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普通院校在搞好教学的同时,应开展科学研究。本文仅就工会院校开展科研的必要性及其自身优势谈谈自己的粗浅看法。一、工会院校开展科研的必要性 1.工会院校开展科研是由工会院校的职能决定的。早在1977年春,邓小平同志在教育科学座谈会上就明确指出:“高等学校应该是科学研究的一个重要方面军”。并要求高校办成两个中心,既是教学中心,又是科研中心。倪志福同志在1984年  相似文献   

当前,大学生就业难已成为大家共同关注的社会问题.虽然高职院校学生因其岗位技能突出就业率有所提高,但这其中专业理论知识不深厚、专业岗位技能不鲜明的文科高职学生在面对市场的选择时却处于一种尴尬的境地.文科高职院校应积极调整教育理念,力求从显性素养和隐性素养这两个维度,寻找文科高职学生应市素质的构成要素,从而为文科高职院校人...  相似文献   

实践教学是高职院校培养技术技能型人才的本质要求,但目前我国高职院校实践教学存在着主体地位没有真正确立、专任教师实践教学能力欠缺、行业企业参与实践教学不够、实践教学管理不规范、实践教学评价和监控体系没有建立等问题。有效的实践教学应在校企深度融合下采用“学做一体、四能进阶”的模式,同时组建一个组织、培育二支队五、完善三个体系、打造四个平台、实现五个对接予以支撑。  相似文献   

运用波特的"五力模型"对高职院校学报的行业竞争特征进行分析,结果表明:我国高职院校学报的行业进入难度和品牌的维持难度都较大;网络期刊、电子期刊的迅猛发展给纸质期刊带来了新的挑战;高职院校学报的发行量小,高质量的稿源很不稳定,经济效益低;各学报在稿源、人才等方面存在激烈竞争。高职院校学报需要从四个方面参与竞争。  相似文献   

当前,地方院校本科教育出现了“考研基地化”和“高职教育”两种倾向。两种倾向都有其表现和形成原因,两种倾向对学生和学校都有一定的危害性。  相似文献   

高职院校辅导员队伍是学生管理和服务的中坚力量,辅导员队伍的管理和服务工作直接关系高等职业教育人才培养目标的实现。当前,高职院校辅导员队伍建设中存在辅导员工作重要性意识缺乏,辅导员岗位职责不清,队伍数量不足,结构不合理和队伍不稳定等问题,与国外高职院校辅导员专业化、社会化和多样化的学生辅导仍有一定距离。为此,辅导员队伍建设要从管理体制、职业定位和保障机制方面强化辅导员专业化发展。  相似文献   

近年来,冀中能源峰峰集团公司工会始终坚持把《中国工运》和《工运研究》的征订作为一项重要工作来抓,“两刊”征订数始终保持在省、市国有大企业之首。并坚持“订刊是基础,学刊是关键,用刊是目的”的指导思想,将订刊、学刊、用刊三者紧密结合,有力推动了工会工作的不断创新发展。  相似文献   

高校毕业生"就业难"已成为时下社会各界关注的热点。手持弱势文凭的高职院校毕业生就业更是遇到了前所未有的挑战。在对于高职院校就业原因和对策的分析基础上,结合广东高职院校的情况,我们认为就业困境在于高职院校与区域经济社会发展需求关联性不足和高职院校的职业指导尚未与市场建立联动机制。要解决高职院校毕业生就业困境应在扩大高职院校管理专业权限,深化高职院校就业指导管理部门功能,建立非营利就业服务组织等三方面努力。  相似文献   

青年职业院校的学报在担负着普通高职院校学报重任的同时,更应该坚持“以青年为本”的理念,突出青年院校发展特点,紧抓办刊特色,创新办刊理念和办刊方式,打造特色栏目,树立学报品牌。  相似文献   

高职成高院校学报从实际出发,根据自身特点和需要,依托本校学科、专业和科研优势设置栏目,重点创办特色栏目,精心打造品牌栏目.要培育专栏作者,增强编辑建设栏目的能力.通过加强栏目建设,提高学报整体质量和形成特色风格,扩大学术影响,提升在学术界的地位,为高职成高教育和经济社会的发展发挥应有的作用.  相似文献   

高校学报编辑在确立选题意识过程中,要重视"服务意识"的培养,要树立为本学报读者群体认真服务的精神,在此基础上形成强烈的责任意识,并在"服务意识"与"责任意识"的互动中,实现学报选题的全部价值.  相似文献   

