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时间长了,他们发现,他们所选择的课程不仅给了他们知识,还给了他们很多意想不到的东西:世面、圈子、社会关系直至求上进的力量.  相似文献   

<正>Lexus announced its latest plans for three small-displacement cars Lexus China has announced the launching of the latest financial plans for three small-displacement cars in return for customers’long-time support.The plans include several financial products and give people a chance to enjoy a car with less of a financia burden.  相似文献   

As a public interest lawyer for about 15 years,Guo Jianmei is the founding director of Peking University's Center for Women's Law and Legal Services,China's first NGO specializing in legal aid for women's rights protection.Among her many awards for public service,she has received the 2007 Human Rights Award from the U.S.woman's orga-nization Vital Voices.Guo,49,is the wife of best-selling novelist Liu Zhenyun and mother to a fourth-year university student.During Guo's interview with Beijing Review on women'...  相似文献   

Enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival at Happy Valley with a hip-hop-themed gala featuring street dancing,rap and DJ performances.  相似文献   

祁建 《北京观察》2007,(7):39-43
据媒体报道,17位老人给总理的上书:“尊敬的温总理:我们这些老人,都是依靠子女来深圳定居生活的离退休干部。现在感到最大的危机是‘老  相似文献   

During her six years of work- ing as the only obstetrician in the Pozhang Township Hos- pital in Tibet, Mima, 29, only delivered 20 babiesbefore the end of 2003, although there are 1,700 women of childbearing age in the township. But in 2004 alone, says Mima, who began working in 1997 after four years of study at Nanjing Medical School, "I've delivered 8 births, all safe." The turning point came in May 2004, when Mima attended a medical training class in Lhasa sponsored by the United Nat…  相似文献   

正Mele Kalikimaka!In partnership with Hawaii Airlines,this upcoming season,the Westin Beijing Chaoyang will provide guests with an extravagant summer-themed yuletide celebration.With coconuts,palm trees and white sandy beaches galore—a Hawaiian heat wave is set to sweep Beijing this Christmas!The centerpiece of this amazing event—the Christmas Tree-Lighting Ceremony  相似文献   

<正>Thanks to the integration and evolution of Indian and European cultures,a unique Sri Lankan cuisine has taken shape.Lasting for two weeks from July 31 to August 14,the Sri Lankan Food Festival carrying the theme of"An Exploration of Sri Lanka"was staged in The Mill Cafe,Beijing Minzu Hotel.The festival was sponsored by the Minzu Hotel and co-organized by the Embassy of Sri Lanka in China and the Beijing  相似文献   

On July3,the Yanjing Beer 2009 Beijing Happy Valley Mayan Carnival was grandly opened.The carnival will last for almost two months until August 30.With support from Yanjing Beer,Happy Valley is able to provide an authentic Brazilian festival including hot music and dancing,  相似文献   

多年来,儿童工作部坚持以维护女童权益、推动两性平等为目的,在服务内容上注重女童的需求,在服务过程中注重女童的反应,在服务效果上注重女童的受益程度和能力增长,做了大量工作并取得了很大的成效。今后,要进一步强化女童生存发展状况的调查研究,为有关部门决策提供参考,推动有利于女童发展的法律法规和政策措施的出台,开展国内外合作并加强与媒体的合作,改善女童生存发展的环境。  相似文献   

AMONG China's 100 famous masters of painting and calligraphy over the past two centuries, at least 20 of them lived to be over 85. The longest-lived reached 109. Many who have reseateded the secret to longevity hold that there is a certain causal relationship between a long life and the long-term study of Chinese painting and calligraphy.  相似文献   

<正>Can’t beat strolling alongside a spellbinding sunset at Jinshi beach,or going all-out at Beijing’s glitziest shopping malls?Well actually,you can!With fantastic savings of up to 20 percent off Best Flexible Rates,your dream getaway just got better.From July 1 to August 31,sign up to become an Ascott Online Advantage member,  相似文献   

农民工社会保障权益的实现与市民化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
成志刚 《湖湘论坛》2010,23(2):9-10
<正>农民工是指具有农村户口身份却在城镇务工的劳动者。在现阶段,我国农民工队伍具有规模庞大、身份特殊、地位尴尬、流动性强等特点,是党和政府高度重视、社会各界广泛关注的社会弱势群体。尤其是2008年开始的全球金融风暴,造成了大量农民工失业、返乡。农民工的出路何在?2009年召开的中央经济工作会议指出,"要把解决符合条件的农业转移人口逐步在城镇就业和落户作为推进城镇化的重要  相似文献   

许进品 《桂海论丛》2003,19(2):9-11
党的十六大提出建设政治文明思想 ,是我们党与时俱进的重要表现 ,标志着我国将更全面深入地溶入人类文明发展大潮 ;改革和完善党的领导方式和执政方式是我国建设政治文明的关键  相似文献   

本文根据贵州佛教发展的历史,对明清以来在贵州形成的极具本土特色的佛道儒巫混杂合流的宗教文化现象,从原因和结果两个方面进行了论析。  相似文献   

岑玲 《贵州民族研究》2006,26(4):214-216
哭嫁是十分古老的习俗.古人认为婚姻为人伦之始,承载着重要的社会责任.女人的最后归宿是夫家,其性别的社会责任是通过婚姻来实现的,出嫁是女人凤凰涅般生命的突变,她将彻底脱离原生家庭而把生命意义彻底归属于丈夫.挥泪告别难留之昨天,走向企盼而又充满危机的明天,构成了俗语"出嫁女儿哭是笑"的全部情感内涵.  相似文献   

职权主义和当事人主义两大模式不再截然分野,走向互相融合已是大势所趋。在这种模式融合的大背景下,我国现行的强职权主义行政审判模式日益显示出与生俱来的弊病,必须加以抛弃。我国未来的行政审判模式既不应是当事人主义,也不应是职权主义,而应选择职权—当事人主义,并按照此种模式对我国行政诉讼有关制度进行重新设计。  相似文献   

侦查讯问教学应构建以基本理论、基础知识和基本技能为根本的,以理论知识与实验操作为一体的教学体系,突出技能培养,强化教学训练环节,使培养对象在掌握侦查讯问基本理论的基础上,能够根据不同的讯问对象,开展针对性侦查讯问工作,顺利地完成讯问任务。  相似文献   

西部开发中民族文化保护论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄泽 《思想战线》2002,28(1):11-15
西部开发作为经济、社会、生态、文化协调发展的系统工程 ,少数民族传统文化的保护、建设是其中十分重要的基础工程。西部开发也为传统文化的更新、转型提供了机遇。经济全球化与文化多样性的关系则是西部开发中民族文化保护、文化资源开发利用的文化语境。云南少数民族传统文化的保存现状及近年来实施的保护措施 ,印证着这个文化变迁进程的复杂性与丰富性。  相似文献   

集体主义的核心内容是个体价值定位的问题。在中国社会主义发展的不同历史时期,个体价值定位经历了一个从个体依赖到逐渐获得个体独立的演变过程。集体主义也随着个体价值地位的演变,呈现出新的时代内涵,开始由传统集体主义向新集体主义过渡。  相似文献   

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