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Carlson's developmental theory of self-concept provides a theoretical explanation for equivalent levels of self-esteem among both sexes, despite sex differences in self-concept. The present study tests the applicability of Carlson's theory for a sample of gifted and talented female adolescents by examining three dimensions of possible self-esteem antecedents: actual talent ratings, self-perceptions of talent, and personality attributes. According to Carlson, talent ratings, self-perceptions, and personality attributes consistent with the feminine gender-role stereotype and a social orientation should emerge as positive predictors of the female adolescent's social self-esteem. Results of the regression analyses indicate that the best prediction of the social self-esteem of gifted and talented female adolescents is obtained from a combination of stereotypic feminine socially oriented and stereotypic masculine personally oriented predictor variables. For this sample, constructs such as androgyny appear to be more relevant to the understanding of social self-esteem than dichotomies such as personal-social orientation.This research was supported in part by a grant from the Women's Educational Equity Act, U.S. Office of Education Grant OE G00760497.Received Ph.D. in educational psychology from Case Western Reserve University. Research interest is the career development of the gifted and talented.Received Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Research interests include individual differences, the gifted and talented, and creativity.  相似文献   

The attitudes and opinions of 15 gifted Black male and 152 Black female adolescents toward their future in the world of work were surveyed. Under headings of self-determination on the job, rewards, and work philosophy, significant differences were found between the sexes. Males demanded more freedom and independence, yet would be more willing to unionize. They also believed men to be the main breadwinners and marriage more important to females. Gifted males wanted to surpass the successes of their parents more than did their gifted female peers. The latter would not put up with poor working conditions as often as would the males. Thus, among gifted Black adolescents the world of work is still the domain of the male.Received his B.S. from Temple University, M.A. from University of Pennsylvania, Ed.D. from George Peabody College for Teachers. Major research interests include interests and attitudes of adolescents regarding the current scene.  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of marital conflict and family structure on the self-concepts of youth aged 8–12. Subjects were 16 mother-youth pairs from intact parent families (IP) and 17 mother-youth pairs from separated parent families (SP). Results revealed youth in families with low marital hostility and high marital affection had significantly more positive self-concepts. Analyses suggested differences between IP and SP groups may best be explained by differences in marital hostility. The authors discuss the effects of marital discord on parenting within an ecosystems perspective.This study received partial support from the Indiana University School of Nursing Alumni Association and Sigma Theta Tau, Alpha Chapter.Research interests: children's social networks, marital structure, and parenting.Research interests: chronic illness in children.  相似文献   

Relationships between socioeconomic status, locus of control, self-concept, and academic achievement were explored in secondary school pupils in the Mmabatho area of Bophuthalswana (Southern Africa). The analyses of data revealed the following: (a) both male and female Batswana adolescents were found significantly more externally oriented when compared against the normative data provided by Nowicki-Strickland (1973); (b) socioeconomic status was significantly positively associated with internality, self-concept, and academic achievement in English; (c) externality was significantly negatively related to self-concept and achievement in English; (d) self-concept was significantly positively correlated to measures of achievement in English and mathematics; and (e) mathematics achievement of male students was significantly higher than female ones.  相似文献   

A 16-item questionnaire concerning independence and three divergent thinking tests were administered to three groups of preadolescent boys and their mothers as part of an ongoing longitudinal investigation of exceptional giftedness. The subjects included one group of exceptionally gifted boys with IQs in excess of 150 (n=28), a second group of exceptionally gifted boys selected for their math-science abilities (also well within the 99th percentile;n=26), and a control group of gifted boys (n=37), with a mean IQ of 133). The three groups were compared with one another in terms of (a) their own independence ratings, (b) their mothers' independence ratings, (c) correlations of boys' and mothers' independence ratings, and (d) correlations of independence ratings with IQ and scores from the divergent thinking tests. Results indicated significant differences among the three groups of mothers, and significant differences between the two exceptionally gifted groups and the control group. In addition, mothers' and subjects' independence scores were moderately correlated with IQ and divergent thinking test scores. These results are discussed and placed in the context of the longitudinal project of which they are a part.This research was supported by a grant to Dr. Albert by the Arthur D. and Catherine T. McArthur Foundation.Preliminary results from this investigation were presented at the meeting of the Hawaii Psychological Association in Honolulu, Hawaii, November 1985.Received Ph.D. from Boston University His research interests include long-term family involvement in giftedness and achievement of eminence.Received Ph.D. from the Claremont Graduate School His current interests include the psychometrics and family background of creativity and exceptionality.  相似文献   

