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欧盟对外发展援助是欧盟作为一个区域性组织向发展中国家提供财政、人员和技术等方面援助的总称。它是欧盟与发展中国家经济关系的一部分,也是其对外关系,尤其是南北关系的一个重要组成部分,因此它既是一种经济政策和行为,同时又是一种外交政策和行为。《马约》把发展援助政策划归在“第一支柱”框架之内,而把共同外交与安全政策作为“第二支柱”。“第一支柱”具有很强的超国家性,而“第二支柱”属政府间合作范畴,不受共同体机制的管辖。表面上看,它们之间是割裂开来的,而在实际运作中,它们之间是相互渗透、相互补充的。  相似文献   

<正>欧盟是气候变化全球治理的中坚力量。虽然2009年哥本哈根会议以来,欧盟引领国际气候谈判的话语权和领导力量有所减弱,经济危机也或多或少影响了相关投资,但欧盟并没有放弃一贯的政治诉求,内部低碳发展决策和行动也没有停滞,并取得了相当成效。这对推动全球应对气候变化进程,特别是如期达成有效公平的"2015年协议"有非常积极的意义。  相似文献   

冷战期间,对外援助在美国的国家安全战略中扮演着重要角色。随着冷战的结束,对外援助的战略地位下降。“9·11”事件后,恐怖主义成为美国国家安全的重要威胁,布什政府提出了一套以反恐为核心的新的国家安全战略,开始重新强调对外援助的战略重要性。为了适应新的国家安全战略和实现对外援助战略效能的最大化,布什政府在对外援助的目标、机构和重点等方面做出了重大的调整,形成了与布什政府的新保守主义国家安全战略相适应的对外援助政策体系。  相似文献   

张超 《当代世界》2021,(1):67-74
冷战结束后,欧盟的人道主义援助事业发展驶入快车道,资金支出迅速增加,体制机制和法律基础也逐渐完备.长期以来,尽管欧盟的人道主义援助取得了显著效果,但也面临着资金不足、分配不均以及相关领域政策存在协调困境等问题,且始终难以保持真正的独立性.随着2019年底新一届欧盟领导人上台,特别是新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,欧盟的人道主义援助政策进入了一个新的调整期.展望未来,人道主义援助在欧盟事务中的重要性将得到极大提升,与发展援助、安全和危机应对等议题之间的协调将继续加强,而人道主义援助的政治化趋势也会愈发明显,从而对其所坚持的人道、中立、公正、独立原则构成更大挑战.  相似文献   

析美国对外政策中的欧盟和欧洲一体化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美欧关系的现实及发展是当前国内外普遍关注的问题 ,对欧盟与欧洲一体化在美国对外政策中的地位和作用有比较客观的认识是解析美欧关系的重要一步。本文首先从美国多届政府的对欧政策中指出美国支持欧盟和欧洲一体化的基本态度 ;其次解析伊拉克战争前后出现的美欧之争 ;最后揭示欧盟和欧洲一体化在美国对外政策中的地位和作用。指出欧盟和欧洲一体化在美国对外政策中重要性具有不可替代的意义  相似文献   

美国是最早实现对外援助机制化和法制化的国家之一。美国对外援助机制主要由以《对外援助法》为主导的对外援助法律体系和以国际开发署为核心的对外援助执行体系构成。上述对外援助法律体系和机构设置确保了美国对外援助项目的稳定性和原则性。与此同时,不同时期内国会通过的相关法案和行政部门出台的相关行政指令,加上根据需求建立和参与的其他对外援助机构,保证了美国对外援助在不同时期服务于具体外交政策目标的灵活性和实时性。需要指出的是,美国对外援助机制也存在四个方面的问题:《对外援助法》内容过时,相关法律和行政指令繁多;缺乏高级别对外援助机构充分参与政策制定、项目执行管理和监督;对外援助目标缺乏清晰和统一的界定;机构间合作机制不够有效。在中国对外援助规模不断增长的背景下,考察美国对外援助机制的优势和不足,具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

杨丽琼 《法制博览》2011,(19):42-43
多年以前,作为我国外交的重要内容之一,“对外援助”这个“关键词”频频出现在报纸上、广播里。但是,有关我国“外援”的具体情况及统计数据,恐怕很少有人说得清楚。随着外交档案不断解密,新中国的“对外援助”也已不再是秘密。  相似文献   

中国对外援助:成就、教训和良性发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国的对外援助有过曲折的发展历史,取得过令人瞩目的成就,具有重要的国际意义和国内意义。但也必须承认,新中国成立以来的对外援助发展史上,也有许多深刻的历史教训需要吸取,当前仍存在需要克服和思考的问题。今后在探索更合适的对外援助指导思想、完善对外援助机制等方面还要多下工夫,推动适当有度、互利双赢的对外援助取得最大效果。  相似文献   

欧洲的科技合作,始于20世纪50年代的欧洲原子能联营,但是欧共体层面上研究与技术发展政策的出现则是在20世纪80年代。欧盟(欧共体)研究与技术发展政策的主要内容是研究与技术发展框架计划(以下简称框架计划),到目前为止,欧盟(欧共体)已制定实施了6个这样的计划,并正在执行欧洲信息技术研究和开发战略专项计划(ESPRIT)。  相似文献   

