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On June 22-30, an investigation group made up of Vice-President Chen Shiqiu and a number of executive council members of the ChinaSociety for Human Rights Studies, and experts and scholars on human rights, conducted investigation in Shanghai and Wuxi, Zhenjiang and Changzhou in Jiang-  相似文献   

The room is in utter chaos, with chairs piling up in a comer and the cable TV not connected to the power source. But one thing is put in place: a slogan on the wall "Creating an outstanding WFQ team for the benefit of all women and children."  相似文献   

周珂  蒋昊君  LI Donglin 《人权》2023,(2):237-256
Environmental personality interests based on human rights reflect the multiple values of ecological order, ecological justice, and ecological freedom, and are closely linked to the protection of the right to life and the right to health. They are also related to human dignity and the personal freedom of civil subjects and conform to formal and essential standards of personality rights, which should be included in the scope of personality rights for protection. The construction and application of...  相似文献   

Over the past year, the Legal Counseling Hotline opened by the Beijing Aizhixing Health Education Institute has received more than 200 calls and acted as a law agent for 87 cases. Problems covered include the seeking of legal aids for cases of AIDS infection by blood transfusion and the use of blood products and for cases of virus hepatitis, the protection of privacy of AIDS patients.  相似文献   

You xueyun 《人权》2006,5(5):9-12
EDITOR'S NOTE: The Draft Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China has been completed and was published for soliciting comments on March 20. In a short period of one month, 191,849 pieces of comments and opinions were received. Prior to the promulgation of the law, this reporter interviewed Mr. Guan Huai, a noted Chinese expert in labor law, professor of the Law School of the Renmin University of China and law advisor to the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.  相似文献   

The support rights and interests of the elderly is one of the core issues of an aging society.Judging from the judgment documents on support dispute cases in recent years,maintenance disputes mainly occur in the kinship structure of parents and children,the support obligators are mainly men,the content of support is mainly material appeals.In the judicial process,there are some characteristics worth studying,such as lawyers,intervention,judges,thinking,reasoning and expression.In view of this,the current development direction of the judicial protection of elderly's rights and interests in China should be carried out around the goal of "restorative justice" and efforts should be made,such concept renewal,system improvement and spiritual support prospect.  相似文献   

It is already 10 years since China signed the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Covenant for short) on October 5, 1998. During the period, China has achieved tremendous progress in human rights protection, making the conditions for ratifying the Covenant increasingly ripe. Chinese leaders have also promised to ratify it as soon as possible? But in ratifying the Covenant, China has to face such problems as to whether or not it is necessary to make reservations or declarations.2 Many countries have ratified or acceded to the Covenant, some with reservations, understandings and declarations. This may be useful for China in ratifying the Covenant.  相似文献   

With the advent of the era of economic globalization, the United States has intensified its human rights cultural expansion as the base of its human rights diplomacy. Some people in the United States are trumpeting about "human rights dialogue" to engage in "transnational civil society" movement to sell "universalism." This new development in the US human rights culture merits full attention. This paper tries to make an initial analysis of this development for discussion with experts and scholars.  相似文献   

The Developmentalism of Human Rights provides a broader perspective for a comprehensive and profound understanding of the human rights implications of bringing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects to a successful completion.From the perspective of the Developmentalism of Human Rights,bringing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects to a successful completion takes promoting the all-round development of human beings as the starting point and end point,which embodies the ultimate goal of human rights to guarantee everyone's free,comprehensive and coordinated development;the specific goals and tasks set by bringing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects to a successful completion respond to the four means rights to subsistence,freedom,participation and equal protection.The realization of the goals and tasks of completing the process of building a moderately well-off society in all aspects marks a higher level of safeguarding the right to development,and also opens a new journey for all members of the society to develop freely,comprehensively and harmoniously.  相似文献   

International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 In October 1998, the Clinton Administration produced the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (IRFA). It is one of the important laws passed by the US Congress in recent years. The act is very complicated. The main sections can be summarized as follows: (1) Appointment of an Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom to head an Office on International Religious Freedom within the Department of State;  相似文献   

During the course of2004,theChinese trade unionsearnestly implemented theirstrategy of"Organizing forBetter Protection,"steppedup efforts to regulate industrial relations,effectively defended the legitimate rightsand interests of workers.I.Safeguarding th…  相似文献   

<正>The letters and visits system is a kind of system for hu-man rights protection with Chinese characteristics.The system has made tremendous achievements in promoting and safeguarding human rights and ac-cumulated rich experience in the protection of human rights.in the future,it will continuously play a unique role in China’s human rights protection.I.China’s Letters and Visits System Is a System for Human Rights Protection Since the United nations General assembly passed the Universal  相似文献   

