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Ultimate Mission     
The semi-annual G20summit meeting,attended by heads of state and government of 20 developed and developing nations,ended in Seoul November12,with an official declaration pledging  相似文献   

Mission Possible     
<正>Xinjiang’s battle against desertification pays off ’I’ve heard about the legend that claims a desert poplar will stand tall for another 1,000 years after it dies.But I never expected to see them come back to life with my own eyes,Mawlan Mamat,a Uygur desert and forest ranger in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,told Beijing Review.  相似文献   

Mission Unlikely     
There is hardly any possibility for Myanmar to obtain its own nuclear weapons in the near future Recently, as rumors of Myanmar's "nuclear plan" began to swirl in the Western media, even U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton voiced  相似文献   

正Europe's furor about "Chinese espionage" stems from U.S. pressure There is an old saying in China,"Do not beat the grass if you want to catch the snake."It is applicable to spies as well. Like the snake in the grass, secret agents spying in foreign countries should never be alarmed unless there is incontro-  相似文献   

China seeks to boost its public image globally China feels the need to urgently make up for lost time in a field it is unfamiliar with-public diplomacy.While most developed countries such as the United States,Japan and European countries have established mature systems of public diplomacy,China’s public diplomacy is still in its  相似文献   

<正>A stronger China will make greater contributions to the future of human developmentGeneral Secretary of the Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee Xi Jinping said during his report to the 19th CPC National Congress that"to make new and greater contributions for mankind is our Party’s abiding mission."As early as 60 years ago in 1956,not long after the founding of the People’s Republic of China and whilst the country was still steeped in  相似文献   

<正>From the end of February to early March, China pulled out 35,860 nationals trapped in violent Libya, with the help of diplomatic resources and all means of transportation. The largest scale evacuation around the globe since the end of the Cold War was rapidly  相似文献   

A Mad Mission     
The pandemonium in coronavirus origins-tracing led by the U.S. intelligence community has culminated in a somewhat subdued ending. On October 29, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a declassified assessment on the origins of COVID-19, said to be an update of its previous report issued in August. Nevertheless, the content proved basically the same as that of its predecessor, determining that the inquiry remains inconclusive on the origins of COVID-19, while pointing the finger at China for not sharing information.  相似文献   

<正>With a raft of supportive measures in place,will China’s stock market bottom out amid a continued plunge? Lin Hong,a 28-year-old software engineer,is an amateur stock trader living in Beijing.The three weeks from June 15 to July 3proved to be a nightmare for him.The market value of the stocks,worth half a million yuan($80,530)when he bought them,evaporated by 40 percent amid a market slump.  相似文献   

The Chinese Navy dispatches ships to the Gulf of Aden on a second escort mission, marking its growing strength in the face of more diverse challenges Elarly in the morning of April 23, crew- imembers from the Chinese Navy's second escort fleet in the Gulf of Aden Igathered on deck and saluted to the east, paying their respects to the motherland in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Chinese Navy. This fleet,  相似文献   

中央决定在全党开展"先进性教育"活动有着深刻的理论、现实和国际背景.保持共产党员先进性是党加强自身建设的需要,是党提高执政能力、完成执政使命的必然要求.党的先进性是历史性与现实性的统一,是"三个代表"重要思想的核心.加强党的先进性建设,需要联系具体工作的实际,深入研究,积极践行.  相似文献   

正The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC),held from November 8 to 14,has drawn worldwide attention for a host of reasons:The CPC is the world's largest political party,boasting more than 80 million members;it has been the ruling party in China for 63 consecutive years,one of the  相似文献   

WITH globalization developing apace, translation services around the world are more vital than ever. Accurate translations are crucial in facilitating effective communication, cultural exchanges, and understanding between nations and cultures. On the eve of the 2008 Beijing Olympics in August, the 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Translators (FIT) will take place in China's most international city, Shanghai. The triennial event promises to be a grand festive gathering for language and cultural exchange professionals from ,around the world.  相似文献   

THE massive project diverting water from China’s south to her dry north is like a snake on a long and arduous journey, crossing the various terrains of several provinces, and periodically confronted with  相似文献   

E VERY Sunday, when the f irst ray breaks over Dawan Village in Wuwei City, Gan- su Province, 14-year-old Cai Hui leaps out of bed and hops on her bike. She pedals furi- ously to her friends' homes in neighbor- ing villages, and wakes them up one by one. Then all six of the sleepy-headed kids make the 15-kilometer journey to the Tengger Desert, buckets and spades in hand. After a 40-minute tractor ride along the bumpy road, they reach the 800-sq-km desert, and begin their work – affores…  相似文献   

TALL, refined and smart, Khalid Malik of Pakistan is the United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Repre- sentative in China. He and his American wife have lived in China for three years. Mr. Malik leads a hectic working life: Every week he attends various conferences, forums and lectures to convey UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's  相似文献   

既有的本体论的兴趣是人企图从“存在”“之外”“证明”“存在”。时代要求这种兴趣必须终结,而以对人的终极关怀为本旨。本体论要在这种本旨转换的艰难涅槃中争取合法性。清算既有的本体论,要防范认识论对本体论的僭越,但要同认识论协调好关系。本体论要沉入民间,复从人伦日用中飞升。要在与人“交谈”中提升思想境界。本体论是澄明人生境界、引领人们诗意地活着的智慧,人的烦生畏死、精神困倦,是它的永久性课题。本体论探讨宇宙、谈论人生、反思思想、研究社会都必须探求生命之根、高扬精神之纛、沉入人伦日用、提炼终极关怀,这就是它的时代使命。  相似文献   

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