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为建立前置物射入口与典型射入口的检验鉴别方法,使用国产54式7.62mm口径手枪及56式7.62mm口径半自动步枪,以3m的距离射击约克夏种白猪义3只,同时以各种玻璃、木板。汽车门、动物躯干等物质作为中间障碍物,制成前置物射入口36例,并与对照组6例射入口进行对比观察。结果显示,前置物射入口较典型射入口增大,撕裂,创线挫伤增宽,创周出现卫星创或假点彩,创道内异物及弹头严重变形。此检验诊断方法有助于法医在实际检验中对射击距离的判断和对现场环境的分析。  相似文献   

为建立后置物射出口与射入口的检验鉴定方法,使用国产五四式7.62mm口径手枪及五六式7.62mm口径半自动步枪,以5米的距离射击约克夏种白猪18只,同时以木板、水泥板、玻璃及衣服等作为射出口衬垫物,制成后置物射出口56例,并与对照组12例射出口进行对比观察。结果表明,射出口与后置物距离在3cm以内均可出现创缘伸展轮及皮下出血,且与后置物质地及距离成正比。根据其形态分为典型及非典型两类,并建立了此类射出口的检验方法及其与射入口鉴别的依据,有助于法医在实际检验中对射击方向的判断。  相似文献   

目的观察橡胶弹射人口的形态特征,并探讨其法医学意义。方法使用9mm警用转轮手枪发射橡胶弹,在实验动物胸腹部侧面垂直射击,射击距离分别为紧密接触射击(0cm),相对接触射击(1~6cm),近距离射击(6-60cm)和远距离射击(60cm~有效射程25m)。92式手枪采取相同方式射击实验动物作为对照。观察射入口的形态特征,制作组织病理学切片,HE染色显微镜下观察。结果橡胶弹接触射击和近距离射击,射入口边缘整齐,有明显的擦拭轮、挫伤轮和火药斑纹;远距离射击,可见射人口边缘撕裂,挫伤轮明显增宽,皮下出血显著;与手枪弹射入口形态特征明显不同。结论9mm警用转轮手枪橡胶弹射入口典型的形态特征,可作为此类损伤的诊断指标。  相似文献   

目的研究手枪射入口形态特征与射击距离的关系,为射击距离的推断提供依据。方法选择92式手枪,在带皮的猪肉上覆盖白色棉布,设计了0m,0.1m,0.2m,0.5m1.0m,1.5m,3.0m,5.0m,10m,15.0m,20.0m,25.0m共12个射击距离,对白棉布和肉皮上的弹孔进行拍照,对比研究不同射击距离的射入口形态特征,并利用Autocad软件对射入口的面积进行计算。结果白棉布和肉皮上射入口的形态特征与射击距离有一定的相关性。结论根据射入口的形态特征,能够对射击距离进行推断,对涉枪案件中射击距离的判断有参考价值。  相似文献   

弹头穿过中间障碍物 (intermediatematerial)后形成的枪弹创非典型射入口 (atypicalenteywound) ,国内外已有不少研究报道〔1~ 4〕。但其研究仅限于不同的中间障碍物在一定距离时形成的枪弹创射入口的差异。不同距离 ,即中间障碍物至靶物 (target)的距离所产生的枪弹创射入口形态改变迄今尚未见到文献报道。为此 ,本文作者设计并进行了动物射击实验。1 材料与方法1 1 枪弹类型采用国产五四式手枪 ,口径 7 6 2mm ,弹头直径7 6 2mm ,钢心全披甲 ,初速为 4 2 0m/s,最大动能约4 0kg/m…  相似文献   

本文17例制式霰弹猎枪射入口和创道的病理形态学,通过结合射击实验获得了较为一致的结果。初步认为,商品霰弹中的塑料弹杯所造成射入口创缘或创周损伤的形态变化与射击距离密切相关,在法医学鉴定中具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

近年来霰弹枪案增多,北京地区92年一季度连续发生五起霰弹枪杀人案件。由于霰弹枪种类多,射入口形态及创道较为复杂,尤其截短枪筒后所致的霰弹创有较大差异。目前国内对此尚未见较系统的分析报导。资料来源与分析本文资料系北京市刑科所1972~1992年初检验的21例霰弹枪案。通过解剖确定了死者的枪创形成方式和死因,对创周的附着物做了火药成分分析,以及部分创口皮肤进行了病理切片H·E染色观察。资料中使用长筒猎枪15例(制式5例,自制10例);手枪式霰弹枪2例;另4例为截短枪筒的制式猎枪。所用投射物多数为铁珠,其次为铅弹、钢珠、…  相似文献   

枪弹损伤鉴定时判断射击方向方法较多,常用方法有两种,一种是根据枪弹射入口特征来确定,另一种是根据射入口与射出口之间的几何关系来确定。一般说来,这两种方法所得结果相同。但在某些特殊情况下,结果又会截然相反。现将出现差异的典型案例报道如下,供参考。 案例 案例1:黄××,男,38岁,1990年5月11日被枪弹击穿心脏致急性大失血休克死亡。射入口在左上背腋后线右3cm、腋下1cm处,挫伤轮及拭擦轮左窄右宽。射出口在左胸部第五肋间,距正中线1cm。按射入口与射出口之间几何关系来  相似文献   

五四式手枪伤人案件的法医学鉴定通常较为顺利,但在一些特殊情况下,其射入口和射击距离也引起法医学上的讨论。现将1例五四式手枪致人死亡案例的鉴定过程及所做的相应实验报告如下:案情一司法警察团公务与一群村民发生冲突时击发五四式手枪,致一人死亡。当地法医第2天对死者进行尸表及局部解剖检验认为:死者左臀部创口为射入口;左下腹部创口为射出口,创口周围的点状表皮剥脱为昆虫叮咬所致;射击距离为50cm以远。与调查情况出入较大,遂报上级法医复核鉴定,第3天进行复核检验。复核检验情况:枪击现场为一开阔的土坡上,已遭严重破…  相似文献   

