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妨害药品管理罪是《刑法修正案(十一)》新设的罪名,该罪名的设立弥补了《药品管理法》将"按假药论处"的情形删除以后出现的处罚漏洞,并将妨害药品管理的行为与生产、销售假药罪相分离,实现了罪名设置的合理化.妨害药品管理罪的四种行为可以归为两种类型:违反行政许可生产、进口以及销售药品的行为;骗取药品注册、编造生产、检验记录的行...  相似文献   

自由证明并非是完全自由的证明方式。虽然自由证明可以免除严格证明的一部分或全部要件,但在证据采纳方面和证据调查方面依然存在一些限制。在证据采纳方面,自由证明要求证据至少要具备相当的关联性;可以采纳传闻证据,但必须保障来源可靠;相对于严格证明,自由证明对于非法证据的排除应较为宽松;在自由证明中并不要求最佳证据,但在证明力层次上要对非最佳证据进行限制。在证据调查方面,自由证明过程中必须保障当事人的知情权和异议权,并且裁判者必须遵守心证公开制度,防止其心证过程不遵循经验法则和逻辑法则。  相似文献   

Based on the idea that overpaid people are in conflict between hedonic principles (i.e., what makes them pleased) and what they believe to be right, two studies tested the hypothesis that it should be relatively difficult for people to make satisfaction judgments regarding outcomes in which they are being advantaged. In line with this hypothesis, Study 1 demonstrated that response latencies of satisfaction judgments were longer when participants were being overpaid, compared to when they were underpaid or equally paid. Study 2 extended these findings by demonstrating that people required more time to make satisfaction judgments when they were overpaid in the context of a close relationship (i.e., in which the conflict between hedonic and concerns for the other’s need should be stronger) than when overpaid in the context of a non-close relationship. Theoretical implications regarding the social-cognitive processes underlying reactions to overpayment are discussed.  相似文献   

试论《独立宣言》的思想渊源及理论创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人类社会发展史上 ,在人类政治思想史上 ,1 776年美国《独立宣言》几乎和 1 789年法国《人权宣言》一样 ,具有划时代的和深远的历史意义。说她具有划时代的意义 ,是因为她宣示着一个崭新的人类历史时代 ,即独立、民主和人本、民权的时代到来 ;说她具有深远的历史意义 ,是因为无论是当时还是现在 ,她都体现了人类社会的一种永恒不变的基本精神 ,即自然正义和平等自由的精神。美国后来的国运 ,美国今天的国力在《独立宣言》宣示之时就已经注定和断定。作为一个民族和国家的社会价值定位与取向 ,作为那个时代的思想产品 ,《独立宣言》独树一帜 ,震撼世界。但作为整个人类社会的一个组成部分 ,作为人类社会政治思想史发展的一个结果 ,美国的《独立宣言》并不独立偶然 ,并不是美国人自己冥想沉思的产物 ,她实际上是人类思想的体现。看看美国短短的二百多年的历史就会发现 ,美国所以能有今天的国家实力和世界地位 ,这与她没有任何历史包袱和思想忌讳 ,善于学习和敢于创新有密切关联。如果说学习先进文化 ,美国人是做得最好最成功的。当中国和世界上许多其他国家已经是一方霸主和强盛帝国时 ,当他们为自己的历史文化和现实辉煌骄傲陶醉时 ,美国及其思想与文化还不存在 ;美国人从建国之初一无所有 ,到现在应有  相似文献   

根据我国现行个人信息相关立法,知情同意是个人信息收集和使用的普遍前提。通过对个人信息需要保护的利益分析,我们发现,个人信息上不仅附着了信息主体的人格尊严和自由利益,个人信息使用者的利益和公共利益也是个人信息法律制度需要保护的重要利益。基于此,本文认为,知情同意不是且不应成为个人信息处理的唯一合法性基础,在个人信息保护法制定中应首先明确个人信息上的利益,然后根据个人信息上的利益之间的平衡建构个人信息的使用规则,建立多元的合法性基础。  相似文献   

个人信息的私法保护路径对于有效保障民事主体的个人信息权益十分重要;《个人信息保护法》本身包含大量的私法规范、制度和原则,因此需要从体系化的角度与《民法典》作关联解读与适用.由此,需要充分认识到《民法典》与《个人信息保护法》之间的内在密切关联,正确看待二者的关系.《民法典》与《个人信息保护法》中的私法规范构成普通法与特别法的关系,在后者有明确规定的时候应优先适用,而在其没有规定的时候应适用《民法典》的规则.在个人信息保护的法律适用中将二者割裂甚至对立起来的观点或者对《民法典》采取排斥封闭的态度,都会破坏法律体系的和谐和法律适用的统一,对个人信息保护来说也是不利的.  相似文献   

