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Current sampling strategy for laboratories typing bones for human identification include samples obtained from femur, tooth and temporal bone. Latest studies suggest that the small bones of the hands and feet were very similar or even better in DNA yield. These bones can be easily sampled with a disposable scalpel and thus reduce potential DNA contamination. The aim of our study was to determine the suitability of metatarsals, metacarpals and phalanges for genetic identification. 48 bone samples from 8 different skeletons (six from 18th century and two from 3rd century) were obtained from 5 archaeological sites in Slovenia. In each skeleton, 6 different skeletal elements were sampled (temporal bone, molar, femur, metacarpal bone, metatarsal bone and proximal phalanx of the hand), and strict precautions followed to prevent contamination. Half of gram of bone powder was decalcified using full demineralization extraction method. The DNA was purified in a Biorobot EZ1 (Qiagen), DNA content determined with the PowerQuant kit (Promega), and autosomal STR typing performed with the Investigator ESSplex Plus kit (Qiagen). Up to 8.75 ng DNA/g of powder was obtained from samples analyzed. The highest yields were detected in temporal bone and the lowest in femur. The success rate of STR typing was evaluated according to the number of successfully typed loci and a strong correlation between the success rate of STR typing and the amount of extracted DNA was confirmed. For all eight skeletons full consensus genetic profiles were determined from skeletal elements analyzed. Our findings suggest it would be suitable to include metatarsal and metacarpal bones in sampling strategy for human identification although further research is needed to substantiate the findings of this study.  相似文献   

A local meeting of Forensic Science Society, entitled Bodies, Bones and Burrials, was held at the Metropolitan police Forensic Science Laboratory on 21 March 1987. David Loxley, of the Home Office Forensic Science Laboratory, Birmingham, chaires the meeting and gave the introducation, The following report was prepared for the Society by Lesley-Anne Denton.  相似文献   

Forensic anthropologists are aware that there are considerable differences between human populations and therefore develop study models for each skeletal population. The purpose of this study was to analyze forearm bones obtained from forensic settings in Turkey. The sample consists of 42 males and 38 females with an average age of 40 and 36 years, respectively. Numerous measurements were taken from the radius and ulna including lengths (in millimeters), midshaft diameters, and epiphyseal breadths (0.01 mm). Individuals with any anomaly and pathology were not included in the investigation. A stepwise analysis, when applied to individual bones, selected only length and midshaft transverse dimension in the radius and length only in the ulna. When the length was excluded from the statistic, head diameter and distal breadth of the radius and distal minimum head and midshaft anteroposterior diameters of the ulna provided the best predicting functions. Classification results were 92% for the radius and 91% for the ulna. For the incomplete bones, the accuracy rates were about 92% and 83%, respectively. In conclusion, a sex determination was made, in different rates of accuracy, in the human skeleton. Correct assessment can vary among populations. Dimorphism in our region forearm bones is greater than American whites. This supported the hypothesis that human variation is diverse, and population difference should be taken into account when osteometric standards are applied to others. Further studies are needed to understand why the forearm is more dimorphic in Turks.  相似文献   

烧骨DNA检验技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ye J  Ji AQ  Zhao XC 《法医学杂志》2004,20(3):155-159
目的解决陈旧性骨骼和烧骨DNA检验难题。方法研究建立了CTAB法裂解提取DNA,再用磁珠纯化得到的DNA提取液进行STR复合扩增检验。结果实验结果及实际检案显示研究所建立的骨DNA提取方法能较好地去除DNA扩增抑制物,得到高质量的DNA模板。结论本研究所建立的烧骨DNA检验方法其识别率为10×10-12,达到个人同一认定的目的,在解决实际工作中杀人焚尸案、火灾、爆炸等恶性案件和事故中有重要的作用。  相似文献   

Gunshot fractures in flat bones, bullet defects in the continuum were studied in experiment. The laws of gunshot fracture formation were formulated. In far distance, bullet has a direct and radial blow action. The direct blow induces comminution and disintegration of the bone tissue with dislocation of bone fragments; radial blow potentiates bone destruction. Morphological characteristics of gunshot fractures of flat bones depend on the force of the direct and radial impact action and can be used for estimation of the far shot distance, kinetic energy and shape of the head of the shell.  相似文献   

