德国民法典的具体法律条文入手,分析了德国民法典上所体现出来的物权概念的主体、客体及物权的内容。最终作者认为德国民法典上的物权概念应定义为:对有体物的直接支配权。  相似文献   

This article examines recent controversies over the relationship between human rights and intellectual property rights (IPRs). Many activists have claimed that IPRs conflict with human rights. Others have argued that IPRs are themselves human rights. The article approaches the debate as an opportunity to clarify the nature of IPRs in relation to human rights, as well as the nature of contemporary struggles over these rights. After surveying the dual expansion of both human rights and IPRs and rejecting the view that IPRs are rooted in human rights, the author investigates the example of the HIV/AIDS crisis and the global Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines in order to illustrate attempts to represent IPRs as an outright threat to human rights. Highlighting the limitations of a human rights-based critique of IPRs, he concludes by proposing to study contemporary conflicts over IPRs and human rights as struggles for recognition and as struggles over the institutionalization of a transnational “recognition order.”
Volker HeinsEmail:

中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)的谈判取得了根本性突破,这对中国知识产权法的建设和发展将产生深远的影响。世界贸易组织将知识产权列为世界贸易体系三大支柱之一,作为发展世界贸易的核心,制定了“与贸易有关的知识产权协议”即Trips协议,严格执行Trips协议将是中国的义务,而我国知识产权法必然面临着进一步与Trips协议相适应和协调的问题。因此,中国如何实现作为WTO成员应有的权益和履行WTO法中的Trips协议,最大限度地保护本国知识产权法律权益,是亟待研究的重要课题。一、在Trips协议框架下世界知识产权法的发展趋势Trips协议…  相似文献   

Keefer  Philip  Knack  Stephen 《Public Choice》2002,111(1-2):127-154
We argue that social polarization reduces the security ofproperty and contract rights and, through this channel,reduces growth. The first hypothesis is supported by cross-country evidence indicating that polarization in the form ofincome inequality, land inequality, and ethnic tensions isinversely related to a commonly-used index of the security ofcontractual and property rights. When the security of propertyrights is controlled for in cross-country growth regressions,the relationship between inequality and growth diminishesconsiderably. This and other evidence provides support for oursecond hypothesis, that inequality reduces growth in partthrough its effect on the security of property rights.  相似文献   

陈任 《理论导刊》2001,(1):20-21
国际技术转让健康、有秩序地进行,依赖良好的法律环境。要发展本国的对外技术进出口,提高本国的整体经济水平,就必须不断地完善本国的涉外技术转让法。知识产权保护问题则是这一工作中最重要的环节之一。  在国际技术转让活动中,一国对本国和他国的知识产权保护态度如何、程度如何,将直接影响到本国在国际技术转让市场中的地位。从微观角度看,所转让的技术中涉及的知识产权问题,已成为技术品质担保的重要部分。也就是说,如果一项技术在知识产权问题上存在瑕疵,技术受让方可以对该技术存在瑕疵主张权利,更为严重的是将影响转让方…  相似文献   

私有财产权的宪法地位及其历史发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国 2 0 0 4年宪法修正案完善了对公民私有财产权的宪法保障 ,但仍存在若干不足之处。宪法意义上的公民财产权与民法意义上的公民财产权具有不同内涵。我们应通过与西方发展历程的比较 ,从历史的角度审视我国私有财产权宪法地位之变迁 ,并以建设社会主义法治国家为指向 ,探讨如何完善公民私有财产权的宪法保障。  相似文献   

Lindner  Ines  Strulik  Holger 《Public Choice》2004,120(1-2):143-167
This paper presents the long-run equilibrium and developmentdynamics in the neoclassical growth model and a simple modelof endogenous growth when property rights are absent. Theresults are compared to the outcome in a corresponding modelwith secure property rights. The main findings are that thereexists a considerable gain in level and growth of consumptionfrom establishing secure property rights, that economicperformance without property rights worsens with an increasingnumber of competing social groups, and that the existence orabsence of property rights explains conditional convergence.  相似文献   

近年来,国有产权和私有产权关系认识上存在的一些错误源自理解产权涵义时的狭隘性和考察产权关系的绝对抽象性.混同论者由于忽视产权的经济功能,不懂得产权中归属权主体的核心和基础地位,以及未深入理解股份制与所有制的区别,因此混淆了两种产权的界限;优劣论者从抽象的效率出发,主观地将国有产权与垄断、腐败捆绑一起,因而得出私有产权是优干国有产权的错误结论来:进退论者关干国进民退的看法与我国的经济实际并不相符,这种进退思维人为制造两种产权的对立,违背基本经济制度精神.三种错误舆论倾向实质上是新自由主义经济学的意识形态,应予以警惕.  相似文献   

Symons  Lee P. 《Publius》1988,18(3):81-96
In three important U.S. Supreme Court rulings rendered in theCourt's term that concluded in June 1987, the justices decidedissues that may signal new landowner rights-oriented precedentsfor future consideration. In an ongoing struggle on variousfronts around the country, residential developers and propertyowners encounter growing resistance from municipal land-useregulators seeking to slow the growth of "suburban sprawl,"which threatens to inundate the highway, sewage, water, andother components of the local infrastructure. Generally, theAmerican civil justice system has tended to favor local governmentsin resolving these conflicts. Recently, however, the SupremeCourt has indicated that the days of municipal government'scarte blanche to control planning and zoning within its boundariesmay be numbered. The focal point of the controversy deals withjudicial interpretation of the just compensation clause of theFifth Amendment to the United States Constitution.  相似文献   

Amy R. Poteete 《管理》2003,16(4):527-557
Recent work in international studies and comparative politics scrutinizes the relative importance of ideas, interests, and institutions as sources of policy change. A growing body of scholarship identifies ideas as the main causal factors, influencing perceived interests as well as perceived policy options. Others contend that policies can best be understood as products of institutions. Neither explanation can account for both policy choice by politicians and the implementation strategies of administrators. In Botswana, the use of professional criteria for hiring and advancement encourages adherence to international professional norms within the bureaucracy, but electoral competition gives politicians more reason to be attentive to local political concerns. The institutions that define relations of authority among actors with different motivations shape the outcomes of policy choice and implementation. Institutions influence the attentiveness of policy-makers to ideas when making decisions, the degree of attention particular policy-makers give to ideas from particular sources, and the degree of acceptance that ideas must achieve to affect policy. Better evaluations of political development can be achieved through attentiveness to the mix of actors involved in policy decisions, the diversity of institutions and ideas that affect their policy preferences, and the relations of authority that shape their relative influence over policy choice and implementation.  相似文献   

国有企业产权改革的大方向,是20多年来我国改革理论和实践发展做出的选择,轻言改变这一方向只能使我们的改革进程更多一些曲折和代价。深化国有企业产权改革要重点探讨三个问题:一是要认真对待“国有资产流失”问题;二是物质产权的改革要深化到位;三是恢复劳动力产权亟待提上日程。  相似文献   

中国古代并没有现代法的权利的概念,甚至可以说对于老百姓来说,权利观念并没有真正形成,因此对于私人财产权的保护是十分有限的。在缺乏权利观念的法律传统下,中国古代土地立法制度也存在着对私人财产权保护不足的问题,旨在通过以现代财产权的角度,探讨中国古代土地制度的不足,总结出其对我国现行土地制度的启示。  相似文献   

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