新的世纪 ,伴随着新的机遇。成人高校学报在新的世纪里如何改革发展 ,如何摒旧迎新锻造出一流的成人高校学报 ,如何造就出一批“世纪精品”更好地为教学科研服务 ,这是摆在每一家成人高校学报面前的新课题。本文对于迈进 2 1世纪的高校学报 ,如何继承优秀传统 ,如何改革发展创新 ,以及如何在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地 ,提出了自己的思路与方法。  相似文献   

Although school security measures have become a common fixture in public schools across the United States, research on the relationship between security and adolescent victimization is mixed, with very few studies examining trends in adolescent victimization across time. Using two waves of data from the Educational Longitudinal Study 2002 (N?=?7659; 50.6% female; 56.7% White, 13.3% Black, 13.5% Hispanic, 11.3% Asian American, 5.4% other race), results from a series of multi-level models demonstrate that adolescents in schools with more security measures report higher odds of being threatened with harm, and no difference in odds of being in a physical altercation or having something stolen over time. Although prior research has established racial disparities in using school security measures, results demonstrate inconsistent patterns in the extent to which adolescents’ race conditions the relationship between security and victimization. The findings are discussed in light of existing theoretical and empirical work, and implications for both research and practice are offered.  相似文献   

随着我国科研事业的不断繁荣 ,学术上的造假也不断向各方面渗透。作为学报编辑 ,只有不断提高自己的“才、胆、识” ,才能将那些非学术性的缺乏创新的东西拒之学报这个学术的殿堂之外  相似文献   

Data sharing has come of age. Long expected as a professional courtesy but rarely honored, data sharing is now highlighted in codes of ethics, supported by research communities, required by leading funding organizations, and variously encouraged and mandated by journals and even publishers. These developments reveal how sharing generates many benefits, all of which go to the integrity of the scientific process. Yet, sharing remains a complex phenomenon. This Editorial explains the journal’s response to the publisher’s mandate to establish an appropriate data sharing policy for the Journal of Youth and Adolescence. It describes the need to balance the benefits of sharing with its costs for authors publishing in multidisciplinary, developmental science journals like this one. For this journal and at this time, that balance leads us to err on the side of caution, which means supporting those who created their data and not coercing public sharing as a condition for publishing. This approach recognizes authors’ reliance on a wide variety of data, the needs of differentially situated authors, the requirements of robust peer review, and the potential harms that can come from editors’ unilateral sharing mandates.  相似文献   

Phenomenology offers a unique and useful approach to understanding how people experience events or phenomena. The method is particularly instructive in exploring how youth workers experience and make sense of moments of not-knowing in the context of their professional relationships with young people. This chapter provides an introduction to phenomenological research, including its theoretical foundations and procedures. The research methods of this study, including participant recruitment, interview format, data analysis, and presentation, are included, as are the five themes associated with the experience of not knowing what to do: (a) the paralysis of stuckness, (b) features of despair, (c) humiliation and the fear of being found out, (d) questions of vocation and calling, and (e) the transition from not-knowing to knowing.  相似文献   

高等学校社科学报在国际国内社科期刊竞争的新形势下应对生存、发展的严峻挑战,必须深刻认识加强学报微观质量管理、不断提升学报质量与学报生存发展的内在逻辑关系,摒弃“等、靠、要”等陈旧观念,把重心置于微观层面,切实把微观质量管理作为经常性的基础工程、基本工程来建设,不断提升学报质量。  相似文献   

Despite strong debates about the role of Islamic education in Western societies, very little is known about the ways these schools can affect how Muslim children feel about these societies and themselves. This research examined how the self-esteem and national identification of Islamic schools students in a non-Muslim country (N?=?707; Mage?=?10.02; SD?=?1.25; 56.9% girls) depend on their perceptions of religious discrimination and the student-teacher relationship, as well as their teachers’ religious background and implicit religious attitude. Children reported substantially more religious discrimination against their group than against themselves. Religious discrimination was associated with lower self-esteem and weaker national identification, whereas a close bond with the teacher was associated with higher self-esteem and stronger national identification. Children with a non-Muslim teacher reported more national identification than students with a Muslim teacher, but less so if this teacher had a comparatively positive attitude toward Muslims. Results provide insights on how self-esteem and national identification can be encouraged within the context of Islamic education.  相似文献   

教师管理是学校管理的中心任务之一 ,它对提高学校的教学质量和水平有着重要作用。教师管理包括政治、思想、职业道德、心理素质、业务水平、科研活动、行为能力等多方面内容。针对教师管理中存在的问题 ,需要加强即有科学性又有艺术性的管理。  相似文献   

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