目的对300℃焚烧后成人股骨样本进行9个miniSTR(D20S1082、D6S474、D12ATA63、D9S1122、D2S1776、D1S1627、D3S4529、D2S441、Amelogenin)基因座的检测与分型。方法样本为8根经300℃焚烧后的成人股骨,用改良酚-氯仿法提取烧骨DNA,在Mastercylcerpro梯度PCR仪上对9个miniSTR基因座分别进行扩增,3130基因分型仪检测并收集电泳结果,GeneMarkerV2.2.0软件计算扩增产物片段相对大小以及进行样本基因型分型。结果8根烧骨样本均能够提取到DNA,浓度平均值为25ng/μL,D260/D280值在1.7~1.9之间。9个miniSTR基因座在样本中的检出率在78%~100%之间,分型图谱较清晰,个别样本出现额外带。结论本文9个miniSTR基因座分型检测的方法,可用于对烧骨捡材的DNA分型检验。  相似文献   

目的研究区别骨骼残片是否为人类骨骼的方法。方法提取人体骨骼及鱼类、两栖类、爬行类、鸟类、哺乳类、灵长类等动物的骨骼标本制做骨骼组织学片,在显微镜下观察,将显微镜下的图像录入电脑进行分析。结果内、外环骨板,骨单位,骨细胞的显微镜下的结构,人类与动物存在明显差别。结论根据骨骼的组织学特征可以区别人类与动物的骨骼。  相似文献   

Animal scavenging activity can result in production of tooth mark artifacts. Such activity can confound interpretation of skeletal material and the identification process. To date, these topics have received limited attention in the forensic science literature. This study discusses the nature of various animal tooth mark artifacts and typical damage to selected bony elements. This study also assesses survivability of various skeletal elements over time. Two major factors that affect which bones are recovered and the amount of damage are circumstances which shelter remains from animals and human population density of the area where the skeleton is recovered.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of genesis, morphological features of posttraumatic periosteal reaction in skull cap bones were considered. The forensic-medical assessment of this reaction was given.  相似文献   

Problems in standardization of the thickness of skull vault bones at certain strictly determined points are discussed. Race, ethnic, regional, and sex-associated variability of this criterion was studied on extensive material for many peoples of the world (1261 men, 549 women, and 570 men + women). The most significant differences are characteristic only for the male and female totalities. A table of categories of the skull bone thickness has been created, covering 5 intervals with the following incidence: 33% medium, 22% low and high (each), and 11% very low and very high (each). An expert example is offered.  相似文献   

在全国政法机关深入开展社会主义法治理念教育,是以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央审时度势,在科学分析当前国际国内形势,正确把握改革发展大局的基础上,为进一步加强政法工作和政法队伍思想政治建设而做出的一项重大决策。深入开展这次教育活动,对于实施依法治国方略,提高党的执政能力,坚持党对政法工作的领导,坚持马克思主义在政法意识形态领域的指导地位,保持政法队伍的政治本色,具有重大而深远的战略意义。按照司法部的统一部署和要求,部劳教局组织全体干部开展了有计划、有步骤、有针对性的学习;各级劳教机关也结合工作实际,在全体劳教人…  相似文献   

The osteologic collection of the chair for anthropology, Moscow State University, comprising male (n = 70) and female (n = 14) foot bones from persons aged more than 18-20, was investigated. An appropriate Martin program was fixed to the instep bones (IB) of the proximal and middle toe phalanxes (4 sizes for each bone) with 65 signs being studied in each case. The mathematical data processing was SPSS-aided. Diagnostic models for defining the order IB localization in the proximal and middle phalanxes were elaborated on the basis of discriminative analysis. The classification accuracy is maximal for IB (80-100%) and minimal for the middle phalanxes (26.19-77.38%). The definition of the order localization of phalanxes in toes 2-5 is virtually impossible. The designed method can be used alongside with the routine anatomic-and-morphological findings. The congruence of surfaces in the instep-phalanx and interphalangeal joints must be necessarily checked.  相似文献   

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