<正>Exchange and cooperation in the i eld of human rights education,between higher education and research institutions in the Chinese mainland and foreign human rights institutions and relevant international organizations,are an important aspect of human rights exchange and cooperation between the Chinese mainland and foreign countries.The China University of Political Science and Law is the first university in the mainland to establish  相似文献   

<正>Since the 18 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC),the system for the legal protection of human rights under socialism with Chinese characteristics has experienced innovative development.In particular,the Decision on Certain Key Issues on Comprehensively Deepening Reform,which was adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee,  相似文献   

The right to education is a basic human right China has actively implemented the international treaties on the right of migrant children to elementary education and provided institutional support to ensure the implementation of elementary education policy In practice,however,due to factors such as regional differences and fiscal capacity,the problems of equal treatment and a balanced distribution of educational resources remain to be addressed In this regard,this paper suggests solving the problems from the perspectives of enhancing the implementation of international treaties,increasing compulsory education resources,improving the quality of education,and adjusting policies  相似文献   

Within the international human rights circle,Abduliahi AhmedAn-Na'im is regarded as a representative of Southern voices.Under such a circumstance that the confrontation between the West and non-Western countries on human rights has become a routine reality,An-Na'im advocates a contingent universality of human rights or contingent universality of human rights, and insists that the universality of human rights be based on the cultural legitimacy of human rights.While he sees the internal dialogue of human rights in all non-Western countries,including Islamic ones,as a basic way to ensure the international human rights standards be accepted gradually,he also believes the cross-cultural dialogue among different societies can eventually lead to the reconstruction of the legitimacy of international human rights standards or even the standards themselves.An-Na'im's theory of moderate cultural relativism points a way to achieve universality of human rights for developing countries,but there are a few questions that need to be further addressed.  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) has recently published Blue Paper on the Role of Chinese Trade Unions in Safeguarding the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Workers (2005), which consist of 11 parts: preserve the correct orientation of Chinese trade unions as a protector of workers' legitimate rights and interests; protect workers' right to join and form trade union; organize and represent workers to exercise the right to equal consultation; protect workers' labor and economic rights; guarantee workers' democratic and political rights; fulfill workers' spiritual and cultural needs; actively participate in adjusting labor relations and handling labor disputes; protect migrant workers' legitimate rights and interests; promote gender equality and protect women workers' special rights and interests; take innovations in the way trade unions protect workers; and mobilize and organize workers to play the role of the working class as the main force in economic construction, and the following is an abstracted edition of it  相似文献   

With the change and development of the concept of human rights, the thinking about the relationship between human rights and development is becoming more and more deeply. Under this background, the author profoundly realizes that both recognizing the economic development as the first priority like some developing countries do and considering the human rights to be the most important thing as most developed countries do are unilateral and harmful to the social progress. Human rights and development are interdependent and mutually promoting each other. This paper introduces the three main viewpoints of the relationship between human rights and development. Based on the changes of the attitudes of the UN and China to the relationship between human rights and development, this paper holds that though it is a great progress for the Chinese government to understand that human rights and development are interdependent, there are still lots of difficulties in realizing their mutually benefiting relationship in reality. These difficulties are due to the lack of professionals who enjoy good understandings of the rules for social development and are capable of practicing human rights theories. Therefore, the authors suggest that the promotion of human rights education is instrumental to the development and progress of human society.  相似文献   

The "2018·China-Europe Seminar on Human Rights" was successfully held at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, on June 28. The seminar was hosted by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the International Institute of Human Rights, and was organized by the Human Rights Institute at the Southwest University of Political Science and Law and the French ADELIE Language and Cultural Exchange Association. The University of Strasbourg, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and European Institute for Political and Strategic Communication were served as co-organizers. Over 60 experts and scholars in the field of human rights from China and Europe attended the seminar in search of the diversity of civilization and human rights protection, focusing on themes such as "the philosophy of human rights in a Chinese context", "the philosophy of human rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its reflection", "human rights theory and practice in a pluralistic world", "human rights exchanges and dialogues under the diversity of civilization", and "in search of human rights consensus in diverse civilizations." In the context of respecting diversity, the seminar sought a consensus to promote trans-cultural communication in the form of dialogues and to strengthen understanding between the academic circles of China and Europe.  相似文献   

LI JUNRU 《人权》2011,(2):2-5
The Proposal for the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for China’s Economic and Social Development (2011-2015)(herein after referred to as the Proposed Plan for short) provides a complete range of guidelines for China’s im-mediate and long-term development.  相似文献   

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