At the turn of the century, two common stereotypes of genius were that precocity was associated with social failure and that precocity bred early burnout. Later research on the gifted has refuted these stereotypes. The two studies in this paper investigate whether the stereotypes have changed in light of this new knowledge. In the first study, 66 male and 61 female colege students rated gifted, able, and average males and females. In the second study, 60 male and 59 female college students rated males and females with various extreme levels of precocity. In both studies, the stimulus persons were rated as high schoolers and as adults. Results indicate that the perception of the gifted, especially females, as encountering serious social problems is still prevalent. The illusion of burnout, however, has been replaced with an illusion of unqualified success.Major reseach interests include person perception and close relationships.  相似文献   

The effects of methylphenidate on hospitalized conduct-disordered (CD) adolescents were examined by using teacher ratings of behavior, a measure of classroom learning, and a test of impulsivity. Twenty-two male adolescents with CD, 12–18 years of age, participated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, within-subject (crossover) design in which each adolescent received three doses of methylphenidate (10 mg, 15 mg, and 20 mg) and a placebo in a randomly assigned, counterbalanced order. Seven of the adolescents had a comorbid diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Significant overall medication effects were shown on teacher ratings of conduct, and on number of arithmetic questions correctly completed and time spent. Within the limitations of this study, stimulant actions may be effective for some aspects of CD in the absence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, although only for specific measures.This project was supported by BRSG S 07 RR 05364 awarded to Ronald T. Brown by the Biomedical Research Support Grant Program, Division of Research Resources, National Institutes of Health, and by an award from the Emory University Research Fund.Portions of this paper were presented at the 96th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, August 1988.Received his Ph.D. from Georgia State University. His research include attention deficit disorders, psychopharmacology, and pediatric psychology.Received his M.D. from Albert Einstein School of Medicine. His research interests include adolescents and attention deficit disorder.Received his M.Ed. degree from Georgia State University. His research interests are in the area of attention deficit disorder.Received his M.D. from the University of West Virginia. His research interests include autism and attention deficit disorder.  相似文献   

This paper reports an investigation to test the hypothesis that anxiety concerning a concept of the self in the future will increase with age during adolescence, while anxiety relating to the self in the present will not. Subjects included a total of 80 adolescent boys from schools in a working class area of London, divided into three groups of 12-year-olds, 14-year-olds and 16-year-olds. The results strongly substantiated the hypothesis, and are discussed in relation to Erikson's theory of an adolescent identity crisis.At present Senior Lecturer in Psychology at The London Hospital Medical College (University of London). Is both a Developmental and Clinical Psychologist, with interests in adolescence and the preschool years.Medical student at The London Hospital Medical College, having a special interest in psychology.  相似文献   

Eighty-four 16–18-year-old male and female volunteers were sampled to test the relationship of ratings and experience of four types of social stressors (developmental transitions, induced transitions, daily hassles, and circumscribed events). Also the relationship of self-image as measured by the Offer Self-Image Questionnaire to each type of stressor was studied. Contrary to previous research, we did not find correlations between ratings and experience, and observed minimal gender differences in ratings, experience levels, and psychopathology. Several differences in impact were found when stressor types were differentiated. Apparently, developmental transitions are least stressful for adolescents and daily hassles are most influential on their self-image. Gender differences were noted in the perceived change required by types of stressors and the manner in which stressors impacted on self-image. These results suggest that it is important to distinguish type of Stressors by type of adjustment process required, and that previously reported gender differences are less a matter of global differences or affects of specific Stressors than a matter of variations in perceived adjustment required and aspect of functioning impacted.Based on a presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 26, 1986. This work was conducted in part while the senior author was a Clinical Research Training Fellow in Adolescence (funded by T32 MH 14668) at the Institute for Psychosomatic and Psychiatric Research and Training, Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center in a program also sponsored by the Departments of Behavioral Science and Psychiatry, University of Chicago, and the Adolescent Programs of the Illinois State Psychiatric Institute. Support was also provided by an award from the DePaul University Council.Received Ph.D. in Psychology from University of Tennessee. Current research interests are prevention of delinquency, family systems theory, and adolescent development.Current research interest is obesity in children.Current research interests are family functioning assessment and delinquency.  相似文献   

Relationships among major life events, perceived social support, and psychological disorder were assessed in a sample of older adolescents. Negative life events and satisfaction with social support were significantly and independently related to a range of psychological symptoms. Further, the relationship between negative events and disorder was moderated by gender, the types of events experienced, and anticipated change in the psychosocial environment. The importance of the use of standardized and psychometrically sound measures of life events, social support, and psychological disorder is highlighted.Received his Ph.D. from UCLA in 1980. An assistant professor, he is currently investigating stress and coping among children and adolescents.Received her Ph.D. from the University of Vermont in 1985. An assistant professor, she is currently studying social support.Received Ed. M. from Harvard Universtiy. He is a doctoral student in clinical psychology interested in the role of social support in coping with stress during adolescence.Received her BA from the University of Vermont. She is a doctoral student in clinical psychology.  相似文献   