Since the mid-1980s, gender equality has constituted a major priority in the provision of Danish foreign aid. Seeking to understand policy-making processes in the field of foreign aid, this article analyses three gender policies in relation to Denmark’s official foreign aid published respectively in 1987, 1993 and 2004, examining the degree to which they reflect domestic politics, organisational concerns within Danida and global gender norms. Challenging earlier research, the conclusion is that, while global norms, organisational concerns and the normative environment in Denmark all play important roles, Danish stakeholders have had a limited and decreasing influence over these policies.  相似文献   

自1990年以来,欧盟产业政策发展大致可分为三个阶段,分别是1990-2000年的理念奠定阶段、2000-2009年的体系完善阶段和2010年至今的绿色化和数字化转型阶段.欧盟2020年3月推出的“欧盟新产业战略”并不是又一次彻底的政策调整,而是2010年政策调整过程的延续和加速.事实上,2010年“欧洲2020战略”...  相似文献   

欧盟东扩和中东欧国家入盟,无疑是双赢的大事.但欧盟推行的是"争取加限制"的政策,侧重于使中东欧国家成为其产品倾销地,而不是使其经济迅速发展起来成为其竞争对手.欧盟在"欢迎"的同时,提出了苛刻的入盟条件.  相似文献   

欧盟气候变化政策的演变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
欧盟的气候变化政策起源于欧洲环境保护运动,其形成经历了一个循序渐进、不断深化的过程。欧洲环境运动的发展为欧盟气候变化政策的形成提供了早期基础;围绕着《京都议定书》的谈判和履行议定书中欧盟提出的各项承诺,该政策正式形成。在后京都时代,欧盟又提出了气候变化扩展政策,该政策成为欧盟参与国际气候变化谈判的主要依据与基础。哥本哈根会议后,欧盟出台了“后哥本哈根国际气候政策:行动起来重振全球气候变化谈判”的政策文件,明确了欧盟后哥本哈根气候变化谈判战略。  相似文献   

On the basis of a comparative analysis of the case studies of the Slovenian Erased and the Latvian Non-citizens, the paper endeavors to identify the reasons for the EU involvement in the latter, but not the former case. These two situations are recognized as similar enough to be compared, and endure the counter-argumentation that the different EU approach is conditioned by the specifics of the local context, not by double standards. Hence, the paper comes to a conclusion that the involvement in Latvia has been conditioned by the fear of the potentially violent conflict, the existence of a proactive kin state, and a minority, significant in number, as well as the explicitly discriminatory legal framework that was in collision with the EU economic acquis. Thus, it has been inferred that double standards occur due to the lack of EU and international interest in these situations of human rights violations, where the powerful kin state and the minority, significant in number, are absent, do not have a potential to develop into a violent conflict, do not derive from explicitly discriminatory legal provision, and do not challenge the fundamental market freedoms of the EU.  相似文献   

一、奥巴马:“华盛顿的政治现状必须要改变”。奥巴马的出现是美国应对国内外重大危机与挑战的标志性事件。其竞选与就任之际,这个国家正期盼改变、渴望新面孔、寻找新的方向。2008年的美国大选,并不是一次“活动”,实质上是一场“拯救美国”和“变革美国”的“运动”。  相似文献   

The article examines some conceptual and practical tensions related to the application of the external governance framework to the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) in less motivated states, such as Belarus. First, it critically analyses the foundations of the external governance framework – from M. Smith's perspective – in order to suggest that the failure of the ENP to legitimize in Belarus should not be solely attributed to the vices of Lukashenko's regime. Second, it argues that an understanding of specifically Belarusian ‘boundaries of order’ – geopolitics and culture – is essential for tailoring a more nuanced policy that will be able to accommodate the needs and interests of ‘less motivated’ ENP partner states. In conclusion, it is suggested that a new policy framework – of extended partnership – should be more technical and less political, based on horizontal networks of cooperation rather than on hitherto hierarchical governance by conditionality that has found little appeal in the less motivated neighbourhood. Can an Eastern Partnership framework become such an alternative?  相似文献   

Sunil Kanwar 《发展研究杂志》2013,49(10):1453-1469
Do multinationals distinguish between locations on the basis of the local intellectual property laws, in conducting their overseas research and development? We seek to address this question using data on US multinationals spanning the period 1977–2004. Particular care is taken to capture the host location enforcement environment of intellectual property protection. For our sample and time frame, we find that stronger intellectual property protection is not important in determining overseas research and development by these multinationals. The results are robust to disaggregation of the protection measure into its component indices, as well as to disaggregation of overseas research and development by industry. Instead, host country market size and human capital resources are found to be consistently important in explaining the location of overseas research and development.  相似文献   

冷战时期日本的安保政策主要是在<日本国宪法>和<日美安保条约>的框架之下制定并付诸实施的.冷战结束以后,特别是"9·11"事件后,日本的安保政策则进入了一个不断变化的过程,在美国的体恤扶持下自主意识逐步增强,向着趋于自主的方向迈进.  相似文献   


Powerful states frequently employ foreign aid to pursue international security objectives. Yet aid's effectiveness will be undermined if it exacerbates the effects of conflict on civilians within recipient states. This article investigates how international development aid and U.S. military aid influence recipient governments' incentives and ability to target civilians. U.S. military aid has a persuasion effect on state actors, which decreases a recipient state's incentives and necessity to target civilians. Development aid flows, however, trigger a predation effect in some environments, exacerbating civilian targeting. An analysis of aid flows in 135 countries on civilian killings between 1989–2011 provides support for both the persuasion and predation effects associated with aid.  相似文献   

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