陈小云  屈广清 《河北法学》2006,24(4):125-130
英国在属人法上虽然采用住所地法主义,但原因与美国等其他英美法系国家并不完全相同.尽管住所地法主义是适合英国采用的方式,但由于住所地法主义本身的缺陷以及基于国际义务,英国对住所地法进行温和改革,将通常居所、惯常居所和国籍作为住所地法的补充性连结因素.  相似文献   

个人所得税扣除的人权逻辑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
个人所得税的第三次修正仅是个人所得税乃至税制改革的起步,未来的制度构建应当以人权保障的理念为指引。扣除方式、方法及标准影响税收负担的大小,是个人所得税制度的重要内容之一,也牵涉诸多人权问题。必要成本费用的扣除是纳税人财产权的要求,生计费用的扣除是生存权的要求,而平等权则要求各项扣除的非歧视性。  相似文献   

安全带法(驾车时强制要求系安全带的规定)已经是一种全球性的法律,其广泛存在在很大程度上源于对安全带能大幅度降低机动车乘坐人的伤亡率的确信。但风险补偿理论论证了安全带法并不能使道路交通更安全,大量的实证研究也证实了这一点。尽管有安全带更安全的神话已经破灭,但各国的立法者对此却无动于衷,或许这可归因于法学的保守性、制度的路径依赖、社会选择的影响以及法学一定程度的不自足性。由此生发开去,立法活动与社会科学知识的关系更加值得人们深思。  相似文献   

Extant literature demonstrates that holding public office is financially lucrative. Yet little is known about which sitting legislators profit from office. Relying on original data of members of the Florida legislature, I estimate predictors of income growth among sitting legislators. I find that legislators whose vote share increases by 10 percentage points between elections report income growth of nearly $20,000. This finding is robust to estimation technique and model specification, indicating that electoral safety is tied to income growth. Lawmakers appointed to legislative posts with agenda‐setting power do not obtain additional income. These data demonstrate the market values of electorally dominant legislators.  相似文献   

个人信息权的法哲学论纲   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用法哲学的方法从劳动论、人格论、激励论和马克思主义哲学等角度分析个人信息权,从而对个人信息权的合理性得出有力论证.尤其用马克思主义哲学原理从物质、权利、人权以及社会性等方面进行论述,得出结论:个人信息权具有哲学正当性.  相似文献   

在我国经济自由程度不断深入的趋势下,司法会计尤其是司法会计鉴定在解决经济纠纷与案件中的作用就显得越来越突出了。这就要求我们的司法会计鉴定更加规范化、程序化,为社会主义法治建设提供必要的保障。本文重点讨论独立性在司法会计鉴定风险控制中的应用。  相似文献   

A primary function of auditor independence regulation is to ensure that any financial incentives auditors may have to approve misleading or inaccurate accounting are outweighed by market and regulatory deterrents to compromising an auditor's independence. This article is an inquiry into the current state of this incentive equilibrium in the United Kingdom: the possible costs and benefits that may be incurred by auditors if they elect to acquiesce to management's demands to accept problematic accounting. It argues that the equilibrium position currently incentivizes a rational auditor to acquiesce. On the one hand, the article demonstrates that the recent evolution of audit firm revenue streams has provided auditors with a substantial incentive to compromise their independence and provided management with credible sanctions to pressurize them to do so. On the other hand, the article shows that regulatory and market costs of acquiescence do not counterbalance the benefits of acquiescence.  相似文献   

This article points at two problematic assumptions made in some of the contemporary European agency literature. It proposes a conceptual framework, integrating accountability, autonomy and control, and aims to demonstrate how this type of conceptualisation contributes to clarifying problematic aspects of the current European agency debate. Empirical evidence from interviews with high-level practitioners is provided to illustrate the relevance of the proposed framework. The empirical information reveals that, at times, the de facto level of autonomy displayed by some European agencies is below the autonomy provided by the formal legal rules as a result of ongoing controls exercised by one (or other) of the principals. The repercussions that flow from these empirical insights for the agency debate in general, as well as for our understanding of agency accountability, will be discussed at length.  相似文献   

This article assesses the impact of changes in judicial independenceon equity markets. North and Weingast (1989) argue that judicialindependence and other institutional changes inaugurated bythe Glorious Revolution of 1688–89 improved public andprivate finance in England by putting restraints on the government.We calculate abnormal equity returns at critical points in thepassage of statutes giving judges greater security of tenureand higher salaries. Early-eighteenth-century legislation grantingtenure during good behavior is associated with large and statisticallysignificant positive abnormal returns. Other statutes had positivebut generally insignificant effects.  相似文献   

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