The Fear of Success Consequence Scale (FOSC) was used to assess adolescents' fears of potential social consequences of academic success in three dimensions, i.e., negative social reaction, positive peer reaction, and increased pressure and responsibility for continuous success. Subjects were 360 students in early adolescence (grades 7–9) and mid-adolescence (grades 10–12) in three urban British Columbia areas. Two hypotheses were supported: (1) that fear of academic success is higher among early adolescents than among mid-adolescents; (2) that girls generally have higher fear of academic success than do boys. Significant sex differences were found among early adolescents but not among mid-adolescents. While general sex differences were consistent with Horner's prediction, the findings of lower fear of success consequences among older adolescents than among younger ones, and the absence of significant sex difference among mid-adolescents, were contrary to Horner's prediction. Possible explanations for these findings are considered. Suggestions for further research are mentioned.Ishu Ishiyama has a Master of Education from McGill University. He is a lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the University of Victoria, where he is currently completing his Ph.D. His research interests are in the area of social anxiety and its treatment.David Chabassol has a Ph.D. from the University of Alberta. He is currently a professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Victoria. His research interests relate to attitude and interest formation in adolescence.  相似文献   

教育与社会分层和社会流动有密切的联系。外来流动人口子女是城市未来稳定的重要力量和城市未来重要的人力资源来源。从边缘人角色的转变以及社会流动向上渠道的疏通等角度分析 ,外来流动人口子女受教育权力应受到重视。  相似文献   

The self-concepts of 406 grade school and junior high school students were assessed in this study. It was found that children and adolescents who had experienced father loss through divorce and whose mothers hadnot remarried demonstrated significantly lower self-concepts than those who were from intact families. Interestingly, children and adolescents who had experienced father loss through divorce and whose mothers had remarried were found to possess lower self-concepts than those from intact families, but this difference was not statistically significant. These findings were found across grade levels (i.e., grades 3–8) and for both sexes. The importance of these findings are discussed in light of current trends toward an increasing divorce rate and an increasing presence of stepfathers in American families.Recieved his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in 1972. Research has been varied, ranging from assessment and amelioration of emotional and social problems in children to the impact of father loss on children and adolescents.Currently serving in the U.S. Navy. He has pursued graduate studies at Kansas State University. Primary research interests have been in the assessment of inter- and intrapersonal attitudes of children.  相似文献   

Early adolescence is a period of the life course involving high levels of challenge that are stressful for some, perhaps resulting in depressive symptoms. In this study, adolescents were divided into four groups based on indices of depression and negative life events. Group differences in coping style, mastery, optimism, and social resources as well as group differences in patterns of change were investigated. Participants were 458 adolescents in sixth and seventh grade from a rural working class community. Subjects were assessed twice over a one-year period. Analyses revealed that the four groups were characterized by different levels of coping and social resources. Asymptomatic youth reported higher levels of optimism, mastery, active coping, and more positive relationships with parents and peers than did symptomatic adolescents. These same characteristics distinguished the resilient adolescents from the vulnerable adolescents, suggesting potential stress-buffering effects. One year later, the adolescents who were low on both depressive symptoms and negative life events continued to report more individual and contextual resources than the adolescents in the other groups.This research was supported by a grant from the William T. Grant Foundation (8912789) to Anne C. Petersen, Principal Investigator. The writing of this article was supported by The National Institute of Mental Health Research Training Grant 5 T32 MH18387-06 in Child Mental Health/Primary Prevention.Received Ph.D. from the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Pennsylvania State University, and did a postdoctoral fellowship in prevention research at Arizona State University. Research interests include adolescent development, prevention, and community psychology.(on leave to the National Science Foundation). Received Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Research interests include biopsychosocial development at adolescence, adolescent depression and interventions to prevent it, gender issues, and developmental methodology.  相似文献   

In this article the connection between the drinking behavior and drinking attitudes of adolescents in relation to their attachment relationship with their parents is examined. The Family Episode Rating Task (FERT) was used, which was developed to measure the attachment relationship; it measures four patterns of parent-adolescent attachment. An Alcohol Questionnaire was used to measure the quantity and frequency of alcohol use, the amount of problem drinking, and the drinking attitudes of adolescents. It was hypothesized that anxiously attached adolescents have a greater risk of developing damaging drinking habits. One hundred sixty-one adolescents participated, all of them students in Grades 7, 9, and 11 of a high school. By means of an analysis of variance it was demonstrated that the Attitude scale's drinking to facilitate social contact was significantly related to the quality of the attachment relationship with the parents: this reason for drinking was mentioned most frequently among adolescents who were anxiously attached.Received Ph.D. at the same university. Currently studying psychological aspects of excessive alcohol intake.Received Ph.D. at the Catholic University, Nijmegen. Currently involved in stress management training.  相似文献   

