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The 2010 World Expo site is home to numerous dazzling pavilions.The pavilions can be grouped into several categories,including theme pavilions,foreign country pavilions and international organization pavilions,China Pavilion,pavilions for China's mainland provinces and Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan,corporate pavilions and pavilions in Urban Best Practice Areas.  相似文献   

Visitors flocked to the World Expo site in Shanghai when the grand fair officially opened to the public on May 1.The most visited pavilions on that day were the theme pavilions,the China Pavilion and China's joint provincial pavilions,said Hong Hao,Director of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination at a press conference on the Expo's first day of operation.  相似文献   

WHETHER appreciating from outside the ingeniously designed pavilions, or inside to see exhibits fired by creativity and imagination, the Shanghai Expo astonishes visitors with its great sense of life. The theme "Better City, Better Life" is fully revealed in more than 200 pavilions, which show, in their different ways, how man, city and the earth evolve in an organic process.  相似文献   

Tree Garden     
THEWorldHorticultureExpo'99'sTreeGardencomprisestreesandflowerstransplantedfromYunnanProvince.The25,400-squaremetergardenislocatedattheexhibition'scenterandfeaturesmagnoliaceae,rareendangeredplants,aneconomicforest,andforestplantgeneresources.Exquisiteponds,pavilions,terraces,andflowerpathsarealsoscatteredthroughout,andatthegarden'scentersitsanexquisiteexhibitionhall.ThegardennotonlydemonstratestheachievementsofChina'srareplantprotectionefforts,butalsoreflectsYunnan'simportantpositionandro…  相似文献   

THE World Expo has always been a showcase for new materials and Shanghai this year is no exception, with the facades of many pavilions using new materials that are beautiful, unique, and, most importantly, ecofriendly and energy-saving.  相似文献   

Initiatives are being taken to protect Expo-related intellectual property rights Human ingenuity is on display at the World Expo. Creativity is showcased in many eyecatching pavilions, exhibition  相似文献   

Almost Ready     
Preparations for the World Expo 2010 Shanghai are going according to plan and most pavilions are nearly complete,said an Expo official during a press conference in Beijing.  相似文献   

Once an event is finished,all big international event organizers have a headache trying to figure out what to do with old facilities and venues,such as stadiums,pavilions and the like.High maintenance costs usually pose severe  相似文献   

Go Pavilions!     
The majority of pavilions for the Shanghai 2010 World Expo will greet visitors on time Scaffolds covered the dome of the India Pavilion,and construction crews were working in the rain on March 30.On the same day,debris  相似文献   

The city of Suzhou, in east China's Jiangsu province, is famous for its landscaped gardens. Over 150 in number, some are more than a thousand years old. Although not large, the gardens are fascinating in their delicate design, with hills and ponds, pavilions, terraces, corridors and towers.  相似文献   

Visitors walk along the Expo Axis to pavilions of the World Expo in Shanghai on the first day of the event’s trial run on April 20.The Expo, with the theme of "Better City, Better Life," will run  相似文献   

THE last day of October was also the last day of the Shanghai Expo. During the course of the 184-day event China Today printed some 100 reports by itS reporters and photographers who were dispatched to the host city itself, to neighbor cities, and tothe Expo pavilions. Here, some of them look back on their experience and share what struck them most about the exhibition.  相似文献   

Countries prepare their national pavilions to showcase the best of their cultures Countries participating in the Shanghai555 World Expo, a six-month gala that  相似文献   

GARBAGE, shortages of water and diminishing energy resources are the triple miseries of Chinese municipalities, bottlenecking an otherwise powerful momentum in urban development. At the Shanghai Expo, several pavilions are offeting answers, and while waste management solutions may be the least sexy of the three, they've gotten a lot of attention. Ugliness is being made beautiful as well as functional.  相似文献   

Red,blue and white; the national pavilions for the 2010 World Expo, which lasts from May 1 to October 31,use different colors to capture their essence, making the Expo site  相似文献   

Making an Impact     
Many tiny Expo pavilions offer a refreshing experience It is quite a physical challenge to tour all the exhibits of the more than 200 participant countries,regions,international organizations and businesses at the  相似文献   

Travel Tip Sheet     
ANCIENT ARCHITECTURELocalarchitectureL ocal archi- tecture re fers to structures built in the countryside, such as temples, memorial halls, residences, stores, pavilions, bridges, d e c o r a t e d archways, and wells. Because these structures were all built by local craftsmen and villagers in the traditional lo- cal style, they are generally called local architecture. In local architecture, …  相似文献   

Yiheyuan, or the Sumrner Palace, is the best-kept existing royal garden in Beijing. With a concentration of the best of ancient buildings as well as styles of gardening, it is a virtual museum of traditional Chinese gardening. It is the largest ancient preserved garden in China and a former summer retreat for Emperors and the chosen few! The site includes more than 100 ancient style pavilions, mansions, towers, halls, temples, bridges and an  相似文献   

JIN Memorial Hall is about25 kilometers southwest ofTaiyuan, Shanxi Province.It was built in honor of TangShuyu, the first duke of the Stateof Jin during the Western ZhouDynasty. The memorial hall comprises over 100 buildings including halls, pavilions, towers andbridges. Nearby are Mt.Xuanweng and the Jinshui River.It is not clear exactly when JinMemorial Hall was constructed,but according to historical records,it had already taken shape morethan 1,500 years ago. Despite having gone …  相似文献   

THE Taihang Mountain Range meanders for 500 kilometers across the territories of Henan, Shanxi and Hebei provinces. It is an important ecological screen for the North China Plain and source of water. In Hebei's Shexian County sits Wangjinzhuang, a 300-year-old stone village nestled in the mountains.The village is a stone world-lanes, houses, court-yard walls, towers, pavilions, tables, benches and mills are all hewn fom ancient rock. Streets and lanes are paved in stones of various shapes and sizes whose sur-  相似文献   

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