本文为准确推断射距提供了参考依据。通过从不同射距分别对新鲜白净猪皮发射22发64式、23发77式手枪弹的实验,研究了射距与射入口孔径及射入口周围烧伤、烟晕、火药颗粒、挫伤轮、擦拭圈之间的特征关系。结果表明这两种枪支射距在10cm内有烧伤痕,25cm内有烟晕,10cm以外均有明显的挫伤轮与擦拭圈,64式手枪95cm、77式手枪100cm内可见火药颗粒,并经检案应用,证明本实验结果对推断射距有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

Forensic medicine specialists take account of the projectiles remaining in the body when determining whether there are an equal number of entry and exit wounds. The absence of projectiles should suggest blank cartridges, a single exit wound despite several firings and bullet embolization, whereas the presence of more projectiles than expected may indicate tandem projectiles and multiple projectiles entering through the same hole. Radiological examination of the whole body, follow-up of the bullet trajectories, examination of the clothes, and examination of the gun and projectiles play a key role in solving difficult cases. We review such situations based on a case of tandem bullets. Two 7.65-mm bullets created lethal wounds entering through a 32-year-old victim's neck followed the same trajectory to a certain point and diverted. We discussed the possibilities in cases that show inequalities between entry and exit wounds, in light of relevant literature.  相似文献   

Electrocution injuries represent a severe occupational hazard. Those at work usually ignore the importance of safety training and safe practices while the electric source is nearby the work area. Death due to electrocution can occur with or without any electric mark on the body. Limbs are the commoner site for electric entry and exit wounds. Various uncommon sites for electric exit wounds have also been reported in the literature. We report a rare case of fatal electrocution, where a 28-year-old male carpenter sustained electric injuries at the worksite. Multiple exit wounds were present over the back of the chest, an uncommon site for the exit wounds, and notably, both entry and exit wounds showed evidence of metallization. The present case emphasizes on the significance of death scene investigations in the reconstruction of events and need for complete autopsy supplemented with chemical and histopathological examination of the electric wounds.  相似文献   

The analysis of trauma to the skeleton is an important aspect of forensic case work, but most pathology references devote limited attention to this topic. This paper describes various aspects of gunshot wounds, including entrance and exit patterns, angle and path, range of fire and velocity, and caliber of the bullet, based on observations of a series of known cases. Skeletal remains of 21 victims of gunshot wounds were studied. In most cases, there was documentation of the investigation, autopsy, and victim's identity. Each case was analyzed in terms of wound location, shape, size and exit/entry surface area ratio, beveling, and direction of shooting Skull entry wounds were most often round or oval. Unusual shapes were observed in bones like the mandible and mastoid process, but were also found to be triangular, nearly rectangular or irregular. Tunneling was observed in the mastoid process. The expected internal beveling was obvious in all but one skull. External beveling of an entry wound was only observed in one case (parietal bone). Exit wounds were roughly round, oval, square, and rectangular and were always more irregular than entry wounds. External beveling of exit wounds was observed in most vault bones, but there was none in the orbit, maxilla, greater wing of the sphenoid, temporal, or left occipital bone. Tangential gunshot wounds were seen in a mastoid process, zygomatic process, mandibular ramus and condyle, and occipital condyle. Most of the exit to entry surface area ratios (cm2) varied from 1.4 to 2.0. In four cases the ratio indicated that entrances were larger than exists. In conclusion, understanding of gunshot wound characteristics is an important matter to interpret distance, velocity, direction and sometimes caliber size. Assessment of this nature of gunshot wounds helps reconstruct events surrounding the death.  相似文献   

During a 6-month period, we encountered two examples of tight contact wounds of the temple region which were associated with ovoid, fairly regular, perforating wounds of the skull and overlying skin. These wounds were located between the eyes with the upper border near the glabella and the lower border near the level of the lower eyelids. There was no evidence that these wounds were entry wounds and in both cases the projectiles were still within the cranial cavity. Therefore, they were interpreted as gas blowout wounds. No similar cases have been found in the literature. Law enforcement personnel and pathologists should be aware of this rather rare blowout type of shotgun injury since it may be subject to various misinterpretations, including that of an entry wound.  相似文献   

Wounds of high‐energy centerfire rifles and shotguns represent distinctive injuries of forensic importance. Previous studies of contact wounds have shown variability in the potential of these weapons to produce bursting wounds of the head. The present study analyzed contact head wounds owing to 26 centerfire rifles and nine shotgun slugs and compared them with respect to weapon, ammunition, entry wound site, and projectile kinetic energy. The bursting effect, defined for this study as disruption of at least 50% of the head, occurred in 25/35 of cases and was related to kinetic energy. Bursting was associated with energies <2700 ft‐lbs in 12/22 cases and energies >2700 ft‐lbs in 13/13 cases. The volume of gunpowder gas injected into the wound was considered as contributing to the bursting phenomenon. There was no relation of bursting to the specific entrance wound site, type of ammunition, or projectile fragmentation.  相似文献   

Stellate wounds are to be expected in gunshot injuries to the liver and spleen. As to their configuration, they resemble the skin breaks in an absolute close-range shot. The exit wound is larger than the entry wound. The genesis and utility of such injuries for reconstruction of the shot direction are discussed with reference to seven gunshot mortalities. Stellate wounds could also be achieved by shooting at isolated cadaver organs. The experimentally produced gunshot wounds differed from those produced in vivo in that the entry and exit wounds were equally large.  相似文献   

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