Sex roles,personality, and intellectual abilities in adolescents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between personality variables associated with sex roles and the cognitive variables of math and verbal ability was examined in three groups of adolescents. Masculinity and femininity of interests, behavioral traits, and values were examined using three inventories: the Femininity Scale from the California Psychological Inventory, the Bem Sex Role Inventory, and the Study of Values. Results indicate that there is some evidence for a positive relationship between masculine traits and values and math ability, and feminine traits and values and verbal skills (for both sexes). Certain traits indicative of maturity were found to be positively related to both high math and high verbal scores, while certain highly sex-typed traits and interests were found to be negatively related to both cognitive variables. A different relationship for males and females was found between high intellectual scores and indicators of self-concept and emotional well-being. The differing relationship between each of the three personality variables indicative of sex roles (e.g., interests, values, traits) and cognitive variables emphasizes the need to view masculinity and feminity, as well as sex-role, as a complex combination of the many different aspects of sex roles as they exist in our society.This article is based on a doctoral dissertation submitted to the Department of Psychology, The Johns Hopkins University.Received Ph.D. in psychology from Johns Hopkins University. Main research interests are gifted adolescents, sex-role development, and personality development.  相似文献   

Prior research has pointed to several distinct processes that may affect the timing of first intercourse among adolescents. In the present study, the role of six hypothesized processes was assessed in a sample of 289 rural adolescent boys and girls. Results support the importance of family socialization and problem-behavior for both sexes, the role of biological factors for boys, and the role of social control processes for girls. Two other hypothesized influences—social class and poor psychosocial adjustment—were not supported in either gender. These results indicate that multiple processes influence the timing of first intercourse; thus, they underscore the need for eclectic predictive models that incorporate the multiplicity of influences.Received Ph.D. in Human Development from the University of Chicago. Current research interests include adolescent psychosocial development and risk behaviors.Received Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Studies from the Pennsylvania State University. Current research interests include adolescent sexuality and health-related behaviors.Received Ph.D. in Health Education from The Pennsylvania State University. Current research interests include adolescent health.Received Ph.D. in Education from The Pennsylvania State University. Current interests include adolescent substance abuse and pregnancy, as well as community health interventions.  相似文献   

The article is a summary of conversations with two artist pairs: Dana Bishop-Root and Ginger Brooks Takahashi of the collective General Sisters, General Store in North Braddock, USA, and Helen Reed and Hannah Jickling of the project Big Rock Candy Mountain in Vancouver, Canada.  相似文献   

Time and academic achievement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In questionnaire and achievement-test data from 1584 seventh- and ninth-grade students, relationships between academic achievement and amounts of time devoted to various uses related to school, family, peers, and the mass media are examined, with relevant demographic factors controlled. Multiple regression analyses support hypotheses of (a) a negative relationship among ninth graders between achievement and time spent listening to radio and records, (c) an interaction between parental occupation and time spent watching television, with trends toward positive association between achievement and TV time when occupational status is low and negative association when it is high, and (d) a positive relationship between reading and overall achievement and time spent on leisure reading. Hypotheses of positive relationships between achievement and time spent on homework in this age range and mere time spent with the parent receive no support. The relationship between achievement and time spent on household chores is explored without a hypothesis, and the relationship is found to be negative. The findings are discussed in terms of the impact of the adolescent subculture and in terms of the family, school, peer group, and mass media as agencies of socialization relevant to academic achievement.Professor Smith has a Ph.D. in sociology and a history of research on parental influence and parent-adolescent relations. Currently, he is conducting research on the antecedents of academic achievement.  相似文献   

Self-administered questionnaires were completed by 451 adolescents at a public high school in Texas during the spring semester 1989. The instrument used contained the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and items to determine participants' gender, frequency of church attendance, and meaningfulness of one's religion. Based on social support research and the writings of Carl Jung and Viktor Frankl, it was predicted that those who attended church frequently and those who viewed their religions as providing meaning for their lives would have lower BDI scores than their classmates. The findings supported these predictions. Implications and a discussion of the results are included.Received Ed.D. in educational psychology from University of Illinois. Main research interests are substance abuse in adolescents, drug use prevention strategies, and suicidal ideation in adolescents.Received Ph.D. in general psychology from Boston University. Main research interest is psychology in interdisciplinary perspective, with a specialization in the psychology of religion.Pursuing a M.Ed, in school psychology at Southwest Texas State University. Main research interests are psychological testing and assessment.  相似文献   

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